I just want to try it. When you spawn he will be right next to you. He will always try to be behind you and has the health of 2 ender dragons. He drops 64 diamonds and attacks with an iron pick.
I just want to download it and have fun with it if it's made
P.M me if you ever decide to do it.
hey would u be able to make a mod that adds stuff to the ocean worth finding? things like coral reefs, a new block like wet dirt or something, and more stuff to a desert, make ravines more common, dungeons, and not a lot, but a little more strong holds? if that is all possible to put into one mod, i will give tons of to u ty in advance
You should make one that adds more ores. No I don't mean a normal overused one one with way more ores and you have to got up such as
A can mine B and B can mine C and fore on and also make them have cool abilities such as turning on redstone and also you can put them on pig mounts
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A normal man on a normal forum with a fondness of:
Lava craft mod. this mod creates a volcano that occasionally shoots out a special lava substance called lava squared. when you go to the top of the volcano and use a special water substance call L20 (lava Water) only found near the volcano underground, you get LavaStone (like Glowstone) when you put the lavastone together to make a portal like nether and aether, and use L20 on it you get teleported to a cool island with a big volcano on it. it creates new trees like palm trees, coconut trees, banana trees, etc. it also creates new animals like monkeys, dolphins, turtles, and fish. it makes more sand blocks, seashells and sand castles. the villages that are created are tree houses and sand houses. there will be more things so post some more ideas.
Flying creepers Mod. this mod creates creepers that have the ability to fly.
Clean up mod. this mod creates a broom. do you have items in your inventory that are useless? well we can solve those problems by using the broom mod. what clean up mod does is creates a broom fro when you throw any items down on the ground the brooms cleans them up and makes them disappear as if they never existed.
Items needed:
2 sticks
3 string
crafting table
How to Make:
stick on top middle and middle
string on bottom layer
Video Mod. this mod is just like snapshot except it takes video by pressing designated button once to record and again to stop.
you dont need to make the mod it just records your minecraft footage and puts it in a folder called "Footage"
Skateboarding Mod this mod allows you to skateboard around the map and do tricks. (not sure how to do thr tricks, but someone will figure it out.)
What you need:
Crafting Table
12 iron ingots
3 wood planks
How to make:
first you need 2 wheels, to make you put 12 iron ingots around the table leaving middle one empty
then put the 2 wheels on the bottom left and right corners with the 3 planks across the middle row.
iron ingot equals wheels.
Video camera mod. this mod enables you to place a video camera and a 4x4 tv anywhere on the map and see what the camera sees.
What you need:
not sure post ideas
How to make:
not sure post ideas
Switch worlds mod. (yes it is in single player commands but it would be good to switch using pause) this mod allows you to switch between worlds only using the pause button "esc" and hitting a button that says "switch world"
heres the download link http://adf.ly/53wv2
Do not save mod. this mod makes it so you do not have to save what you did in the world, like say blow up a city for youtube and still have it. all you do is press pause "esc" and press one of the buttons that says "do not save and leave world."
Repair tool mod. this mod repairs any tool of choice.
items needed:
crafting table
4 redsone
item wanting to repair
how to make:
put the 4 redstones on the 4 corners of crafting table and put the item you want to repair in the middle.
Slave mod. this mod makes villagers from a NPC village your slave, when supplied with a tool the NPC will ask you what you want it to EX. iron pick: mine diamond. wooden axe: chop trees
More server options mod. this mod creates more buttons like a button saying "search a players IGN" which would bring you to a server he is hosting. "lock server" allows you to lock your server so no one can randomly join. (must be allowed connection from the host to join)"all open server" allows you to see all of the open servers. you can see popular, new, not popular, and type of server. (PvP, Creative, etc...)
Nether villages mod. this creates villages in the nether
Minecraft storage system mod. It would be similar to the Pokemon Storage System, but instead of storing pokemon, you can store you items and blocks and anything else, would have far more item space than a chest, and you would be able to access it from any PC around your map. this mod also tells you all this items you have mined, chopped or anything like a pokedex
Super bounce mod. this mod gives you shoes with springs that give you triple the jump height as a normal jump, which means you can jump 3 blocks high instead of 1.
What you need:
crafting table
2 iron ingots
5 wool (different colors make different color shoes.)
How to make:
place iron ingots on bottom left and bottom right squares
put wool (any color) all across the middle and 2 on top middle and right.
360 mod. this mod gives you the ability to have gravity so when you want to make a circle map and you put a gravity block in the middle of it you don't ever fall off the map you can just go around circles or at 360*
Tiny mod. this mod makes your character the size of 1 block for easy access to small entrances. to use you just press the designated button on your keyboard and you shrink.
Switch Texture mod. This mod gives you the option in game to switch your texture pack when pressing the "Esc" button
water to lava mod. this mod switches water with lava and lava with water.
