So I saw a topic about adding dogs the other day and I was impressed. But I was thinking: What about the cat lovers? Some cat lovers hate dogs (although most dont) and they would like a pet mob to. So I came up with a cat mob. After some thinking, I also came up with some other mobs. So this is why I made this topic.
First of all: I am not a modder! I don't know how to programm and make models. :biggrin.gif: Also I'm not English so sorry if I make tons of grammar faults. I CAN make textures though.
Ok so here are my ideas:
Mobs that add atmosphere
The Mouse:
Info: The mouse add more atmosphere to the game but it will have a purpose to! THE MOUSE WILL BE MADE BY KINGBDOGZ! NO RELEASE DATE YET
Nature: Docile
Spawn Conditions: It will require a mouse hole block (see section below) to spawn as well as the condition that there are no cats around. It doesn't matter if it's dark or light. Blocks:
Drops: Probably a Wooden Stick or maybe coal
Purpose: Feed the Mouse cheese to change it in a Fat Mouse
The Fat Mouse:
Nature: Docile
Spawn Conditions: None, a normall mouse will change in one when you give it cheese (see section below)
Drops: Cheese (see section below)
Purpose: They play a role in the progress of taming cats and they won't despawn! (this makes them a possible pet to!)
The Bat:
Info: The wing is seperated in 2 parts so they can close when the bat sleeps. I don't know if this is possible for programmers, because I heard that making more joints can give problemms. If not possible, then I will have to find another way. They will be sleeping when you see them in dark areas (naturally, upside down on the ceiling) but when you make the area light with torches, they will flee to darker areas;
Nature: Docile
Spawn Conditions: Dark Caves Blocks:
Drops: Feathers ]" title="-<->" /> or Flint
Purpose: Just adds more atmosphere (for now)
Pet Mob
The Cat
Info: The cat will be a pet mob but it won't be tame when you encounter one. You will need to tame using the progress that is explained below. It will eat mice and birds (Mo's Creatures).
Nature: It will hiss at you when you approach and attack you when REALLY close (1 block away) but after eating a Fat Mouse it will accept you.
Spawn Conditions: It also requires a mouse hole block (see section below) but it needs to be light! Blocks:
Drops: ball of wool (see section below) or leather
Purpose: Kill mice and birds. I also want them to have the ability to randomly find items on the ground (which are invisible for the player) and give these to the player. It's optional to make them kill mobs but some people don't like seeing a cat get killed (although it's inevitable that your character will be able to kill it) so maybe the cat should be invisible for other mobs except mice.
Variant: Of course there will be different breeds but something special like a Hellcat would be cool
Possible extra feature: When the sun sets, the cat will go to sleep, making itself invisible for other mobs.
(See my other posts for the other mob ideas)
The cat seems a little big but I don't mind that AT ALL, because it is that which makes the awesome texture possible.
These are the steps:
- Find a mouse hole (see section below) and let some mice spawn (if you make the place light enough, cats may spawn and mice won't spawn when cats are around!).
- Feed one of the mice some cheese (see section below) so it will change into a Fat Mouse (it won't despawn!)
- Make sure that a cat spawns (make the place light enough)
- The cat should notice the Fat Mouse and eat it (normall mice won't satisfy the cat)
- Now the cat is docile and it won't despawn anymore.
- Now use a ball of wool on it (right click) and it will follow you (the ball won't disappear)
- Use it on the cat again to make it stop following you. (This way you can lead it to your house)
- Yay, the cat is yours!
Custom Blocks:
- The Mouse Hole Block
Info: It will spawn randomly in caves. It is essential for the spawning of mice and cats. The hole texture will be on the 4 sides and the normall stone texture on the top and bottom.
Ideas like aging milk and putting it in a furnace to get cheese are alternatives to this.
Purpose of the item: New food and it is used for making normall mice into fat mice
Ball of Wool
The recipe:
Purpose of the item: Used to make tamed cats follow you.
