Fennec Fox would be a shy small fox it would spawn in the desert biome and would attack insects like scorpions, rodents like mice and rats, rabbits, and birds and when tamed you can feed them seeds, and fruit.
The females would run away if you hover the cursor on them.
The males would attack you if you hovered the cursor on them.
They can be tamed like wolves just instead of bones you tame with any type of meat (about 1-5 pieces) but will not tame at all if you have a dog/wolf near you.
Once tamed they will follow you around and attack any mob that you attack except ones that have more hearts that it.
They would bark if they get low on HP, purr when there happy, and snarl when angry.
They would take up half a block and be half a block tall.
If killed they would drop fur
It's spawn rate would be slightly rare and would increase at night.
I'm surprised no one has suggested this cryptid yet but....
what about Bigfoot?
Before you snicker - HEAR ME OUT!
They might actually be fun to have! I imagine they use the same structure as, perhaps, a bear mob when its standing, but taller than the player. (maybe like the werewolf) Its texture just needs to resemble hair, however a Chewbacca look wouldn't hurt! (; I'd really like to see it have a cute (or at least NOT SPOOKY) face so that the player is less likely to kill it when they see one.
They would be neutral, shy mobs. They'd run from you like deer and zebras to keep that "elusive creature" feel that Bigfoot is so good at, but they'll attack if you manage to harm them. (ie arrow shot, ect) Damage would be up to DrZhark of course. If they're killed, they could drop hide or fur, but I also think it would be cute if they dropped wooden tools like the human version of the werewolf.
They would spawn naturally in Roofed Forests, since they're so dark and secluded: easy for a bigfoot to hide out in. I suppose regular forests would work too, but I was also thinking that the mob's texture would be similar in color to dark oak, so that they "camouflage" in Roofed Forests, in a sense.
I, okay hear me out again, encourage them to be tamable. How cool would it be to have a bigfoot as a pet?? I THINK IT'D BE COOL. Since they're shy mobs, something will probably have to be done to get them to not run, like the horse breeding to get zebras... If they could deter monsters like the vanilla dogs/cats do - that would be a really good reason to tame them. Heal them with raw meat... perfect pet!
Just a reminder: the blue oxen I suggested earlier are not real creatures. They're essentially Babe the Big Blue Ox.
Also, have some ideas!
-Ducks should lay duck eggs and drop duck meat instead of chicken eggs and meat.
A wolf-sized combination of turkey, duck, and chicken, these large birds live in plains, forest, and swamp biomes, feeding on seeds and grasses. They can be bred with seeds, and when killed, they drop either turkey, duck, or chicken when killed, making them the ultimate avian livestock animal.
Image (Not mine):
-Rare, powerful variants of wild wolves that spawn in certain biomes.
A massive white wolf twice the size of a horse that spawns in taiga biomes, this brutal predator's saberteeth and incredible strength make it a lethal adversary to players.
Shunka Warakin:
A plains-dwelling creature, this immense creature is slightly smaller than the Waheela, but more than compensates with its maneuverability and bone-crushing jaws, which are capable of dealing nearly full damage even to armor-wearing players.
Image (Not by me):
Native to taiga biomes, the Amarok is about the same size as the Waheela, but it sacrifices brawn for speed-it can chase down horses with ease, bringing them down and devouring both mount and rider.
Image (Not by me):
Gevaudan Beast:
Spawning in forest biomes, the Gevaudan beast is three times the size of a horse, and the most powerful out of all the monster-wolves. Tearing apart villagers and players with murderous glee, this terrifying beast is not to be taken lightly.
Image (Not by me):
The smallest of the monster wolves, smiledogs are a little bit smaller than a horse, but it has a miriad of tricks up its sleeves: not only is it incredibly fast, but its attacks inflict a variety of ailments on its victims, varying from nausea to wither. Thankfully, they're extremely frail: two or three hits from a diamond sword can easily dispatch them.
Image (Not by me):
In between the Gevaudan beast and the Waheela in terms of size, these enormous creatures spawn in extreme hills biomes, and are overall the most well-rounded of the monster wolves-they have decent speed, attack, and health, but nothing particularly special.
Image (Not by me):
This gargantuan wolf is the same size as the Gevaudan beast, but is quite a bit slower and has more offensive capability. Spawning in the megataiga, these colossal wolves are capable of bringing down even other monster wolves with relatively little effort.
Image (Not by me):
A gigantic entelodont with saber teeth, these monstrous pigs are only slightly smaller than elephants, living alone or in pairs in savanna biomes. While extremely hostile towards players, they can occasionally spawn alongside one to three piglets, much like boars. These piglets can be tamed with large amounts of carrots and used as powerful mounts once they grow up.
