Hmm. Well like I said I tried them all separate, together and so on. I got MiLiLib and used them one at a time and it works for me (MiniHUD and Durability Viewer first then went about the others).
Any screenshots you could share/post of what mods are active in your mods folder and so on responses the Launcher gives so I can see. And yes I was using the Vanilla Launcher for my testing of 1.13.2 Rift environment.
Can you tell me what versions of the mods you have like for example I have these versions of the mods you stated:
-Rift-ModList-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar (I'm using SNAPSHOT2, but it doesn't state in the file name, so I just edited that myself and it made no difference to the file working)
If I can't work it out its best to ask the creators and report it if possible, even though they might not be able to say much, but I'm just thinking its the mod versions, but if its more than that it is best to ask the creators of either mods what's up (MiniHUD/MiLiLib, or Durability Viewer).
Otherwise just try removing a mod you don't need out of MiniHUD or Durability Viewer if possible, its the only other thing I can think of to even things out.
-Advanced Magic 1.0 Alpha is not Rift compatible, it works for 1.12.2 Forge but not in 1.13 versions, it gets ignored, either its like TAF mod was (doesn't even exist anymore now but I remember it and have the files for it still when it did exist). Which works for 1.12.2 but has 'tags of 1.13' for some bizarre reason or it like TAF more so is a test mod of sorts and doesn't do much.
Advanced Magic just has ingots, a wand core, armour that isn't really finished texture wise, and a wand. All these items do nothing really, just seem like implemented items nothing more.
I don't know what the case is but if you come across it or the other mods like Custom Skin Loader (which does its own thing but is useable among many versions I think). Just don't bother with them if your into using it alongside Rift. Use them as their own thing or ignore them.
This is an odd one? I probably don't need to post this but I found it strange so I'll put it as evidence (I mentioned TAF and its not relevant anymore but it still counts in a way of things related to 1.13 in a way so I thought I'd post this just encase some does come up or was supposed to and I missed it) of either awkward tagging of versions or what was supposed to be? Or it was there, then removed? I have no clue, what do you think?
EDIT: It is tagged because they have a 1.13 Forge version ready, so that mystery is confirmed compared to others that do their own thing.
If anyone wanted a Rift 1.13/1.13.2 Recipe Viewer/Cheat Mod like AEI but forked right about now, you have that here. I've been waiting for a mod like this for 1.13.2 at least, so I'm glad to see one is here now.
Has experimental (Brewing) recipes now, 2 recipes can fit on a page, # tooltip filtering, - excluding filtering and | (same key as the backslash) multiple searching.
-Roughly Enough Items V1.0a/b-1 for 1.13/1.13.2 Rift Mod Overview
Its not 'that' different from AEI (Almost Enough Items) and a few JEI aspects, but mostly AEI first and foremost, as well as adding and continuing features like the brewing recipes that were supposed to be in AEI but I couldn't find them at least, but for acknowledgement sake and the need of a recipe viewer/cheat mod for 1.13.2 at least or just a mod that could be improved/suggested ideas more than AEI and what is similar/different at least to me, here is a video on REI.
I did forget to cover the 'hide' function with 'O' but oh well. And I couldn't find 'configurable' keys either so R, U & O are the defaults and your stuck with them for now unless you suggest for that to happen at this point.
I do have a video planned to cover these and if I can still tell if they appear or don't for me, but I did with Fabric so I'll test the Rift versions to see if it differs for me there.
For anyone that wanted latest 1.13 'and' 1.13.2 Rift version (version 106 is a 1.13.2 Rift version, from what I know at least version 86 and below are 1.13 versions of Rift, I haven't tried 87 to 106 yet but I'd assume the are 1.13.2, test yourself if you want but I'll see and respond back), try here. Not the Curseforge page as its versions are outdated, and mods like PGEG (Pretty Game Enhancing Goblet) use versions higher than -66 on Curseforge. So if you use that mods or want fixes of datapack incompatibility that -66 can have like I did with Beaconwarp and Rift -66, then use the release of Rift for 1.13 here:
Just thought I'd mention it due to 106 being released 4 days ago as of typing this not only to state it's being updated/post versions but also for the purpose of newer versions being useful if datapack incompatibility or other reasons is a reason you'd need later Rift version.