Thanks for reading and I hope someone takes it into consideration. I'd like to hear your opinions and maybe some ideas for changes. I also have some ideas for hostile mobs, like: giant bat and giant crab :biggrin.gif: , but I don't know if I make a topic about those.
Edit: Posted it on Mo's Creatures thread, but I don't expect anything
Dr Zhark said:
Very nice designs and ideas
Dogs and cats could be a nice addition to the game. I see if I can do something about them (later, I'm really busy right now)
I want nothing to do with a Mouse that can chew through stone. :/
Anyway, I'm not sure why people want Cats and Dogs all the time. Isn't it at least a little traumatizing to see a Cat getting mauled by a zombie? (Kids do play Minecraft, after all.) If cats were added like this, they shouldn't attack enemy mobs at all, whether they're tamed or not. In fact, they should be running away from them. Cats are small creatures after all, they're not that stupid. Having them randomly find items is awesome though, at least, it makes them useful. :tongue.gif:
Quote from Daveyx0 »
Cheese (*-*):
The recipe:
HOLY HELL. 9 Iron for one piece of cheese? Their has to be an easier way. >:|
EDIT: Due to the new(ish) cake recipe, it's now possible to keep the buckets made in recipes. So this point is now moot. :tongue.gif:
Maybe you can just shove a bucket of milk in the furnace and somehow have it come out as a bucket of cheese? (I also remember a neat idea where you set down a bucket of milk and it ages into cheese after a while.) Using a bucket of cheese on a Mouse will empty it so you can keep your bucket? (I could imagine missing the Mouse and raging over spilled milk... er... cheese.)
I want nothing to do with a Mouse that can chew through stone. :/
Anyway, I'm not sure why people want Cats and Dogs all the time. Isn't it at least a little traumatizing to see a Cat getting mauled by a zombie? (Kids do play Minecraft, after all.) If cats were added like this, they shouldn't attack enemy mobs at all, whether they're tamed or not. In fact, they should be running away from them. Cats are small creatures after all, they're not that stupid. Having them randomly find items is awesome though, at least, it makes them useful. :tongue.gif:
Quote from Daveyx0 »
Cheese (*-*):
The recipe:
HOLY HELL. 9 Iron for one piece of cheese? Their has to be an easier way. >:| Maybe you can just shove a bucket of milk in the furnace and somehow have it come out as a bucket of cheese? (I also remember a neat idea where you set down a bucket of milk and it ages into cheese after a while.) Using a bucket of cheese on a Mouse will empty it so you can keep your bucket? (I could imagine missing the Mouse and raging over spilled milk... er... cheese.)
I guess you are right, seeing a cat getting killed my mobs wouldn't be very popular But if they run away and get cornered they get killed anyway. Maybe it is possible to make them invisible for enemy mobs when they are close. Just like I suggested with the sleeping cat. This way they will get ignored by enemies. Of course they won't attack mobs then :tongue.gif:
The cheese idea may be reduced to one bucket or the furnace idea. The age idea is cool but it's harder to programm if someone ever takes this idea serious. YAY FOR GIANT CRABS!
Awesome ideas, although I think the bat's nose looks a little too cartoonish.
This may be a little silly sounding, but the Cat should be invincible to all but explosions, falling damage, and fire.
I would just hate to have a wolf or skeleton kill the poor thing D:
But it shouldn't be a completely invulnerable thing that you can use to escape (you know, putting the cat in front of a creeper while jumping away...)
This is a brilliant idea and I love the models. I think DrZhark would interested in putting this into Mo Creatures.
Great thing is your not just throwing a suggestion at him, your giving him the ideas, the modelsand also the
recipes for the cheese and taming ball as well as the mousehole block.
Damn fine job sir and I hope to see it in my Minecraft soon :smile.gif:
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
War doesn't decide who is right, just who is left...
