-Forge 1.13.2 mod listings (will make up most even if more are for Forge 1.14) or those Rift ones that still update/have been ported to Fabric (will be rare but still possible just very few, unless Rift mods come from new devs that want to support).
Redesign completed with spoilers now and colour coding! Felt a need to after noticing the poll results and the mess this first post was before.
This thread contains mod lists, tutorials, short explanations about why this thread exists/what Rift is and more like stuff related to Forge 1.13.2.
2.Tutorial Videos to Install Rift for 1.13 or 1.13.2 For Vanilla/Standard Launcher, MultiMC & Twitch Unofficial.
3.Links to Curseforge where you can get Rift mods, GitHub links are for certain mods or Rift installs. Rift 66 is outdated on Curseforge for 1.13 so check the GitHub links sometimes for 1.13/1.13.2 Rift versions. Or check the 'Rift Version Links for 1.13.2' Spoiler.
4.Listings Of Rift Mods Broken Down List for 1.13 & 1.13.2 as well as detailing libraries and other requirements or other versions the mods support if they aren't Rift exclusive and have been around before Rift.
5.Other Important Things (Mod List Methods with the Resourcepacks Menu or Rift Mod List)
6.Mod Spotlights Of Rift Mods For 1.13 & 1.13.2 (Not Install Tutorials, Just Explanations Of How They Work or What The Mod Is About)
Fake Q&A:
1.Do Rift and Forge work together?
ANS: No. This is a common question so it has been put as the first. I don't know if they ever will due to the state Forge 1.13.2 is in but I don't see it happening even though it would be nice. Also as Fabric and Forge exist for 1.14+ it's never going to happen.
2.How long will you support this Thread?
ANS: As long as I see relevance of Forge 1.13.2 or Rift updates, although Rift updates are rare to not existent.
How to install:
1.Go to %appdata%, .minecraft, libraries, org, ow2.
2.Then delete the asm folder in ow2 and put this one in. Best to extract the zip then put that this one in it's place.
3.Relaunch the launcher (if you haven't closed it close it first).
4.If succesful it worked, if not try another solution or go to the Rift Discord here for more assistance: https://discord.gg/f27hdrM
1.If you installed Rift and for some reason the game won't load correctly close the launch and go to %appdata%, .minecraft, version and find the Rift 1.13 or 1.13.2 you just installed, there should be a jar file and a json file.
2.Open the json file and look for URLs with http, change those to https, if one has https leave it.
3.Relaunch the launcher and try again.
4.If successful it worked, if not try another solution or go to the Rift Discord here for more assistance: https://discord.gg/f27hdrM
Curse? While a 1.14 Fabric category is nice, can we have a Rift or Liteloader one please?
Since knowing what supports what is kinda helpful. I even made a Tesla Power API mod support thread just because it was kinda helpful (compared to the load of RF or FE not needing one and EU is strictly IC2 or addons usually anyways with some mods adding support, BuildCraft has gone the way of RF I think instead of MJ, and few mods do their own thing sometimes, but anyways) to know what supports a non-completed relevant Power API (until we see with 1.13 at least, but for now it's not desperate on updates any time soon).
Modloaders I feel is a different case of course compared to Power APIs. Can we have a category for Rift or Liteloader Please? Especially when 1.13 Forge or Liteloader come around. I know it's not like the old days with Forge and 'that other modloader I forget the name of since I wasn't aware of Minecraft back then'. But with 3 modloaders and mod offers compared to just knowing the 'Liteloader mods are host on the Liteloader site as well as Curse'. It's kinda helpful to tell the difference for those that don't besides the 'download Rift' URLs.
Modloader support request across Curse for Liteloader, Rift or Fabric and "Not only Forge":
In short. Rift is an 'option' for 1.13/1.13.2 modding for devs and players, an alternative to what Forge 1.13.2 offers, similar to a Liteloader for 1.13 versions I guess you could say.
Its up to you if you choose to use it, I'm just letting people know about it, nothing more, no forcing, just stating the potential option Rift is.
I just felt a thread needed to be available so people know about Rift for 1.13 mods, especially with the Forge 1.13.2 mods popping up and people wanting to learn about Rift mod support, how to install it and all this place is for anything to do with Rift as well as stating Forge mods in updates now I guess, I feel this thread was needed not just for myself but many others since its an alternative to modding besides Forge for 1.13/1.13.2.
My video showing where to get 1.13/1.13.2 Rift mods, 1.14 Fabric mods if your new here, 1.13/1.13.2/1.14 datapacks and also stating this thread as well as the Fabric one to know where to get info about the modloaders, mods and so on for tutorials/install instructions:
Here are some alternative modloaders and mod-likes compared to what Forge offers. But you can try some 1.13/1.13.2 Rift Modloader, 1.14 Fabric Modloader & 1.13/1.13.2/1.14 Datapacks as community content offerings. This video is to state the potential people have with these versions of the game now, for clarity over the 'clickbait videos of 1.13 Forge and otherwise are lying and this video is to clear that up' that happened before Forge 1.13 was a thing but Rift still was going well.
Tutorial videos for understanding how to install the Rift modloader for Vanilla,& MultiMC5, tutorials for both 1.13 and 1.13.2 exist in the spoiler below:
Vanilla Tutorials 1.13 and 1.13.2 below:
NEWER Rift 1.13.2 Vanilla Tutorial (due to newer 1.13.2 Rift version and 1.13.2 Rift Mod List relevance):
1.13 Vanilla Rift Install Tutorial (Low Volume sadly, every other isn't low volume):
1.13.2 Vanilla Rift Install Tutorial:
MultiMC Tutorials 1.13 and 1.13.2 below:
1.13 MultiMC5 Installation (2 Methods [1 is linking the zip file, the 2nd is a code setups set by developers]):
Louder volume and attempting to speak slower form of this tutorial:
1.13.2 MultiMC5 Install Tutorial, shoutout to ScottoMotto:
ScottoMotto's 1.13/1.13.2 Twitch Unofficial Tutorial (I can't get 1.13.2 working myself but they were successful so yay :))
Links to Curseforge for Mod Downloads/Rift Modloader for 1.13/1.13.2 (for 1.13.2 Rift, go to any that are 1.13.2 supported like Voxel Map, they state a 1.13.2 Rift link that you can download it from, 1.13.2 Rift isn't on the 1.13 Rift pages anywhere:
Direct Link For the 1.13 Rift Modloader Description/Download Page:
Video showing what I got of these mods working in 1.12.2 and 1.13 Pre-Release 5
Rift Release Version Mod Links: (A spoiler for all links to any mods for 1.13 or 1.13.2, if they are abandoned links or the mod is discontinued but still downloadable it will be stated as such)
4 In One Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2 Modpack Collection (2 Rift 1.13, 2 Rift 1.13.2, 4 purposes and modpacks, 52MB download for package with test world saves, mods, configs, mudpack icons and more, recommended for MultiMC importing but if you want to download, extract and use the mods how you wish besides these being designed for MultiMC Rift versions/mod stability then go for it)
Aether Legacy Rift Edition (Was for Rift 1.13 and later died around Fabric 19w05a-19w12a 1.14 snapshots, abandoned links and discontinued, only mod dev accessible files are still around besides what I've downloaded for Rift and Fabric files at the time they were available, no I'm not giving mine out, distribution rules are why).
Almost Enough Items (For Rift 1.13, has since been Discontinued, Roughly Enough Items is the successor, you can find it in the R's below but if you still want here try below, REI is available for Rift 1.13, 1.13.2):
Better Beacons (Rift 1.13, just found this while browsing my curseforge subscriptions, I hate Curse for it's difficulty to find Alpha versions of mods when searching! It sucks, FIX IT!)
Ender Compass (Rift 1.13 and abandoned now apparently)(I'll have a link on my google drive for the Rift version, can't say for many older versions of the mod though)
Optifine (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2 environments supported, can conflict with Roughly Enough Items but depends on the version of REI that it is, that and E5 or Optifine can crash in a Rift 1.13.2 environment, use the Optifine extract method when using with Rift)
List of mods and compatibility [ALL Rift Mods Break Down List, 1.13 NEW Mods, 1.13 Recognisable Mods & 1.13.2 Mod Listings]
for 1.13 and 1.13.2 compatibility if you haven't checked out on Curseforge.com yet or are unsure what is supported (as some like Custom Skin Loader aren't Rift supported for example):
All Rift Mods Break Down List:
-Advanced Magic 1.0 Alpha is not Rift compatible, it does its only thing. It works for 1.12.2 Forge but not 1.13 versions.
-Aquarius (Available for Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2, as well as 1.14 Fabric)
-Autofish (Available for Rift 1.13.2 and Liteloader versions: 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10/1.10.2, 1.11/1.11.2, 1.12/1.12.1/1.12.2)
-Bad Mobs (was tagged for 1.13 for Forge 1.13 prep, but hasn't been released due to obviously no Forge 1.13 yet)
-Bedrock Break Helper (Rift 1.13.2 and 1.14.4 with Fabric)
-Better Beacons (for Rift 1.13)
-Better Together (uses Rift for 1.13.2, uses Fabric for 1.14)
-Bounding Box Outline Reloaded (uses Forge for 1.12.2, Vanilla profile method for 1.13/1.13.2, Rift for 1.13.2, and Fabric for 1.14, for any prior versions of this mod from before 1.12 [1.7.10, 1.8, 1.10] try here https://github.com/irtimaled/BoundingBoxOutlineReloaded/releases)
-Advanced Shulkerboxes (for prior versions with Forge, Rift 1.13)
-Chat Bubbles (for prior versions with Forge, Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2 as well as 1.14 Fabric)
-Controlling (for prior versions with Forge, Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2 as well as 1.14 Fabric)
(ABANDONDED)-Corail Pillar for Rift (for Rift 1.13)
-Craft Prescence (for prior versions with Forge, Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2 as well as 1.14 Fabric)
-Inventory Sorter (Version 1.13 command? Check for yourself, I have no idea how to run it https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/inventory-sorter I'd assume it's not Rift related, but I tried, mods folder, I tried the commands and nothing happens... Any ideas)
-Lean Mod/Purple Drink Mod (Joke Mod) isn't Rift compatible, so it isn't counted, but this does need to be pointed out.
-Litematica (for 1.13 Rift, needs MaLiLib to run)
-LocaleFixer (for prior versions with Forge, for Rift 1.13)
-Matter Vortex (for prior versions with Forge, for Rift 1.13, 1.13 version is smaller scaled compared to the 1.12.2 version though)
-MaLibLib (Liteloader required for 1.12 versions, Rift required for 1.13.2)
-MineAmp (for prior versions with Liteloader, for Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2, as well as 1.14 Fabric)
-MiniHUD (prior versions use Forge or Liteloader [as of 0.12.1 of the mod it supports Liteloader], 1.13.2 uses Rift)
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Rift Edition (supports 1.13 Rift) [You can get it from here: https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=cfmrift#downloads]
-NonUpdate (Not sure about this mod, its not noticed by Rift at all, tried 1.12.2 not noticed by Forge Mod Options at least, tried 1.7.10 and its noticed by it there. I'm not big on mods like this. Not the concept, but the version acknowledgement thing for 'works for many versions' when it doesn't or it doesn't seem likely, sigh)
-PattysMoreTools 2 (prior versions use Forge, 1.13 uses Rift)
-Pretty, Game Enhancing Goblet (1.13 uses Rift, needs Snowflake mod for later versions, warning: latest versions use higher versions of Rift, you'll need them from here: https://github.com/DimensionalDevelopment/Rift/releases)
-ProbeDataProvider API (Rift for 1.13, its a Power API mod)
-ProtoCharset (Rift for 1.13, a Factorization style/portable crafting table only version of Charset)
-Roughly Enough Items (uses 1.13/1.13.2 Rift, 1.14 Fabric and Forge 1.13.2 but not as supported for Forge, a AEI successor)
-Shields Plus (uses 1.13 Rift)
-Sky Ores (uses 1.13 Rift)
-Simple Light Overlay (uses 1.13.2 Rift)
-Snowflake (uses 1.13 Rift)
-StaffDerpsMod (Rift 1.13.2 and higher with Fabric)
-StackUp! (prior versions use Forge,1.13 uses Rift)
-Step Up (1.13.2 Rift, unsure of mod so don't know about prior versions and if by same creator of https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/stepup StepUp or a Rift version of it as it's own unofficial port or something)
-Stockpile (uses 1.13 Rift, needs Riftlin for 0.3.0 and up)
-Super Mod (not Rift compatible but has 1.13 tagging, the more I see of these the more I get confused)
-TAF Mod (while doesn't exist anymore, when it did it had no relevance to Rift, it wasn't recognised or had anything to do with 1.13 at all, not even the ability to search items in creative for the mod's content in 1.13, the game would load but nothing was accessible, the mod was just ignored, and with Forge it seemed like a test version of sorts but has now since been removed from minecraft.curseforge.com under anything 1.12.2 or 1.13 related, its just gone. While I still have the files, I don't intend to do anything with them)
-T&A's Dinocraft (its tagged as 1.13 snapshot, but works with 1.12.2, why?)