Edit: After brief testing, versions 86 and below (which I've used from 66 to 86 before for various testing or mod requirement reasons like PGEG) are 1.13 focused. But, since my testing was for 87 to 106. It seems that 87 and 105 versions are 1.13 Rift, but 106 is a 1.13.2 version. Now I don't know if the 1.13.2 version is better or worse than the 1.13.2 Rift SNAPSHOT version I showed off in tutorial videos as its the only 1.13.2 method I knew at the time. Compare and find out but I think it might be, but that's just an assumption/speculation really.
Not Rift related, doesn't work for Forge 1.12.2 either, but does 1.7.10 of all versions? Think of it like Lean, TAF, Custom Skin Loader, mods that were available for 1.13 but never had any Rift relevance. I have them in the 'all mods' in red instead of green (green being all Rift compatible mods).
Curse? While a 1.14 Fabric category is nice, can we have a Rift or Liteloader one please?
Especially once Forge 1.13/Liteloader mods on the site (besides Liteloader's own hosting of mods I know, just some are on Curse also, quite a small few really), knowing you can find mods for 3 different modloaders isn't great, especially even if Rift's relevance could disappear, people that might want Rift mods can go about finding them. Fabric is more niche than Rift anyways and Rift covers 2 'release' versions. Liteloader's been covering many.
I even made a Tesla Forum Thread since if Tesla has no relevance for 1.13 (prediction) and ends at 1.12.2's last Tesla update due to maybe no need to update it anymore, or support for Tesla is just not necessary to some developers. Those players that might go for it still can look for them if they care, but it's still easily accessible and 'doesn't really need a forum thread to be made instead to find things if unsure where to look or safe mod sites'. (RF, FE, MJ, EU, do their own thing, have their own addons, and otherwise categories towards the mods that started/support them and their big enough to be counted so it makes sense).
But I know that players that want older Minecraft versions will go about things on the forum or elsewhere and aren't too big a focus to deal with, but for 3 modloaders to deal with of mod accessibility, it would be helpful to filter between them I feel even if Forge makes up 90% of mod access these days. Rift and Fabric mod don't use another source like Liteloader for hosting I think?
But for modloaders it's different, so can we have other modloader categories for Rift & Liteloader that are available on the site.
That's the basic idea. It's a consideration though, nothing more. If it doesn't happen I won't be disappointed. Was just curious if we could have one please.
-InventorySorter (I have no clue what to say about this, 1.12.2 and prior, easy, I know exactly how it works, 1.13 commands? Tried in world, nothing. Put in mods folder, not acknowledged by Rift so I assume 1.13 Forge? Which isn't publicly available yet? Hence why it's got 1.13 commands? I have no clue how you run it. Do I put it elsewhere in .minecraft, or datapacks folder? Anyone got any ideas?)
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i think MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod got a Rift port, you may want to add it to the mod list (sorry if its already on there, i didn't see it). It's on his site, just look up "mrcrayfish's furniture mod 1.13 rift" and his site/mod should come up.
I took a peek at the linked GitHub source for Inventory Sorter (quoting part of your post about it seems to have gone wrong, so I removed the broken quote), and it seems to be for a pre-release version of 1.13 Forge (which might be usable in a development environment if compiled from its GitHub source)
I took a peek at the linked GitHub source for Inventory Sorter (quoting part of your post about it seems to have gone wrong, so I removed the broken quote), and it seems to be for a pre-release version of 1.13 Forge (which might be usable in a development environment if compiled from its GitHub source)
There is a Forge 1.13 pre release on Github, so the dev of Inventory Sorter may have compiled it and made the mod.
Interesting, I'll take a look but I've heard rumours only for it to be false or clickbait (that was in the past before now). But if this is real and it's on his site I'm more likely to believe that at least compared to other sources usually) Either way though, thanks for letting me know. I'll see what happens.
Also unlike with the Fabric Discussion Section, I don't have access to the Rift discord, whilst with Fabric I do have access to the Fabric Discord so if mods end up not on Curseforge I know whats going on in the 'mod announcements' section of the Fabric Discord if I miss anything or can alert early if I feel like it or need to direct to another source for whatever reason.