Really cool but how about you just right click the cat with no items and it will follow you (Like builder's mod). Another purpose for the wool, then, would be to make a collar. Just a stylish item to put around your pet. If paint comes about, you can make coloured collars?
I WANT KITTY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Some people call me crazy, maybe, maybe.
But I've yet to meet someone who can outlast fire.
You should add owls and other predatory birds to this list of small woodland-like creatures.
They could use the basic AI of the regular birds, although slightly tweaked.
--Predatory Birds--
This bird is a little bigger than your regular songbird. It's brown or gray, pretty speedy, and hunts chickens, rabbits, and smaller birds. It will still flee from the player.
This animal is almost the same as the hawk, except for a minor coloring difference. While it flies away from the player, it can be tamed with a loaf of bread. If these are ever implemented, perhaps the player could right click a tamed falcon and it would perch on their left hand (just use the code for the rabbit, but move the mount point)
Right clicking again would release the falcon and it would fly to the nearest enemy and attempt to destroy them (use the code from the Spider Families egg, where you break the egg and it attacks the nearest enemy)
This formidable bird is not to be messed with. It will hunt all other birds (including hawks and falcons, but it rarely catches those.) and rabbits, and possibly even attack a fox once or twice.
When the eagle spawns on a tree, a nest block is created. There can be a maximum of two eagle nests per four chunks. If the player comes within 5 blocks of the nest, the eagle will attack them. It will stop once the player leaves its territory.
These birds are a little smaller than eagles and travel in packs of three and four. They can only spawn in the desert or savanna, and are attracted to leather and pork the way regular birds are attracted to seeds. (Imagine this: a lion kills a small group of pigs. Previously circling in the sky, the vultures swoop down and begin to feast on the dropped meat.) They will fly away if the player comes within three blocks of them.
These animals spawn only on dim-lit leaves or logs. They will hunt rabbits and smaller birds, and make a distinctive "hoo hoo" sound.
You should add owls and other predatory birds to this list of small woodland-like creatures.
They could use the basic AI of the regular birds, although slightly tweaked.
--Predatory Birds--
This bird is a little bigger than your regular songbird. It's brown or gray, pretty speedy, and hunts chickens, rabbits, and smaller birds. It will still flee from the player.
This animal is almost the same as the hawk, except for a minor coloring difference. While it flies away from the player, it can be tamed with a loaf of bread. If these are ever implemented, perhaps the player could right click a tamed falcon and it would perch on their left hand (just use the code for the rabbit, but move the mount point)
Right clicking again would release the falcon and it would fly to the nearest enemy and attempt to destroy them (use the code from the Spider Families egg, where you break the egg and it attacks the nearest enemy)
This formidable bird is not to be messed with. It will hunt all other birds (including hawks and falcons, but it rarely catches those.) and rabbits, and possibly even attack a fox once or twice.
When the eagle spawns on a tree, a nest block is created. There can be a maximum of two eagle nests per four chunks. If the player comes within 5 blocks of the nest, the eagle will attack them. It will stop once the player leaves its territory.
These birds are a little smaller than eagles and travel in packs of three and four. They can only spawn in the desert or savanna, and are attracted to leather and pork the way regular birds are attracted to seeds. (Imagine this: a lion kills a small group of pigs. Previously circling in the sky, the vultures swoop down and begin to feast on the dropped meat.) They will fly away if the player comes within three blocks of them.
These animals spawn only on dim-lit leaves or logs. They will hunt rabbits and smaller birds, and make a distinctive "hoo hoo" sound.
I think that I will make a topic about adding wood and forest creatures :smile.gif: Im working on the pics atm.
I absolutely LOVE the idea, and I suggested adding these officially on Getsatisfaction, with much the same system you outlined here (Because official cats would be awesome), but I have a problem with the models.
They just don't exactly fit. I think they need a bit of refinement. Possibly reduce the nose one block, extend the head forward one block.
