Cursed Fabric Station API/Babric info:
Came across some mods when searching Modrinth again and came across some for Station API/Babric So if you haven't come across these before (like I hadn't) then well give them a go if interested.
I assume Babric is a further along project over Cursed Legacy API but I don't know as it is more expanded to support MultiMC/PolyMC/Prism and such not just Mojang launcher like Cursed Legacy API was limited to. Either way that aside here are the mods.
Otherwise, didn't check Station API was on Modrinth, so if want to get it there then Glass Repo you can: https://modrinth.com/mod/stationapi it's up to version 2.0 Alpha 2.4 at the moment too. Glass Repo is good if you want version 1.3.1 or older ones like for Better Nether or others as those don't support the 2.0 alphas at all like Smarty GUI or others support (not tested well enough what mods of that era do or don't work on newer alpha builds or stuck on the older ones).
Babric Search filter/results: https://modrinth.com/mods?q=babric
StationAPI/Station API search filter further in this post.
HUDTweaks, InventoryTweaks and more I assume use 2.0 Alpha 2-4 or so but I haven't tested yet. Whichever fits along with when the alphas for StationAPI or the mod released, whatever months ago/other timestamps. Probably the best bet on that unless it says to use older or just conflicts and outputs a random error. Otherwise go ask on the Cursed Fabric or other related discords.
Cursed Fabric Discord: https://discord.com/invite/6mY95CC
1.Babric Sprint
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/babric-sprint
Wiki: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Babric_Sprint
Description: is a mod that adds sprint to Beta 1.7.3 with Babric/StationAPI/Adding sprinting to b1.7.3 Minecraft using the Babric Toolchain
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
2. Third Person Fix Babric
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/thirdpersonfix-babric
Wiki: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Third_Person_Fix_Babric
Description: Adds Third Person from Modern Minecraft to b1.7.3 Babric. (aka a third person front view camera angle for clarification, and removes the cursor too in later builds so if want that in earlier builds there is that).
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
3.Legacy Translations Babric/StationAPI Edition
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/legacytranslations-stationapi-edition
Wiki: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Legacy_Translations_Babric_&_Station_API_Edition
Description: This mod adds custom language loading capabilities to the game. Rather than the hardcoded and static language list that Mojang's modern Minecraft provides the player, the Translation System has a custom language system much the same as texturepacks.
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
4.SoundSelection Babric
Wiki: WIP
Description: This mod adds custom sound loading capabilities to the game similar to texture packs. Special thanks to Spring Spring for the sound icon and to NFC team for the pack list GUI.
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/multiproto
Wiki: WIP
Description: Protocol translation mod for Babric and StationAPI allowing Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 clients to connect to earlier Beta server versions.
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
6.InventoryTweaks StationAPI
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/inventorytweaks
Wiki: WIP
Description: Inventory tweaks mod for b1.7.3 babric with StationAPI adding the modern Left-Click + Drag and Right-Click + Drag mechanics to the game.
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
7.HUDTweaks StationAPI
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/hudtweaks-stationapi
Wiki: WIP
Description: HUD tweaks mod for b1.7.3 babric with StationAPI. Scroll through chat logs and move up hotbar.
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
8.BetterAI BTA
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/betterai-bta
Wiki: WIP
Description: This mod make BetterThanAdventure's mob more smarter with Babric!