Be a NPC mod. this mod allows you to play as any NPC including creepers animals villagers Enderman Enderdragon, etc.
Super Mario mod. this mod makes you the size of a super mario that can break through anything any block and can't die.
worms mod. this mod creates worms that range from all sizes 1/10 of a block to 10 blocks and they can attack dealing damage depending on size.
Cape mod. this mod gives you a cape and adds an extra body slot to your character.
what you need:
crafting table
6 wool (any color)
how to make:
you put the 6 wool going up and down on the left and middle squares.
URL Mod. this mod allows you to put a URL on a sign, so that when you click it it takes you to the link posted on the sign.
Mythical Craft mod. this mod turns all myths into reality. it gives you more dragons, baby dragons, unicorns penticorns, baby unicorns/penticorns. nyan cats, rainbow bunchie, wizards, ogres, demons, angles, and many more.
mod maker mod.
this gives you the ability to make your own textures and items for minecraft.
baby creeper mod. this mod creates a baby creeper that can spawn in the day time. (can't explode)
Better than diamond mod. this mod creates an ore that is better than the diamond but is considerably harder to find than diamond.
Random ore mod.(might already of been done not sure) this mod creates an ore that can give you any ore at any amount (5 max, 0 min.)
it can give you diamond 10% gold 20% iron 25% coal 25% explosion 5% redstone 10% cobblestone 15%. how many you get, 0 15%, 1 30% 2, 25% 3, 15% 4, 10% 5, 5%
giant chest mod.
this allows you to place over a 2x2 chest another 2x2 chest above it making it double the size of its original shape
Minecraft.jar mod. this mod creates a button on single player that allows you to pick and choose between any minecraft.jar from claasic-1.1.
Ice Skating mod. this mod creates ice skates an ice hockey stick, a hockey puck and a Zamboni. to use this mod you throw the puck on ice skate around right clicking to pass and shoot and holding right click to slap shot. the Zamboni is needed to keep the ice smooth, this mod also will determinate the ice and you need to smooth it with a Zamboni.
not sure how to make any of this post suggestions please.
item finder mod. this mod creates a little device that shows you the nearest item entered in a 20 block radius.(up down and forward)
Machinima mod. this mod gives you the ability to record 10 minutes max of your whole world and what it's doing. when you want to record something to make a machinima/tutorial you press designated keyboard key, and it records your whole world. (press again to stop) once done recording it will ask you to go right to edit mode or save to edit later. (this also creates a separate menu option on main screen saying "theater mode") when in edit mode you can view your whole minecraft map to view around in in 3rd person, or you can view any character in the first person. in editing mode you can pick any texture pack and put it in the video. you can make black and white, sepia, inverted colors, or you can just c=change it to whatever, like adding more red to make it more angry. you can place cameras anywhere on the map and set the time it takes footage from that spot, and you can set a camera to pan left, turn move from one place to another. (pretty much do whatever you want it to do) after you get all your shots set you can edit all the clips with a adobe after effects style editing software included.
World switcher mod. this mod creates a portal, much like the nether and aether portal, that brings you to another save world so you can link 2 worlds together, for instance, your map is empty of diamonds and you need more, just make a portal to another save and there you go, more diamonds for you. too make you just put iron blocks in place of obsidian from the nether portal and put water in it to make it work.
block maker mod. this mod lets you create a block using tiny blocks. (not the tiny block mod.) what you do is place blocks in a 10x10x10 area and what you make is in your being put in your inventory and when your done you just press designated button on keyboard.
Weigh down mod. this mod when you have to many items in your inventory or your wearing heaving items like diamond your character goes slower and when you have no items or not wearing anything your character goes faster than normal
undo mod. this mod allows you to undo your last block place or delete by pressing "u" omn your keyboard. it also allows you when a block is placed in a crafting table in the middle it gives you the items you used to make it. (and it isn't to cheat when you have a diamond pick axe and it is low you just do this mod and make a fresh new one, it will make it the same damage if placed again on crafting table.)
the phone mod. this mod creates a working phone "multiplayer only" that allows you to private chat with anyone in the server. not sure how to make.
chest lock and chest inside a chest mod. this mod allows you to lock a chest with a 4 number lock when right clicked. you can also have a chest inside a chest by placing a chest next a chest inside a chest and right clicking the chest opening it giving you double the chest space.
Transfer creation mod. this mod gives you the ability to transfer any creations from single player to multiplayer. say you have a cool redstone creation and you want to put it in your multiplayer server, but don't want to take forever to do it, so you just highlight the blocks you want to transfer using an item transfer block and you pick the server you own, not anyone elses or it wont work, and boom, you now have your creation in your multiplayer server.