I read through the thread again and there needs to be something like the horse rarity. Every once in a while, you should be able to find an exceptionally powerful cat. Why? Because some of us have exceptionally powerful cats in real life. I'm pretty sure if you have a cat who is 18 and still manages to take down dogs, you'd want to immortalize that. But that's me being selfish.
What about skins? How many do you have planned? There's all sorts of cat colours and again, having colour variations and the like would make cats more appealing, and possibly give you a way to distinguish between exceptional cats, if that idea is accepted.
EDIT: I read through a third time and realize you already had a rare cat planned, though I wouldn't mind a normal looking cat who could do a lot more than a normal one.
I absolutely LOVE the idea, and I suggested adding these officially on Getsatisfaction, with much the same system you outlined here (Because official cats would be awesome), but I have a problem with the models.
They just don't exactly fit. I think they need a bit of refinement. Possibly reduce the nose one block, extend the head forward one block.
I read through the thread again and there needs to be something like the horse rarity. Every once in a while, you should be able to find an exceptionally powerful cat. Why? Because some of us have exceptionally powerful cats in real life. I'm pretty sure if you have a cat who is 18 and still manages to take down dogs, you'd want to immortalize that. But that's me being selfish.
What about skins? How many do you have planned? There's all sorts of cat colours and again, having colour variations and the like would make cats more appealing, and possibly give you a way to distinguish between exceptional cats, if that idea is accepted.
EDIT: I read through a third time and realize you already had a rare cat planned, though I wouldn't mind a normal looking cat who could do a lot more than a normal one.
I agree with the critism on the models. I will make them look smaller and more cute :biggrin.gif: I would be fun if you could make your cat fat or something :biggrin.gif: I have about 4-5 cat species planned. Normall looking special cat? How would it look exactly?
Zeroburn already made a mod for cheese and wooden bucket, although its not updated to beta just yet. viewtopic.php?f=25&t=73677
How about just putting the iron bucket down then the milk would age for about three days or so then the cheese would just pop out as an item, then the bucket would be empty and retrievable.
Nandonalt's Mods - "Butter Churn & Scrambled Eggs" viewtopic.php?f=25&t=120185
This will give you the cheese that you want without wasting buckets.
Although KodiachZero made his own cat mob, I still want this one to be made :/ See his mob here:
So I saw a topic about adding dogs the other day and I was impressed. But I was thinking: What about the cat lovers? Some cat lovers hate dogs (although most dont) and they would like a pet mob to. So I came up with a cat mob. After some thinking, I also came up with some other mobs. So this is why I made this topic.
First of all: I am not a modder! I don't know how to programm and make models. :biggrin.gif: Also I'm not English so sorry if I make tons of grammar faults. I CAN make textures though.
Ok so here are my ideas:
Mobs that add atmosphere
The Mouse:
Info: The mouse add more atmosphere to the game but it will have a purpose to! THE MOUSE WILL BE MADE BY KINGBDOGZ! NO RELEASE DATE YET
Nature: Docile
Spawn Conditions: It will require a mouse hole block (see section below) to spawn as well as the condition that there are no cats around. It doesn't matter if it's dark or light. Blocks:
Drops: Probably a Wooden Stick
Purpose: Feed the Mouse cheese to change it in a Fat Mouse
The Fat Mouse:
Nature: Docile
Spawn Conditions: None, a normall mouse will change in one when you give it cheese (see section below)
Drops: Cheese (see section below)
Purpose: They play a role in the progress of taming cats and they won't despawn! (this makes them a possible pet to!)
The Bat:
Info: The wing is seperated in 2 parts so they can close when the bat sleeps. I don't know if this is possible for programmers, because I heard that making more joints can give problemms. If not possible, then I will have to find another way. They will be sleeping when you see them in dark areas (naturally, upside down on the ceiling) but when you make the area light with torches, they will flee to darker areas;
Nature: Docile
Spawn Conditions: Dark Caves Blocks:
Drops: Feathers
Purpose: Just adds more atmosphere (for now)
Pet Mob
The Cat
Info: The cat will be a pet mob but it won't be tame when you encounter one. You will need to tame using the progress that is explained below. It will eat mice and birds (Mo's Creatures).