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
9.Accessory API
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/accessory-api
Wiki: WIP
Description: Provides an Accessory API for b1.7.3 in the Babric toolchain
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
10.Aether on StationAPI
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/aether-stapi
Wiki: WIP
Description: Porting Aether from b1.7.3 Risugami to Babric + StationAPI
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
11.Beta Plutonium
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/beta-plutonium
Wiki: WIP
Description: Radioactive and stinky optimizations for b1.7.3 Babric
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
12.Billy Rendering
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/billyrendering
Wiki: WIP
Description: A port of SillyRendering for b1.7.3 Babric/randomizes vertex positions resulting in weird results. Causes flickering on the GUI and main menu. Careful of "epilepsy warning"
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
13.OptiBabric (pretty sure posted before and was the Glass Repo site not Modrinth, but just for the sake of posting what's available/later build since last posted Glass Repo link)
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/optibabric
Wiki: WIP
Description: A mod that allows running OptiFine on Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 Fabric fork named Babric/is a OptiFabric fork for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 and a Fabric fork named Babric. Not related or supported by Fabric or Optifine and does not contain Optifine (download separately)
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
14.Iron Furnaces for BTA
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/iron-furnaces-bta
Wiki: WIP
Description: This mod adds higher tiered furnaces. Disclaimer: This mod uses a modified version of Fabric (Babric) and is designed only for Better than Adventure, a heavily modified version of Minecraft b1.7.3! For more information, join BTA's discord server
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
15.Stone Walls StationAPI/Babric
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/stone-walls-stationapi
Wiki: WIP
Description: Adds stone walls from later versions of Minecraft to b1.7.3 Babric StationAPI
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
Quick posting after changing search results to StationAPI/Station API, will update/better format these later:
16.Better Than Wolves Legacy Unofficial
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/better-than-wolves-legacy-unofficial
Wiki: WIP
Description: Better Than Wolves ported to Station API. Based on version 2.94 with small improvements and a custom API for recipes and other features mods can use to interact with this mod
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
17.Pumpkin Moon
18.Final Beta StationAPI Edition
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/finalbeta-stationapi-edition
19.Mojang Fix StationAPI Edition
20.Annoyance Fix StationAPI Edition
21. https://modrinth.com/mod/misctweaks-stationapi
22. https://modrinth.com/mod/betterscreenshots-stationapi
23. https://modrinth.com/mod/clientsideessentials-stationapi
24. https://modrinth.com/mod/freecam-stationapi
25. https://modrinth.com/mod/gameplayessentials-stationapi
26. https://modrinth.com/mod/mostlymodernrecipes-stationapi
27. https://modrinth.com/mod/creativeeditorwands-stationapi
28. https://modrinth.com/mod/quickadditions-stationapi
29. https://modrinth.com/mod/fishinfoodtweaks-stationapi
30. https://modrinth.com/mod/betatweaks-stationapi
31. https://modrinth.com/mod/nowobtainablerecipes-stationapi
32. https://modrinth.com/mod/whatareyouscoring-stationapi
33. https://modrinth.com/mod/unitweakstelsaddons-stationapi
34. https://modrinth.com/mod/goldentweaks-stationapi
35. https://modrinth.com/mod/dispensertweaks-stationapi
36. https://modrinth.com/mod/betterf3-stationapi
37. https://modrinth.com/mod/sameoldspells-stationapi
38. https://modrinth.com/mod/telsdrinks-stationapi
39. https://modrinth.com/mod/ambientoverride-stationapi
40. https://modrinth.com/mod/nether-storage-stationapi (posted Glass Repo page last time)
41. https://modrinth.com/mod/terminal-stapi
42. https://modrinth.com/mod/link
43. https://modrinth.com/mod/gregtech-golden-core
44. https://modrinth.com/mod/craftable-chainmail-stapi
That seems to be it so far as far as my brief search goes.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Legacy Fabric/Ornithe Release, from the depths of the Legacy Fabric Discord releases channel
Achievement Fix/Advancement Fix
Download: https://github.com/tildejustin/achievement-fix/releases
Wiki: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Achievement_Fix
Description: fixes broken achievements / advancements on various versions of the game.
What achievements/advances details are on the Github releases page.
Version Support: 1.0, 1.4-1.5.2, 1.7.x, 1.13.1-1.13.2
Notice: 1.0 if for Ornithe as Legacy Fabric only supports up to 1.3.2 pretty sure..
Legacy Fabric 1.13.1 Notice: the mod author describes quote: "1.13.1 is built for legacy fabric v2 intermediaries, there is not an instance for this but the generator supports it if you just add another tuple, if anyone really wants to play this version i can make one" if you want to use 1.13.1 keep this in mind.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.
I have been working on odd things like Tesla mods, Fabricated Forge/Rift related mod testing, my old Let's Play videos and more.