Edit: Just checked their website and it indeed exists, thanks for letting me know I never go too far with mods on Github or Mod Devs website to just be sure, but I should more often. And so...
Fair enough, just had no clue how far in development Forge 1.13 was before since I was mostly waiting for it to appear on Forge's website or be more public first before I'd state or talk about it, but I'm opening to finding out more at least, I'll take a look though since I'm intrigued even if can't get it running or it's more a MDK more than anything ready (my speculation, ignore me) I'll still curious what stage its at, but due to my lack of researching at times for Forge 1.13 some mods haven't made sense but state 1.13 so I wanted to at least be transparent I knew very little about such things :). Some like Bad Mobs I've found out are 1.13 Forge ready so confirming with the developer but wasn't able to get in touch with CPW about it and I'm aware Forge 1.13 is getting closer, but if it's at Pre-release stage that's good news to hear since I wasn't sure if it was that close or not until now.
Also since it states 1.13 commands on the mod page/curseforge for Inventory Sorter it made me curious if it had switched it's way of going about things for the 1.13 version or it was a feature in the 1.13 Forge version of the mod. I could only come to bizarre conclusions at the time (even though I could have assumed/researched 1.13 Forge relevance at least instead of thinking blindly XD)
Either way, the dates on the Github page do make it clear and the amount of releases (while still relevant to a dev environment right now when you download them and finding out what's inside) is enough of a sign to me that it's coming along well more and more but just a few more weeks and we should be good, or devs/users that have the tools can take a look but players will have to wait a little bit longer. Speculation of course though.
-T&A's Dinocraft (tagged 1.13 snapshot, works for 1.12.2 technically only, why tag it for 1.13 at all even if 1.13 snapshot?) Not like it matters anyways, I made a video recently (not uploaded yet as of typing this though) on 1.13 Rift snapshot mods and if they work or not, the results were lets say, not great. 1.13 & 1.13.2 for Rift are much better. 1.12.2 is the best for any that say they work for 1.13 Snapshots as I can't get them working or the game crashes/doesn't recognise them if the game works even in the correct version of 1.13 Pre Release 5 (1.13 Pre5 I'm mostly referring to for Rift 1.0.0 Snapshot and mods for the 1.13 snapshots, more so than others that say they are for 1.13 but they are only for 1.12.2 as they don't use Rift at all or any other method like CustomSkinLoader does to work for 1.13).
Sick of these 1.13 tags, I don't have to point them out, but just encase I do so if people are curious if they work or not which they most likely don't until 1.13 Forge actually comes out any actually probably support 1.13. But for now they don't but are labelled/tagged as 'possible' or they don't bother to remove the tag for whatever reason.
@MeGusta9910: If you mean mods like 'Inventory Tweaks' or 'Inventory Sorter' no. Not that I know of unfortunately. While not that close, the closest I could state is Mouse Tweaks and that's really not a close enough comparison to something like Inventory Tweaks I know. If you need mean 'inventory sort' in a different way though like a sorting system, a datapack called Magic Sorting System is the closest I can recommend trying out for 1.13 focused things of it's kind that I know of. Otherwise just mods like 'Stockpile' for barrels is another option somewhat. I can only give a few answers based on a few 'stretches' of the word inventory sort in a way to compare sadly, otherwise not completely no.
1.13 Pre5/Snapshot Mods And If They Serve Much Purpose Today Or Did Back Then?
Newer Versions Of My Past Tutorials:
Vanilla 1.13.2 New Tutorial (purpose of this one was to state the new 1.13.2 version on the GitHub page, the one I'm talking about is version 106), as well as letting people know about the Rift Mod List mod for telling what's loaded or not in their Rift environment since Rift doesn't do it by default compared to Forge.
Newer Twitch Tutorial due to the last one being a test/mess besides just a tutorial (here is a proper one):
Updated issue with Rift mods post.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Hmmm...That's weird.
I tried all other 4 mods without Rift Mod List, it works fine. Then I tried to add Malilib only with Rift Mod List and the game crashed again.