Image (Note mine:)
-Marsh tyrant:
Basically a hippo with minimal soft tissue around its face and a more predatory body, these great beasts dwell in swamp biomes, attacking anything larger than a turtle that comes close. Their mighty jaws deal a large amount of damage, and they have high amounts of health, but once killed, they will drop the contents of their stomachs-gold nuggets, lumps of iron from the armor of previous victims, even the heads of monsters. Furthermore, marsh tyrants can be tamed with raw meat of any kind, making them excellent guardians for bases near bodies of water or incorporating moats.
Image (Note mine):
-Fire lizard:
This rare, gigantic reptile is related to the dragons and wyverns, spawning in extreme hill biomes. Attacking with fiery breath and their massive jaws, fire lizards drop fire lizard hide once slain, which can be crafted into flamescale armor: a suit of flaming red armor with the protection and durability of iron that grants its wearer complete and total immunity to fire and lava.
An immense mammoth spawning very, very rarely in tundra biomes, this colossal beast stands 5 blocks tall, and can be tamed with enormous amounts of wheat, apples, and carrots. Once tamed, this enormous creature can be equipped with two different sets of tusks, two mammoth platforms, and eight elephant chests.
Image (Not mine):
-More types of elephants:
Pygmy elephants: Smaller version of a standard elephant, about the size of a horse. Variants for both African and Asian elephants exist. Spawn in jungles. Asia variants can have an elephant garment equipped, but not a howdah. Both species can only carry one elephant chest, but can wear tusks.
Dwarf elephant: A tiny species of elephant a little larger than a wolf with shorter tusks than either African or Asian elephants. Cannot be ridden, but can be equipped with one elephant chest and a set of tusks. Spawns on beaches and islands.
But I have some good news, school is over (for 8 weeks) so I have more time. I will guarantee that I will edit this thread soon, before the holidays end (I want to say 2 or 4 weeks but I'm afraid I would crack under pressure of a deadline and a deadline is not something I need right now).
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Not having it
That neither
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Lemme get what I just wrote on the official mod page:
Mob suggestion: Leviathan (Not the Supernatural one)
Spawn place: deep Deep DEEEEP Oceans during thunderstorms
Looks like: a giant whale with red glowing eyes, with scales made out of some kind of a hard stone material, maybe stone fused with bedrock? The body is a blue-ish gray color and smoke particles come out of the mouth. It has many fins and the Leviathan can be either the regular one or the Elder Leviathan. The Elder has a pale blue and white color, with the main difference having strange white fur around it's skin, like some kind of a moss
Special abilities: it can breath fire underwater, which causes the ocean to "boil". And that means the materials that are burnable slowly start to burn. It can also eat blocks below it and ram into them
How to defeat it: At the first, "raw" form it's invincible. Whoa whoa whoa WAIT! Did I say invincible? "But Francis, have you gone mad again? THAT'S TOO OP!". First things first, I'M A MAD SCIENTIST, remember? Secondly, I say that I didn't finish the sentence! Yes, it is invincible, but you must come there prepared. Remember I said it has these weird scales? They can either get worn off by ramming too much into obsidian OR if you hit them couple of times with the Pickdrax, a powerful hammer that's made with this recipe:
S = scorpion stinger
M = Manticore's stinger
B = blaze rod
O = obsidian
So, when the scales fall of, you must quickly stab the Leviathan's skin which is now vulnerable, or it enters the tantrum mode. When the tantrum is on, it shoots fire vortexes and has a possibility of sending red signals from it's eyes, which if they hit you give the "Fear" debuff, which is basically a crazy blindness debuff that tints the screen red. When the Leviathan dies, it's corpse will stay on the ground until you break all it's scales , which are also a crafting material.
Drops: Leviathan Scales, Essence of Fire (Or Darkness if Elder), and it's eyes which are the Potion of Fear's ingridient
HP: 250 or 350 if Elder
Death animation: It's skin starts cracking and you can notice the space between scales is filling with lava. After the whole body is smoking, it explodes, leaving only it's scales still there like a hollow shell
I think this has more info than the other Leviathan suggestions!
Please add sloths and make them tamable. Maybe you could add that if you carry them they can be around your shoulders. They are passive and spawn uncommonly in the jungle.
Again, no results for the Amamemasu. Google informs me of an "Amemasu" (understandable typo) but it is from Ainu folklore and is from only one story. I do not find anything relating it to Inuit Legend.
Anonoymus, I do not add anything. Neither does Mythra from the old thread.
I just run this suggestion thread, but I will be sure to add them to the list but not the mod because I can't do that.