But I thought like I sometimes do (and did APortingCore I think last year or the year before) offer a modpack. I stated I would try to get a Legacy Fabric 1.12.2 modpack and I have finally done it.
I also tested Ornithe/Legacy Fabric 1.12.2 mod compatibility and they work so that's cool.
Fatal Blow Legacy Modrinth download link isn't working so an archive for that works, so it's in the modpack kind of as an intended archive (like I did my Forge 1.16.1 modpack with some mods or I do for my Rift 1.13 Experimental Modpack I did during my let's play) and because I felt it made the modpack interesting.
Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20211103101550/https://modrinth.com/mod/fatal-blow-legacy (not my archive, someone else's)
Did the same for Inventory Pause as well, but there is a GitHub link at least still even if the Modrinth link is not active with it's downloads or archived on wayback machine well enough, so the GitHub link is available here: https://github.com/macbrayne/inventory-pause-cursed/releases
So 2 modpacks, 1 Legacy Fabric, the other Ornithe (LF mods plus Ornithe required mods, so adds a bit more), similar enough mods in them. The LF modpack does have ones Ornithe doesn't as they don't work in that environment so they aren't oh LF + Ornithe, it's LF ones that do work, so about what most, but a few didn't. So the packs do differ a bit.
The modpacks are compatibility focused in mind rather than theming really. But if your up for a mix of quality of life, UI and more then well go for it. Vanilla+, performance and such type mods I guess. That is what most of the Legacy Fabric/Ornithe mods are after all.
Kind of like how I do my Rift modpacks, compatibility in mind (besides the let's play to actually play with them and show off the content in them). If they crash let me know but otherwise I did as much as 'to the title screen' tests and 'in world without crashing' tests. IF they crash past that then I'll have to look into as I have haven't tested that far.
I've left the test worlds/spawn points as they are (desert temple in one of them which for me would be an instant base/home to remodel to my liking with chests but that's just me if you want it as a loot spot by all means).
Sound settings have been worked out (I think as well as some video settings, I think it was more for Ornithe than Legacy Fabric there, but either way). By doing so when you test enough times the GUI and sounds get annoying and you know how I sometimes tweak settings.
That aside here are the modpacks. Put it on my Google Drive as why not and Archive/Wayback Machine didn't allow my upload so were going my Google Drive instead, it works, why not.
I may or may not offer the Legacy Fabric 1.4.7/Legacy Forge testing modpack as well but I'll have to see with other mods for that.
But otherwise I have done about almost all the testing I want with 1.13.2 Rift mods and a handful of Legacy Fabric 1.13.2 mods (not all). So I may put that in the Rift thread or here (they are Legacy Fabric related after all).
That and ModFest related details on the MWP wiki but that's not LF, CF or Ornithe and so on related so never bothered detailing it (did a prior post I think, either way).
That aside on to the modpack links besides clarity/things to go into I guess since last posted.
I also thought 1.12.2 was a more interesting version and wider range of mods to try out. I'll maybe look into a 1.8.9 one that is modern as done the 1.8.9 old framework one.
But not making any promises (the 1.12.2 was an idea, but I didn't do well on it either....), I'll have to work around testing them and see what works.
Besides if many of you already have used the mods before or not, whichever the case (which makes sense, or used mods that interest you, I have yet to try many of the mods I listed many posts ago, that are 'tagged' as for Legacy Fabric so it may be a while but wanted to get something out for Christmas like i always try to with these forums).
But either way. If not used Ornithe this may make it easier for you to import to MultiMC (both modpacks import via MultiMC, but if you transfer them to the Mojang launcher I assume they should work I haven't tested them but I don't see why they shouldn't work).
While the installers are easy enough to setup, if you just want to import them and I've done the testing to see what works, by all means.
Tanned Legacy Fabric 1.12.2 Compatibility Test Modpack for easy importing
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ckW60GMU2-_6Iwlinr9NN8gOm_ftb8fk/view?usp=sharing (Description of mods in the packs below in spoilers)
Tanned Legacy Fabric + Ornithe 1.12.2 Compatibility Test Modpack for easy importing
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CE2241WEb8Lta_McL-yM1QqaxdizIPKo/view?usp=sharing
More may come later (legacy Fabric, Ornithe, Fabricated Rift/Legacy Forge), will see after enough testing. What types of mods, what more release, will see.