Maybe I missed something again?
Hmm. Well like I said I tried them all separate, together and so on. I got MiLiLib and used them one at a time and it works for me (MiniHUD and Durability Viewer first then went about the others).
Any screenshots you could share/post of what mods are active in your mods folder and so on responses the Launcher gives so I can see. And yes I was using the Vanilla Launcher for my testing of 1.13.2 Rift environment.
Can you tell me what versions of the mods you have like for example I have these versions of the mods you stated:
-Durability Viewer 1.13-rift1.0.4.77-1.4.jar
-Rift-ModList-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar (I'm using SNAPSHOT2, but it doesn't state in the file name, so I just edited that myself and it made no difference to the file working)
If I can't work it out its best to ask the creators and report it if possible, even though they might not be able to say much, but I'm just thinking its the mod versions, but if its more than that it is best to ask the creators of either mods what's up (MiniHUD/MiLiLib, or Durability Viewer).
Otherwise just try removing a mod you don't need out of MiniHUD or Durability Viewer if possible, its the only other thing I can think of to even things out.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to modlists under 'incompatible'.
-Advanced Magic 1.0 Alpha is not Rift compatible, it works for 1.12.2 Forge but not in 1.13 versions, it gets ignored, either its like TAF mod was (doesn't even exist anymore now but I remember it and have the files for it still when it did exist). Which works for 1.12.2 but has 'tags of 1.13' for some bizarre reason or it like TAF more so is a test mod of sorts and doesn't do much.
Advanced Magic just has ingots, a wand core, armour that isn't really finished texture wise, and a wand. All these items do nothing really, just seem like implemented items nothing more.
I don't know what the case is but if you come across it or the other mods like Custom Skin Loader (which does its own thing but is useable among many versions I think). Just don't bother with them if your into using it alongside Rift. Use them as their own thing or ignore them.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
This is an odd one? I probably don't need to post this but I found it strange so I'll put it as evidence (I mentioned TAF and its not relevant anymore but it still counts in a way of things related to 1.13 in a way so I thought I'd post this just encase some does come up or was supposed to and I missed it) of either awkward tagging of versions or what was supposed to be? Or it was there, then removed? I have no clue, what do you think?
EDIT: It is tagged because they have a 1.13 Forge version ready, so that mystery is confirmed compared to others that do their own thing.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to modlists:
-Roughly Enough Items
If anyone wanted a Rift 1.13/1.13.2 Recipe Viewer/Cheat Mod like AEI but forked right about now, you have that here.
I've been waiting for a mod like this for 1.13.2 at least, so I'm glad to see one is here now.
Has experimental (Brewing) recipes now, 2 recipes can fit on a page, # tooltip filtering, - excluding filtering and | (same key as the backslash) multiple searching.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to mod spotlights spoiler section:
-Roughly Enough Items V1.0a/b-1 for 1.13/1.13.2 Rift Mod Overview
Its not 'that' different from AEI (Almost Enough Items) and a few JEI aspects, but mostly AEI first and foremost, as well as adding and continuing features like the brewing recipes that were supposed to be in AEI but I couldn't find them at least, but for acknowledgement sake and the need of a recipe viewer/cheat mod for 1.13.2 at least or just a mod that could be improved/suggested ideas more than AEI and what is similar/different at least to me, here is a video on REI.
I did forget to cover the 'hide' function with 'O' but oh well. And I couldn't find 'configurable' keys either so R, U & O are the defaults and your stuck with them for now unless you suggest for that to happen at this point.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Roughly Enough Items Changelog:
I do have a video planned to cover these and if I can still tell if they appear or don't for me, but I did with Fabric so I'll test the Rift versions to see if it differs for me there.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Hello everyone, 2 new 1.13.2 Rift compatible recognisable mods here if your interested.
