Doc, I have an idea about ship classification. Unless I'm wrong ships will currently be classified by size, I think that they should be classified by armament, purpose, and size.
For example if you had an extremely large colony ship (about the size of a dreadnought by current classifications) but it was only armed with defensive weaponry then it would not make sense for it to classified as a dreadnought. On the other hand if you had a ship about the size of a Cruise ship but it was a heavily armored, dedicated warship with very powerful offensive weaponry then the classification would not make sense.
By the way did you see my idea about the storage containers, forklifts, and elevators.
I would expect the self destruct to be a hell of a lot more powerful, and as a single detonation timer, maybe connected like the redstone transmitter mod, where all can be activated at the exact same time but not using a heck load of redstone or wires.
Random idea that would be moderately funny: alcoholic beverages, where they heal a small amount but if you have.. say 6 drinks, then your screen then goes all wavy like that mod used in the music video "minecraft universe" where it was like you were tripping out.
Bah! You can control creepers no more effectively than you can control lightning... idea for a weapon - massive energy weapon on the belly of a large ship ( like the covenant vessels in halo, beam of energy fired down, and upon hitting the ground, lightning is created and hits all the blocks around the impact zone in a 30 block radius ( or more), the actual beam does a fair amount of damage ( explosively)
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Sir, you may be able to blow up the world twenty times over, but I... I know the physics to tear this universe apart in a heartbeat. I think I win this argument.
Bah! You can control creepers no more effectively than you can control lightning... idea for a weapon - massive energy weapon on the belly of a large ship ( like the covenant vessels in halo, beam of energy fired down, and upon hitting the ground, lightning is created and hits all the blocks around the impact zone in a 30 block radius ( or more), the actual beam does a fair amount of damage ( explosively)
If I crash land a shuttle full of creepers in the hanger of your ship they will find you.
I don't think a frigate would be able to destroy an entire planet if I remember correctly they are relatively small ships.
Hah. In some Sci-Fi yes. in others, no. the Covenant Frigates in Halo:Reach are a thousand meters long, and they're capable of wasting a fair chunk of a planet by themselves. Human Frigates in Halo are smaller, but they're still around 500 meters long, and can vaporize a large chunk of a planet as well with their nukes. Hell, you want oversized "Frigates", look at Warhammer 40K; the Imperium has several classes of Frigates, some of which are over a kilometer long! And we all know that any class of ship in that series is capable of destroying all life on a planet with a single bomb.
Also, it doesn't really matter the SIZE of a ship; the POWER of its on-board weaponry does. if missiles or bombs capable of wiping out a entire city(or planet) are available (this is a example), then someone will inevitably arm every possible ship with them. Thus, Frigates COULD wipe a planet out.... with the right weaponry.
We need more posts. Make up some "useful" stuff and post it.
Please refer to my post about missile mechanics on page 37, I hope it helps in designing them.
Edit: I also have several suggestions on the FutureCraft Forum regarding offensive and defensive weaponry.
Edit 2: I also back the teleportation grid idea as a secondary space to planet transport system to having transports or low-tonnage ships. Industrial Craft 2 has a teleporter block that runs off of electrical energy (not redstone). However, it is extremely power-hungry, requiring many full capacitors to complete a 1-man teleport.
=Here are some ideas for a FutureCraft teleporter=
-Lower power requirements than IndustrialCraft 2
-A way to link with a planet's teleportation grid, since you'd logically need to establish a link to a public teleporter. Perhaps a GUI block that allows you to connect to a particular teleporter. The server would have to maintain a list of public teleporters available for ship-planet transport.
-A determined range of the teleporter. You shouldn't be able to teleport to your home server from Joe Schmoe's server, since that would present a physics issue (more power would logically be needed for such transport) as well as complicating the teleportation grid.
-Intership teleportation. It should be possible, but limited to teleporting between ships in your fleet, or teleportation between emissary ships. It should not be possible to invade another ship via teleportation. If you DO want that to happen, you could make a complicated system of doing so.
-Intraplanetary Teleportation. You should be able to move across a planet via teleportation so that you could get to mines, bases, homes, etc. faster.
-Multiperson teleport. You know, kinda like Star-Trek's teleporters; since it would be inefficient to have to recharge the teleporter after each person, why not transport up to 8 people?