Descriptions for Modpacks: Legacy Fabric pack
Import via MultiMC, PolyMC, Prism, etc.
transfer the mods to Mojang launcher mods folder if want to. But
modpack was designed and intended as a MultiMC, etc. modpack zip file
for importing.
-Custom Skin Loader
-Don't Clear Chat History
-Extra Options
-Fatal Blow
-FPS Plus (D is used but A-C link is available in a Notepad file if want to swap them out)
-Gamma 5
-Half Heart Hardcore (may enable Hardcore mode by default, disable by using .disabled in the file name after the jar if you don't want to use it or settings if the mod has any such as a config file or in-game way to access it)
-I18nUpdateMod (for Asian characters pretty sure, so language based settings)
-Inventory Pause
-Legacy Fabric API (needed for Zume, maybe other mods)
-Legacy MotioNO
-Menu FPS Unlocker
-Next Spring
-No More Bleeding Sleep
-No Recipe Book
-Standard Settings
-Tab Focus
-TNT Drop All
All mods belong to their respective owners, Legacy Fabric team and contributors.
Ornithe Modpack Description:
Import via MultiMC, PolyMC, Prism, etc.
transfer the mods to Mojang launcher mods folder if want to. But
modpack was designed and intended as a MultiMC, etc. modpack zip file
for importing.
Ornithe Mods:
-Item Scroller (Ornithe pack added mod as requires Ornithe, also MaLiLib like the Liteloader/Rift/Fabric versions)
-Litematica (Ornithe pack added mod as requires Ornithe, also MaLiLib like the Liteloader/Rift/Fabric versions)
-MaLiLib (Ornithe pack added mod as requires Ornithe, MaLiLib required for some mods, like the Liteloader/Rift/Fabric versions)
-MiniHUD (Ornithe pack added mod as requires Ornithe, also MaLiLib like the Liteloader/Rift/Fabric versions)
-Ornithe Standard Libarries (Fabric API of Ornithe)
-Mod Menu Ornithe
-WorldEdit Bridge
Legacy Fabric Mods (and those removed) Modlist:
-Custom Skin Loader
-Don't Clear Chat History
-Extra Options (removed as conflict)
-Fatal Blow
-FPS Plus (D is used but A-C link is available in a Notepad file if want to swap them out)
-Gamma 5
-Half Heart Hardcore (may enable Hardcore mode by default, disable by using .disabled in the file name after the jar if you don't want to use it or settings if the mod has any such as a config file or in-game way to access it)
-I18nUpdateMod (for Asian characters pretty sure, so language based settings)
-Item Scroller (Ornithe pack added mod as requires Ornithe, also MaLiLib like the Liteloader/Rift/Fabric versions)
-Inventory Pause
-Legacy Fabric API (removed as conflict and no need as Zume is not in this pack due to conflicts as well)
-Legacy MotioNO
-Litematica (Ornithe pack added mod as requires Ornithe, also MaLiLib like the Liteloader/Rift/Fabric versions)
-MaLiLib (Ornithe pack added mod as requires Ornithe, MaLiLib required for some mods, like the Liteloader/Rift/Fabric versions)
-Menu FPS Unlocker
-MiniHUD (Ornithe pack added mod as requires Ornithe, also MaLiLib like the Liteloader/Rift/Fabric versions)
-Mod Menu Ornithe (mod menu for Ornithe)
-Next Spring
-No More Bleeding Sleep
-No Recipe Book
-Ornithe Standard Libarries (Fabric API of Ornithe)
-Standard Settings
-Tab Focus
-TNT Drop All
-UniLib (conflict I think so removed)
-WorldEdit Bridge (Ornithe pack added mod)
-Zume (conflicts so removed from pack)
All mods belong to their respective owners, Legacy Fabric team and contributors.