Minecraft forge mod. this mod allows you to edit minecraft in game and move block that have already been placed
body guard mod. this mod creates a body guard that protects and follows you where ever you go, it starts out wearing wooden armor and eventually it will upgrade (level up to) to diamond.
Bro that is 2 guys above me... Can you please put that all in a spoiler or something? That takes up soooo much space on the webspace :tongue.gif: thanks if you can!
I just want to try it. When you spawn he will be right next to you. He will always try to be behind you and has the health of 2 ender dragons. He drops 64 diamonds and attacks with an iron pick.
I just want to download it and have fun with it if it's made
P.M me if you ever decide to do it.
Lol jk. Um maybe a weapons mod? That would be awesomely coolly awesome
A can mine B and B can mine C and fore on and also make them have cool abilities such as turning on redstone and also you can put them on pig mounts
What did you do for it i forgot
I was a texturer and a tester
Thank you! Can you maybe make it multiplayer?
nvm about magic craft
What??!!!?!??!?!? Come on!
this mod creates a volcano that occasionally shoots out a special lava substance called lava squared. when you go to the top of the volcano and use a special water substance call L20 (lava Water) only found near the volcano underground, you get LavaStone (like Glowstone) when you put the lavastone together to make a portal like nether and aether, and use L20 on it you get teleported to a cool island with a big volcano on it. it creates new trees like palm trees, coconut trees, banana trees, etc. it also creates new animals like monkeys, dolphins, turtles, and fish. it makes more sand blocks, seashells and sand castles. the villages that are created are tree houses and sand houses. there will be more things so post some more ideas.
Flying creepers Mod.
this mod creates creepers that have the ability to fly.
Clean up mod.
this mod creates a broom. do you have items in your inventory that are useless? well we can solve those problems by using the broom mod. what clean up mod does is creates a broom fro when you throw any items down on the ground the brooms cleans them up and makes them disappear as if they never existed.
Items needed:
2 sticks
3 string
crafting table
How to Make:
stick on top middle and middle
string on bottom layer
Video Mod.
this mod is just like snapshot except it takes video by pressing designated button once to record and again to stop.
you dont need to make the mod it just records your minecraft footage and puts it in a folder called "Footage"
Skateboarding Mod
this mod allows you to skateboard around the map and do tricks. (not sure how to do thr tricks, but someone will figure it out.)
What you need:
12 iron ingots
3 wood planks
How to make:
then put the 2 wheels on the bottom left and right corners with the 3 planks across the middle row.
iron ingot equals wheels.
Video camera mod.
this mod enables you to place a video camera and a 4x4 tv anywhere on the map and see what the camera sees.
What you need:
How to make:
Switch worlds mod.
(yes it is in single player commands but it would be good to switch using pause)
this mod allows you to switch between worlds only using the pause button "esc" and hitting a button that says "switch world"
heres the download link http://adf.ly/53wv2
Do not save mod.
this mod makes it so you do not have to save what you did in the world, like say blow up a city for youtube and still have it. all you do is press pause "esc" and press one of the buttons that says "do not save and leave world."
Repair tool mod.
this mod repairs any tool of choice.
items needed:
4 redsone
item wanting to repair
how to make:
Slave mod.
this mod makes villagers from a NPC village your slave, when supplied with a tool the NPC will ask you what you want it to EX. iron pick: mine diamond. wooden axe: chop trees
More server options mod.
this mod creates more buttons like a button saying "search a players IGN" which would bring you to a server he is hosting. "lock server" allows you to lock your server so no one can randomly join. (must be allowed connection from the host to join)"all open server" allows you to see all of the open servers. you can see popular, new, not popular, and type of server. (PvP, Creative, etc...)
Nether villages mod.
this creates villages in the nether
Minecraft storage system mod.
It would be similar to the Pokemon Storage System, but instead of storing pokemon, you can store you items and blocks and anything else, would have far more item space than a chest, and you would be able to access it from any PC around your map. this mod also tells you all this items you have mined, chopped or anything like a pokedex
Super bounce mod.
this mod gives you shoes with springs that give you triple the jump height as a normal jump, which means you can jump 3 blocks high instead of 1.
What you need:
2 iron ingots
5 wool (different colors make different color shoes.)
put wool (any color) all across the middle and 2 on top middle and right.
360 mod.
this mod gives you the ability to have gravity so when you want to make a circle map and you put a gravity block in the middle of it you don't ever fall off the map you can just go around circles or at 360*
Tiny mod.
this mod makes your character the size of 1 block for easy access to small entrances. to use you just press the designated button on your keyboard and you shrink.
Switch Texture mod.
This mod gives you the option in game to switch your texture pack when pressing the "Esc" button
water to lava mod.
this mod switches water with lava and lava with water.
Be a NPC mod.
this mod allows you to play as any NPC including creepers animals villagers Enderman Enderdragon, etc.