-Tea And Biscuits (prior versions use Forge, 1.13 uses Rift)
-TIS-3D (prior versions use Forge, 1.13 uses Rift
-Tweakeroo (prior versions use Forge, 1.13.2 uses Rift)
-VoxelMap (prior versions use Liteloader, 1.13 & 1.13.2 uses Rift)
-Watson (Rift 1.13.2 and higher with Fabric)
-WorldInfo (uses Rift for 1.13 and 1.13.2)
-Xray Mod/RiftXray (uses Rift for 1.13 & 1.13.2)
-ZeroPoint Energy API (uses Rift for 1.13)
1.13 (1.13.2 listing further down in Orange) Common/NEW Rift ONLY Mods I Recommend Curseforge:
-Almost Enough Items (NEI/JEI but basic with @mod support, cheat mode, search bar, removing items/blocks in AEI panel)
-(Now 1.13.2) Aquarius (1.Channeling II and Channeling III: Higher levels of Channeling that let you smite mobs even when it's not thundering. Channeling II lets you strike during normal rain, and Channeling III lets you strike any time. 2. Flippers that grant you Dolphin's Grace when in water, but slowness when out of water. Crafted with two leather and two scute. 3. Prismarine rods: Used to craft and repair tridents, made with two prismarine shards and one prismarine crystal. Tridents crafted with two prismarine rods and three quartz. 4.Chorus conduits: Allow you to swim in the air. Made out of water with purpur or purpur columns in the place of prismarine. Also adds the potion effect Air Swimmer, only obtainable with the chorus conduit. Crafted with one conduit and two shulker shells, like a shulker box. [Based on a video by Grian)
-Bedrock Break Helper (Helps you breaking bedrock)
-Better Beacons (a beacon tier idea with blocks of iron, gold, diamond & emerald making different potion effects and other ideas possible, SimplySarc video inspired so)
-CreeperWorks (prevents mobgriefing of creepers if you don't use mobgriefing command or want only creepers mobgriefing days to end but village to replant crops, zombies to still break doors, its only creepers not other mobs who are effected here is what I mean)
-Dorsim (a awkward dolphin riding idea, you can't get off the dolphin though, so, try once but not again until its worked out)
-Death Maps (a gravemap to find where your stuff went, also available for 1.12.2)
-Ears (is a simple mod with the purpose of allowing character customization across a wide range of versions)
-Gamemode Fix (/gamemode 0, 1, 2, 3 was never so easy, single letters don't work though sadly)
-Ghost Buster (Phantom related mod)
-Half Logs (Stripped stairs/slab, Log slabs/stairs, is a test mod for Rift but a great building options mod really)
-HaunchHUD (AppleSkin mod like)
-MouseTweaks for Rift
-Pretty Game-Enhancing Gobblet (PGEG) (Alpha WIP ores, magic, cauldron ideas, its got potential so far)
-ProtoCharset (A 1.13 more scaled down Charset mod by the same author, at the moment factorization pocket crafter item)
-Reap (crop harvest on right click)
-Relocate (Rocket Springboard: Launches the player about 36 blocks into the air (for easy elytra takeoff). Can be used 4 times before breaking, and can be repaired with firework rockets. Speedy Dust: Can be placed on the ground, gives players walking on it a Speed III effect.) That's all that is added so far.
-Rift Mod List (a mod list mod that makes it easier on the title/splash screen what mods are install, configs can now be accessed, use this instead of the Resource Packs or /Datapack list methods, but only in the game, as the Mod List for this mod isn't accessible ingame only on the main menu/title/splash screen)
-Rift: Neat for Rift (Neat health bars on mobs for Rift)
-Rift: Wastelands (Wastelands world type, 4 regions)
-Rift: Nether & End Ores (exactly what it means)
-Roughly Enough Items (AEI fork with a few improvements and a JEI like feel)
-ShieldsPlus (New shields and 2 enchants)
-Sky Ores (adds ore generation to the sky?)
-StaffDerpsMod (Teleports to where you look and can also teleport thru blocks, summons mobs and shoot them as a cannon, shows invisible players and pets)
-Stockpile (Barrels)
-VanillaDeathChest (like a gravestone but a little different)
-X-Ray Mod (a different one not made by same creator)
-Watson (a mod that displays LogBlock and CoreProtect logs in 3-D and moderation tasks such as observing chat and managing screenshots)
-WATT - Waterlog all the things (WATT lets you waterlog things that you can't normally waterlog in vanilla. Currently waterloggable: "redstone repeaters, redstone comparators, levers, all minecart rails, beds, banners, doors, leaves" There are still a lot more blocks that can be waterlogged on Bedrock that can't on Java. Let me know any you want me to add!)
-WorldInfo (mob/block/item recogniser, so like a very basic NEI/Waila/WIT/TUMAT somewhat, nothing more to it really)
Recognisable Mods (are for 1.12.2 or prior) That Have Come To 1.13 that are Rift Compatible ports:
-Aether Legacy Rift Edition Alpha for 1.13. and recently 1.13.2 (The Aether Legacy mod with the Aether 1 elements now available for Rift, only a link on github right now from my findings from Youtuber CraftStones, here's a shout out. Its in a very Alpha state this port of the mod, survival is not an option from like the instant you attempt the Holy Stone Pick, recipes aren't ready, textures are not implemented, the Portal transportation period is off, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, Link to the mod here: https://github.com/Modding-Legacy/Aether-Legacy-Rift/releases)
-Advanced Shulkerboxes
-Chat Bubbles
-Corail Pillar
-Corail Tombstone
-Corail Recycler
-CraftPresence (Discord customisation apparently)
-Ender Compass
-Horse Debug Info
-IronChestForRift (a Rift fork of Iron Chests, the mod is a Iron Chests mod, and not original)
-Matter Vortex (Infinite Resource Spawners, it end game focused though)
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Rift Edition (other 1.13 recogisable mods are lacking I know)
-Pattys More Tools
-Stack Up!
-Tea & Biscuits
-(Now 1.13.2) VoxelMap (its not great for performance at the moment with low Virtual RAM (what Minecraft needs to run) but its good for 4GB of VRAM, from my experiences, better PCs might do better with it, but with Rift isn't not great on world load, I have a mod overview on 1.8.1b which the file isn't available for anymore, and 1.8.2 doesn't fix the performance issues only other fixes, so I can only go off of so much at the moment from brief testing of features besides never using Liteloader before and using 1.4.7 Voxel Map I think besides 1.12.2 Liteloader as my first time of using Liteloader, so if my experiences are odd just ignore me and try for yourself to see what results you get out of this mod version with Rift compared to my own. Otherwise loading new worlds or existing with 1-2GB is not an option, especially existing world it won't work and complains not enough RAM to load the world because it ran out of 2GB of RAM with my existing world for my Rift mods survival :(, 3GB just about makes it possible, not tested 4GB too much only briefly). But its the only MiniMap mod out for Rift right now so far, so its a start for mods like this with Rift support, since its great with Liteloader for a MiniMap choice compared to say JourneyMap or Mapwriter or Xaero's for Forge.
1.13.2 Mod List (updating here over any listed in the 1.13 list that are 1.13.2, most are recognisable mods here and I find no need to split either for the small 1.13.2 list):
-Rift Mod List (a mod listings menu mod for Rift 1.13/1.13.2 instead of using the Resource Packs Menu or /Datapack List for unofficial checking of mods installed, this mod is a great idea I'm glad it came out)
-Roughly Enough Items (An AEI fork in a way for 1.13/1.13.2 )
-Simple Light Overlay
-Staff Derps Mod
-Step Up
-Voxel Map
Other important things to keep in mind with Rift mods (Mod List questioning?, find out answers here):
7.(Old way to tell if Rift mods were installed basically before Rift Mod List existed)
Rift Mod Options Button Equivalent (Resource Packs Menu not Folder & /Datapack List command):
Rift Mod List (a must have mod, like Mod Options for Forge, but since Rift is lightweight Mod List is its own thing. Even is Mod Menu for Fabric):
Mod Spotlights (a mix of 1.13 & 1.13.2 versions so make sure to check on the mod pages if they are for 1.13 or 1.13.2 and not both ok):
Gamemode Fix: (0, 1, 2 & 3 gamemode entering, S, C & A don't work unfortunately)
AEI (Recipe Viewer/Cheat Mode, makes sense for one to exist like NEI & JEI have)
DeathMaps (Death coordinates marked, not like a gravestone mod where it stock them, items still end up on the ground, death point is just marked, also available for 1.12.2 yes):
Voxel Map (not greatest performance wise for under 4GB RAM running it, no other mods have this problem, other than that it works like the mod always has only with Rift instead of LiteLoader for 1.13)
Nether & End Ores (not much more to say, 2 ores from Nether Ores, 3 from End Ores, silk touched even once broken to convert into silk touched vanilla ores)
Half Logs: (test mod/stair & slab versions of wood logs and stripped logs)
Matter Vortex 1.13 Rift Port 0.2 (simplified from the 1.12.2 version): (Infinite resource spawners, very end game requirements though)
Shields Plus (adds many Vanilla shields with extra durability, no shift clicking into the shield slot/off-hand slot sadly, and 2 new enchantments)
Wastelands (adds a world type with 4 biomes, a really great challenge for a new survival opportunity)
Better Together for 1.13.2 Rift but also 1.14 with Fabric Modloader
Roughly Enough Items for 1.13.2
Simple Light Overlay for 1.13.2
Bounding Box Outline Reloaded (Rift 1.13.2 Covered, for a 1.13 version only a Vanilla Profile setup is possible)
Stockpile (while I was covering the Fabric 1.14 snapshot version, most common features are in the 1.13 versions of the mod)
Step Up for 1.13.2 Rift not 1.13.2 Forge
Dynamic Lights & Finder Compass (Double Spotlight) for 1.13.2 Rift not 1.13.2 Forge
WorldInfo 1.13/1.13.2 1.0.0b20190325234300-beta
WorldInfo V1.0.1 1.13/1.13.2
Autofish Rift 1.13.2
Giselbaer's Durability Viewer Rift 1.13.2/1.14 Pre-Rel 5 with Fabric
Planned Videos:
Rift Corail Recycler
Neat For Rift
Sky Ores
Ender Compass
Pretty-Game Enhancing Gobblet
X-ray Mod
Tea and Biscuits
Corail Pillar for Rift (link for Pillar & Recycler in desc)
Horse Debug Info
Better Beacons
ProtoCharset (Unsure about doing)
Advanced Shulkerboxes
Bedrock Break Helper
If there is any I missed let me know.
Incompatibilities I know between Rift mods or Datapacks (this is more towards mods that haven't been updated since, or those using Datapacks along with Rift -66):
Incompatibility List: (Rift Mods & Datapack Conflicts I've Come Across, if you want to let me know, let me know)
-Better Beacons 1.0.2 & 1.0.3 (not sure about 1.0.3 too much) didn't, then did after I reported the issues and now doesn't with newer versions of PGEG but Neat for Rift hasn't been updated since August so not likely to conflict with it I think.
-Beacon-warp datapack conflicts with Rift 1.0.4-66, I thought it would be Better Beacons due to the Beacon code but it seems not likely the case for the reason it was crashing after removing Better Beacons and working out mods, so I checked if it was that 1.14 is the environment Beacon-warp works in in my 1.13.0 LP I was going to attempt but used for testing setup but I tried 1.13.2 with Beacon-warp on its own and it works even. Just use Rift versions higher than 1.0.4-66, try those, especially if for mods like PGEG, use Rift files from here: https://github.com/DimensionalDevelopment/Rift/releases (this doesn't include the 1.13.2 Rift versions, only 1.13/1.13.0)
-Aether Legacy Rift Edition & Protocharset 0.4 (only tested that so far), this is only when loading up the game, in the game, Vanilla Death Chest won't work, either in the overworld or the Aether dimension. Just in the game in general Vanilla Death Chest must do specific things Aether Legacy doesn't like, probably loot tables or something else.
-AEI (Almost Enough Items) Ver0.0.8 and the mcEXP - RPG Progression Datapack (issue is the AEI panel buttons and search bar not working, cheating button works, cheating items works, recipe viewing works, just the page changing buttons next to the search bar and the search bar doesn't work).
-Rift 1.0.4-66 or I thought were other mods but I tried with no mods and Beacon-warp datapack but no luck getting it to work. Use higher Rift versions if you have mod and datapack conflicts since this has been ironed out. The later Rift versions aren't on Curseforge for some reason? So you have to use the github page downloads, PGEG used to have a link to these, but not anymore. For Rift 1.13.0 versions to run PGEG (aka the link I found with them that used to be on this mod's page) and not have datapack conflicts try the versions here: [ https://github.com/DimensionalDevelopment/Rift/releases ] I recommend Rift 1.0.4-87.jar since its the latest 1.13.0 version. [ https://github.com/DimensionalDevelopment/Rift/releases/download/v1.0.4-87/Rift-1.0.4-87.jar ] I haven't tried 1.13.2 datapacks and 1.13.2 Rift mods though so I can't mention anything on that if I don't know.
Note: If any of these get patched let me know so I can remove these, since this list could be rather useless if mods get updated to avoid these issues obviously. But for the Better Beacons ones of course since its been a while I assume they will stay here.
Let me know of other issues I can report here or report them to the creators more likely so the issues are cleared up if possible.
OLD Thread Structure info I haven't ditched yet, since used to have a contents sections with these before, but reworked it like you have seen above obviously :), read if you want to, but you don't have to.
Info from past state of the thread is below that will won't transitioned into the redesign for this first post only:
Hello, first thing I'd like to note is that I'm not the creator of Rift, just an average Minecraft Mod Survival Player, I have nothing to do with Rift and am not putting myself out there since I don't intend to get anything out of this, I just thought a discussion section/acknowledgemnet of the mod loader and mod developers for documentation for this and other 1.13 mods would fit the forums besides where most responses are on the Curseforge Mod pages. Datapacks I assume has its own threads, so I thought I'd put a Rift and 1.13 mods section somewhere.