End of post
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Happy New Year. Been looking into Ornithe or others for wikis as not much has been posted in the Ornithe Discord for a while (same happened with Cursed Fabric then I found plenty on Modrinth so looking around).
So I've looked on Modrinth again for Legacy Fabric mods as not seen any posted on the Discord and I found some under creation date filter, some have been around for a few months, some have new updates/fixes, some may be new, it varies. I also filtered by 1.8.9, I may 1.7.10 and 1.12.2 but many cover all sorts of versions. Some may for Quilt too and I may need to check.
Anyway onto the mods.
Otherwise I saw an update for Smooth Beta on Glass Repo as well:
Download: https://glass-repo.net/repo/mod/smoothbeta
Changelog: Updated to latest Station API
Version Support: Beta 1.7.3
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/customsavedirs/versions
Wiki: WIP
Direct Quote Brief Description: A client-side mod allows you use custom directories for reading and saving singleplayer worlds.
Version Support: 1.21.x, 1.20.x, 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.15.x, 1.14.x, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.x, 1.7.10, 1.7.2–1.7.8, 1.6.4, 1.6.1–1.6.2, 1.5.x, 1.4.4–1.4.7, 1.4.2, 1.3.x, b1.7.3
Modloader Support: Fabric likely Cursed Fabric Beta 1.7.3 & the rest Legacy Fabric with no Ornithe, NeoForge (1.21.x), Forge (1.7.10, 1.12.2, 1.16.5)
CME Is Bad
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/cme-is-bad/versions
Wiki: WIP
Description: A mod for debugging Concurrent Modification Exceptions and Index Out of Bounds Exceptions.
Version Support: 1.21.x, 1.20.x, 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.15.x, 1.14.x, 1.13.x, 1.12.x, 1.11.x, 1.10.x, 1.9.x, 1.8.x
Modloader Support: Fabric/Legacy Fabric, Forge, NeoForge
Craft Den1al
Download: https://modrinth.com/plugin/craftden1al/versions
Wiki: WIP
Description: A plugin run on server-side, which allows you to refuse some crafting operations from client-side.
Version Support: 1.12.x, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9.2, 1.9, 1.8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.4, 1.6.1–1.6.2, 1.5.x, 1.4.4–1.4.7, 1.4.2
Modloader Support: Fabric (most build, the others seem to be just the first build at the moment of posting), Bukkit, Paper, Purpur, Spigot
Ling Ting Minecraft Security
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/lingtingminecraftsecurity
Wiki: WIP
Description: Minecraft security manager. Feature: - network request target controll
Version Support:
1.20–1.20.4, 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.15.x, 1.14.x, 1.13.2, 1.12.x, 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2, 1.10, 1.9.4, 1.9, 1.8.8–1.8.9, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.1–1.6.2Modloader Support: Fabric/Legacy Fabric, Forge, Quilt
wood plus (as got updates even though listed it before)
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/wood-plus/versions
Wiki: WIP
Description: a mod that adds new bookshelfs and crafting table versions and ladder and sticks and fletching tables and cartography and composters and framed glass and tinted glass and lecterns andfor every wood type made from the same type of wood and more
Version Support:
1.21.x, 1.20.x, 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.15.x, 1.14.x, 1.13.x, 1.12.x, 1.11.x, 1.10.x, 1.9.x, 1.8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.4, 1.6.1–1.6.2, 1.5.x, 1.4.4–1.4.7, 1.4.2, 1.3.x, 1.2.x, 1.1, 1.0Modloader Support: Fabric, Legacy Fabric
Removed Unlerps as mentioned in already
Removed Scala 3D STD as listed it already.
Force Port
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/forceport/versions
Wiki: WIP
Description: A mod that forces the port to always be the same when using the "Open To LAN" feature!
Version Support: 1.21.x, 1.20.x, 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.15.x, 1.14.x, 1.13.x, 1.12.x, 1.11.x, 1.10.x, 1.9.x, 1.8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.4, 1.6.1–1.6.2, 1.5.x, 1.4.4–1.4.7, 1.4.2, 1.3.x, 1.2.x, 1.1, 1.0
Modloader Support: Fabric, Legacy Fabric, Quilt (1.14-1.21 in 1 build)
Legacy Better Ping Display
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/legacy-better-ping-display (https://modrinth.com/mod/better-ping-display-fabric based on this which is for 1.15.2 to 1.21.x)
Wiki: WIP
Description: A port of the Better Ping Display mod to Legacy Fabric 1.8.9.