Nature: It will hiss at you when you approach and attack you when REALLY close (1 block away) but after eating a Fat Mouse it will accept you.
Spawn Conditions: It also requires a mouse hole block (see section below) but it needs to be light! Blocks:
Drops: ball of wool (see section below) or leather
Purpose: Kill mice and birds. I also want them to have the ability to randomly find items on the ground (which are invisible for the player) and give these to the player. It's optional to make them kill mobs but some people don't like seeing a cat get killed (although it's inevitable that your character will be able to kill it) so maybe the cat should be invisible for other mobs except mice.
Variant: Of course there will be different breeds but something special like a Hellcat would be cool
Possible extra feature: When the sun sets, the cat will go to sleep, making itself invisible for other mobs.
The cat seems a little big but I don't mind that AT ALL, because it is that which makes the awesome texture possible.
These are the steps:
- Find a mouse hole (see section below) and let some mice spawn (if you make the place light enough, cats may spawn and mice won't spawn when cats are around!).
- Feed one of the mice some cheese (see section below) so it will change into a Fat Mouse (it won't despawn!)
- Make sure that a cat spawns (make the place light enough)
- The cat should notice the Fat Mouse and eat it (normall mice won't satisfy the cat)
- Now the cat is docile and it won't despawn anymore.
- Now use a ball of wool on it (right click) and it will follow you (the ball won't disappear)
- Use it on the cat again to make it stop following you. (This way you can lead it to your house)
- Yay, the cat is yours!
Custom Blocks:
- The Mouse Hole Block
Info: It will spawn randomly in caves. It is essential for the spawning of mice and cats. The hole texture will be on the 4 sides and the normall stone texture on the top and bottom.
Custom Crafting Recipes:
Cheese (*-*):
This could be done using this awesome mod:
The recipe:
Ideas like aging milk and putting it in a furnace to get cheese are alternatives to this.
Purpose of the item: New food and it is used for making normall mice into fat mice
Ball of Wool
The recipe:
Purpose of the item: Used to make tamed cats follow you.
Thanks for reading and I hope someone takes it into consideration. I'd like to hear your opinions and maybe some ideas for changes. I also have some ideas for hostile mobs, like: giant bat and giant crab :biggrin.gif: , but I don't know if I make a topic about those.
Edit: Posted it on Mo's Creatures thread, but I don't expect anything
Small Support Banner:
Check the quote I added at the end :biggrin.gif: Isnt it cool?
I want nothing to do with a Mouse that can chew through stone. :/
Anyway, I'm not sure why people want Cats and Dogs all the time. Isn't it at least a little traumatizing to see a Cat getting mauled by a zombie? (Kids do play Minecraft, after all.) If cats were added like this, they shouldn't attack enemy mobs at all, whether they're tamed or not. In fact, they should be running away from them. Cats are small creatures after all, they're not that stupid. Having them randomly find items is awesome though, at least, it makes them useful. :tongue.gif:
HOLY HELL. 9 Iron for one piece of cheese? Their has to be an easier way. >:|EDIT: Due to the new(ish) cake recipe, it's now possible to keep the buckets made in recipes. So this point is now moot. :tongue.gif:
Maybe you can just shove a bucket of milk in the furnace and somehow have it come out as a bucket of cheese? (I also remember a neat idea where you set down a bucket of milk and it ages into cheese after a while.) Using a bucket of cheese on a Mouse will empty it so you can keep your bucket? (I could imagine missing the Mouse and raging over spilled milk... er... cheese.)
I guess you are right, seeing a cat getting killed my mobs wouldn't be very popular
The cheese idea may be reduced to one bucket or the furnace idea. The age idea is cool but it's harder to programm if someone ever takes this idea serious. YAY FOR GIANT CRABS!