I made this thread to give acknowledgement to the Rift modloader like someone would a server, adventure map, mod ideas, datapacks, Liteloader even, this is for acknowledging 1.13 modded possibilities until 1.13 Forge, or support for developers, otherwise do what suits you I'm not going to force anyone. Please don't think of this as me hosting my videos for views over the other Youtubers doing videos on Rift supported mods or tutorials. I just didn't see a discussion forum on Rift so I thought I'd document things related to Rift to help people out as well as help myself out. The other youtubers doing videos on Rift do a great job, and I'd not like it to be a competitive thing just because I have my videos and a discussion forum with my videos on it, as that isn't the intention here. Just a documentation thread that's all to help out players.
3.Rift's Intentions According to the Curseforge original mod page:
Rift is intended to give a Vanilla feel, but some mods do more than that so besides the Rift creator's intentions, it is possible to get more out of Rift if creators know how with the tools/libraries and more that certain mods use with Rift like Snowflake or Riftlin for example. Rift is on the curseforge.
Note from me: This is NOT a RF Vs. Tesla situation of best power api, only this time its Rift vs. Forge or Modloader, Rift IS A 1.13 modloader as a 'PLACEHOLDER' until 1.13 Forge is ready, nothing more nothing less, no more questions about it please its not hard to work out. Liteloader is an alternative and people know what that is when using the Voxel Map mod with it and use mods for many reasons. You can think of it this way, Rift is 1.13 Forge placeholder, Datapacks are like the Liteloader alternative of content offerings, think of it that way if you want a situational comparison of what 1.13 offering are available now in the sense of what 1.12.2 offerings there are. If that is confusing then obviously just think of it as a Forge 1.13 placeholder for creators & players.
Rift dependent mods images (not counting mods for 1.13 that don't use Rift obviously): Not all dependent are listed though like VoxelMap for example, so make sure to check file names with 'Rift' in them or so to tell if the dependencies aren't listed by the creators but they are in fact Rift supported. Hence why many mod with Rift support add 'Rift: Modnamehere' as the mod name/mod title to make it easier to tell and search for again.
When you mean "mod" do you mean the Rift Modloader? Rift only works with 1.13 currently (as of typing this post, this isn't accurate anymore now that 1.13.2's Rift Installer is out, making this part pointless now, but eh, I'll leave the post here), not 1.13.1, but 1.13.2 of Rift includes 1.13.1 parts so... While datapacks might be available for both and provide a different perspective of things they don't add items, blocks and do the things mods do, they only do half of what mods can actually do, Rift isn't yet available for 1.13.1, and Rift is a 1.13 Forge placeholder until 1.13 Forge is out, which currently 1.13 Forge isn't out yet as of typing this.
Where to get Rift so you can install it like Forge:
Vanilla Installation of Rift telling you I'm pretty sure from what I remember, everything you need to know to install it, after its installed, Rift will have setup the profile for you to start the game, if it hasn't then create your own in the 'launch options' section of the Vanilla Launcher, select the 'release Rift version number here', put mods in the mods folder of your .Minecraft folder, and off you go by starting the game like you usually would
Vanilla Launcher Rift Installation Tutorial: I do technically need to do this video without much rambling and also including a step/explanation I missed but 90% of what's needed to know is there.
If any issues come up ask me or the creator on the mod page and see what can be done about it. I'm not connected to the Rift creator or Rift development though, I'm just a player/youtuber basically, just to be clear on that.
Otherwise, here is a written form of how it works if you don't wish to watch the videos which will explain pretty much the same and maybe quicker or if you prefer a written form:
The video tutorials are if you need help, but I'll repeat the points from those here in a written form if you'd like. If you use the Vanilla Launcher then I'll explain that method, MultiMC5 takes a bit to work out but the video explains it as best I understand and I assume most players use the Vanilla Launcher so I'll state the Vanilla Launcher method here.
To start with:
1.You download the Rift Modloader from the Minecraft.curseforge.com page (link for the modloader: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/rift ), after you download it, you install it by double clicking the .jar file where the file downloaded. For example for the name of the file it might be 'Rift 1.0.4-66' since that's the latest version for Rift from what I remember at least.
2.Rift will work itself out once clicked, you will see a message pop up saying its done its job, you can close it, its fine. If you go to the .minecraft folder for the Vanilla Launcher method (if redirected to another location besides the default, I don't know much about that and would ask the creator about it before doing so). You will notice in your .minecraft folder that '.mixin.out' as well as 'mods' and other folders will be in there now. .mixin.out is the way Rift does its technical stuff so best not to touch that. Just download mods like you would from a 'correct' mod site like Minecraft.curseforge.com since the Rift mods I know of are there and Rift is also there, so 'convenience' and less ways to get lost with what works.
3.Once you download a mod of your choice like say Almost Enough Items or the Wastelands mod or so, put that after downloading those mods and put them in the mods folder, if there isn't a mods folder already, create one and put the mods inside.
4.Start up the Vanilla Launcher and select the Rift profile that was created, or if a Rift profile isn't there; trying creating a Rift profile by going to the 'Add New' button in the 'Launch Options' section of the Vanilla Launcher. Add a new one by selecting the 'version' and choosing the for example if I used the Rift 1.0.4-66, then select that, it might be named in the version's list 'release 1.13-rift-1.0.4-66'.
5.After selecting that, load the game with that profile and Minecraft will do its thing, after Minecraft has done its thing, create a new world, and see what happens. If you have Almost Enough Items install for example you will see the cheat button in the top left, the block list on the right and it looks and works almost as good as JEI or NEI with a few lacking features but it gets the important stuff done. You now have a Minecraft modded 1.13 environment and whatever mod is in the game, just try finding blocks, items or things that mod does to see if it worked correctly.
Another way to tell if Rift mods are in the game is Resourcepacks menu, not the resourcepacks folder. Its a weird thing I found that I use to tell if they loaded or not.
1.13.2 Mods:
-VoxelMap (needs 4GB of RAM or more to be stable enough, 2GB with newly created or existing big worlds will run out of VRAM, 3GB is possible but not that recommend in my opinion. 4GB+ is recommended at least)
This thread is updated with Rift mods supported listings of Voxel Map and others new or ports to 1.13 Rift, as well as images at the bottom of the first post to show what is dependent with Rift modloader for easier telling of what is available.
Watch the video tutorials in that post for how to Install Rift for either Vanilla or MultiMC5 using Rift 66 and not the PGEG needing version higher than 66 from the Rift files section on github or my channels other videos on Rift mod spotlights to get a better idea of what certain mods are like, or otherwise louder volume of my voice on ones like the MultiMC5 which needed a better volume setting change, and I will make the Vanilla method one with louder volume soon.
I'll keep updating this thread with mod support and descriptions of the mods at certain points but for now, to know the update has happened, you can tell by the date of this post.
Again, I'm not using this to get attention, I'm doing this to support or acknowledge Rift for 1.13 modding potential until 1.13 Forge comes out, I enjoy any version of the game, even 1.13/1.14 datapacks. I enjoyed Tesla's power api supported mods and I enjoy Rift mods, I'm just pointing out what available for Rift really, nothing more. If you want 1.13 mods go for it, if not, that's fine too.
Updated descriptions a bit more for unnecessary wording at times or overly stated paragraphs.
Text colouring changed for certain areas to make 'key focuses' more clear with pink/blue/red text to jump out like with the 'If you want to cut to the chase' new sentences/paragraph. Or what Rift is as a placeholder to Forge 1.13.'s coming about hopefully soon but hasn't for the public of players yet. Just small things.
This post is to say I've updated the first post again really. If it needs work or the text colouring is annoying let me know its just to get things across with certain relevance besides me recording a video on this forum thread and posting that at some point, this is what I have setup at the moment.
Use Rift if you wish I'm just making this thread to let people know its a thing if people want it or not, they can use 1.12.2 if they want they can use datapacks if they want, I'm doing this to support mod creators and if you wish to and enjoy a 1.13 modded environment with or without Datapacks or use Datapacks instead, go for it, its your Minecraft experience and its up to you what you do with mods or datapacks to make your Minecraft experiences work for you.
Updated the fact that I probably needed to have my 'louder volume & slower speaking' tutorial videos on here over the much quieter ones (MultiMC5 tutorial of this kind embedded, Vanilla one will be uploaded soon). I will consider subtitles at some point for these videos though if need be I think besides the actions in those videos to explain things since actions aren't always clear compared to a voice or subtitles I'd assume.
Also cleaned up a few paragraphs that felt unnecessary. I should redo the first post a bit more I know, the colours are a bit much at times and clear importance of what's what isn't easy for me so far. I'll think about it though.
Updating any videos with my own custom English Subtitles slowly over the terrible automatic ones and working out almost a re-write of the subtitles to suit so its not all 1 for 1 but better explained besides the visuals as well as better spacing so its easier to read besides what can be seen to match ones reading speed with few pauses needed at least when watching the visuals/and reading. At least that's the intention.
Updated first post with Rift mod spotlights/overviews, also subtitled now, more mod spotlights/overviews will come out soon for mods like Stockpile, PGEG (magic alpha mod), Ender Compass, PattysTools 2 maybe? many of these are self explanatory while others might take a bit to learn but otherwise for acknowledgement these videos are mostly being made for anyways.
I'm planning on a Tesla mods discussion thread soon (done already) anyways since no one talks about it anymore since it came and went when RF was ready and FE exists now, Tesla just sort of, existed for a short time. I feel its going to be similar here with Rift, it will exist for a short time and have a small amount of relevance, then disappear from relevance status the next since the others were ready and its left as a thing from the past. RF and FE exist, Tesla is gone but still exists, Rift and Datapacks exist now, Datapacks will still be around, but Forge & Liteloader will be updated, Datapack will come with them for 3 content methods for players and Rift will just exist as something from the past.
So that thread will be updated infrequently compared to this one, so count that as a reason why this one might be late-ish to updates besides whatever I find or whatever I can do/come up with to update.
Either way though, acknowledgement or not, the time is now, use the mods and Rift is you choose but I'm not forcing, just acknowledging its existence, that's all. I've done the same with new mods for newer versions in the past since 1.8 and onwards to 1.12.2, I'm doing the same here basically.
Updated Aquarius Mod's new features to details of the modlist section, the new features of the mod include: Prismarine rods (used for trident crafting and repairing) & Chorus conduits (allows you to swim in the air, adds potion effect 'Air Swimmer').
-Added WATT - Waterlogged All The Things (which waterlogs blocks that couldn't be before and the list will expand, its mostly including so far as of the creation of it [redstone repeater, redstone comparator, levers, all Minecraft rails, beds, banners, doors & leaves]).
1.13.2 versions of Rift are available. Vanilla Launcher installs are possible. I will record & upload a video on how to install soon it since its not the usual way by like 1 step or so. Otherwise. Only two mods support it for now. Aquarius & Voxel Map. Otherwise stick with Rift 1.13.0 versions and mods for now until the others update if you have an interest in Rift mods.
MultiMC5 I couldn't get working at the time, but have since uploaded a video from another Youtuber with their consent (clearly this post is edited).
I've tried running rift with 1.13.2 and haven't been able to get it to work. Game always crashes on launch. What version of Rift are you using? How are you installing it?
For the past posts in this thread I'm using the Rift 1.13 (1.13.0) versions since it was the most obvious version of files available at the time,
I know the 1.13.2 version has come out, I found out just yesterday and have done a tutorial on it. I think even the 1.13.2 mods came out 1 to 2 days ago so I'm hopefully not too far behind it for making a tutorial or updating info on the 2 mods available to my knowledge for it on the first post as well as the tutorial, but for those that check the latest post (this one) the links to the mods used that I know do work, as well as a tutorial at going to be below.
The source of this Rift.jar isn't available on the main Rift mod page see. It can be available from the Aquarius & Voxel Map mod pages besides other sources where Rift is managed technically, with the links to the Rift 1.13.2 modloader at the top of those pages though would be easier for players. Only Vanilla works for now, I tried MultiMC5 methods but they don't work right now for me.
I haven't tried any 1.13.1 mods though even though the 1.13.2 Rift modloader descriptions say (at least more on GitHub I mean) it has the 1.13.1 included. But no mods really that support Rift seem likely to be relevant for that, but if there were give them a go and see what happens, since I've not tried yet myself.
I am uploaded the tutorial video now for how to setup Rift for 1.13.2 and also the before mentioned mods are the only two I know of that support 1.13.2 using Rift. The other mods available for 1.13.2 on Curseforge aren't Rift supported which I worked out with some testing and those mods being ignored by Rift's purpose and not crashing with the mods supported, just act as their own thing, or not recognising the mod, like the TAF mod (for 1.13 at least) and the others being more installed mods in different ways I'm not sure of.
For the link to those mods, or the direct download link for the 1.13.2 Rift modloader try these:
I didn't know that Aether Legacy Rift Edition Alpha/Pre-Release using a Rift for 1.13.0 but now I do, only came across it due to seeing a video by CraftStones on YouTube right before posting this. I also came across Udisen's as well.
