I'm a total noob at Java so when I look at the Minecraft stuff to try to mod it I have no clue what I'm doing (and I try anyway :biggrin.gif:).
I'll be messing around with this later, but I wanna know if anyone else is already working on this:
When you get down to the last layers of the world (where the bedrock is), the fog draw distance reduces to right around you, allowing no light no matter if you've exposed it to the sun or not. There's got to be a way to remove this.
I would also like to see this "void fog" removed. I don't find it "fun" in the least. It's freaking ridiculous that I can't see across a well lit room simply because it's at y=6! This room has no less than two dozen torches and it should be no problem at all to see from one side to the other. The same goes for mine corridors where I've got torches every four blocks on *BOTH* walls. No this fog isn't fun in any respect, it's a freaking P.I.T.A.
I agree with this. The idea behind it was cool but the results for large underground areas is terrible and needs to be fixed. Especially if you have a whole city underground that can no longer be seen due to the fog.
I'll be messing around with this later, but I wanna know if anyone else is already working on this:
When you get down to the last layers of the world (where the bedrock is), the fog draw distance reduces to right around you, allowing no light no matter if you've exposed it to the sun or not. There's got to be a way to remove this.
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