Can u add hippocampi the half fish half horse mythical creature and to get one u have to kill a fish to get a small chance to get a Heart Of Water then u add a fish and bottle then give it to a zorse then u get a JellyFish horse like a bat horse then a essence of light and bam a hippocampi also can u dye it either cyan,lime green,lapis lazuli,and Pink to get those colors thank u
Haha, actually,a giant chameleon might be cool, maybe kinda like the scorpions they have different kinds, and can turn invisible, or change their skin color, and are really slow but use their tongues to attack you. idk just thought all that off the top of my head.
Alrighty. DrZhark has updated his mod and I could finally take down his requested poll.
So finally I can engage more with you guys and actually run the "tournament style" poll without cluttering the page.
So I have removed Manitcores and edited several things on BigCats as they are recent additions to the mod.
So now on to the tournament. I use a random generator to select creatures "from a hat" I'll alternate from mythical to real weekly*.
The poll will end on Fridays-Saturdays (depending on your location) and whichever creature wins will have its name placed in the winners' hat to draw from and so on until only one creature exist. By the time there are 10ish creatures left I will combine the polls.
*Weekly in terms that if I do not believe enough votes were submitted, I will extend the poll's up time for another week. This might happen a lot as attention to this thread is at an alltime low but I intended to get it back up with being active.
Would attack you with its tusks only if you hit it doing:
2 & 1/2 - 5 Hearts of damage.
Would look like an elephant, and that is all I can think of so Thanks for reading!
Ummm... it's already in the mod
i saw the axolotl suggestion and thought i would make on of my own.
axolotl spawn in lakes and rivers.
wild: has no special anything, just looks cool.
bioluminescent: spawns super rare and is a living light source. and glowing when its night or in dark places.
drops: wild drops Axolotl Blood, that can be made into a regen potion bio drop axolotl blood or can be picked up to be put in a jar and used for a source of light.
Can be captured in fishnets:
they can be bred by giving them fish. if a wild and bio breed it will produce 2 babies, one wild and one bio.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Personally, I'd like some giant centipedes
Health: Somewhere around 10 hearts (20hp)
Behavior: Similar to spiders and scorpions
Damage: Somewhere around 2 hearts (4hp) inflicts the poison debuff
Variants: Same as scorpions
Tameable: Most likely
How to Tame: Raise a centipede egg
Rideable : I'd assume so
Spawn Area: Dark places (like most hostile mobs) and The Nether (Nether variant only)
Spawn Rate: Slightly less common than scorpions
Drops: 0-1 Centipede egg, EXP and anything DrZhark thinks they should drop
This would give Bane of Arthropods another use
Of course, DrZharks could decide to change any of this if he chooses to add this to the mod
Sorry for copying your method of submitting suggestions, atley9999. I just really like how you go about it
Sorry for long time without adding.
Internet cut out for me 10 days ago, and even then I got back from no access for 4 days.
I've had a
good2 weeks with no internet.I'll get right on your suggestion!
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
The ungulates are all either real or extinct animals except for the great blue ox: I based that one off of Babe the Big Blue Ox.
Ok so here is my request:
Fennec Fox would be a shy small fox it would spawn in the desert biome and would attack insects like scorpions, rodents like mice and rats, rabbits, and birds and when tamed you can feed them seeds, and fruit.
The females would run away if you hover the cursor on them.
The males would attack you if you hovered the cursor on them.
They can be tamed like wolves just instead of bones you tame with any type of meat (about 1-5 pieces) but will not tame at all if you have a dog/wolf near you.
Once tamed they will follow you around and attack any mob that you attack except ones that have more hearts that it.
They would bark if they get low on HP, purr when there happy, and snarl when angry.
They would take up half a block and be half a block tall.
If killed they would drop fur
It's spawn rate would be slightly rare and would increase at night.
It would have 7 hearts
I'm surprised no one has suggested this cryptid yet but....
what about Bigfoot?
Before you snicker - HEAR ME OUT!
They might actually be fun to have! I imagine they use the same structure as, perhaps, a bear mob when its standing, but taller than the player. (maybe like the werewolf) Its texture just needs to resemble hair, however a Chewbacca look wouldn't hurt! (; I'd really like to see it have a cute (or at least NOT SPOOKY) face so that the player is less likely to kill it when they see one.
They would be neutral, shy mobs. They'd run from you like deer and zebras to keep that "elusive creature" feel that Bigfoot is so good at, but they'll attack if you manage to harm them. (ie arrow shot, ect) Damage would be up to DrZhark of course. If they're killed, they could drop hide or fur, but I also think it would be cute if they dropped wooden tools like the human version of the werewolf.
They would spawn naturally in Roofed Forests, since they're so dark and secluded: easy for a bigfoot to hide out in. I suppose regular forests would work too, but I was also thinking that the mob's texture would be similar in color to dark oak, so that they "camouflage" in Roofed Forests, in a sense.
