Thanks for the VoxelMap availability with Rift for 1.13 & 1.13.2
Its a pleasure to help out, I myself was unsure how the Rift environment worked even after using Forge for a long time and not getting around to Liteloader until recently using Rift, but after a while I thought people would appreciate a centralised thread to help out with installs or know what's out there with mods supporting it since it isn't well know 'however you can put that with how many people have installed Rift at this point on Curseforge or looked this thread as obvious indications of how much its been acknowledged at this point' but either way the information is very necessary I felt.
I also did one for Tesla recently since the whole time I used the Tesla's Power API between 1.10 and 1.12.2 it wasn't clear what was available besides the certain mods for it stating so (so I've sort of been here before for Rift with Tesla basically is what I mean so I thought as change should happen to inform people about it that do want to have a go at it or support it to find out what they want for it) and I just recently made a thread for that after doing the Rift one knowing some people might need it even if Tesla's relevance is dead at this point, some might appreciate it still and I know I do since I use it from time to time (the Tesla Power API and mods is what I mostly meant for that), so after noticing Tesla's potential between 1.10 and 1.12 and not having any easy way to tell what's going on with it since its only used by a small-ish group of people for its time/now and my interest in Rift by happenstance on Curseforge since I check a lot, coming up and learning how it works, I thought I'd clear things up and help people out as well as myself at times.
I wanted to help out anyway I could and due to how I know it is a bit tough to get your head around it at first but not so bad afterwards like it was for those that try out Forge or Liteloader for the first time. I thought this centralisation of a thread would benefit compared to what is and isn't a 1.13 mod truthfully and what is Rift supported, or where is 1.13 Forge questions popping up often. Something had to be clarified and I'm glad to be a part of that. I have since seeing YouTube videos been interested in informing people in a helpful way.
While I can take credit for this thread's creation of course, I can't take credit for the Youtubers also making videos on Rift so I'd like to point them out as well, for those that I've seen as well as shouted out as well on this thread. As well as all the mod creators making mods for Rift that technically didn't have to port or make mods for Rift but chose to, the possibilities Rift has are great and along side Datapacks the content possibilities are wonderful. And the Rift 1.13.2 team continue Rift compared to Rift for 1.13's still somewhat existence with version 87 on Nov 6 on github: but 66 on Curseforge still which makes people unsure if Rift for 1.13 is still around and it is, but with the 1.13.2 Rift maybe not much longer but who knows. Either way I'd like to thank anyone related to Rift, while I might be giving the information for players, I can't not be appreciative of the opportunities of Rift's exist to players to enjoy, and as a player besides this thread maintainer, well, you get the idea.
Anyways, back to updating the thread I guess XD and maybe Fabric getting its own thread/relevant enough information in a week or so since I assume that environment might also need something similar to Rift levels of detailing for information centralised threads like I have and Tesla mods. Not just to jumping on the next train for attention though, no I'm doing it for helping out like I intended to for Rift and will still update this Rift thread until its time is up, but for the few mods that do I'll still support it. I still use Tesla and its dead but I appreciate them. I did for Tesla make a thread recently and clearly its out of fashion, but I feel it needed a centralised thread and I just also appreciate niche things so I never will do this for attention/relevance/trending at all. I probably don't need to say any of that but I want to make it clear of my intentions just encase to show that I do this truthfully and for the informing part and for no other gain to jump bandwagons, its just not me.
Either way though besides all this typing, which sorry if its so long but thought I'd be clear about things, I can't help it sometimes, thanks for the kind words, it means a lot, it really does.
Quick announcement everyone, now that Fabric for 1.14 snapshots has come out, I will also make a centralised information thread for that (already done that) and update it more so in a week once enough is know about it/supports it. If anyone does know something about it since I don't truthfully right now know anything about it and even with brief testing, I feel like it might be more for mod creators more than players at this point, please come by and give out what you know about Fabric since I'm no expert sometimes and do accept information from anyone to be on these threads even if I'm not informed, it is a centralised information thread after all for anyone to add to.