-Item Teleportation. The items must be in a container placed on the telporter block. Perhaps it could be a use for the metal containers mentioned by someone else on this thread.
Hah. In some Sci-Fi yes. in others, no. the Covenant Frigates in Halo:Reach are a thousand meters long, and they're capable of wasting a fair chunk of a planet by themselves. Human Frigates in Halo are smaller, but they're still around 500 meters long, and can vaporize a large chunk of a planet as well with their nukes. Hell, you want oversized "Frigates", look at Warhammer 40K; the Imperium has several classes of Frigates, some of which are over a kilometer long! And we all know that any class of ship in that series is capable of destroying all life on a planet with a single bomb.
Also, it doesn't really matter the SIZE of a ship; the POWER of its on-board weaponry does. if missiles or bombs capable of wiping out a entire city(or planet) are available (this is a example), then someone will inevitably arm every possible ship with them. Thus, Frigates COULD wipe a planet out.... with the right weaponry.
Sorry I should have been more specific. When I said frigate I meant the what the future craft classification of frigate as a ship of I think 500-1000 blocks.
Idea:mechs, what would any sci-fi game be without them?
Clarify; you mean 'Mechs like the ones from BattleTech, right?
a few of the Sci-Fi series don't have 'Mechs; Stargate for one. Or Battlestar Galactica (The reboot, not the original, but I don't think either had a "mech")
@NalydRelwof: The Doc's already said that we'd be getting the Ring Transport System from Stargate. and if Rings are going to be in here, most of your ideas have already been accepted in.
I've been thinking: This mod could spell doomsday to innocent minecraftians if in the wrong hands..mainly those of a Greifer. Imagine it: Greifers live for destruction. They feed on the anger of others. The WANT to **** you off. Imagine how angry you would be if they showed up, en masse, on a fleet of Dreadnaughts...the results would be catastrophic. Result: An all-out, inter-server war. Innocent lives will be lost, cites will flattened, empires will fall. Is this really what we want?! Do we want our precious servers to be reduced do bedrock-deep pit of rubble?
Jeez you over your head with this mod. this mods gunna make the aether look like a dirt house. This mod might just be impossible. I don't think minecrafts engine will be able to handle it
I've been thinking: This mod could spell doomsday to innocent minecraftians if in the wrong hands..mainly those of a Greifer. Imagine it: Greifers live for destruction. They feed on the anger of others. The WANT to **** you off. Imagine how angry you would be if they showed up, en masse, on a fleet of Dreadnaughts...the results would be catastrophic. Result: An all-out, inter-server war. Innocent lives will be lost, cites will flattened, empires will fall. Is this really what we want?! Do we want our precious servers to be reduced do bedrock-deep pit of rubble?
Hey buddy, calm down. Not every single server is going to download this, this mod isn't even at the SMP state so we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it
ok for players to take inventory with them to other servers could be possible. it would need to be stored data like achievements and stats. but guess what? if you delete minecraft or gain a corrupt file you could lose all your inventory, and since it would be a stored data in your file people could easily hack it and put whatever they choose into their invetory at utter free will. So you would need the data to somehow store to the player and not be able to be edited through coding (hax).
basically when a player logs into a computer with his account, so long as he can connect to minecraft it will drag his data from minecraft unto that computer, upon closing minecraft, the data will be saved, and taken off the computer. that way no one can edit it, becuase they can't edit the file while minecraft is up, just like the minecraft.jar file. sadly though, for that idea to work, you will need notch to help you. And idk if notch is willing to jump through hoops for that, especially saying each server is different, so the sharing inventory idea could easy screw stuff up. but theres a way around that.
When making a server, the host's can edit if they want hostile mobs or not or if they want passive mobs or not ect. So what they could do is maybe choose if they want to make their server an Inventory share server or not.
Also you could make it where ships aren't allowed to enter the airspace of another servers permission unless the two servers are at war. then either side can enter at any time unless a time of war (time when you can enter each others server) is set. think how annoying it would be if a new server just started up and all of a sudden 40 dreadnuaghts come in and screw everything up? minecraft isn't so much fun anymore then.
