There's no winner: This is your encouragement to try working with multiple building tools for the full experience, capabilities and speed! Every plugin is different and depends on your needs, Minecraft version, etc!
World Edit will always be the OG with a massive array of basic features. If you haven't explored the documentation for its full potential, do it! FAWE expands upon World Edit and adds speed, masks and more. Arceon* expands upon these with powerful, specific yet useful, features, masks and patterns. EzEdits** is a new plugin that adds "easy" gradients, splines and more. Finally, Axiom*** adds a Blender-like interface overlay to the game, with unique features for powerful sculpting, clipboard management and way too much more. It offers equal or better equivalents to the features of many other plugins.
There are others like goPaint and goBrush for terrain, or Builder's Utilities for useful things like hand-openable iron trapdoors and command shortcuts.
Factors to consider:
Your Minecraft version: Modern plugins like Axiom and EzEdits will only work on the latest versions. Arceon and FAWE are fairly compatible. World Edit goes way back, with less features on old versions.
What you're building & your past experience: Certain plugins like Axiom are better suited for terrain and organics. On the other hand, I (for example) find World Edit to be perfect for city structures as it covers all the features I need and I have intimate years of knowledge to use the plugin efficiently.
Your setup and budget: You will need to be in multi-player to use plugins (not mods), which is most of the tools in this post. You will need to buy certain ones to use them on a personal server or team.
*Paid plugin, free on Builder's Refuge. **Paid plugin ***Paid subscription for large scale commercial work.
AXIOM is a plugin by Moulberry and Soko, who are also making FLASHBACK, the modern Replay Mod.
Docs listing features. Builder's Refuge is a 1.12 and 1.20 creative server offering many plugins as well as large plots for guests and private worlds for members who apply with a portfolio.
There's no winner: This is your encouragement to try working with multiple building tools for the full experience, capabilities and speed! Every plugin is different and depends on your needs, Minecraft version, etc!
World Edit will always be the OG with a massive array of basic features. If you haven't explored the documentation for its full potential, do it! FAWE expands upon World Edit and adds speed, masks and more. Arceon* expands upon these with powerful, specific yet useful, features, masks and patterns. EzEdits** is a new plugin that adds "easy" gradients, splines and more. Finally, Axiom*** adds a Blender-like interface overlay to the game, with unique features for powerful sculpting, clipboard management and way too much more. It offers equal or better equivalents to the features of many other plugins.
There are others like goPaint and goBrush for terrain, or Builder's Utilities for useful things like hand-openable iron trapdoors and command shortcuts.
Factors to consider:
*Paid plugin, free on Builder's Refuge. **Paid plugin ***Paid subscription for large scale commercial work.
AXIOM is a plugin by Moulberry and Soko, who are also making FLASHBACK, the modern Replay Mod.
Docs listing features. Builder's Refuge is a 1.12 and 1.20 creative server offering many plugins as well as large plots for guests and private worlds for members who apply with a portfolio.
Originally posted at
I am mostly inactive on here. Posts are probably outdated.