URL to the video on Aether Legacy Rift Edition as Shoutouts and also highlighting Youtubers spotlighting Rift content:
From my own testing of this Rift mod port it isn't a complete 'Alpha ready to play state' its more an 'Alpha in development port state'. Use only for testing, as survivals are cut short as soon as you try to make a Holy Stone pick if you are playing Aether from scratch. Many recipes aren't available and many textures aren't either, so again, only use for testing, its not 100% playable at the moment and use the mod in its current state at your own risk, be careful.
Here's a link to Aether Legacy's Rift Edition file if you want to try it out, I haven't myself since I just found it and the video had been out a week from the time of me typing this now.
1.13.2 Rift mod list with Aquarius & Voxel Map are listed on in the first posts lists in Orange below the Pink recognisable past mods ported to Rift. Its a small list so far but it will grow once developers work out support for it since its only been out a brief amount of time from what I've noticed at least.
Please let me know about any mods for 1.13.0 or 1.13.2 or things that need to be ironed out in the posts above (especially the first post which is a colorful mess and does need work I know). Since finding other youtubers or mod sources on github I could do myself but its not easy and I'd like help with documenting these mods please.
Should I do a datapack documentation thread too? Let me know. While Rift is a placeholder and isn't I assume going to be supported once Forge 1.13 comes out, like it was with RF or FE power apis over Tesla, I still think documenting for now is of some worth to players until then.
For documenting or support or acknowledgment. Anyways, enjoy your 1.13.2 modded experiences with or without datapacks even now if you wish.
Added Matter Vortex for 1.13.0 Rift, I noticed it yesterday and recorded videos but forgot to add it to the documentation/Rift mod list here in the first post. I've now put that up.
Don't get confused by the first post's mess of Tutorials, Mod Spotlights (Mod Overviews) and 1.13.0 or 1.13.2 mod lists, either the "NEW FOR 1.13 RIFT MODS", "PORTS OF RECOGNISEABLE MODS SUPPORTED BY RIFT NOW", or "1.13.2 RIFT MODS" (and even in those text colours). I should make it cleaner and more readable, and accessible but I will when I have the right way I want to set it out if I can and maybe more among posts besides the first thread if I can.
Considered an Incompatibility List after making my attempt at an Incompatability Video stating what I knew didn't work depending on the files or things that are unlikely without a fix and those that aren't going to get fixes due to say Beacon requirements. Not sure if will release the video or just consider the Incompatibility List over that video.
Added: Incompatibility List in purple for listing mods and datapacks that have conflicts. Some of these could be ironed out, but the Better Beacons mod hasn't been updated in a while and also the Better Beacons & Beacon-warp conflict isn't likely to be fixed due to Beacon-warp uses Vanilla Beacon requirements over a modded Beacon.
Let me know of others or report them to creators instead. If they are ones that seem unlike to be fixed like the BB & BW one those I'd most likely want to put here compared to those that can be fixed easily.
My 1.13.2 Vanilla Launcher Install Tutorial video. (At top of first post)
I don't have a 1.13.2 MultiMC5 one yet, but I'm thinking of shouting out and posting another Youtubers tutorials if they agree to besides myself making my own after watching a video that filled in the details I missed to attempt to install a MultiMC5 instance.
I could do my own tutorial but I don't want to take credit only for my videos and my install tutorials when tons of Youtubers have made tutorials or mod spotlights just as much as I have and they deserve some credit or acknowledgement. Besides I'm open to any information about Rift here, its just a centralised information thread, its open to anyone to ask questions or pitch in things Its just no one has yet and maybe Rift is still a niche thing for the modding community.
Or its a RF & Tesla situation where Forge will still be big like RF is and Rift will die out so no one will care but its a moment that did happen at some point and those that still go for it do or not. Tesla had it and Rift will suffer a similar fate, which I knew anyways when making this thread but still. Information is information, and the relevant time to inform about it is now so... if players want to take Rift for a spin or not.
And I also don't control this thread I just post information to it and happened to create it because I needed to know this information just as much as other people, that's all I count towards this, I just post my videos also encase for something else to put here if I don't end up with videos from other Youtubers to put here or that I happened to make myself so I know what information I'm giving out over other Youtubers and what they say in their videos I don't remember as well. Its not a bad thing, just pointing it out is all.
Added: 1.13.2 MultiMC5 tutorial, I came across it because I wasn't sure what details I missed for that installation this time around, and this tutorial did a great job. Also a shoutout to ScottoMotto who I have consent from to use this video in the thread, and also being the start of me trying to add videos from other Youtubers besides my own since I don't want only centralised stuff of my own on here. Others do deserve credit after all and I want to make that clearer :).
Update:Cleaned up some inaccurate sentences in the first post (FINALLY) so why leave in inaccurate sentences like that since its obviously unnecessary and bad to keep in such information. A 7 part contents sectionhas now been added with colour coding and font scaled to size 18 pixels over 14 pixels to make it stand out along with the colours and to make them more like headings for each section.
Updated: Aether Legacy Rift Edition shoutout to the video on the mod with an install by CraftStones in its post now that I've gotten the 'ok' to post it in this thread.
Future Plans for Rift Thread:
-Mod Spotlights for all Rift mods 1.13 or 1.13.2
-Forge 1.13.2 mod listings (will make up most even if more are for Forge 1.14) or those Rift ones that still update/have been ported to Fabric (will be rare but still possible just very few, unless Rift mods come from new devs that want to support).
Redesign completed with spoilers now and colour coding! Felt a need to after noticing the poll results and the mess this first post was before.
This thread contains mod lists, tutorials, short explanations about why this thread exists/what Rift is and more like stuff related to Forge 1.13.2.
My Past & Current Thread Links:
Archives of these Threads:
Asphodel Meadows
Liteloader Archive/Download Sources Thread
APortingCore Thread
Fabric Project (Jumploader, Patchwork, etc.)
Fabric 1.17:
Fabric 1.16: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/mods-discussion/3004971-fabric-20w06a-to-1-16-1-snap-pre-rel-rel
Fabric 1.15: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/mods-discussion/2988502-fabric-19w34a-to-1-15-1-rel-snapshot-discussio
Fabric 1.14: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/mods-discussion/2938388-fabric-18w50a-to-1-14-4-rel-snapshot-mod-loader
This Thread (Rift 1.13/1.13.2): https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/mods-discussion/2925529-rift-1-13-1-13-2-mods-discussion-thread-install
Tesla Power API (1.9 to 1.12.2): https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/mods-discussion/2937710-tesla-power-api-mod-listings-help-discussion
-Legacy Fabric Thread:
Rift Mod 1.13/1.13.2 Mod Spotlight Youtube Playlist:
0.Fake Q&A
0.5.External Stuff I Posted/Had In Mind
1.Rift in short.
2.Tutorial Videos to Install Rift for 1.13 or 1.13.2 For Vanilla/Standard Launcher, MultiMC & Twitch Unofficial.
3.Links to Curseforge where you can get Rift mods, GitHub links are for certain mods or Rift installs. Rift 66 is outdated on Curseforge for 1.13 so check the GitHub links sometimes for 1.13/1.13.2 Rift versions. Or check the 'Rift Version Links for 1.13.2' Spoiler.
4.Listings Of Rift Mods Broken Down List for 1.13 & 1.13.2 as well as detailing libraries and other requirements or other versions the mods support if they aren't Rift exclusive and have been around before Rift.
5.Other Important Things (Mod List Methods with the Resourcepacks Menu or Rift Mod List)
6.Mod Spotlights Of Rift Mods For 1.13 & 1.13.2 (Not Install Tutorials, Just Explanations Of How They Work or What The Mod Is About)
Fake Q&A:
1.Do Rift and Forge work together?
ANS: No. This is a common question so it has been put as the first. I don't know if they ever will due to the state Forge 1.13.2 is in but I don't see it happening even though it would be nice. Also as Fabric and Forge exist for 1.14+ it's never going to happen.
2.How long will you support this Thread?
ANS: As long as I see relevance of Forge 1.13.2 or Rift updates, although Rift updates are rare to not existent.
Rift Discord Link: https://discord.gg/f27hdrM
Rift Minecraft Wiki Entry: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Mods/Rift (Moved To FTB Wikis)
FTB Rift Wiki Entry: https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Rift_(mod)
Rift Installer/Fix Links for 1.13.2:
1.13.2 Versions Of Rift To Recommend:
Earliest Snapshot Of Rift 1.13.2 when it first appeared:
Unable to find from original link now since it has been replaced with the newer one under 'later than 106'. Well...
106 Release On Github (Your after the Rift.jar 'NOT dev or source files', releases 105 and under are Rift 1.13 only):
Later Than 106 Release:
Broken Link below, don't use:
MultiMC 1.13.2.zip
MultiMC RIFT LAST VERSION Download with Rift Mod List & Voxel Map included:
Version List for 1.13/1.13.2 Rift versions (version names will be tricky to read)
Possible Fixes:
ASM fix:
How to install:
1.Go to %appdata%, .minecraft, libraries, org, ow2.
2.Then delete the asm folder in ow2 and put this one in. Best to extract the zip then put that this one in it's place.
3.Relaunch the launcher (if you haven't closed it close it first).
4.If succesful it worked, if not try another solution or go to the Rift Discord here for more assistance: https://discord.gg/f27hdrM
1.If you installed Rift and for some reason the game won't load correctly close the launch and go to %appdata%, .minecraft, version and find the Rift 1.13 or 1.13.2 you just installed, there should be a jar file and a json file.
2.Open the json file and look for URLs with http, change those to https, if one has https leave it.
3.Relaunch the launcher and try again.
4.If successful it worked, if not try another solution or go to the Rift Discord here for more assistance: https://discord.gg/f27hdrM
Curse? While a 1.14 Fabric category is nice, can we have a Rift or Liteloader one please?
Since knowing what supports what is kinda helpful. I even made a Tesla Power API mod support thread just because it was kinda helpful (compared to the load of RF or FE not needing one and EU is strictly IC2 or addons usually anyways with some mods adding support, BuildCraft has gone the way of RF I think instead of MJ, and few mods do their own thing sometimes, but anyways) to know what supports a non-completed relevant Power API (until we see with 1.13 at least, but for now it's not desperate on updates any time soon).
Modloaders I feel is a different case of course compared to Power APIs. Can we have a category for Rift or Liteloader Please? Especially when 1.13 Forge or Liteloader come around. I know it's not like the old days with Forge and 'that other modloader I forget the name of since I wasn't aware of Minecraft back then'. But with 3 modloaders and mod offers compared to just knowing the 'Liteloader mods are host on the Liteloader site as well as Curse'. It's kinda helpful to tell the difference for those that don't besides the 'download Rift' URLs.
Modloader support request across Curse for Liteloader, Rift or Fabric and "Not only Forge":
Note: due to Fabric/1.14 Mods, I'll be updating that more often than Rift, but few mods have still come to Rift if they aren't up for 1.14 snapshot environments or just 1.13/1.13.2 relevance. Otherwise, check out the Fabric Discussion Section here that I've been updating:
In short. Rift is an 'option' for 1.13/1.13.2 modding for devs and players, an alternative to what Forge 1.13.2 offers, similar to a Liteloader for 1.13 versions I guess you could say.
Its up to you if you choose to use it, I'm just letting people know about it, nothing more, no forcing, just stating the potential option Rift is.
I just felt a thread needed to be available so people know about Rift for 1.13 mods, especially with the Forge 1.13.2 mods popping up and people wanting to learn about Rift mod support, how to install it and all this place is for anything to do with Rift as well as stating Forge mods in updates now I guess, I feel this thread was needed not just for myself but many others since its an alternative to modding besides Forge for 1.13/1.13.2.
My video showing where to get 1.13/1.13.2 Rift mods, 1.14 Fabric mods if your new here, 1.13/1.13.2/1.14 datapacks and also stating this thread as well as the Fabric one to know where to get info about the modloaders, mods and so on for tutorials/install instructions:
Here are some alternative modloaders and mod-likes compared to what Forge offers. But you can try some 1.13/1.13.2 Rift Modloader, 1.14 Fabric Modloader & 1.13/1.13.2/1.14 Datapacks as community content offerings. This video is to state the potential people have with these versions of the game now, for clarity over the 'clickbait videos of 1.13 Forge and otherwise are lying and this video is to clear that up' that happened before Forge 1.13 was a thing but Rift still was going well.
