So I was watching AMC's the Walking Dead Finale the other day, and thought to myself
I could so survive better than these guys
But like most of us, I'd rather not have the actual thing happen to find out. So what about the next best thing... a video game. Now there are plenty of zombie video games out there, but most are FPS shooters and none really emphasize the day to day survival part, which could be really fun if done right.
I think minecraft could be the perfect setting for a Zombie Apocalypse game. Now what would this entail?
- Would look a lot like creepers I guess, maybe with some slight graphic modifications.
- Would walk slightly slower
- Only melee attacks
- Would be the only mobs
- Two hits by a zombie would kill
- Be much easier to kill. I'm thinking like two arrow hits, maybe two hits by an iron sword. I haven't figured out the exact bit, but you get the point.
- To counteract that, i'm thinking the amount of spawns should at least double, triple, maybe quadruple. And would increase exponentially the more land you cover. The point is that if you act dumb there should be hordes of zombies ready to attack
- All spawns should be above ground
- Should have a grouping mentality
- Should be attracted to artificial alteration to the world. Now i'm not saying that every time you mine a piece of sand thousands of zombies come running, obviously that would only slightly attract zombies nearby. But if you build like a giant house, or say create a large mine, zombies should be very much attracted to it. I was thinking that each alteration would have like an AOE, and if there was another alteration within that area, the strength and radius would increase.
For instance: a 1 block wide, 60 block wide tower would create a very strong attraction within a very small area, where as a a 1 block high 60 block wide say garden would create a weak attraction over a very large area. Or maybe vice versa. Totally up for discussion (Just like everything in this thread).
- The ability to destroy blocks. This is a big one. Without this the mod doesn't really change much of the game. Without this someone could just create a simple earthen wall and "beat" the game. It induces a lot more realism, survival wise. Note that zombies would only hit user altered blocks. this way they don't go around just destroying random stuff... they'd specifically target houses, farms, towers, forts etc. It would probably go something like this: - 50 hits - 20 hits - 30 hits - 100 hits - 400 hits - 200 hits - 20 hits (why are you building with gold? that makes no sense) - 1000 hits - 5000 hits - 20000 hits
The idea is that while you could quickly build an earth fort or something, you'd have to upgrade quickly, especially as you attract more zombies. Once you got up to say, iron you'd be good for a while, and might possibly not ever have to upgrade, as long as you kept up with repairs (iron is also reasonably plentiful). Obviously this list is a rough draft, so input would be helpful.
- Decreased health. As I said above, two hits by a zombie within maybe a minute period should down you. Slower regen as well. So let's say you have 10 hearts to start off with. One zombie hit would take 5 hearts.
- You would walk much faster than the zombies. The general idea I'm kinda going with here is that if you are smart and aren't an idiot you should be able to survive reasonably well, but if your dumb you should die quick
- Introduce hunger. Now i'm not saying this should be like a huge deal, but it should be something you have to do. You'd have to maintain some sort of farm (a 4x10 amount of crops should be fine). This is again, to introduce more realism with the survival bit. My idea is introducing a hunger bar, much like the heart system. You'd have 10 "stomachs" (yeah it's a crappy name, work in progress remember?) to start with. At dusk you'd have lost say 2 stomachs. At dawn, another 2. So every 12 hours minecraft time you lose 2 stomachs. When you run out of stomachs you start to lose one heart every 2 or so minutes. Food would restore stomachs at the same ratio it restores hearts currently. Once again, not a big factor, but something that is important, and if you don't keep up with it you get hurt. Health regen would also be suspended while out of stomachs.
-Introduce medicine. Instead of food helping you regain hearts you'd craft medicine and bandages. Examples:
[] [] []
[] []
Would give you a simple bandage that would heal 2 hearts.
[] []
[] []
[] []
Would give you a poultice to heal 4 hearts. And so on. It would also create a great use for flowers and other green things.
[>>-i>] [>>-i>]
[>>-i>] [>>-i>]
Now I know Notch said no guns, but one can hope right? I don't think you could have a proper zombie game without guns. You wouldn't need much, maybe just a semi auto pistol and an auto rifle. Obviously both would be pretty expensive and hard to make, but the real cost would be to maintain the bullet supply, not to mention carrying the amount of bullets needed to supply a fully auto rifle. Im thinking guns would be one shot one kill. Crafting guns would be a lot like upgrading a bow.
(All recipes are very rough ideas)
A pistol (stick = bow, flower = redstone):
Rifle (stick = bow, flower = redstone)):
[] []
[] [>>-i>] []
[] []
But worst comes to worst we should definitely get some upgraded bows/arrows, etc.