Added to modlists:
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
For anyone that wanted latest 1.13 'and' 1.13.2 Rift version (version 106 is a 1.13.2 Rift version, from what I know at least version 86 and below are 1.13 versions of Rift, I haven't tried 87 to 106 yet but I'd assume the are 1.13.2, test yourself if you want but I'll see and respond back), try here. Not the Curseforge page as its versions are outdated, and mods like PGEG (Pretty Game Enhancing Goblet) use versions higher than -66 on Curseforge. So if you use that mods or want fixes of datapack incompatibility that -66 can have like I did with Beaconwarp and Rift -66, then use the release of Rift for 1.13 here:
Just thought I'd mention it due to 106 being released 4 days ago as of typing this not only to state it's being updated/post versions but also for the purpose of newer versions being useful if datapack incompatibility or other reasons is a reason you'd need later Rift version.
Edit: After brief testing, versions 86 and below (which I've used from 66 to 86 before for various testing or mod requirement reasons like PGEG) are 1.13 focused. But, since my testing was for 87 to 106. It seems that 87 and 105 versions are 1.13 Rift, but 106 is a 1.13.2 version. Now I don't know if the 1.13.2 version is better or worse than the 1.13.2 Rift SNAPSHOT version I showed off in tutorial videos as its the only 1.13.2 method I knew at the time. Compare and find out but I think it might be, but that's just an assumption/speculation really.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to modlists/incompatible mod:
Not Rift related, doesn't work for Forge 1.12.2 either, but does 1.7.10 of all versions? Think of it like Lean, TAF, Custom Skin Loader, mods that were available for 1.13 but never had any Rift relevance. I have them in the 'all mods' in red instead of green (green being all Rift compatible mods).
Non Update:
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Category idea:
Curse? While a 1.14 Fabric category is nice, can we have a Rift or Liteloader one please?
Especially once Forge 1.13/Liteloader mods on the site (besides Liteloader's own hosting of mods I know, just some are on Curse also, quite a small few really), knowing you can find mods for 3 different modloaders isn't great, especially even if Rift's relevance could disappear, people that might want Rift mods can go about finding them. Fabric is more niche than Rift anyways and Rift covers 2 'release' versions. Liteloader's been covering many.
I even made a Tesla Forum Thread since if Tesla has no relevance for 1.13 (prediction) and ends at 1.12.2's last Tesla update due to maybe no need to update it anymore, or support for Tesla is just not necessary to some developers. Those players that might go for it still can look for them if they care, but it's still easily accessible and 'doesn't really need a forum thread to be made instead to find things if unsure where to look or safe mod sites'. (RF, FE, MJ, EU, do their own thing, have their own addons, and otherwise categories towards the mods that started/support them and their big enough to be counted so it makes sense).
But I know that players that want older Minecraft versions will go about things on the forum or elsewhere and aren't too big a focus to deal with, but for 3 modloaders to deal with of mod accessibility, it would be helpful to filter between them I feel even if Forge makes up 90% of mod access these days. Rift and Fabric mod don't use another source like Liteloader for hosting I think?
But for modloaders it's different, so can we have other modloader categories for Rift & Liteloader that are available on the site.
That's the basic idea. It's a consideration though, nothing more. If it doesn't happen I won't be disappointed. Was just curious if we could have one please.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Back to modlist updates:
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
i think MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod got a Rift port, you may want to add it to the mod list (sorry if its already on there, i didn't see it). It's on his site, just look up "mrcrayfish's furniture mod 1.13 rift" and his site/mod should come up.
I took a peek at the linked GitHub source for Inventory Sorter (quoting part of your post about it seems to have gone wrong, so I removed the broken quote), and it seems to be for a pre-release version of 1.13 Forge (which might be usable in a development environment if compiled from its GitHub source)
There is a Forge 1.13 pre release on Github, so the dev of Inventory Sorter may have compiled it and made the mod.
@SillyMan0108 response 1:
Interesting, I'll take a look but I've heard rumours only for it to be false or clickbait (that was in the past before now). But if this is real and it's on his site I'm more likely to believe that at least compared to other sources usually) Either way though, thanks for letting me know.
I'll see what happens.
Also unlike with the Fabric Discussion Section, I don't have access to the Rift discord, whilst with Fabric I do have access to the Fabric Discord so if mods end up not on Curseforge I know whats going on in the 'mod announcements' section of the Fabric Discord if I miss anything or can alert early if I feel like it or need to direct to another source for whatever reason.