Version Support: 1.8.9
Modloader Support: Legacy Fabric
Will get to the Ornithe ones soon, want to make wikis forthem but think listed many already, Thorough Keybinds, Ornithe Animations and such listed prior. A few haven't I think.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Legacy Fabric/Ornithe Modrinth mods to post
1.Integrated Cleanup
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/integrated-cleanup
Wiki: WIP
Description: Multiplayer fixes for parity with singleplayer (animations, storm, commands, mob movements, hearts flashing, server joining not having the falling into void look before spawning in, default view and more)
Version Support: 1.3.2, 1.4.7, 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.10
Modloader Support: Ornithe
2.LetMeSpeak/Let Me Speak
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/letmespeak
Wiki: WIP
Description: Prevents you losing your chat message from game events closing it. (Works across worlds and if wanted to murder mystery role play/adventure map wise I assume or for spectator state as chat doesn't save (if remembering how spectator works), so a really cool idea I think here).
Modloader Support: Forge, Fabric, Legacy Fabric
Version Support: Fabric: 1.7.10 1.8.9, 1.12.2, 1.16.x, 1.21.x, Forge: 1.8.9, 1.12.2, 1.16.1-1.16.5, 1.21.x
3.Vanilama's DeathCounter
Download: https://modrinth.com/datapack/vanilamas-deathcounter
Wiki: WIP
Description: A Lightweight Death Counter Datapack
Modloader Support: Datapack, Forge, NeoForge, Fabric, Quilt
Version Support: 1.21.x, 1.20.x, 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.15.x, 1.14.x, 1.13.x, 1.12.x, 1.11.x, 1.10.2
Download Link: https://modrinth.com/mod/rtranslator-lite
Wiki: WIP
Description: A simple and lightweight mod that provides a Traditional Chinese translation and auto update translation patch feature for Minecraft mods.
Modloader Support: Fabric (assume Legacy Fabric for 1.12.2 or more so Liteloader/Forge), Forge, Liteloader, Quilt, NeoForge
Version Support: 1.21.x, 1.20.x, 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.12.2
5.Roundabout the Jojo Mod (Jojo the anime type mod)
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/roundabout_the_jojo_mod
Wiki: WIP
Description: A Jojo's Bizarre Adventure mod that interprets the world and power system of the anime into the world of Minecraft.
Modloader Support: Fabric, Forge
Version Support: 1.12.2 Fabric (1 builds so far), 1.20.1
6.Horse Armor Craft
Download: https://modrinth.com/datapack/horse-armor-craft
Wiki: WIP
Description: Adds recipes for crafting golden, iron, and diamond horse armors, as well as saddles.
Modloader Support: Datapack, Forge, Fabric, Quilt, NeoForge
Version Support: 1.21.x, 1.20.x, 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.15.x, 1.14.x, 1.13.x, 1.12.x
7.Search World Enhance
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/searchworldenhance
Wiki: WIP
Description: Add a “Search World” box for MC pre-1.13 || Enhance the searching behaviour
Modloader Support: Legacy Fabric
Version Support: 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.x, 1.7.10
8.Legacy Can Edit Sign
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/legacycaneditsign
Wiki: WIP
Description: Edit a sign again, But Legacy Fabeic!
Modloader Support: Legacy Fabric
Version Support: 1.8.9
9.Mipmaplevel and Language Fix
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/mipmaplevelandlanguagefix
Wiki: WIP
Description: Makes changing Mipmaplevels and Language faster, by instead of doing a full reload, only reloading the respective part of the game.
Modloader Support: Fabric, Legacy Fabric
Version Support: 1.19, 1.18.x, 1.17.x, 1.16.x, 1.15.x, 1.14.x, 1.13.2, 1.12.x, 1.11.x, 1.10.x, 1.9.x, 1.8.9, 1.8, 1.7.10
End of post
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Legacy Fabric/Cursed Fabric Mods Not Posted Yet Post.