I won't abandon this thread, but am opening my options to informing people about what they can know about any small group potential environments like (not Liteloader as many know and understand it by now I assume and I don't understand it that well myself) with Tesla, Rift and now Fabric.
I won't try to make it change the rate at which information for Rift will come out by any means, just announcing that Fabric exists and I started a thread for it if people want to state what they know about Fabric to go there if they want.
The Fabric Curseforge Mod Link for you to try out for yourselves as I know nothing about how it works and am not a afraid to say that since it just came out a few hours ago:
Added the following to the 1.13.2 mod list since they are now 1.13.2 supported:
Don't forget to use the required 1.13.2 link on any of these mod's page or Aquarius/Voxel Map's links at the top of the pages to get the 1.13.2 Rift Modloader files since they don't use the usual Rift mod page's files.
Added to 1.13.2 mod list and also happens to be new to Rift and only available for 1.13.2 (on at least, other versions do exist for 1.13 and lower, for the lower versions you can find those here: so that interesting to see:
-Custom Selection Box Port
I don't usually directly link many mods since I have the Rift dependency filtering link for 1.13 mods and people can for filter mods for 1.13 or 1.13.2 on if they want but I think this mod since its new could do with a link to highlight it.
-Rift Mod List (a mod listings menu mod to officially make it easier to see what mods are installed and maybe do other config or access things, I've not used it yet myself so...)
Its good this mod exists as its not the best using the /Datapack list command or the Resource Packs menu to unofficially view your Rift mods that are installed even if it was interesting to view them those ways.
I plan to have a video out about this mod but for now the only thing I can say is try it out, the 1.4 version I recommend for either 1.13 or 1.13.2, it works with a button on the title screen, and in game, Optifine doesn't allow the mod to display the 'mods loaded' text next to the Minecraft 1.13.2 version on the title screen though weirdly enough. At least for the 1.13.2 Optifine version I tested it with.
For proof of what I mean by the /Datapack List or Resource Packs way of knowing Rift mods are installed that you could do before (and still can I assume even with the Rift Mod List mod installed since it doesn't remove these prior options) I'll show this video I did as proof of what you'd be doing prior to this mod:
-Rift Mod List (now available for 1.13 not just 1.13.2, as well as a description for the mod in the 1.13 listings), also Ver 1.4 allows for a button when in-game, so you don't have to only notice mods from the title screen button. Optifine doesn't make the 'mods loaded' text appear next to the Minecraft 1.13.2 text in the bottom left corner though, so be careful when using Optifine for 1.13.2 at least with the Optifine version I used when it comes to those details, as this happened for both 1.4 and prior versions of Rift Mod List for 1.13.2 anyways.
-Custom Selection Box Port ('now supports Rift Mod List Ver 1.4' information stating).
Added, not a fan this idea, but thought it had to be done: (Sorry no mod update info for this post everyone, next one will be).
-Beginning description of 1.13 Forge awareness and my recently made video on where you can get 1.13 Rift mods, from a safe site like with the right 'generic/standard' filtering/'dependency or advanced' filtering. Obviously I point out this Rift thread for info on Rift and I point out the 1.14 Fabric thread I am working on as well as this Rift thread.
After seeing the '1.13 Forge'click-bait youtube videos of them installing 1.12.2 Forge, or when hearing about 1.13 Forge in forum threads or otherwise and answering them, I got sick of it and made a video stating 'get mods from as its the safest and only recommended site to get 1.13 or 1.14 mods legit, even 1.13/1.14 datapacks, as I don't usually recommend planetminecraft'. That's the short form anyways.
If no one cares, that's fine, it doesn't bother me, I didn't spend much time on it, but after so much youtube videos clickbaiting the 'is 1.13 Forge available yet' and the fact I run this thread with updates and all the youtubers that do make Rift content exist with their install tutorials on info on mods with spotlighting that I do recommend :), I feel the '1.13 Forge existence' part of 1.13 modding questions hasn't been cleared up.