I've been thinking: This mod could spell doomsday to innocent minecraftians if in the wrong hands..mainly those of a Greifer. Imagine it: Greifers live for destruction. They feed on the anger of others. The WANT to **** you off. Imagine how angry you would be if they showed up, en masse, on a fleet of Dreadnaughts...the results would be catastrophic. Result: An all-out, inter-server war. Innocent lives will be lost, cites will flattened, empires will fall. Is this really what we want?! Do we want our precious servers to be reduced do bedrock-deep pit of rubble?
We're not aiming to do that?
No, but in all honesty it'll probably need to be heavily monitored and administrated. You've got a point. But one question:Will the average griefer be willing to take the time to install a mod, then work to a point where they have a fleet and hundreds of others to cooperate with? Probably not. If need be, we can add some admin prison ships and just deport them to a desert wasteland world. Let 'em stay there if they're gonna greif, and let them do it to each other.
ok for players to take inventory with them to other servers could be possible. it would need to be stored data like achievements and stats. but guess what? if you delete minecraft or gain a corrupt file you could lose all your inventory, and since it would be a stored data in your file people could easily hack it and put whatever they choose into their invetory at utter free will. So you would need the data to somehow store to the player and not be able to be edited through coding (hax).
basically when a player logs into a computer with his account, so long as he can connect to minecraft it will drag his data from minecraft unto that computer, upon closing minecraft, the data will be saved, and taken off the computer. that way no one can edit it, becuase they can't edit the file while minecraft is up, just like the minecraft.jar file. sadly though, for that idea to work, you will need notch to help you. And idk if notch is willing to jump through hoops for that, especially saying each server is different, so the sharing inventory idea could easy screw stuff up. but theres a way around that.
When making a server, the host's can edit if they want hostile mobs or not or if they want passive mobs or not ect. So what they could do is maybe choose if they want to make their server an Inventory share server or not.
Also you could make it where ships aren't allowed to enter the airspace of another servers permission unless the two servers are at war. then either side can enter at any time unless a time of war (time when you can enter each others server) is set. think how annoying it would be if a new server just started up and all of a sudden 40 dreadnuaghts come in and screw everything up? minecraft isn't so much fun anymore then.
To solve the inventory problem it would probably have to be saved on the server and you would have to hope the owner of the server doesn't cheat.
I like your idea about haveing to declare war, although there should be an option for being like a rogue pirate or something where your not allied with anyone including your server, you can attack anyone at any time, and you cant build ships above a certin size, so that if you wanted a dreadnought you would first have to capture it.
"Are you done loading hose crates yet?" Cried Rugby6878 over the noise of the starport, his crew mates told him there were just a few more to go. Rugby6878's ship and its 4 man crew were contracted to haul parts for multiple Ion Cannons and a large amount of power cells. Rugby's ship, the Veteran was unlike other cargo vessels, a front cab with two trailers permenately attached one right after the other, with a trailer on eigher side of the second trailer back. the inside walls of the last 3 trailers were removed and made the cargo hold, the forward trailer was the main quarters and and also housed 2 escape pods mounted close to the hold and a dorsal turret, you could move between them freely.
Rugby6878 was getting ready to raise ship when the city air control announced winter contengency. He took a look to the sky and his jaw dropped. wormholes were opening and VoidX fighters and VoidU dropships were pouring out, scout pickets before the fleet arrives. All civilian ships availible were to help with evacuation.
The Voids were a massive empire the conquered many servers, they represented 22 percent of the minecraft community using Futurecraft and were able to raise amssive fleets at all hours because of it. to be captured ment slaving away in their resource mines. Soon their fleet would arrive and reduce the peaceful server to a smoking crater.
This server was lucky as most users were online for the chhristening of a new cruiser in the orbital dockyards. most were at starports awaiting ferry, and soon the Veteran was taking on passengers. 8 passengers on board and in a convoy of 5 other ships, the Veteran would be one of the first to leave. 250 people online, 100 civilians and 50 were just freighter pilots and crew, 100 defenders would try to hold them off loong enough to reach the jumpgate.
"Now hear this, now hear this, all hands brace for castoff." Rugby6878 shouted into the intercom. "I wont lie people, strap yourselves in, this is going to be a bumpy ride."