1.Block Helper
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/block-helper/versions
Wiki: WIP
Description: Basically Waila for b.1.7.3 - 1.5.2
Modloader Support: Legacy Fabric, Cursed Fabric/Babric, Forge, Risugami's Modloader
Version Support:
Legacy Fabric & Cursed Fabric/Babric: Beta 1.7.3, 1.3.x
Forge: Beta 1.7.2-1.7.3, Beta 1.8.1, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.3-1.2.5, 1.3.x, 1.4-1.4.7, 1.5.x
Risugami's Modloader: Beta 1.2_02, Beta 1.3_01, Beta 1.4_01, Beta 1.5-1.5_01, Beta 1.6.5-1.6.6, Beta 1.7.2-1.7.3, Beta 1.8.1
Notice for Legacy Fabric/Cursed Fabric/Babric:
You will need to have Fabricated Forge for 1.3.2+ support (aka a mod used for 1.3.2 to 1.4.7 Forge mods support in Legacy Fabric instances).
That and Apron for Babric for Beta 1.7.3. Or Beta Loader also works for Beta 1.7.3
Modloader/Forge will works fine without need for additional mods/compatibility related things.
Notice for Forge/Risugami's Modloader mod support: There is a table breaking down support and for mods that work with Block Helper (Advanced Machines, Applied Energistics, BuildCraft, Chicken Chunks, Factorization, Falling Meteors, Flora & Soma/Natura, Forestry, GregTech, IC2, Immibis' Microblocks, InfiCraft aka old Tinkers Construct, Pam's Mods, RailCraft, Red Power, Thermal Expansion)
Mentions of Font Fixer and Class Loader as well.
https://modrinth.com/mod/class-loader-fixer Class Loader Fixer (not Fabric related but for those that want to use it)
Version Support: 1.4.4–1.4.5, 1.4.2, 1.3.x support and for Forge/Risugami's Modloader
2.Font Fixer
Download: https://modrinth.com/mod/font-fixer/versions
Wiki: WIP
Description: Fixes the Font Renderer in legacy Minecraft
Modloader Support: Legacy Fabric, Cursed Fabric/Babric, Forge, Risugami's Modloader
Version Support:
Legacy Fabric, Cursed Fabric/Babric: Beta 1.7.3, 1.3.2
Forge: Beta 1.2-1.2_02, Beta 1.3-1.3_01, Beta 1.4-1.4_01, Beta 1.5-1.5_01, Beta 1.6-1.6.6, Beta 1.7.3, Beta 1.8.1, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.3-1.2.5, 1.3.2
Risugami's Modloader: Beta 1.2-1.2_02, Beta 1.3-1.3_01, Beta 1.4-1.4_01, Beta 1.5-1.5_01, Beta 1.6-1.6.6, Beta 1.7.3, Beta 1.8.1, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2.3-1.2.5, 1.3.2
Notice: Forge/Modloader works with the META-INF method.
Fabric installs like usual, just put it in the mods folder.
Optifine versions can have minor issues when Font Fixer is installed.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Unsure if posted but for those interested I have put it on the first post and will post it here as well/update to forum type post.
I think this is for 1.5.2 if I remember correctly when testing the instance. MultiMC or PolyMC/prism MC type launcher needed
GitHub Page For Project:
Releases · BTW-Community/cursed-fabric-loader
Cursed Fabric Loader BTW Project Page Link: https://github.com/BTW-Community/cursed-fabric-loader/releases
Not Cursed Fabric related but other BTW Community related Projects Page:
Can't remember when I found this, can't remember if our in other spoilers on first post or just bookmarked. But as it's Cursed Fabric loader related felt necessary to post for anyone interested in BTW/Better Than Wolves related stuff out there.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Cursed Fabric/Babric mod update:
Ears for Babric Beta 1.7.3
Download: https://glass-repo.net/repo/mod/ears/versions/1.4.7
Wiki: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Ears
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"