Tutorial videos for understanding how to install the Rift modloader for Vanilla,& MultiMC5, tutorials for both 1.13 and 1.13.2 exist in the spoiler below:
Vanilla Tutorials 1.13 and 1.13.2 below:
NEWER Rift 1.13.2 Vanilla Tutorial (due to newer 1.13.2 Rift version and 1.13.2 Rift Mod List relevance):
1.13 Vanilla Rift Install Tutorial (Low Volume sadly, every other isn't low volume):
1.13.2 Vanilla Rift Install Tutorial:
MultiMC Tutorials 1.13 and 1.13.2 below:
1.13 MultiMC5 Installation (2 Methods [1 is linking the zip file, the 2nd is a code setups set by developers]):
Louder volume and attempting to speak slower form of this tutorial:
1.13.2 MultiMC5 Install Tutorial, shoutout to ScottoMotto:
Twitch Unofficial Tutorials For 1.13/1.13.2
NEWER 1.13 Twitch Unofficial Tutorial (original creator of method, updated video):
ScottoMotto's 1.13/1.13.2 Twitch Unofficial Tutorial (I can't get 1.13.2 working myself but they were successful so yay :))
Links to Curseforge for Mod Downloads/Rift Modloader for 1.13/1.13.2 (for 1.13.2 Rift, go to any that are 1.13.2 supported like Voxel Map, they state a 1.13.2 Rift link that you can download it from, 1.13.2 Rift isn't on the 1.13 Rift pages anywhere:
Direct Link For the 1.13 Rift Modloader Description/Download Page:
For Rift versions above -66 on Curseforge, versions that fix datapack incompatability and also allow for PGEG to work:
For mods that support only 1.13 Rift by filtering to only include Rift 'dependencies' (advanced filtering) compared to generic mod searching:
For generic 1.13 mod search with no deep Rift dependency filtering:
1.13.2 Generic/Popularity Mods Search:
Forge Snapshot/Pre-Release Mod Links:
1.Get Back To Home (works in 1.12.2, not so much in 1.13 Pre-Release 5)
2.Chroma Blocks (If works should on 1.13 Pre-Release 5, if not use the 1.12.2 version for Forge)
3.Half Logs [Rift test mod so not likely for Forge] (I think works in 1.13 Pre-Release 5 but best to use in 1.13)
4.Bunny Tweaks (works in 1.12.2, I think might in 1.13 Pre-Release 5)
5.Creative Expansion (tried in 1.13 Pre-Release 5, don't think I got it working)
Video showing what I got of these mods working in 1.12.2 and 1.13 Pre-Release 5
Rift Release Version Mod Links: (A spoiler for all links to any mods for 1.13 or 1.13.2, if they are abandoned links or the mod is discontinued but still downloadable it will be stated as such)
4 In One Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2 Modpack Collection (2 Rift 1.13, 2 Rift 1.13.2, 4 purposes and modpacks, 52MB download for package with test world saves, mods, configs, mudpack icons and more, recommended for MultiMC importing but if you want to download, extract and use the mods how you wish besides these being designed for MultiMC Rift versions/mod stability then go for it)
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yZHQxbvuxQmnGVXcH9T6i8fenROv3boy/view?usp=sharing
Advanced Shulkerboxes (commonly for Forge, only 1 1.13 Rift file exists still)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/advanced-shulkerboxes/files/2608306
Aether Legacy Rift Edition (Was for Rift 1.13 and later died around Fabric 19w05a-19w12a 1.14 snapshots, abandoned links and discontinued, only mod dev accessible files are still around besides what I've downloaded for Rift and Fabric files at the time they were available, no I'm not giving mine out, distribution rules are why).
Old Link (Modding Legacy): https://github.com/Modding-Legacy/Aether-Legacy-Rift/releases (doesn't work anymore)
Current hosting GitHub (LemmaEOF): https://github.com/LemmaEOF/Aether-Legacy-Rift/tags
Archives: https://web.archive.org/web/20220607041927/https://github.com/LemmaEOF/Aether-Legacy-Rift/tags
1.13.2 version that is more fleshed but still WIP (From my Google Drive): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fDpNA0jVDYF1puXdXUrCCFDpUv06rIFo/view?usp=sharing
Still Buggy/Can Crash 19w05a 1.14 Fabric version From My Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ywf6AYhIr4CzO7stm07lp3Geln3Ks3ms/view?usp=sharing
Iron Dimension 19w05a Fabric Archive
Because why not: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RP3Zw1VJV3Eq4ecy-LpTCpai2widspXx/view?usp=sharing
Almost Enough Items (For Rift 1.13, has since been Discontinued, Roughly Enough Items is the successor, you can find it in the R's below but if you still want here try below, REI is available for Rift 1.13, 1.13.2):
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/almost-enough-items
Autofish (Rift 1.13.2):
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/autofish
Aquarius (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2, continued with Fabric 1.14+)
Link: https://github.com/Boundarybreaker/Aquarius/releases (Rift releases)
Bedrock Break Helper (for Rift 1.13.2 & Fabric 1.14.4)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bedrockbreakhelper/files
Better Beacons (Rift 1.13, just found this while browsing my curseforge subscriptions, I hate Curse for it's difficulty to find Alpha versions of mods when searching! It sucks, FIX IT!)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-beacons
Version 1.0.2 if 1.0.3 feels strange to use, just be careful of mod conflicts, please read notice in zip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tnYriiedgZCJmYjBK2A0e5ZOXbD6c6iG/view?usp=sharing
Better Together (for Rift 1.13.2 only then only for Fabric 1.14+)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-together
Bounding Box Reloaded (Rift 1.13.2):
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bounding-box-outline-reloaded/files
Chat Bubbles (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chat-bubbles
CraftPresence (for Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/craftpresence/files
Creeperworks (Rift 1.13 only)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/creeperworks/files
Custom Selection Box Port (Rift 1.13.2 only)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/custom-selection-box-port/files/all?filter-game-version=2020709689:7132
DeathMaps (Rift 1.13 and Fabric 1.14+)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/deathmaps/files/all
Dorsim (Rift 1.13 only, abandoned, inaccessible page,)
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15-5KLP2-78XEowRPgdtzbOF6CzBmrD-r/view?usp=sharing (warning player can't get off dolphin after they get off, whether attack or dismounting)
Dynamic Lights Rift 1.13.2 Version
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dynamic-lights/files/2682759
Ears (Rift 1.13.2, 1.14.4+ for Fabric)
EasierChests (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easierchests/files/all
EasierCrafting (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easiercrafting/files
EasierVillagerTrading (Rift 1.13.2)
Ender Compass (Rift 1.13 and abandoned now apparently)(I'll have a link on my google drive for the Rift version, can't say for many older versions of the mod though)
My Google Drive Link for 1.13 Rift 1.0.2 version of Ender Compass: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t-q8k4sUuqUVkLy9rMy1T5wyd-yrH3lb/view?usp=sharing
Archive for 1.7.10 to 1.13 Rift/18w50a [1.14] Fabric: https://web.archive.org/web/20190313084134/https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ender-compass/files
-1.7.10 to 1.9 Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20160711040834/http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/ender-compass/files
Finder Compass (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/finder-compass/files/2682761
FlightHelper (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/flighthelper/files
FoamFix (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/foamfix-for-minecraft/files/2604597
Gamemode Fix (Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2)
1.13 Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gamemode-fix/files/all
1.13.2 https://github.com/ThexXTURBOXx/Rift-Gamemode-Fix/releases
Giselbaer's Durability Viewer (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/giselbaers-durability-viewer/files
Ghost Buster (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ghost-buster/files/all
Gravestone (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/gravestone-mod/files/2608052
Grid (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/grid/files
Half Logs (Rift 1.13, basically a Rift test mod but for log type stairs and slabs it's a fine mod)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/half-logs/files
Haunch HUD (RIft 1.13, abandoned curseforge page, but found this page that's hosting it still, not sure if the file's contents is in Russian)
Link: https://tmonitoring.com/mods-113/2246-skachat-haunch-hud-dlya-maynkraft-113.html
My Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TOpJ6jKTebOjQWvx7TbZHi815m6R_amT/view?usp=sharing
Horse Debug Info (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/horse-debug-info/files
Item Scroller (Rift 1.13.2, needs MaLiLib)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/item-scroller/files
IronChestForRift (Rift 1.13, abandoned)
Old Link: https://github.com/gbuimc/IronChestForRift/releases
Litematica (Rift 1.13.2, needs MaLiLib)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/litematica/files/all
LocaleFixer (Rift 1.13 version doesn't exist anymore, can't find any archives from curseforge but I did find one from a hosting site)
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d9vdPANbWD9-czYfiLh58QKz7hsMEQeW/view?usp=sharing
Matter Vortex (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/matter-vortex/files/all
MaLiLib (core/library mod required for Litematica, Item Scroller, MiniHUD and more from that developer)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malilib/files
MineAmp (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mineamp/files/2634777
MiniHUD (Rift 1.13.2, needs MaLiLib)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mini-hud/files
MobCount Mod (Rift 1.13.2, needs MaLiLib)
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Rift Edition (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=cfmrift#downloads
Neat for Rift (Rift 1.13.2, no clue about Rift 1.13 file besides what I have on me or Fabric 1.14, if you want a 1.14.4 Neat Fabric port try Orderly)
Link: https://github.com/gbl/NeatForRift/releases
Optifine (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2 environments supported, can conflict with Roughly Enough Items but depends on the version of REI that it is, that and E5 or Optifine can crash in a Rift 1.13.2 environment, use the Optifine extract method when using with Rift)
Link: https://optifine.net/downloads (Get the "mirror" downloads then leave the site to skip the ad site transition)
Pattys More Tools 2 (Rift 1.13 most likely, 1.13.2 versions most likely support Forge)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pattysmoretools-2/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986:55023
Pistorder (Rift 1.13.2 and 1.14.4+ for Fabric)
Pretty Game-Enhancing Goblet (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pretty-game-enhhancing-gobblet-pgeg
ProbeDataProvider API (Rift 1.13, probably not worth it anymore but still, for developers though)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/probedataprovider
Protocharset (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/protocharset
RandomConfigs (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/randomconfigs/files
Reap (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/reap-mod/files/2608336
Relocate (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ZMaFbGWbIfXsKQYQIZsq6ZaJOkdUuFK/view?usp=sharing
Rift Mod List (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rift-mod-list
[Rift] Nether and End Ores (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rift-nether-ores
Rift: Corail Pillar (Rift 1.13 abandoned, file available from my google drive)
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Iae7hnk8ayATmXPtoM3vHm1LSiSHn3tq/view?usp=sharing
Rift: Corail Recycler (Rift 1.13 abandoned, creator deleted project page, file is available from my google drive)
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1te1hAPV9Rkzmoe402srC5Zyk5XoaKsOv/view?usp=sharing
Rift: Mouse Tweaks (Rift 1.13 abandoned, Curseforge Page lost but Github Page has 1.13 & 1.13.2)
Link: https://github.com/Takaranoao/MouseTweaksForRift/releases
Old Curseforge Page/No Archives: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/project-299294
Rift: Wastelands (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rift-wastelands
Riftlin (Rift 1.13, core/library mod)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/riftlin/files
Roughly Enough Items (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2, Fabric 1.14&1.15+, AEI/Almost Enough Items successor)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/roughly-enough-items/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986:55023
Shield Plus (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/shields-plus
Sky Ores (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sky-ores
Simple Light Overlay (Rift and Forge 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-light-overlay-rift/files
Snowflake (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/snowflake
StaffDerps Mod (Rift 1.13.2, requires MaLiLib)
StackUp! (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/stackup
StepUp for Rift (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://github.com/gbl/StepUp/releases/download/1.0.2/StepUp-1.13.2-rift1.0.4.77-1.0.2.jar
Releases Link for Rift 1.13.2 and Fabric 1.14-no clue: https://github.com/gbl/StepUp/releases
Stockpile (Rift 1.13, Fabric 1.14+, depending on the version it may use Riftlin)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/stockpile
Syrup (Rift 1.13.2, Fabric 1.14/1.14.1 and Forge 1.11.2 to 1.13.2)
Tea and Biscuits (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tea-and-biscuits
ThaiFixes (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/thaifixes/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986:55023
TIS-3D (Rift 1.13, just found the file for it, it includes all versions that were available for Rift 1.13 I think :D)
Link: https://ci.cil.li/job/TIS-3D-MC1.13-Rift/
Tweakeroo (Rift 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tweakeroo/files
VanillaDeathChest (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/vanilladeathchest/files/all?filter-game-version=1738749986:55023
VoxelMap (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/voxelmap/files
Watson (Rift 1.13.2, needs MaLiLib)
WATT: Waterlog All The Things (Rift 1.13, abandoned, I'd say Towelette with Fabric is a better alternative/successor)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/watt-waterlog (link has no file and there is no archives)
WorldInfo (Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/worldinfo/files/all
ZeroPoint Energy API (Rift 1.13)
Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/zeropoint
List of mods and compatibility [ALL Rift Mods Break Down List, 1.13 NEW Mods, 1.13 Recognisable Mods & 1.13.2 Mod Listings]
for 1.13 and 1.13.2 compatibility if you haven't checked out on Curseforge.com yet or are unsure what is supported (as some like Custom Skin Loader aren't Rift supported for example):
All Rift Mods Break Down List:
-Advanced Magic 1.0 Alpha is not Rift compatible, it does its only thing. It works for 1.12.2 Forge but not 1.13 versions.
-Aether Legacy Rift Edition (for Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2 [didn't know was a 1.13.2 version until now], downloads are only available from here for now: https://github.com/Modding-Legacy/Aether-Legacy-Rift/releases)
Discontinued-Almost Enough Items (for Rift 1.13, discontinued, use Roughly Enough Items instead)
-Aquarius (Available for Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2, as well as 1.14 Fabric)
-Autofish (Available for Rift 1.13.2 and Liteloader versions: 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10/1.10.2, 1.11/1.11.2, 1.12/1.12.1/1.12.2)
-Bad Mobs (was tagged for 1.13 for Forge 1.13 prep, but hasn't been released due to obviously no Forge 1.13 yet)
-Bedrock Break Helper (Rift 1.13.2 and 1.14.4 with Fabric)
-Better Beacons (for Rift 1.13)
-Better Together (uses Rift for 1.13.2, uses Fabric for 1.14)
-Bounding Box Outline Reloaded (uses Forge for 1.12.2, Vanilla profile method for 1.13/1.13.2, Rift for 1.13.2, and Fabric for 1.14, for any prior versions of this mod from before 1.12 [1.7.10, 1.8, 1.10] try here https://github.com/irtimaled/BoundingBoxOutlineReloaded/releases)
-Advanced Shulkerboxes (for prior versions with Forge, Rift 1.13)
-Chat Bubbles (for prior versions with Forge, Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2 as well as 1.14 Fabric)
-Controlling (for prior versions with Forge, Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2 as well as 1.14 Fabric)
(ABANDONDED)-Corail Pillar for Rift (for Rift 1.13)
-Craft Prescence (for prior versions with Forge, Rift 1.13 & 1.13.2 as well as 1.14 Fabric)
-CreeperWorks (for Rift 1.13)
-Custom Selection Box Port (for 1.13.2 Rift, for prior versions of 1.5.2 to 1.12.2 go here, it uses Forge: https://github.com/shedaniel/CustomSelectionBox-Fork/blob/master/README.md)
-CustomSkinLoader is not a Rift compatible mod and has its own install and relevance for 1.13/1.13.1.