The Veteran housed 3 hidden machineguns and 2 forward firing seeker missile bays, Rugby powered up the weapons and trusted their use to the co-pilot, with the gunner ready, Rugby powered up the targeting computer. Hostile ships had a red indicator above them, neutral yellow and allied green. He was halfway to the jumpgate before his ship shuddereed and started moving backwards. He was caught in a tractor beam! Large ships were arriving, Rugby thought the ship was doomed before 2 fighters attacked and disabled the tractor beam generator.
"Thanks boys, I owe you one." Rugby said over the battle net. The reply was: "I'll collect all debts later."
As the Veteran approached the jumpgate, convoy A's lead ship, the freighter Poesy was hit by a massive cannon, the rest of the ships watched as it was sent spiraling out of control, with a massive hull breach. Rugby slammed the accelerator and rocketed into the gae and was launched into Hyperspace. 2 other ships followed before a Dreadnought fired again and destroyed the jumpgate, trapping the remainder of the ships. Only the new Battleship with its own Jump Drive could escape, but it too was soon crippled and broken. As the orbital defense fell apart, the Void fighters and dropships went into atmosphere to fight for the server's spawn. It would all be over soon...
The above is a short story involving a few of my ideas for this mod, which i will list below.
Targeting Computers: Pretty self explanitory, has to be within so many blocks of the control chair and provides gunners and the ship pilot with beacons over other ships indicating hostile, neutral or allied. when in your inventory on the ground, it puts these beacons above players.
Space stations/ Orbital Shipyards: Once again self explanitory. Larger ships need to be constructed in orbit and these stations can be mounted with guns for planetary defense.
Wormholes: A generator for these is expensive beyond belief, and drains a lot of power, but if done allows instant transport between two servers, both ways.
Local Battle Net: Just a chat channel or multiple chat channels for allied ships to coordinate their actions. Probably with hotkeys for common phrases like help or watch out.
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Quote from MythicManiac »
Leveld up, im now Carpenter
Mod-Edit: Congratulations to your new user title.
Here, have a neat little warningpresent because the regard of your post-count is notrelevant for this thread and thus not allowed.
No, but in all honesty it'll probably need to be heavily monitored and administrated. You've got a point. But one question:Will the average griefer be willing to take the time to install a mod, then work to a point where they have a fleet and hundreds of others to cooperate with? Probably not. If need be, we can add some admin prison ships and just deport them to a desert wasteland world. Let 'em stay there if they're gonna greif, and let them do it to each other.
HA, and forever more, that desolate planet on the edge of the Tyranis System shall be named Herocrime, named after the first Grief lord, who sought to overthrow the Council of Creation and replace it with his aura of destruction.
Herocrime will forever be known as the planet of exile, only those who committed the most heretical of crimes on all the planets of Notch Nebula and the Creeper Way galaxy will be left to rot on that God forsaken planet, where nothing grows except for the mutated predator, Hxplossisss, similar to its cousin, the Creeper.
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Sir, you may be able to blow up the world twenty times over, but I... I know the physics to tear this universe apart in a heartbeat. I think I win this argument.
To solve the inventory problem it would probably have to be saved on the server and you would have to hope the owner of the server doesn't cheat.
I like your idea about haveing to declare war, although there should be an option for being like a rogue pirate or something where your not allied with anyone including your server, you can attack anyone at any time, and you cant build ships above a certin size, so that if you wanted a dreadnought you would first have to capture it.
That would be helpful as only designated people ( those who chose to be pirates) could attack other servers on a whim, so if a server or ship was griefed ( more like one massive thing for a server, and many things against ships( im not sure whether to actually say this as attacking ships are what pirates do) then the captain of said griefing ship will be warned once, and if it occurs again, then he will be sent to the planet Herocrime.
@Rugby6878 - very nice, very nice. Your story really brought the ideas to life. and it reminded me of the Chronicles of Riddick, of the massive fleet that can take down entire planets in under a week. I wouldnt be surprised if someone tried to form something like that fleet.
Sir, you may be able to blow up the world twenty times over, but I... I know the physics to tear this universe apart in a heartbeat. I think I win this argument.