The video isn't great I know, but I tried a few times to say what I could and may have missed a few things, but even if the video isn't that great, the links in the description of it more than make up for it I find and were more what I was going for since its what I've noticed lately since most of what I do is self explanatory in the videos. For mods and datapacks but then again I make videos more for acknowledgement of these community content creations rather than anything else so I'm not fussed.
Something different for Rift that was a very interesting thing to see. Sadly most mods are going to Fabric/1.14 Snapshot modding, but for the few things surrounding Rift I can see a few videos being relevant. I will get stuff for Rift and Fabric I won't ditch Rift yet.
Rift Mod List mod Ver1.4 1.13.2 (but 1.13 version should be similar) overview:
Also when it comes to the first post, and the poll, I have noticed and I will redesign it/simplify it with spoilers and simple text as the colour-coding isn't effective and I get that. Just letting people know now that I will re-vamp it soon/now after this post.
-First post was completely redesigned with spoilers, colour-coding and shortened because of spoilers making space less awkward with all the info.
Redesign decision was made due to the 'poll' results as well as noticing it myself the more I updated things there besides the posts after it like this one.
I felt the need to at some point redesign it and I though now would be necessary to make it easier to know what to look for and see what you want to with spoilers, if they load well that is.
Let me know what you think.
If you preferred it before for whatever reason, I have it all in a notepad document somewhere close and easy for me to access. But I think the first post needed a redesign after so much updating, don't you?
As not much but Rift Mod List mod has been going on with Rift lately the only things I can say I'll add to this thread these days is mod spotlights I guess, otherwise since more things are surrounding Fabric and 1.14 snapshot mods you can take a look at that thread here which I am updating as much as Rift /at the same time really when it comes to info on either:
Otherwise not much will be updated here if not much comes to Rift due to Fabric's relevance now. I still recommend Rift as its more stable than Fabric and 1.14 mods and Forge 1.12.2 mods are even more stable than Rift mods if your curious what I think. But eh. Due to Fabric's existence not much will happen for Rift much I'm afraid unless you really want Rift Mod List changelogs as the only other things I can detail really besides mod spotlights? This is sort of the end of Rift updating at least, this thread will always be here if you want to know anything so use it whenever. But for now my priorities are like with many mod devs, with Fabric/the 1.14 modding environment right now.
Ok scratch what I said before about lack of Rift info, I missed a few things, oops:
Added to modlist/new mod list created too (now added the broken down, ALL RIFT MODS LIST [without missing 1.13.2 mods at least] even over the 'only Rift' or 'recognisable mods' lists):
-Item Scroller (for 1.13.2 Rift, must have missed adding this one to the list)
-Aether Legacy Rift Edition Alpha (now has been updated to Rift 1.13.2 as of 13 days ago, how did I miss that oh right its on GitHub here not yet like the other versions of Aether Legacy:
I installed the 1.13.2 version Rift and it works fine with Voxel Map and Rift Mod List, but when I try to add Giselbaer's Durability Viewer or MiniHUD the game crashed due to an unexpected issue without showing the Mojang page of the game. I seriously have no ideas about that.
Well I tried, both Durability Viewer and MiniHUD together, separate (still using Rift Mod List and Voxel Map), I disabled those and tried both as the only mods in there and still issues. So both just don't work for me either no matter how I ask them to run.
Wait, maybe I forgot to use MiLiLib, I'll try again. I used only MiniHUD with MiLiLib and it works fine. I have tried again with Voxel Map and Rift Mod List and it works.
Durability Viewer I couldn't get working on its own at all.
Until I read the instructions in the changelog of the Durability Viewer file. You need MiLiLib for it. All 5 mods worked for me. Evidence in the image below.
Added: Shields Plus & Rift: Wastelands (World Type) Mod Overviews to the Mod Overviews section of the first post.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
appreciate you putting this together, this is good info
Thanks for the VoxelMap availability with Rift for 1.13 & 1.13.2
Its a pleasure to help out, I myself was unsure how the Rift environment worked even after using Forge for a long time and not getting around to Liteloader until recently using Rift, but after a while I thought people would appreciate a centralised thread to help out with installs or know what's out there with mods supporting it since it isn't well know 'however you can put that with how many people have installed Rift at this point on Curseforge or looked this thread as obvious indications of how much its been acknowledged at this point' but either way the information is very necessary I felt.