Considering the radical changes I think the best I could hope for is a mod of some sort, but maybe Notch could include a game mode of some type and include maybe just some of these features :biggrin.gif:
I think this would also be a great multiplayer mod.
One can hope. That's all I can think of now, any suggestions or comments are very welcome.
good idea, but Notch wants a 100% original game. what might be good is a multiplayer game mode (ultra survival ?) where you have a few people have a set amount of time to make a base., and have a little war either against massive mobs (mode 1) or each other (mode 2). or possibly even give each person a "crown block" you have to steal to win the game. (traps would actually be helpful here)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
After 10:30 PST, my IQ drops to around that of a shovel, please disregard anything I say after aforementioned time, it will likely not make any sense, and is best ignored.
*some type of gravity would need to be introduced to all blocks, otherwise you could stand atop a 64 block tower and be fine, as they destroyed the bottom beneath you. Or almost any tall tower for that matter.
*whats wrong with the current zombie graphics? or do you always play on peaceful or something?
*they would need to be able to destroy any blocks between them and you, not just user placed blocks. this would keep you from just burrowing super deep.
*they need to be able to destroy blocks faster than you can by hand. To prevent you from just burrowing super deep.
*lava resilient? if not, what keeps me from making an island surrounded by lava?
that is all. good idea, just needs some work
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Minecraft must NOT turn into the next WoW or Runescape.
Notch has an IQ over 130. He isn't stupid.
For some reason my hell looks like a train station....
This is an excellent idea, and I'd love to see somebody make it, but unless you do it, I doubt its going to happen.
Also an Idea, slow down the speed of mining a bit, so as to make it more difficult to get things, adding to the survival aspect there-in
Good idea, but "N00b Towers" Made of dirt or some other non-physics material would allow you to survive as long as you can, or until your processor explodes.
And good idea, for all you people who rampage around the suggestions forum going "ITZ NAWT MIENKRAFTY ZOMG!!!!11!1", this sounds perfectly "minecrafty", whatever your definition of that word is.
I like this idea. I really do. And I have a few ideas...
(I) You could come across towns like those in the Millenaire mod. This would force you to cover more distance, thus, cause more zombies to spawn. And if you choose to do so, you can officially join the village. The village would have barricades around the edge, etc. And after you join, then you can contribute to the village (I.E. giving resources, weapons or tools, building new structures, etc.) which gives you money that you can then use to buy stuff from them. And maybe you could take a soldier with you to help fight monsters.
(II) Zombies would attack periodically, overcoming the walls and attempting to kill every single villager. You would be woken if you were sleeping when this happens and all the villagers would come out to fight. They would all have some sort of weapon- from a rifle to a stick- that they would use to fight off the enemies.
(III) Towns would be in all sorts of places! From the normal ground level town to those in the mountains, those in the Nether, those underground, and maybe even ones in the Aether!
Notch does not approve of this idea. But who needs him.
You are thinking the same thing i'm thinking (but a little different)
Me and my friends are making an apocalypse mod. The breaking blocks was the first thing we were adding.
It kinda strange, i've been planning my mod for a while, then i find this post
So I was watching AMC's the Walking Dead Finale the other day, and thought to myself
But like most of us, I'd rather not have the actual thing happen to find out. So what about the next best thing... a video game. Now there are plenty of zombie video games out there, but most are FPS shooters and none really emphasize the day to day survival part, which could be really fun if done right.
I think minecraft could be the perfect setting for a Zombie Apocalypse game. Now what would this entail?
- Would look a lot like creepers I guess, maybe with some slight graphic modifications.
- Would walk slightly slower
- Only melee attacks
- Would be the only mobs
- Two hits by a zombie would kill
- Be much easier to kill. I'm thinking like two arrow hits, maybe two hits by an iron sword. I haven't figured out the exact bit, but you get the point.
- To counteract that, i'm thinking the amount of spawns should at least double, triple, maybe quadruple. And would increase exponentially the more land you cover. The point is that if you act dumb there should be hordes of zombies ready to attack
- All spawns should be above ground
- Should have a grouping mentality
- Should be attracted to artificial alteration to the world. Now i'm not saying that every time you mine a piece of sand thousands of zombies come running, obviously that would only slightly attract zombies nearby. But if you build like a giant house, or say create a large mine, zombies should be very much attracted to it. I was thinking that each alteration would have like an AOE, and if there was another alteration within that area, the strength and radius would increase.
For instance: a 1 block wide, 60 block wide tower would create a very strong attraction within a very small area, where as a a 1 block high 60 block wide say garden would create a weak attraction over a very large area. Or maybe vice versa. Totally up for discussion (Just like everything in this thread).