Super Mario mod.
this mod makes you the size of a super mario that can break through anything any block and can't die.
worms mod.
this mod creates worms that range from all sizes 1/10 of a block to 10 blocks and they can attack dealing damage depending on size.
Cape mod.
this mod gives you a cape and adds an extra body slot to your character.
what you need:
6 wool (any color)
URL Mod.
this mod allows you to put a URL on a sign, so that when you click it it takes you to the link posted on the sign.
Mythical Craft mod.
this mod turns all myths into reality. it gives you more dragons, baby dragons, unicorns penticorns, baby unicorns/penticorns. nyan cats, rainbow bunchie, wizards, ogres, demons, angles, and many more.
mod maker mod.
this gives you the ability to make your own textures and items for minecraft.
baby creeper mod.
this mod creates a baby creeper that can spawn in the day time. (can't explode)
Better than diamond mod.
this mod creates an ore that is better than the diamond but is considerably harder to find than diamond.
Random ore mod.(might already of been done not sure)
this mod creates an ore that can give you any ore at any amount (5 max, 0 min.)
it can give you diamond 10% gold 20% iron 25% coal 25% explosion 5% redstone 10% cobblestone 15%. how many you get, 0 15%, 1 30% 2, 25% 3, 15% 4, 10% 5, 5%
giant chest mod.
this allows you to place over a 2x2 chest another 2x2 chest above it making it double the size of its original shape
Minecraft.jar mod.
this mod creates a button on single player that allows you to pick and choose between any minecraft.jar from claasic-1.1.
Ice Skating mod.
this mod creates ice skates an ice hockey stick, a hockey puck and a Zamboni. to use this mod you throw the puck on ice skate around right clicking to pass and shoot and holding right click to slap shot. the Zamboni is needed to keep the ice smooth, this mod also will determinate the ice and you need to smooth it with a Zamboni.
not sure how to make any of this post suggestions please.
item finder mod.
this mod creates a little device that shows you the nearest item entered in a 20 block radius.(up down and forward)
Machinima mod.
this mod gives you the ability to record 10 minutes max of your whole world and what it's doing. when you want to record something to make a machinima/tutorial you press designated keyboard key, and it records your whole world. (press again to stop) once done recording it will ask you to go right to edit mode or save to edit later. (this also creates a separate menu option on main screen saying "theater mode") when in edit mode you can view your whole minecraft map to view around in in 3rd person, or you can view any character in the first person. in editing mode you can pick any texture pack and put it in the video. you can make black and white, sepia, inverted colors, or you can just c=change it to whatever, like adding more red to make it more angry. you can place cameras anywhere on the map and set the time it takes footage from that spot, and you can set a camera to pan left, turn move from one place to another. (pretty much do whatever you want it to do) after you get all your shots set you can edit all the clips with a adobe after effects style editing software included.
World switcher mod.
this mod creates a portal, much like the nether and aether portal, that brings you to another save world so you can link 2 worlds together, for instance, your map is empty of diamonds and you need more, just make a portal to another save and there you go, more diamonds for you. too make you just put iron blocks in place of obsidian from the nether portal and put water in it to make it work.
block maker mod.
this mod lets you create a block using tiny blocks. (not the tiny block mod.) what you do is place blocks in a 10x10x10 area and what you make is in your being put in your inventory and when your done you just press designated button on keyboard.
Weigh down mod.
this mod when you have to many items in your inventory or your wearing heaving items like diamond your character goes slower and when you have no items or not wearing anything your character goes faster than normal
undo mod.
this mod allows you to undo your last block place or delete by pressing "u" omn your keyboard. it also allows you when a block is placed in a crafting table in the middle it gives you the items you used to make it. (and it isn't to cheat when you have a diamond pick axe and it is low you just do this mod and make a fresh new one, it will make it the same damage if placed again on crafting table.)
the phone mod.
this mod creates a working phone "multiplayer only" that allows you to private chat with anyone in the server. not sure how to make.
chest lock and chest inside a chest mod.
this mod allows you to lock a chest with a 4 number lock when right clicked. you can also have a chest inside a chest by placing a chest next a chest inside a chest and right clicking the chest opening it giving you double the chest space.
Transfer creation mod.
this mod gives you the ability to transfer any creations from single player to multiplayer. say you have a cool redstone creation and you want to put it in your multiplayer server, but don't want to take forever to do it, so you just highlight the blocks you want to transfer using an item transfer block and you pick the server you own, not anyone elses or it wont work, and boom, you now have your creation in your multiplayer server.
Minecraft forge mod.
this mod allows you to edit minecraft in game and move block that have already been placed
body guard mod.
this mod creates a body guard that protects and follows you where ever you go, it starts out wearing wooden armor and eventually it will upgrade (level up to) to diamond.