That would be helpful as only designated people ( those who chose to be pirates) could attack other servers on a whim, so if a server or ship was griefed ( more like one massive thing for a server, and many things against ships( im not sure whether to actually say this as attacking ships are what pirates do) then the captain of said griefing ship will be warned once, and if it occurs again, then he will be sent to the planet Herocrime.
@Rugby6878 - very nice, very nice. Your story really brought the ideas to life. and it reminded me of the Chronicles of Riddick, of the massive fleet that can take down entire planets in under a week. I wouldnt be surprised if someone tried to form something like that fleet.
I think that pirates are individual factions that can kill crew but can't damage ships and if the die they re spawn on a prison planet and they can loot chests and crates. i think they should only be able to board people and their ships can only kill people (neutron weapons).
Please refer to my post about missile mechanics on page 37, I hope it helps in designing them.
Edit: I also have several suggestions on the FutureCraft Forum regarding offensive and defensive weaponry.
Edit 2: I also back the teleportation grid idea as a secondary space to planet transport system to having transports or low-tonnage ships. Industrial Craft 2 has a teleporter block that runs off of electrical energy (not redstone). However, it is extremely power-hungry, requiring many full capacitors to complete a 1-man teleport.
=Here are some ideas for a FutureCraft teleporter=
-Lower power requirements than IndustrialCraft 2
-A way to link with a planet's teleportation grid, since you'd logically need to establish a link to a public teleporter. Perhaps a GUI block that allows you to connect to a particular teleporter. The server would have to maintain a list of public teleporters available for ship-planet transport.
-A determined range of the teleporter. You shouldn't be able to teleport to your home server from Joe Schmoe's server, since that would present a physics issue (more power would logically be needed for such transport) as well as complicating the teleportation grid.
-Intership teleportation. It should be possible, but limited to teleporting between ships in your fleet, or teleportation between emissary ships. It should not be possible to invade another ship via teleportation. If you DO want that to happen, you could make a complicated system of doing so.
-Intraplanetary Teleportation. You should be able to move across a planet via teleportation so that you could get to mines, bases, homes, etc. faster.
-Multiperson teleport. You know, kinda like Star-Trek's teleporters; since it would be inefficient to have to recharge the teleporter after each person, why not transport up to 8 people?
-Item Teleportation. The items must be in a container placed on the telporter block. Perhaps it could be a use for the metal containers mentioned by someone else on this thread.
(In evil Nazi like tone) We will use zhe rings. Look zhem up if you wish to vknow more about zhem.
For example if you had an extremely large colony ship (about the size of a dreadnought by current classifications) but it was only armed with defensive weaponry then it would not make sense for it to classified as a dreadnought. On the other hand if you had a ship about the size of a Cruise ship but it was a heavily armored, dedicated warship with very powerful offensive weaponry then the classification would not make sense.
By the way did you see my idea about the storage containers, forklifts, and elevators.
You underestimate the power if my creeper army...
Bah! You can control creepers no more effectively than you can control lightning... idea for a weapon - massive energy weapon on the belly of a large ship ( like the covenant vessels in halo, beam of energy fired down, and upon hitting the ground, lightning is created and hits all the blocks around the impact zone in a 30 block radius ( or more), the actual beam does a fair amount of damage ( explosively)
If I crash land a shuttle full of creepers in the hanger of your ship they will find you.
Hah. In some Sci-Fi yes. in others, no. the Covenant Frigates in Halo:Reach are a thousand meters long, and they're capable of wasting a fair chunk of a planet by themselves. Human Frigates in Halo are smaller, but they're still around 500 meters long, and can vaporize a large chunk of a planet as well with their nukes. Hell, you want oversized "Frigates", look at Warhammer 40K; the Imperium has several classes of Frigates, some of which are over a kilometer long! And we all know that any class of ship in that series is capable of destroying all life on a planet with a single bomb.
Also, it doesn't really matter the SIZE of a ship; the POWER of its on-board weaponry does. if missiles or bombs capable of wiping out a entire city(or planet) are available (this is a example), then someone will inevitably arm every possible ship with them. Thus, Frigates COULD wipe a planet out.... with the right weaponry.
Please Click to help me level up!
Please refer to my post about missile mechanics on page 37, I hope it helps in designing them.