- The ability to destroy blocks. This is a big one. Without this the mod doesn't really change much of the game. Without this someone could just create a simple earthen wall and "beat" the game. It induces a lot more realism, survival wise. Note that zombies would only hit user altered blocks. this way they don't go around just destroying random stuff... they'd specifically target houses, farms, towers, forts etc. It would probably go something like this:
The idea is that while you could quickly build an earth fort or something, you'd have to upgrade quickly, especially as you attract more zombies. Once you got up to say, iron you'd be good for a while, and might possibly not ever have to upgrade, as long as you kept up with repairs (iron is also reasonably plentiful). Obviously this list is a rough draft, so input would be helpful.
- Decreased health. As I said above, two hits by a zombie within maybe a minute period should down you. Slower regen as well. So let's say you have 10 hearts to start off with. One zombie hit would take 5 hearts.
- You would walk much faster than the zombies. The general idea I'm kinda going with here is that if you are smart and aren't an idiot you should be able to survive reasonably well, but if your dumb you should die quick
- Introduce hunger. Now i'm not saying this should be like a huge deal, but it should be something you have to do. You'd have to maintain some sort of farm (a 4x10 amount of crops should be fine). This is again, to introduce more realism with the survival bit. My idea is introducing a hunger bar, much like the heart system. You'd have 10 "stomachs" (yeah it's a crappy name, work in progress remember?) to start with. At dusk you'd have lost say 2 stomachs. At dawn, another 2. So every 12 hours minecraft time you lose 2 stomachs. When you run out of stomachs you start to lose one heart every 2 or so minutes. Food would restore stomachs at the same ratio it restores hearts currently. Once again, not a big factor, but something that is important, and if you don't keep up with it you get hurt. Health regen would also be suspended while out of stomachs.
-Introduce medicine. Instead of food helping you regain hearts you'd craft medicine and bandages. Examples:
[] [] []
Would give you a simple bandage that would heal 2 hearts.
Would give you a poultice to heal 4 hearts. And so on. It would also create a great use for flowers and other green things.
[>>-i>] [>>-i>]
Now I know Notch said no guns, but one can hope right? I don't think you could have a proper zombie game without guns. You wouldn't need much, maybe just a semi auto pistol and an auto rifle. Obviously both would be pretty expensive and hard to make, but the real cost would be to maintain the bullet supply, not to mention carrying the amount of bullets needed to supply a fully auto rifle. Im thinking guns would be one shot one kill. Crafting guns would be a lot like upgrading a bow.
(All recipes are very rough ideas)
A pistol (stick = bow, flower = redstone):
Rifle (stick = bow, flower = redstone)):
[] [>>-i>] []
But worst comes to worst we should definitely get some upgraded bows/arrows, etc.
Considering the radical changes I think the best I could hope for is a mod of some sort, but maybe Notch could include a game mode of some type and include maybe just some of these features :biggrin.gif:
I think this would also be a great multiplayer mod.
One can hope. That's all I can think of now, any suggestions or comments are very welcome.
Yay for first post
*whats wrong with the current zombie graphics? or do you always play on peaceful or something?
*they would need to be able to destroy any blocks between them and you, not just user placed blocks. this would keep you from just burrowing super deep.
*they need to be able to destroy blocks faster than you can by hand. To prevent you from just burrowing super deep.
*lava resilient? if not, what keeps me from making an island surrounded by lava?
that is all. good idea, just needs some work
Notch has an IQ over 130. He isn't stupid.
For some reason my hell looks like a train station....
Also an Idea, slow down the speed of mining a bit, so as to make it more difficult to get things, adding to the survival aspect there-in
Sorry to burst your bubble.
(I) You could come across towns like those in the Millenaire mod. This would force you to cover more distance, thus, cause more zombies to spawn. And if you choose to do so, you can officially join the village. The village would have barricades around the edge, etc. And after you join, then you can contribute to the village (I.E. giving resources, weapons or tools, building new structures, etc.) which gives you money that you can then use to buy stuff from them. And maybe you could take a soldier with you to help fight monsters.
(II) Zombies would attack periodically, overcoming the walls and attempting to kill every single villager. You would be woken if you were sleeping when this happens and all the villagers would come out to fight. They would all have some sort of weapon- from a rifle to a stick- that they would use to fight off the enemies.
(III) Towns would be in all sorts of places! From the normal ground level town to those in the mountains, those in the Nether, those underground, and maybe even ones in the Aether!
Notch does not approve of this idea. But who needs him.
Jk, jk.
Me and my friends are making an apocalypse mod. The breaking blocks was the first thing we were adding.
It kinda strange, i've been planning my mod for a while, then i find this post
also, 44, double posting is not allowed on the forum, you can get reported for it.