-DeathMaps (for Rift 1.13 and 1.12.2 with Forge)
-Dorsim (for Rift 1.13, you can't get off the dolphin though?)
-Durability Notifier (a Forge focused mod)
-Dynamic Lights (1.13.2 Rift version instead of 1.13.2 Forge version for now, obviously Forge for 1.12.2 versions and prior)
-Ears (1.13.2 Rift and higher versions with Fabric)
-Ender Compass (for prior versions with Forge, for Rift 1.13)
-Finder Compass (1.13.2 Rift version over 1.13.2 Forge for now, obviously 1.12.2 and prior uses Forge)
-FlightHelper (for 1.12.2 with Forge and 1.13.2 with Rift)
-FoamFix for Minecraft (for prior versions with Forge, for Rift 1.13
-Gamemode Fix (for Rift 1.13)
-Giselbaer's Durability Viewer (for Rift 1.13.2, prior versions use Forge)
-Ghost Buster (for Rift 1.13)
-GraveStone (for prior versions with Forge, for Rift 1.13)
-Grid (for prior versions with Forge, for 1.13.2 Rift)
-Half Logs (for Rift 1.13, its also a Rift test mod so it makes sense to be)
-Haunch HUD (for Rift 1.13, its basically AppleSkin for Rift written from scratch)
-Horse Debug Info (for prior versions with Forge, for Rift 1.13)
-Item Scroller (Forge for prior versions, 1.13.2 uses Rift)
-IronChestForRift (Rift 1.13 supported, can be found here, it is an alpha though: https://github.com/gbuimc/IronChestForRift/releases)
-Inventory Sorter (Version 1.13 command? Check for yourself, I have no idea how to run it https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/inventory-sorter I'd assume it's not Rift related, but I tried, mods folder, I tried the commands and nothing happens... Any ideas)
-Lean Mod/Purple Drink Mod (Joke Mod) isn't Rift compatible, so it isn't counted, but this does need to be pointed out.
-Litematica (for 1.13 Rift, needs MaLiLib to run)
-LocaleFixer (for prior versions with Forge, for Rift 1.13)
-Matter Vortex (for prior versions with Forge, for Rift 1.13, 1.13 version is smaller scaled compared to the 1.12.2 version though)
-MaLibLib (Liteloader required for 1.12 versions, Rift required for 1.13.2)
-MineAmp (for prior versions with Liteloader, for Rift 1.13 and 1.13.2, as well as 1.14 Fabric)
-MiniHUD (prior versions use Forge or Liteloader [as of 0.12.1 of the mod it supports Liteloader], 1.13.2 uses Rift)
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Rift Edition (supports 1.13 Rift) [You can get it from here: https://mrcrayfish.com/mods?id=cfmrift#downloads]
-NonUpdate (Not sure about this mod, its not noticed by Rift at all, tried 1.12.2 not noticed by Forge Mod Options at least, tried 1.7.10 and its noticed by it there. I'm not big on mods like this. Not the concept, but the version acknowledgement thing for 'works for many versions' when it doesn't or it doesn't seem likely, sigh)
-PattysMoreTools 2 (prior versions use Forge, 1.13 uses Rift)
-Pretty, Game Enhancing Goblet (1.13 uses Rift, needs Snowflake mod for later versions, warning: latest versions use higher versions of Rift, you'll need them from here: https://github.com/DimensionalDevelopment/Rift/releases)
-ProbeDataProvider API (Rift for 1.13, its a Power API mod)
-ProtoCharset (Rift for 1.13, a Factorization style/portable crafting table only version of Charset)
-RandomConfigs (prior versions use Forge, 1.13 & 1.13.2 uses Rift, 1.14 uses Fabric)
-Reap Mod (prior versions uses Forge, 1.13 uses Rift)
-Relocate (1.13 uses Rift)
-Rift Mod List (uses 1.13 & 1.13.2 Rift)
-[Rift] Nether and End Ores (uses 1.13 Rift)
(ABANDONED)-Rift: Corail Recycler (1.13 Rift version)
-Rift: Mouse Tweaks for Rift (1.13 Rift version)
-Rift: Neat for Rift (1.13 Rift version, 1.13.2 compiled I just found out about https://github.com/gbl/NeatForRift/releases)
-Rift: Wastelands (uses 1.13 Rift)
-Riftlin (uses 1.13 Rift)
-Roughly Enough Items (uses 1.13/1.13.2 Rift, 1.14 Fabric and Forge 1.13.2 but not as supported for Forge, a AEI successor)
-Shields Plus (uses 1.13 Rift)
-Sky Ores (uses 1.13 Rift)
-Simple Light Overlay (uses 1.13.2 Rift)
-Snowflake (uses 1.13 Rift)
-StaffDerpsMod (Rift 1.13.2 and higher with Fabric)
-StackUp! (prior versions use Forge,1.13 uses Rift)
-Step Up (1.13.2 Rift, unsure of mod so don't know about prior versions and if by same creator of https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/stepup StepUp or a Rift version of it as it's own unofficial port or something)
-Stockpile (uses 1.13 Rift, needs Riftlin for 0.3.0 and up)
-Super Mod (not Rift compatible but has 1.13 tagging, the more I see of these the more I get confused)
-TAF Mod (while doesn't exist anymore, when it did it had no relevance to Rift, it wasn't recognised or had anything to do with 1.13 at all, not even the ability to search items in creative for the mod's content in 1.13, the game would load but nothing was accessible, the mod was just ignored, and with Forge it seemed like a test version of sorts but has now since been removed from minecraft.curseforge.com under anything 1.12.2 or 1.13 related, its just gone. While I still have the files, I don't intend to do anything with them)
-T&A's Dinocraft (its tagged as 1.13 snapshot, but works with 1.12.2, why?)
-Tea And Biscuits (prior versions use Forge, 1.13 uses Rift)
-TIS-3D (prior versions use Forge, 1.13 uses Rift
-Tweakeroo (prior versions use Forge, 1.13.2 uses Rift)
-VanillaDeathChest (prior versions use Forge, 1.13 & 1.13.2 uses Rift, 1.14 uses Fabric)
-VoxelMap (prior versions use Liteloader, 1.13 & 1.13.2 uses Rift)
-Watson (Rift 1.13.2 and higher with Fabric)
-WorldInfo (uses Rift for 1.13 and 1.13.2)
-Xray Mod/RiftXray (uses Rift for 1.13 & 1.13.2)
-ZeroPoint Energy API (uses Rift for 1.13)
1.13 (1.13.2 listing further down in Orange) Common/NEW Rift ONLY Mods I Recommend Curseforge:
-Almost Enough Items (NEI/JEI but basic with @mod support, cheat mode, search bar, removing items/blocks in AEI panel)
-(Now 1.13.2) Aquarius (1.Channeling II and Channeling III: Higher levels of Channeling that let you smite mobs even when it's not thundering. Channeling II lets you strike during normal rain, and Channeling III lets you strike any time. 2. Flippers that grant you Dolphin's Grace when in water, but slowness when out of water. Crafted with two leather and two scute. 3. Prismarine rods: Used to craft and repair tridents, made with two prismarine shards and one prismarine crystal. Tridents crafted with two prismarine rods and three quartz. 4.Chorus conduits: Allow you to swim in the air. Made out of water with purpur or purpur columns in the place of prismarine. Also adds the potion effect Air Swimmer, only obtainable with the chorus conduit. Crafted with one conduit and two shulker shells, like a shulker box. [Based on a video by Grian)
-Bedrock Break Helper (Helps you breaking bedrock)
-Better Beacons (a beacon tier idea with blocks of iron, gold, diamond & emerald making different potion effects and other ideas possible, SimplySarc video inspired so)
-CreeperWorks (prevents mobgriefing of creepers if you don't use mobgriefing command or want only creepers mobgriefing days to end but village to replant crops, zombies to still break doors, its only creepers not other mobs who are effected here is what I mean)
-Dorsim (a awkward dolphin riding idea, you can't get off the dolphin though, so, try once but not again until its worked out)
-Death Maps (a gravemap to find where your stuff went, also available for 1.12.2)
-Ears (is a simple mod with the purpose of allowing character customization across a wide range of versions)
-Gamemode Fix (/gamemode 0, 1, 2, 3 was never so easy, single letters don't work though sadly)
-Ghost Buster (Phantom related mod)
-Half Logs (Stripped stairs/slab, Log slabs/stairs, is a test mod for Rift but a great building options mod really)
-HaunchHUD (AppleSkin mod like)
-MouseTweaks for Rift
-Pretty Game-Enhancing Gobblet (PGEG) (Alpha WIP ores, magic, cauldron ideas, its got potential so far)
-ProtoCharset (A 1.13 more scaled down Charset mod by the same author, at the moment factorization pocket crafter item)
-Reap (crop harvest on right click)
-Relocate (Rocket Springboard: Launches the player about 36 blocks into the air (for easy elytra takeoff). Can be used 4 times before breaking, and can be repaired with firework rockets. Speedy Dust: Can be placed on the ground, gives players walking on it a Speed III effect.) That's all that is added so far.
-Rift Mod List (a mod list mod that makes it easier on the title/splash screen what mods are install, configs can now be accessed, use this instead of the Resource Packs or /Datapack list methods, but only in the game, as the Mod List for this mod isn't accessible ingame only on the main menu/title/splash screen)
-Rift: Neat for Rift (Neat health bars on mobs for Rift)
-Rift: Wastelands (Wastelands world type, 4 regions)
-Rift: Nether & End Ores (exactly what it means)
-Roughly Enough Items (AEI fork with a few improvements and a JEI like feel)
-ShieldsPlus (New shields and 2 enchants)
-Sky Ores (adds ore generation to the sky?)
-StaffDerpsMod (Teleports to where you look and can also teleport thru blocks, summons mobs and shoot them as a cannon, shows invisible players and pets)
-Stockpile (Barrels)
-VanillaDeathChest (like a gravestone but a little different)
-X-Ray Mod (a different one not made by same creator)
-Watson (a mod that displays LogBlock and CoreProtect logs in 3-D and moderation tasks such as observing chat and managing screenshots)
-WATT - Waterlog all the things (WATT lets you waterlog things that you can't normally waterlog in vanilla. Currently waterloggable: "redstone repeaters, redstone comparators, levers, all minecart rails, beds, banners, doors, leaves" There are still a lot more blocks that can be waterlogged on Bedrock that can't on Java. Let me know any you want me to add!)
-WorldInfo (mob/block/item recogniser, so like a very basic NEI/Waila/WIT/TUMAT somewhat, nothing more to it really)
Recognisable Mods (are for 1.12.2 or prior) That Have Come To 1.13 that are Rift Compatible ports:
-Aether Legacy Rift Edition Alpha for 1.13. and recently 1.13.2 (The Aether Legacy mod with the Aether 1 elements now available for Rift, only a link on github right now from my findings from Youtuber CraftStones, here's a shout out. Its in a very Alpha state this port of the mod, survival is not an option from like the instant you attempt the Holy Stone Pick, recipes aren't ready, textures are not implemented, the Portal transportation period is off, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK, Link to the mod here: https://github.com/Modding-Legacy/Aether-Legacy-Rift/releases)
-Advanced Shulkerboxes
-Chat Bubbles
-Corail Pillar
-Corail Tombstone
-Corail Recycler
-CraftPresence (Discord customisation apparently)
-Ender Compass
-Horse Debug Info
-IronChestForRift (a Rift fork of Iron Chests, the mod is a Iron Chests mod, and not original)
-Matter Vortex (Infinite Resource Spawners, it end game focused though)
-MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod Rift Edition (other 1.13 recogisable mods are lacking I know)
-Pattys More Tools
-Stack Up!
-Tea & Biscuits
-(Now 1.13.2) VoxelMap (its not great for performance at the moment with low Virtual RAM (what Minecraft needs to run) but its good for 4GB of VRAM, from my experiences, better PCs might do better with it, but with Rift isn't not great on world load, I have a mod overview on 1.8.1b which the file isn't available for anymore, and 1.8.2 doesn't fix the performance issues only other fixes, so I can only go off of so much at the moment from brief testing of features besides never using Liteloader before and using 1.4.7 Voxel Map I think besides 1.12.2 Liteloader as my first time of using Liteloader, so if my experiences are odd just ignore me and try for yourself to see what results you get out of this mod version with Rift compared to my own. Otherwise loading new worlds or existing with 1-2GB is not an option, especially existing world it won't work and complains not enough RAM to load the world because it ran out of 2GB of RAM with my existing world for my Rift mods survival :(, 3GB just about makes it possible, not tested 4GB too much only briefly). But its the only MiniMap mod out for Rift right now so far, so its a start for mods like this with Rift support, since its great with Liteloader for a MiniMap choice compared to say JourneyMap or Mapwriter or Xaero's for Forge.