I also did one for Tesla recently since the whole time I used the Tesla's Power API between 1.10 and 1.12.2 it wasn't clear what was available besides the certain mods for it stating so (so I've sort of been here before for Rift with Tesla basically is what I mean so I thought as change should happen to inform people about it that do want to have a go at it or support it to find out what they want for it) and I just recently made a thread for that after doing the Rift one knowing some people might need it even if Tesla's relevance is dead at this point, some might appreciate it still and I know I do since I use it from time to time (the Tesla Power API and mods is what I mostly meant for that), so after noticing Tesla's potential between 1.10 and 1.12 and not having any easy way to tell what's going on with it since its only used by a small-ish group of people for its time/now and my interest in Rift by happenstance on Curseforge since I check a lot, coming up and learning how it works, I thought I'd clear things up and help people out as well as myself at times.
I wanted to help out anyway I could and due to how I know it is a bit tough to get your head around it at first but not so bad afterwards like it was for those that try out Forge or Liteloader for the first time. I thought this centralisation of a thread would benefit compared to what is and isn't a 1.13 mod truthfully and what is Rift supported, or where is 1.13 Forge questions popping up often. Something had to be clarified and I'm glad to be a part of that. I have since seeing YouTube videos been interested in informing people in a helpful way.
While I can take credit for this thread's creation of course, I can't take credit for the Youtubers also making videos on Rift so I'd like to point them out as well, for those that I've seen as well as shouted out as well on this thread. As well as all the mod creators making mods for Rift that technically didn't have to port or make mods for Rift but chose to, the possibilities Rift has are great and along side Datapacks the content possibilities are wonderful. And the Rift 1.13.2 team continue Rift compared to Rift for 1.13's still somewhat existence with version 87 on Nov 6 on github: but 66 on Curseforge still which makes people unsure if Rift for 1.13 is still around and it is, but with the 1.13.2 Rift maybe not much longer but who knows. Either way I'd like to thank anyone related to Rift, while I might be giving the information for players, I can't not be appreciative of the opportunities of Rift's exist to players to enjoy, and as a player besides this thread maintainer, well, you get the idea.
Anyways, back to updating the thread I guess XD and maybe Fabric getting its own thread/relevant enough information in a week or so since I assume that environment might also need something similar to Rift levels of detailing for information centralised threads like I have and Tesla mods. Not just to jumping on the next train for attention though, no I'm doing it for helping out like I intended to for Rift and will still update this Rift thread until its time is up, but for the few mods that do I'll still support it. I still use Tesla and its dead but I appreciate them. I did for Tesla make a thread recently and clearly its out of fashion, but I feel it needed a centralised thread and I just also appreciate niche things so I never will do this for attention/relevance/trending at all. I probably don't need to say any of that but I want to make it clear of my intentions just encase to show that I do this truthfully and for the informing part and for no other gain to jump bandwagons, its just not me.
Either way though besides all this typing, which sorry if its so long but thought I'd be clear about things, I can't help it sometimes, thanks for the kind words, it means a lot, it really does.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Quick announcement everyone, now that Fabric for 1.14 snapshots has come out, I will also make a centralised information thread for that (already done that) and update it more so in a week once enough is know about it/supports it. If anyone does know something about it since I don't truthfully right now know anything about it and even with brief testing, I feel like it might be more for mod creators more than players at this point, please come by and give out what you know about Fabric since I'm no expert sometimes and do accept information from anyone to be on these threads even if I'm not informed, it is a centralised information thread after all for anyone to add to.
I won't abandon this thread, but am opening my options to informing people about what they can know about any small group potential environments like (not Liteloader as many know and understand it by now I assume and I don't understand it that well myself) with Tesla, Rift and now Fabric.