Edit: I also have several suggestions on the FutureCraft Forum regarding offensive and defensive weaponry.
Edit 2: I also back the teleportation grid idea as a secondary space to planet transport system to having transports or low-tonnage ships. Industrial Craft 2 has a teleporter block that runs off of electrical energy (not redstone). However, it is extremely power-hungry, requiring many full capacitors to complete a 1-man teleport.
=Here are some ideas for a FutureCraft teleporter=
-Lower power requirements than IndustrialCraft 2
-A way to link with a planet's teleportation grid, since you'd logically need to establish a link to a public teleporter. Perhaps a GUI block that allows you to connect to a particular teleporter. The server would have to maintain a list of public teleporters available for ship-planet transport.
-A determined range of the teleporter. You shouldn't be able to teleport to your home server from Joe Schmoe's server, since that would present a physics issue (more power would logically be needed for such transport) as well as complicating the teleportation grid.
-Intership teleportation. It should be possible, but limited to teleporting between ships in your fleet, or teleportation between emissary ships. It should not be possible to invade another ship via teleportation. If you DO want that to happen, you could make a complicated system of doing so.
-Intraplanetary Teleportation. You should be able to move across a planet via teleportation so that you could get to mines, bases, homes, etc. faster.
-Multiperson teleport. You know, kinda like Star-Trek's teleporters; since it would be inefficient to have to recharge the teleporter after each person, why not transport up to 8 people?
-Item Teleportation. The items must be in a container placed on the telporter block. Perhaps it could be a use for the metal containers mentioned by someone else on this thread.
Sorry I should have been more specific. When I said frigate I meant the what the future craft classification of frigate as a ship of I think 500-1000 blocks.
spectrobes FTW
Clarify; you mean 'Mechs like the ones from BattleTech, right?
a few of the Sci-Fi series don't have 'Mechs; Stargate for one. Or Battlestar Galactica (The reboot, not the original, but I don't think either had a "mech")
@NalydRelwof: The Doc's already said that we'd be getting the Ring Transport System from Stargate. and if Rings are going to be in here, most of your ideas have already been accepted in.
Please Click to help me level up!
I would use it, but I can't for some reason..
Hey buddy, calm down. Not every single server is going to download this, this mod isn't even at the SMP state so we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it
basically when a player logs into a computer with his account, so long as he can connect to minecraft it will drag his data from minecraft unto that computer, upon closing minecraft, the data will be saved, and taken off the computer. that way no one can edit it, becuase they can't edit the file while minecraft is up, just like the minecraft.jar file. sadly though, for that idea to work, you will need notch to help you. And idk if notch is willing to jump through hoops for that, especially saying each server is different, so the sharing inventory idea could easy screw stuff up. but theres a way around that.
When making a server, the host's can edit if they want hostile mobs or not or if they want passive mobs or not ect. So what they could do is maybe choose if they want to make their server an Inventory share server or not.
Also you could make it where ships aren't allowed to enter the airspace of another servers permission unless the two servers are at war. then either side can enter at any time unless a time of war (time when you can enter each others server) is set. think how annoying it would be if a new server just started up and all of a sudden 40 dreadnuaghts come in and screw everything up? minecraft isn't so much fun anymore then.
We're not aiming to do that?
No, but in all honesty it'll probably need to be heavily monitored and administrated. You've got a point. But one question:Will the average griefer be willing to take the time to install a mod, then work to a point where they have a fleet and hundreds of others to cooperate with? Probably not. If need be, we can add some admin prison ships and just deport them to a desert wasteland world. Let 'em stay there if they're gonna greif, and let them do it to each other.
To solve the inventory problem it would probably have to be saved on the server and you would have to hope the owner of the server doesn't cheat.
I like your idea about haveing to declare war, although there should be an option for being like a rogue pirate or something where your not allied with anyone including your server, you can attack anyone at any time, and you cant build ships above a certin size, so that if you wanted a dreadnought you would first have to capture it.
Rugby6878 was getting ready to raise ship when the city air control announced winter contengency. He took a look to the sky and his jaw dropped. wormholes were opening and VoidX fighters and VoidU dropships were pouring out, scout pickets before the fleet arrives. All civilian ships availible were to help with evacuation.