1.13.2 Mod List (updating here over any listed in the 1.13 list that are 1.13.2, most are recognisable mods here and I find no need to split either for the small 1.13.2 list):
-Aether Legacy Rift Edition Alpha (only available here at the moment, https://github.com/Modding-Legacy/Aether-Legacy-Rift/releases)
-Bedrock Break Helper
-Better Together (creative tabs related)
-Bounding Box Outline Reloaded
-Chat Bubbles
-Custom Selection Box Port (now has Rift Mod List Ver1.4 support)
-Dynamic Lights
-Finder Compass
-FlightHelper (for 1.13.2 Rift and 1.12.2 with Forge)
-Giselbaer's Durability Viewer (Rift with 1.13.2, Forge for prior versions)
-Grid (Rift with 1.13.2, Forge for prior versions)
-Item Scroller (Forge with 1.12.2, Rift with 1.13.2)
-Litematica (Liteloader with 1.12.2, Rift with 1.13.2) (requires MaLiLib to run)
-MaLiLib (a library mod)
-Neat For Rift (https://github.com/gbl/NeatForRift/releases)
-Rift Mod List (a mod listings menu mod for Rift 1.13/1.13.2 instead of using the Resource Packs Menu or /Datapack List for unofficial checking of mods installed, this mod is a great idea
I'm glad it came out)
-Roughly Enough Items (An AEI fork in a way for 1.13/1.13.2
-Simple Light Overlay
-Staff Derps Mod
-Step Up
-Voxel Map
Other important things to keep in mind with Rift mods (Mod List questioning?, find out answers here):
7.(Old way to tell if Rift mods were installed basically before Rift Mod List existed)
Rift Mod Options Button Equivalent (Resource Packs Menu not Folder & /Datapack List command):
Rift Mod List (a must have mod, like Mod Options for Forge, but since Rift is lightweight Mod List is its own thing. Even is Mod Menu for Fabric):
Mod Spotlights (a mix of 1.13 & 1.13.2 versions so make sure to check on the mod pages if they are for 1.13 or 1.13.2 and not both ok):
Gamemode Fix: (0, 1, 2 & 3 gamemode entering, S, C & A don't work unfortunately)
AEI (Recipe Viewer/Cheat Mode, makes sense for one to exist like NEI & JEI have)
DeathMaps (Death coordinates marked, not like a gravestone mod where it stock them, items still end up on the ground, death point is just marked, also available for 1.12.2 yes):
Voxel Map (not greatest performance wise for under 4GB RAM running it, no other mods have this problem, other than that it works like the mod always has only with Rift instead of LiteLoader for 1.13)
Nether & End Ores (not much more to say, 2 ores from Nether Ores, 3 from End Ores, silk touched even once broken to convert into silk touched vanilla ores)
Half Logs: (test mod/stair & slab versions of wood logs and stripped logs)
Matter Vortex 1.13 Rift Port 0.2 (simplified from the 1.12.2 version): (Infinite resource spawners, very end game requirements though)
Shields Plus (adds many Vanilla shields with extra durability, no shift clicking into the shield slot/off-hand slot sadly, and 2 new enchantments)
Wastelands (adds a world type with 4 biomes, a really great challenge for a new survival opportunity)
Better Together for 1.13.2 Rift but also 1.14 with Fabric Modloader
Roughly Enough Items for 1.13.2
Simple Light Overlay for 1.13.2
Bounding Box Outline Reloaded (Rift 1.13.2 Covered, for a 1.13 version only a Vanilla Profile setup is possible)
Stockpile (while I was covering the Fabric 1.14 snapshot version, most common features are in the 1.13 versions of the mod)
Step Up for 1.13.2 Rift not 1.13.2 Forge
Dynamic Lights & Finder Compass (Double Spotlight) for 1.13.2 Rift not 1.13.2 Forge
WorldInfo 1.13/1.13.2 1.0.0b20190325234300-beta
WorldInfo V1.0.1 1.13/1.13.2
Autofish Rift 1.13.2
Giselbaer's Durability Viewer Rift 1.13.2/1.14 Pre-Rel 5 with Fabric
Planned Videos:
Rift Corail Recycler
Neat For Rift
Sky Ores
Ender Compass
Pretty-Game Enhancing Gobblet
X-ray Mod
Tea and Biscuits
Corail Pillar for Rift (link for Pillar & Recycler in desc)
Horse Debug Info
Better Beacons
ProtoCharset (Unsure about doing)
Advanced Shulkerboxes
Bedrock Break Helper
If there is any I missed let me know.
Incompatibilities I know between Rift mods or Datapacks (this is more towards mods that haven't been updated since, or those using Datapacks along with Rift -66):
Incompatibility List: (Rift Mods & Datapack Conflicts I've Come Across, if you want to let me know, let me know)
-Better Beacons 1.0.2 & 1.0.3 (not sure about 1.0.3 too much) didn't, then did after I reported the issues and now doesn't with newer versions of PGEG but Neat for Rift hasn't been updated since August so not likely to conflict with it I think.
-Beacon-warp datapack conflicts with Rift 1.0.4-66, I thought it would be Better Beacons due to the Beacon code but it seems not likely the case for the reason it was crashing after removing Better Beacons and working out mods, so I checked if it was that 1.14 is the environment Beacon-warp works in in my 1.13.0 LP I was going to attempt but used for testing setup but I tried 1.13.2 with Beacon-warp on its own and it works even. Just use Rift versions higher than 1.0.4-66, try those, especially if for mods like PGEG, use Rift files from here: https://github.com/DimensionalDevelopment/Rift/releases (this doesn't include the 1.13.2 Rift versions, only 1.13/1.13.0)
-Aether Legacy Rift Edition & Protocharset 0.4 (only tested that so far), this is only when loading up the game, in the game, Vanilla Death Chest won't work, either in the overworld or the Aether dimension. Just in the game in general Vanilla Death Chest must do specific things Aether Legacy doesn't like, probably loot tables or something else.
-AEI (Almost Enough Items) Ver0.0.8 and the mcEXP - RPG Progression Datapack (issue is the AEI panel buttons and search bar not working, cheating button works, cheating items works, recipe viewing works, just the page changing buttons next to the search bar and the search bar doesn't work).
-Rift 1.0.4-66 or I thought were other mods but I tried with no mods and Beacon-warp datapack but no luck getting it to work. Use higher Rift versions if you have mod and datapack conflicts since this has been ironed out. The later Rift versions aren't on Curseforge for some reason? So you have to use the github page downloads, PGEG used to have a link to these, but not anymore. For Rift 1.13.0 versions to run PGEG (aka the link I found with them that used to be on this mod's page) and not have datapack conflicts try the versions here: [ https://github.com/DimensionalDevelopment/Rift/releases ] I recommend Rift 1.0.4-87.jar since its the latest 1.13.0 version. [ https://github.com/DimensionalDevelopment/Rift/releases/download/v1.0.4-87/Rift-1.0.4-87.jar ] I haven't tried 1.13.2 datapacks and 1.13.2 Rift mods though so I can't mention anything on that if I don't know.
Note: If any of these get patched let me know so I can remove these, since this list could be rather useless if mods get updated to avoid these issues obviously. But for the Better Beacons ones of course since its been a while I assume they will stay here.
Let me know of other issues I can report here or report them to the creators more likely so the issues are cleared up if possible.
Info from past state of the thread is below that will won't transitioned into the redesign for this first post only:
Hello, first thing I'd like to note is that I'm not the creator of Rift, just an average Minecraft Mod Survival Player, I have nothing to do with Rift and am not putting myself out there since I don't intend to get anything out of this, I just thought a discussion section/acknowledgemnet of the mod loader and mod developers for documentation for this and other 1.13 mods would fit the forums besides where most responses are on the Curseforge Mod pages. Datapacks I assume has its own threads, so I thought I'd put a Rift and 1.13 mods section somewhere.
I made this thread to give acknowledgement to the Rift modloader like someone would a server, adventure map, mod ideas, datapacks, Liteloader even, this is for acknowledging 1.13 modded possibilities until 1.13 Forge, or support for developers, otherwise do what suits you I'm not going to force anyone. Please don't think of this as me hosting my videos for views over the other Youtubers doing videos on Rift supported mods or tutorials. I just didn't see a discussion forum on Rift so I thought I'd document things related to Rift to help people out as well as help myself out. The other youtubers doing videos on Rift do a great job, and I'd not like it to be a competitive thing just because I have my videos and a discussion forum with my videos on it, as that isn't the intention here. Just a documentation thread that's all to help out players.
3.Rift's Intentions According to the Curseforge original mod page:
Rift is intended to give a Vanilla feel, but some mods do more than that so besides the Rift creator's intentions, it is possible to get more out of Rift if creators know how with the tools/libraries and more that certain mods use with Rift like Snowflake or Riftlin for example. Rift is on the curseforge.
Note from me: This is NOT a RF Vs. Tesla situation of best power api, only this time its Rift vs. Forge or Modloader, Rift IS A 1.13 modloader as a 'PLACEHOLDER' until 1.13 Forge is ready, nothing more nothing less, no more questions about it please its not hard to work out. Liteloader is an alternative and people know what that is when using the Voxel Map mod with it and use mods for many reasons. You can think of it this way, Rift is 1.13 Forge placeholder, Datapacks are like the Liteloader alternative of content offerings, think of it that way if you want a situational comparison of what 1.13 offering are available now in the sense of what 1.12.2 offerings there are. If that is confusing then obviously just think of it as a Forge 1.13 placeholder for creators & players.
Rift dependent mods images (not counting mods for 1.13 that don't use Rift obviously): Not all dependent are listed though like VoxelMap for example, so make sure to check file names with 'Rift' in them or so to tell if the dependencies aren't listed by the creators but they are in fact Rift supported. Hence why many mod with Rift support add 'Rift: Modnamehere' as the mod name/mod title to make it easier to tell and search for again.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
When you mean "mod" do you mean the Rift Modloader? Rift only works with 1.13 currently (as of typing this post, this isn't accurate anymore now that 1.13.2's Rift Installer is out, making this part pointless now, but eh, I'll leave the post here), not 1.13.1, but 1.13.2 of Rift includes 1.13.1 parts so... While datapacks might be available for both and provide a different perspective of things they don't add items, blocks and do the things mods do, they only do half of what mods can actually do, Rift isn't yet available for 1.13.1, and Rift is a 1.13 Forge placeholder until 1.13 Forge is out, which currently 1.13 Forge isn't out yet as of typing this.
Where to get Rift so you can install it like Forge:
Where to get Mods that support Rift and are available for 1.13, not 1.13.1:
Vanilla Installation of Rift telling you I'm pretty sure from what I remember, everything you need to know to install it, after its installed, Rift will have setup the profile for you to start the game, if it hasn't then create your own in the 'launch options' section of the Vanilla Launcher, select the 'release Rift version number here', put mods in the mods folder of your .Minecraft folder, and off you go by starting the game like you usually would
Vanilla Launcher Rift Installation Tutorial: I do technically need to do this video without much rambling and also including a step/explanation I missed but 90% of what's needed to know is there.
If any issues come up ask me or the creator on the mod page and see what can be done about it. I'm not connected to the Rift creator or Rift development though, I'm just a player/youtuber basically, just to be clear on that.
Otherwise, here is a written form of how it works if you don't wish to watch the videos which will explain pretty much the same and maybe quicker or if you prefer a written form:
The video tutorials are if you need help, but I'll repeat the points from those here in a written form if you'd like. If you use the Vanilla Launcher then I'll explain that method, MultiMC5 takes a bit to work out but the video explains it as best I understand and I assume most players use the Vanilla Launcher so I'll state the Vanilla Launcher method here.
To start with:
1.You download the Rift Modloader from the Minecraft.curseforge.com page (link for the modloader: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/rift ), after you download it, you install it by double clicking the .jar file where the file downloaded. For example for the name of the file it might be 'Rift 1.0.4-66' since that's the latest version for Rift from what I remember at least.
2.Rift will work itself out once clicked, you will see a message pop up saying its done its job, you can close it, its fine. If you go to the .minecraft folder for the Vanilla Launcher method (if redirected to another location besides the default, I don't know much about that and would ask the creator about it before doing so). You will notice in your .minecraft folder that '.mixin.out' as well as 'mods' and other folders will be in there now. .mixin.out is the way Rift does its technical stuff so best not to touch that. Just download mods like you would from a 'correct' mod site like Minecraft.curseforge.com since the Rift mods I know of are there and Rift is also there, so 'convenience' and less ways to get lost with what works.
3.Once you download a mod of your choice like say Almost Enough Items or the Wastelands mod or so, put that after downloading those mods and put them in the mods folder, if there isn't a mods folder already, create one and put the mods inside.
4.Start up the Vanilla Launcher and select the Rift profile that was created, or if a Rift profile isn't there; trying creating a Rift profile by going to the 'Add New' button in the 'Launch Options' section of the Vanilla Launcher. Add a new one by selecting the 'version' and choosing the for example if I used the Rift 1.0.4-66, then select that, it might be named in the version's list 'release 1.13-rift-1.0.4-66'.