I won't try to make it change the rate at which information for Rift will come out by any means, just announcing that Fabric exists and I started a thread for it if people want to state what they know about Fabric to go there if they want.
Fabric Centralised Information Thread:
The Fabric Curseforge Mod Link for you to try out for yourselves as I know nothing about how it works and am not a afraid to say that since it just came out a few hours ago:
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added the following to the 1.13.2 mod list since they are now 1.13.2 supported:
Don't forget to use the required 1.13.2 link on any of these mod's page or Aquarius/Voxel Map's links at the top of the pages to get the 1.13.2 Rift Modloader files since they don't use the usual Rift mod page's files.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to 1.13.2 mod list and also happens to be new to Rift and only available for 1.13.2 (on at least, other versions do exist for 1.13 and lower, for the lower versions you can find those here: so that interesting to see:
-Custom Selection Box Port
I don't usually directly link many mods since I have the Rift dependency filtering link for 1.13 mods and people can for filter mods for 1.13 or 1.13.2 on if they want but I think this mod since its new could do with a link to highlight it.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Updated 1.13.2 mod list with entries like:
-MaLiLib (even though a library mod it still counts due to its importance alongside Litematica)
Check them out here if you want to:
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to 1.13.2 mod list:
-Better Together (creative tab related)
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to 1.13.2 'Rift mod listings':
-Rift Mod List (a mod listings menu mod to officially make it easier to see what mods are installed and maybe do other config or access things, I've not used it yet myself so...)
Its good this mod exists as its not the best using the /Datapack list command or the Resource Packs menu to unofficially view your Rift mods that are installed even if it was interesting to view them those ways.
Here is the link to the mod here:
I plan to have a video out about this mod but for now the only thing I can say is try it out, the 1.4 version I recommend for either 1.13 or 1.13.2, it works with a button on the title screen, and in game, Optifine doesn't allow the mod to display the 'mods loaded' text next to the Minecraft 1.13.2 version on the title screen though weirdly enough. At least for the 1.13.2 Optifine version I tested it with.
For proof of what I mean by the /Datapack List or Resource Packs way of knowing Rift mods are installed that you could do before (and still can I assume even with the Rift Mod List mod installed since it doesn't remove these prior options) I'll show this video I did as proof of what you'd be doing prior to this mod:
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
-Rift Mod List (now available for 1.13 not just 1.13.2, as well as a description for the mod in the 1.13 listings), also Ver 1.4 allows for a button when in-game, so you don't have to only notice mods from the title screen button. Optifine doesn't make the 'mods loaded' text appear next to the Minecraft 1.13.2 text in the bottom left corner though, so be careful when using Optifine for 1.13.2 at least with the Optifine version I used when it comes to those details, as this happened for both 1.4 and prior versions of Rift Mod List for 1.13.2 anyways.
-Custom Selection Box Port ('now supports Rift Mod List Ver 1.4' information stating).
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added, not a fan this idea, but thought it had to be done: (Sorry no mod update info for this post everyone, next one will be).
-Beginning description of 1.13 Forge awareness and my recently made video on where you can get 1.13 Rift mods, from a safe site like with the right 'generic/standard' filtering/'dependency or advanced' filtering. Obviously I point out this Rift thread for info on Rift and I point out the 1.14 Fabric thread I am working on as well as this Rift thread.
After seeing the '1.13 Forge' click-bait youtube videos of them installing 1.12.2 Forge, or when hearing about 1.13 Forge in forum threads or otherwise and answering them, I got sick of it and made a video stating 'get mods from as its the safest and only recommended site to get 1.13 or 1.14 mods legit, even 1.13/1.14 datapacks, as I don't usually recommend planetminecraft'. That's the short form anyways.
If no one cares, that's fine, it doesn't bother me, I didn't spend much time on it, but after so much youtube videos clickbaiting the 'is 1.13 Forge available yet' and the fact I run this thread with updates and all the youtubers that do make Rift content exist with their install tutorials on info on mods with spotlighting that I do recommend :), I feel the '1.13 Forge existence' part of 1.13 modding questions hasn't been cleared up.