It's all about the concept, not about logic :tongue.gif: Anyway, you're right
This may be a little silly sounding, but the Cat should be invincible to all but explosions, falling damage, and fire.
I would just hate to have a wolf or skeleton kill the poor thing D:
But it shouldn't be a completely invulnerable thing that you can use to escape (you know, putting the cat in front of a creeper while jumping away...)
There is no charge for awesomeness.
This is a brilliant idea and I love the models. I think DrZhark would interested in putting this into Mo Creatures.
Great thing is your not just throwing a suggestion at him, your giving him the ideas, the modelsand also the
recipes for the cheese and taming ball as well as the mousehole block.
Damn fine job sir and I hope to see it in my Minecraft soon :smile.gif:
War doesn't decide who is right, just who is left...
But I've yet to meet someone who can outlast fire.
They could use the basic AI of the regular birds, although slightly tweaked.
--Predatory Birds--
This bird is a little bigger than your regular songbird. It's brown or gray, pretty speedy, and hunts chickens, rabbits, and smaller birds. It will still flee from the player.
This animal is almost the same as the hawk, except for a minor coloring difference. While it flies away from the player, it can be tamed with a loaf of bread. If these are ever implemented, perhaps the player could right click a tamed falcon and it would perch on their left hand (just use the code for the rabbit, but move the mount point)
Right clicking again would release the falcon and it would fly to the nearest enemy and attempt to destroy them (use the code from the Spider Families egg, where you break the egg and it attacks the nearest enemy)
This formidable bird is not to be messed with. It will hunt all other birds (including hawks and falcons, but it rarely catches those.) and rabbits, and possibly even attack a fox once or twice.
When the eagle spawns on a tree, a nest block is created. There can be a maximum of two eagle nests per four chunks. If the player comes within 5 blocks of the nest, the eagle will attack them. It will stop once the player leaves its territory.
These birds are a little smaller than eagles and travel in packs of three and four. They can only spawn in the desert or savanna, and are attracted to leather and pork the way regular birds are attracted to seeds. (Imagine this: a lion kills a small group of pigs. Previously circling in the sky, the vultures swoop down and begin to feast on the dropped meat.) They will fly away if the player comes within three blocks of them.
These animals spawn only on dim-lit leaves or logs. They will hunt rabbits and smaller birds, and make a distinctive "hoo hoo" sound.
I think that I will make a topic about adding wood and forest creatures :smile.gif: Im working on the pics atm.
They just don't exactly fit. I think they need a bit of refinement. Possibly reduce the nose one block, extend the head forward one block.
I read through the thread again and there needs to be something like the horse rarity. Every once in a while, you should be able to find an exceptionally powerful cat. Why? Because some of us have exceptionally powerful cats in real life. I'm pretty sure if you have a cat who is 18 and still manages to take down dogs, you'd want to immortalize that. But that's me being selfish.
What about skins? How many do you have planned? There's all sorts of cat colours and again, having colour variations and the like would make cats more appealing, and possibly give you a way to distinguish between exceptional cats, if that idea is accepted.
EDIT: I read through a third time and realize you already had a rare cat planned, though I wouldn't mind a normal looking cat who could do a lot more than a normal one.
I agree with the critism on the models. I will make them look smaller and more cute :biggrin.gif: I would be fun if you could make your cat fat or something :biggrin.gif: I have about 4-5 cat species planned. Normall looking special cat? How would it look exactly?
How about just putting the iron bucket down then the milk would age for about three days or so then the cheese would just pop out as an item, then the bucket would be empty and retrievable.
Nandonalt's Mods - "Butter Churn & Scrambled Eggs"
This will give you the cheese that you want without wasting buckets.
Xie's Mods: Cooking Mod, Farming, Mod Hunger Mod and Food Stacking Mod(Bv1.3, MLv5)