5.After selecting that, load the game with that profile and Minecraft will do its thing, after Minecraft has done its thing, create a new world, and see what happens. If you have Almost Enough Items install for example you will see the cheat button in the top left, the block list on the right and it looks and works almost as good as JEI or NEI with a few lacking features but it gets the important stuff done. You now have a Minecraft modded 1.13 environment and whatever mod is in the game, just try finding blocks, items or things that mod does to see if it worked correctly.
Another way to tell if Rift mods are in the game is Resourcepacks menu, not the resourcepacks folder. Its a weird thing I found that I use to tell if they loaded or not.
1.13.2 Mods:
-VoxelMap (needs 4GB of RAM or more to be stable enough, 2GB with newly created or existing big worlds will run out of VRAM, 3GB is possible but not that recommend in my opinion. 4GB+ is recommended at least)
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
This thread is updated with Rift mods supported listings of Voxel Map and others new or ports to 1.13 Rift, as well as images at the bottom of the first post to show what is dependent with Rift modloader for easier telling of what is available.
Watch the video tutorials in that post for how to Install Rift for either Vanilla or MultiMC5 using Rift 66 and not the PGEG needing version higher than 66 from the Rift files section on github or my channels other videos on Rift mod spotlights to get a better idea of what certain mods are like, or otherwise louder volume of my voice on ones like the MultiMC5 which needed a better volume setting change, and I will make the Vanilla method one with louder volume soon.
I'll keep updating this thread with mod support and descriptions of the mods at certain points but for now, to know the update has happened, you can tell by the date of this post.
Again, I'm not using this to get attention, I'm doing this to support or acknowledge Rift for 1.13 modding potential until 1.13 Forge comes out, I enjoy any version of the game, even 1.13/1.14 datapacks. I enjoyed Tesla's power api supported mods and I enjoy Rift mods, I'm just pointing out what available for Rift really, nothing more. If you want 1.13 mods go for it, if not, that's fine too.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Updated descriptions a bit more for unnecessary wording at times or overly stated paragraphs.
Text colouring changed for certain areas to make 'key focuses' more clear with pink/blue/red text to jump out like with the 'If you want to cut to the chase' new sentences/paragraph. Or what Rift is as a placeholder to Forge 1.13.'s coming about hopefully soon but hasn't for the public of players yet. Just small things.
This post is to say I've updated the first post again really. If it needs work or the text colouring is annoying let me know its just to get things across with certain relevance besides me recording a video on this forum thread and posting that at some point, this is what I have setup at the moment.
Use Rift if you wish I'm just making this thread to let people know its a thing if people want it or not, they can use 1.12.2 if they want they can use datapacks if they want, I'm doing this to support mod creators and if you wish to and enjoy a 1.13 modded environment with or without Datapacks or use Datapacks instead, go for it, its your Minecraft experience and its up to you what you do with mods or datapacks to make your Minecraft experiences work for you.
Duck out.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Updated the fact that I probably needed to have my 'louder volume & slower speaking' tutorial videos on here over the much quieter ones (MultiMC5 tutorial of this kind embedded, Vanilla one will be uploaded soon). I will consider subtitles at some point for these videos though if need be I think besides the actions in those videos to explain things since actions aren't always clear compared to a voice or subtitles I'd assume.
Also cleaned up a few paragraphs that felt unnecessary. I should redo the first post a bit more I know, the colours are a bit much at times and clear importance of what's what isn't easy for me so far. I'll think about it though.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Updating any videos with my own custom English Subtitles slowly over the terrible automatic ones and working out almost a re-write of the subtitles to suit so its not all 1 for 1 but better explained besides the visuals as well as better spacing so its easier to read besides what can be seen to match ones reading speed with few pauses needed at least when watching the visuals/and reading. At least that's the intention.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Updated first post with Rift mod spotlights/overviews, also subtitled now, more mod spotlights/overviews will come out soon for mods like Stockpile, PGEG (magic alpha mod), Ender Compass, PattysTools 2 maybe? many of these are self explanatory while others might take a bit to learn but otherwise for acknowledgement these videos are mostly being made for anyways.
I'm planning on a Tesla mods discussion thread soon (done already) anyways since no one talks about it anymore since it came and went when RF was ready and FE exists now, Tesla just sort of, existed for a short time. I feel its going to be similar here with Rift, it will exist for a short time and have a small amount of relevance, then disappear from relevance status the next since the others were ready and its left as a thing from the past. RF and FE exist, Tesla is gone but still exists, Rift and Datapacks exist now, Datapacks will still be around, but Forge & Liteloader will be updated, Datapack will come with them for 3 content methods for players and Rift will just exist as something from the past.
So that thread will be updated infrequently compared to this one, so count that as a reason why this one might be late-ish to updates besides whatever I find or whatever I can do/come up with to update.
Either way though, acknowledgement or not, the time is now, use the mods and Rift is you choose but I'm not forcing, just acknowledging its existence, that's all. I've done the same with new mods for newer versions in the past since 1.8 and onwards to 1.12.2, I'm doing the same here basically.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
1.13.2 versions of Rift are available. Vanilla Launcher installs are possible. I will record & upload a video on how to install soon it since its not the usual way by like 1 step or so. Otherwise. Only two mods support it for now. Aquarius & Voxel Map. Otherwise stick with Rift 1.13.0 versions and mods for now until the others update if you have an interest in Rift mods.
MultiMC5 I couldn't get working at the time, but have since uploaded a video from another Youtuber with their consent (clearly this post is edited).
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
I've tried running rift with 1.13.2 and haven't been able to get it to work. Game always crashes on launch. What version of Rift are you using? How are you installing it?
For the past posts in this thread I'm using the Rift 1.13 (1.13.0) versions since it was the most obvious version of files available at the time,
I know the 1.13.2 version has come out, I found out just yesterday and have done a tutorial on it. I think even the 1.13.2 mods came out 1 to 2 days ago so I'm hopefully not too far behind it for making a tutorial or updating info on the 2 mods available to my knowledge for it on the first post as well as the tutorial, but for those that check the latest post (this one) the links to the mods used that I know do work, as well as a tutorial at going to be below.
The source of this Rift.jar isn't available on the main Rift mod page see. It can be available from the Aquarius & Voxel Map mod pages besides other sources where Rift is managed technically, with the links to the Rift 1.13.2 modloader at the top of those pages though would be easier for players. Only Vanilla works for now, I tried MultiMC5 methods but they don't work right now for me.
I haven't tried any 1.13.1 mods though even though the 1.13.2 Rift modloader descriptions say (at least more on GitHub I mean) it has the 1.13.1 included. But no mods really that support Rift seem likely to be relevant for that, but if there were give them a go and see what happens, since I've not tried yet myself.
I am uploaded the tutorial video now for how to setup Rift for 1.13.2 and also the before mentioned mods are the only two I know of that support 1.13.2 using Rift. The other mods available for 1.13.2 on Curseforge aren't Rift supported which I worked out with some testing and those mods being ignored by Rift's purpose and not crashing with the mods supported, just act as their own thing, or not recognising the mod, like the TAF mod (for 1.13 at least) and the others being more installed mods in different ways I'm not sure of.
For the link to those mods, or the direct download link for the 1.13.2 Rift modloader try these:
Aquarius Mod:
https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/aquarius (link at top of page stating 1.13.2)
https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/voxelmap (link at top of page stating 1.13.2)
Page Link Itself (Click the button and the download with so up):
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
I didn't know that Aether Legacy Rift Edition Alpha/Pre-Release using a Rift for 1.13.0 but now I do, only came across it due to seeing a video by CraftStones on YouTube right before posting this. I also came across Udisen's as well.
URL to the video on Aether Legacy Rift Edition as Shoutouts and also highlighting Youtubers spotlighting Rift content:
From my own testing of this Rift mod port it isn't a complete 'Alpha ready to play state' its more an 'Alpha in development port state'. Use only for testing, as survivals are cut short as soon as you try to make a Holy Stone pick if you are playing Aether from scratch. Many recipes aren't available and many textures aren't either, so again, only use for testing, its not 100% playable at the moment and use the mod in its current state at your own risk, be careful.
Here's a link to Aether Legacy's Rift Edition file if you want to try it out, I haven't myself since I just found it and the video had been out a week from the time of me typing this now.
Update talk:
Updated: Aether Legacy to list of mods for 1.13 Rift. I have to update or separate the 1.13.2 mod list too I think, will in next post I guess.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
1.13.2 Rift mod list with Aquarius & Voxel Map are listed on in the first posts lists in Orange below the Pink recognisable past mods ported to Rift. Its a small list so far but it will grow once developers work out support for it since its only been out a brief amount of time from what I've noticed at least.
Please let me know about any mods for 1.13.0 or 1.13.2 or things that need to be ironed out in the posts above (especially the first post which is a colorful mess and does need work I know). Since finding other youtubers or mod sources on github I could do myself but its not easy and I'd like help with documenting these mods please.
Should I do a datapack documentation thread too? Let me know. While Rift is a placeholder and isn't I assume going to be supported once Forge 1.13 comes out, like it was with RF or FE power apis over Tesla, I still think documenting for now is of some worth to players until then.
For documenting or support or acknowledgment. Anyways, enjoy your 1.13.2 modded experiences with or without datapacks even now if you wish.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Added Matter Vortex for 1.13.0 Rift, I noticed it yesterday and recorded videos but forgot to add it to the documentation/Rift mod list here in the first post. I've now put that up.
Don't get confused by the first post's mess of Tutorials, Mod Spotlights (Mod Overviews) and 1.13.0 or 1.13.2 mod lists, either the "NEW FOR 1.13 RIFT MODS", "PORTS OF RECOGNISEABLE MODS SUPPORTED BY RIFT NOW", or "1.13.2 RIFT MODS" (and even in those text colours). I should make it cleaner and more readable, and accessible but I will when I have the right way I want to set it out if I can and maybe more among posts besides the first thread if I can.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Considered an Incompatibility List after making my attempt at an Incompatability Video stating what I knew didn't work depending on the files or things that are unlikely without a fix and those that aren't going to get fixes due to say Beacon requirements. Not sure if will release the video or just consider the Incompatibility List over that video.
Added: Incompatibility List in purple for listing mods and datapacks that have conflicts. Some of these could be ironed out, but the Better Beacons mod hasn't been updated in a while and also the Better Beacons & Beacon-warp conflict isn't likely to be fixed due to Beacon-warp uses Vanilla Beacon requirements over a modded Beacon.
Let me know of others or report them to creators instead. If they are ones that seem unlike to be fixed like the BB & BW one those I'd most likely want to put here compared to those that can be fixed easily.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
My 1.13.2 Vanilla Launcher Install Tutorial video. (At top of first post)
I don't have a 1.13.2 MultiMC5 one yet, but I'm thinking of shouting out and posting another Youtubers tutorials if they agree to besides myself making my own after watching a video that filled in the details I missed to attempt to install a MultiMC5 instance.
I could do my own tutorial but I don't want to take credit only for my videos and my install tutorials when tons of Youtubers have made tutorials or mod spotlights just as much as I have and they deserve some credit or acknowledgement. Besides I'm open to any information about Rift here, its just a centralised information thread, its open to anyone to ask questions or pitch in things
Its just no one has yet and maybe Rift is still a niche thing for the modding community.
Or its a RF & Tesla situation where Forge will still be big like RF is and Rift will die out so no one will care but its a moment that did happen at some point and those that still go for it do or not. Tesla had it and Rift will suffer a similar fate, which I knew anyways when making this thread but still. Information is information, and the relevant time to inform about it is now so... if players want to take Rift for a spin or not.
And I also don't control this thread I just post information to it and happened to create it because I needed to know this information just as much as other people, that's all I count towards this, I just post my videos also encase for something else to put here if I don't end up with videos from other Youtubers to put here or that I happened to make myself so I know what information I'm giving out over other Youtubers and what they say in their videos I don't remember as well. Its not a bad thing, just pointing it out is all.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Added: Matter Vortex 1.13.0 Ver 0.2 Rift Port Mod Spotlight/Overview video.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Added: 1.13.2 MultiMC5 tutorial, I came across it because I wasn't sure what details I missed for that installation this time around, and this tutorial did a great job. Also a shoutout to ScottoMotto who I have consent from to use this video in the thread, and also being the start of me trying to add videos from other Youtubers besides my own since I don't want only centralised stuff of my own on here. Others do deserve credit after all and I want to make that clearer :).
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Update: Cleaned up some inaccurate sentences in the first post (FINALLY) so why leave in inaccurate sentences like that since its obviously unnecessary and bad to keep in such information. A 7 part contents section has now been added with colour coding and font scaled to size 18 pixels over 14 pixels to make it stand out along with the colours and to make them more like headings for each section.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"
Updated: Aether Legacy Rift Edition shoutout to the video on the mod with an install by CraftStones in its post now that I've gotten the 'ok' to post it in this thread.
Niche Community Content Finder, Youtuber, Modpack/Map Maker, "Duck" "Fabric/Old Modloaders Enthusiast"
Thread Maintainer of APortingCore, Liteloader Download HUB, Asphodel Meadows, Fabric Project, "Legacy/Cursed Fabric/Ornithe", "Power API/Tesla", Rift/Fabric/Forge 1.13 to 1.17. "" = active support projects
"Wikis" Maintain: https://modwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/User:SuntannedDuck2, "https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/Quilt", https://ftb.fandom.com/wiki/UserProfile:SuntannedDuck2, "https://gran-turismo.fandom.com/wiki/Gran_Turismo_4_Toyota_Prius_Edition"