The Voids were a massive empire the conquered many servers, they represented 22 percent of the minecraft community using Futurecraft and were able to raise amssive fleets at all hours because of it. to be captured ment slaving away in their resource mines. Soon their fleet would arrive and reduce the peaceful server to a smoking crater.
This server was lucky as most users were online for the chhristening of a new cruiser in the orbital dockyards. most were at starports awaiting ferry, and soon the Veteran was taking on passengers. 8 passengers on board and in a convoy of 5 other ships, the Veteran would be one of the first to leave. 250 people online, 100 civilians and 50 were just freighter pilots and crew, 100 defenders would try to hold them off loong enough to reach the jumpgate.
"Now hear this, now hear this, all hands brace for castoff." Rugby6878 shouted into the intercom. "I wont lie people, strap yourselves in, this is going to be a bumpy ride."
The Veteran housed 3 hidden machineguns and 2 forward firing seeker missile bays, Rugby powered up the weapons and trusted their use to the co-pilot, with the gunner ready, Rugby powered up the targeting computer. Hostile ships had a red indicator above them, neutral yellow and allied green. He was halfway to the jumpgate before his ship shuddereed and started moving backwards. He was caught in a tractor beam! Large ships were arriving, Rugby thought the ship was doomed before 2 fighters attacked and disabled the tractor beam generator.
"Thanks boys, I owe you one." Rugby said over the battle net. The reply was: "I'll collect all debts later."
As the Veteran approached the jumpgate, convoy A's lead ship, the freighter Poesy was hit by a massive cannon, the rest of the ships watched as it was sent spiraling out of control, with a massive hull breach. Rugby slammed the accelerator and rocketed into the gae and was launched into Hyperspace. 2 other ships followed before a Dreadnought fired again and destroyed the jumpgate, trapping the remainder of the ships. Only the new Battleship with its own Jump Drive could escape, but it too was soon crippled and broken. As the orbital defense fell apart, the Void fighters and dropships went into atmosphere to fight for the server's spawn. It would all be over soon...
The above is a short story involving a few of my ideas for this mod, which i will list below.
Targeting Computers: Pretty self explanitory, has to be within so many blocks of the control chair and provides gunners and the ship pilot with beacons over other ships indicating hostile, neutral or allied. when in your inventory on the ground, it puts these beacons above players.
Space stations/ Orbital Shipyards: Once again self explanitory. Larger ships need to be constructed in orbit and these stations can be mounted with guns for planetary defense.
Wormholes: A generator for these is expensive beyond belief, and drains a lot of power, but if done allows instant transport between two servers, both ways.
Local Battle Net: Just a chat channel or multiple chat channels for allied ships to coordinate their actions. Probably with hotkeys for common phrases like help or watch out.
1. Cold Fusion Engine.
2. Infopads - if held and right clicked on a player, it will reveal information about said player.
I would use it, but I can't for some reason..
HA, and forever more, that desolate planet on the edge of the Tyranis System shall be named Herocrime, named after the first Grief lord, who sought to overthrow the Council of Creation and replace it with his aura of destruction.
Herocrime will forever be known as the planet of exile, only those who committed the most heretical of crimes on all the planets of Notch Nebula and the Creeper Way galaxy will be left to rot on that God forsaken planet, where nothing grows except for the mutated predator, Hxplossisss, similar to its cousin, the Creeper.
That would be helpful as only designated people ( those who chose to be pirates) could attack other servers on a whim, so if a server or ship was griefed ( more like one massive thing for a server, and many things against ships( im not sure whether to actually say this as attacking ships are what pirates do) then the captain of said griefing ship will be warned once, and if it occurs again, then he will be sent to the planet Herocrime.
@Rugby6878 - very nice, very nice. Your story really brought the ideas to life. and it reminded me of the Chronicles of Riddick, of the massive fleet that can take down entire planets in under a week. I wouldnt be surprised if someone tried to form something like that fleet.
I think that pirates are individual factions that can kill crew but can't damage ships and if the die they re spawn on a prison planet and they can loot chests and crates. i think they should only be able to board people and their ships can only kill people (neutron weapons).
(In evil Nazi like tone) We will use zhe rings. Look zhem up if you wish to vknow more about zhem.