Edit: Just checked their website and it indeed exists, thanks for letting me know
I never go too far with mods on Github or Mod Devs website to just be sure, but I should more often. And so...
Added to 1.13 recognisable modlists:
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Rift Edition
@MauveCloud0 response:
Fair enough, just had no clue how far in development Forge 1.13 was before since I was mostly waiting for it to appear on Forge's website or be more public first before I'd state or talk about it, but I'm opening to finding out more at least, I'll take a look though since I'm intrigued even if can't get it running or it's more a MDK more than anything ready (my speculation, ignore me) I'll still curious what stage its at, but due to my lack of researching at times for Forge 1.13 some mods haven't made sense but state 1.13 so I wanted to at least be transparent I knew very little about such things :). Some like Bad Mobs I've found out are 1.13 Forge ready so confirming with the developer but wasn't able to get in touch with CPW about it and I'm aware Forge 1.13 is getting closer, but if it's at Pre-release stage that's good news to hear since I wasn't sure if it was that close or not until now.
Also since it states 1.13 commands on the mod page/curseforge for Inventory Sorter it made me curious if it had switched it's way of going about things for the 1.13 version or it was a feature in the 1.13 Forge version of the mod. I could only come to bizarre conclusions at the time (even though I could have assumed/researched 1.13 Forge relevance at least instead of thinking blindly XD)
Either way, the dates on the Github page do make it clear and the amount of releases (while still relevant to a dev environment right now when you download them and finding out what's inside) is enough of a sign to me that it's coming along well more and more but just a few more weeks and we should be good, or devs/users that have the tools can take a look but players will have to wait a little bit longer. Speculation of course though.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to not compatible modlist:
-T&A's Dinocraft (tagged 1.13 snapshot, works for 1.12.2 technically only, why tag it for 1.13 at all even if 1.13 snapshot?) Not like it matters anyways, I made a video recently (not uploaded yet as of typing this though) on 1.13 Rift snapshot mods and if they work or not, the results were lets say, not great. 1.13 & 1.13.2 for Rift are much better. 1.12.2 is the best for any that say they work for 1.13 Snapshots as I can't get them working or the game crashes/doesn't recognise them if the game works even in the correct version of 1.13 Pre Release 5 (1.13 Pre5 I'm mostly referring to for Rift 1.0.0 Snapshot and mods for the 1.13 snapshots, more so than others that say they are for 1.13 but they are only for 1.12.2 as they don't use Rift at all or any other method like CustomSkinLoader does to work for 1.13).
Sick of these 1.13 tags, I don't have to point them out, but just encase I do so if people are curious if they work or not which they most likely don't until 1.13 Forge actually comes out any actually probably support 1.13. But for now they don't but are labelled/tagged as 'possible' or they don't bother to remove the tag for whatever reason.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
So are there no Rift mods that can sort inventory right now?
@MeGusta9910: If you mean mods like 'Inventory Tweaks' or 'Inventory Sorter' no. Not that I know of unfortunately. While not that close, the closest I could state is Mouse Tweaks and that's really not a close enough comparison to something like Inventory Tweaks I know. If you need mean 'inventory sort' in a different way though like a sorting system, a datapack called Magic Sorting System is the closest I can recommend trying out for 1.13 focused things of it's kind that I know of. Otherwise just mods like 'Stockpile' for barrels is another option somewhat. I can only give a few answers based on a few 'stretches' of the word inventory sort in a way to compare sadly, otherwise not completely no.
Magic Sorting System Datapack Link:
Stockpile Mod Link:
Videos added to mod spotlights section:
Mr Crayfish's Furniture Mod Rift Edition:
1.13 Pre5/Snapshot Mods And If They Serve Much Purpose Today Or Did Back Then?
Newer Versions Of My Past Tutorials:
Vanilla 1.13.2 New Tutorial (purpose of this one was to state the new 1.13.2 version on the GitHub page, the one I'm talking about is version 106), as well as letting people know about the Rift Mod List mod for telling what's loaded or not in their Rift environment since Rift doesn't do it by default compared to Forge.
Newer Twitch Tutorial due to the last one being a test/mess besides just a tutorial (here is a proper one):
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""