hello there im looking for a mod that makes your player model 3d e.g your hat doesnt float and looks 3d
i cant find anymods that do what im looking for in 1.7.10 closest i got to is hats mod and more player models 2 if you can give me a link or download to a mod like this that makes player models 3d (making floating hats 3d ) if you can thank you very much (ill be reading the links btw so i wont be rick rolled c: ) Love , MisterBedaso
hello there im looking for a mod that makes your player model 3d e.g your hat doesnt float and looks 3d
i cant find anymods that do what im looking for in 1.7.10 closest i got to is hats mod and more player models 2 if you can give me a link or download to a mod like this that makes player models 3d (making floating hats 3d ) if you can thank you very much (ill be reading the links btw so i wont be rick rolled c: ) Love , MisterBedaso
Also i have a youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3hQDhpJjnrjgmOqdOK9kcw
u dont have to but ill like it if you do
Thanks Mrbribon31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
And I'm looking for one that makes overlays (such as jacket, arms, and legs) like that
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