The video isn't great I know, but I tried a few times to say what I could and may have missed a few things, but even if the video isn't that great, the links in the description of it more than make up for it I find and were more what I was going for since its what I've noticed lately since most of what I do is self explanatory in the videos. For mods and datapacks but then again I make videos more for acknowledgement of these community content creations rather than anything else so I'm not fussed.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Something different for Rift that was a very interesting thing to see.
Sadly most mods are going to Fabric/1.14 Snapshot modding, but for the few things surrounding Rift I can see a few videos being relevant. I will get stuff for Rift and Fabric I won't ditch Rift yet.
Rift Mod List mod Ver1.4 1.13.2 (but 1.13 version should be similar) overview:
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Also when it comes to the first post, and the poll, I have noticed and I will redesign it/simplify it with spoilers and simple text as the colour-coding isn't effective and I get that.
Just letting people know now that I will re-vamp it soon/now after this post.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Post/Thread Update:
-First post was completely redesigned with spoilers, colour-coding and shortened because of spoilers making space less awkward with all the info.
Redesign decision was made due to the 'poll' results as well as noticing it myself the more I updated things there besides the posts after it like this one.
I felt the need to at some point redesign it and I though now would be necessary to make it easier to know what to look for and see what you want to with spoilers, if they load well that is.
Let me know what you think.
If you preferred it before for whatever reason, I have it all in a notepad document somewhere close and easy for me to access. But I think the first post needed a redesign after so much updating, don't you?
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
As not much but Rift Mod List mod has been going on with Rift lately the only things I can say I'll add to this thread these days is mod spotlights I guess, otherwise since more things are surrounding Fabric and 1.14 snapshot mods you can take a look at that thread here which I am updating as much as Rift /at the same time really when it comes to info on either:
Otherwise not much will be updated here if not much comes to Rift due to Fabric's relevance now. I still recommend Rift as its more stable than Fabric and 1.14 mods and Forge 1.12.2 mods are even more stable than Rift mods if your curious what I think. But eh. Due to Fabric's existence not much will happen for Rift much I'm afraid unless you really want Rift Mod List changelogs as the only other things I can detail really besides mod spotlights? This is sort of the end of Rift updating at least, this thread will always be here if you want to know anything so use it whenever.
But for now my priorities are like with many mod devs, with Fabric/the 1.14 modding environment right now.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Ok scratch what I said before about lack of Rift info, I missed a few things, oops:
Added to modlist/new mod list created too (now added the broken down, ALL RIFT MODS LIST [without missing 1.13.2 mods at least] even over the 'only Rift' or 'recognisable mods' lists):
-Item Scroller (for 1.13.2 Rift, must have missed adding this one to the list)
-Aether Legacy Rift Edition Alpha (now has been updated to Rift 1.13.2 as of 13 days ago, how did I miss that
oh right its on GitHub here not yet like the other versions of Aether Legacy:
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added video to Mod Spotlights section:
-Better Together 1.13.2 with Rift/1.14 with Fabric Mod Overview
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
Added to modlists:
-Giselbaer's Durability Viewer
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""
I installed the 1.13.2 version Rift and it works fine with Voxel Map and Rift Mod List, but when I try to add Giselbaer's Durability Viewer or MiniHUD the game crashed due to an unexpected issue without showing the Mojang page of the game. I seriously have no ideas about that.
Hmm, I'll take a look and see what I can do.
Well I tried, both Durability Viewer and MiniHUD together, separate (still using Rift Mod List and Voxel Map), I disabled those and tried both as the only mods in there and still issues. So both just don't work for me either no matter how I ask them to run.
Wait, maybe I forgot to use MiLiLib, I'll try again. I used only MiniHUD with MiLiLib and it works fine. I have tried again with Voxel Map and Rift Mod List and it works.
Durability Viewer I couldn't get working on its own at all.
Until I read the instructions in the changelog of the Durability Viewer file. You need MiLiLib for it. All 5 mods worked for me.
Evidence in the image below.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain:, "",, ""