I, okay hear me out again, encourage them to be tamable. How cool would it be to have a bigfoot as a pet?? I THINK IT'D BE COOL. Since they're shy mobs, something will probably have to be done to get them to not run, like the horse breeding to get zebras... If they could deter monsters like the vanilla dogs/cats do - that would be a really good reason to tame them. Heal them with raw meat... perfect pet!
Anyway, I hope you guys like this suggestion.
Just a reminder: the blue oxen I suggested earlier are not real creatures. They're essentially Babe the Big Blue Ox.
Also, have some ideas!
-Ducks should lay duck eggs and drop duck meat instead of chicken eggs and meat.
A wolf-sized combination of turkey, duck, and chicken, these large birds live in plains, forest, and swamp biomes, feeding on seeds and grasses. They can be bred with seeds, and when killed, they drop either turkey, duck, or chicken when killed, making them the ultimate avian livestock animal.
Image (Not mine):
-Rare, powerful variants of wild wolves that spawn in certain biomes.
A massive white wolf twice the size of a horse that spawns in taiga biomes, this brutal predator's saberteeth and incredible strength make it a lethal adversary to players.
Shunka Warakin:
A plains-dwelling creature, this immense creature is slightly smaller than the Waheela, but more than compensates with its maneuverability and bone-crushing jaws, which are capable of dealing nearly full damage even to armor-wearing players.
Image (Not by me):
Native to taiga biomes, the Amarok is about the same size as the Waheela, but it sacrifices brawn for speed-it can chase down horses with ease, bringing them down and devouring both mount and rider.
Image (Not by me):
Gevaudan Beast:
Spawning in forest biomes, the Gevaudan beast is three times the size of a horse, and the most powerful out of all the monster-wolves. Tearing apart villagers and players with murderous glee, this terrifying beast is not to be taken lightly.
Image (Not by me):
The smallest of the monster wolves, smiledogs are a little bit smaller than a horse, but it has a miriad of tricks up its sleeves: not only is it incredibly fast, but its attacks inflict a variety of ailments on its victims, varying from nausea to wither. Thankfully, they're extremely frail: two or three hits from a diamond sword can easily dispatch them.
Image (Not by me):
In between the Gevaudan beast and the Waheela in terms of size, these enormous creatures spawn in extreme hills biomes, and are overall the most well-rounded of the monster wolves-they have decent speed, attack, and health, but nothing particularly special.
Image (Not by me):
This gargantuan wolf is the same size as the Gevaudan beast, but is quite a bit slower and has more offensive capability. Spawning in the megataiga, these colossal wolves are capable of bringing down even other monster wolves with relatively little effort.
Image (Not by me):
A gigantic entelodont with saber teeth, these monstrous pigs are only slightly smaller than elephants, living alone or in pairs in savanna biomes. While extremely hostile towards players, they can occasionally spawn alongside one to three piglets, much like boars. These piglets can be tamed with large amounts of carrots and used as powerful mounts once they grow up.
Image (Note mine:)
-Marsh tyrant:
Basically a hippo with minimal soft tissue around its face and a more predatory body, these great beasts dwell in swamp biomes, attacking anything larger than a turtle that comes close. Their mighty jaws deal a large amount of damage, and they have high amounts of health, but once killed, they will drop the contents of their stomachs-gold nuggets, lumps of iron from the armor of previous victims, even the heads of monsters. Furthermore, marsh tyrants can be tamed with raw meat of any kind, making them excellent guardians for bases near bodies of water or incorporating moats.
Image (Note mine):
-Fire lizard:
This rare, gigantic reptile is related to the dragons and wyverns, spawning in extreme hill biomes. Attacking with fiery breath and their massive jaws, fire lizards drop fire lizard hide once slain, which can be crafted into flamescale armor: a suit of flaming red armor with the protection and durability of iron that grants its wearer complete and total immunity to fire and lava.
An immense mammoth spawning very, very rarely in tundra biomes, this colossal beast stands 5 blocks tall, and can be tamed with enormous amounts of wheat, apples, and carrots. Once tamed, this enormous creature can be equipped with two different sets of tusks, two mammoth platforms, and eight elephant chests.
Image (Not mine):
-More types of elephants:
Pygmy elephants: Smaller version of a standard elephant, about the size of a horse. Variants for both African and Asian elephants exist. Spawn in jungles. Asia variants can have an elephant garment equipped, but not a howdah. Both species can only carry one elephant chest, but can wear tusks.
Dwarf elephant: A tiny species of elephant a little larger than a wolf with shorter tusks than either African or Asian elephants. Cannot be ridden, but can be equipped with one elephant chest and a set of tusks. Spawns on beaches and islands.
I'm a bad thread-runner guy.
Sorry people, these days I rarely have internet.
But I have some good news, school is over (for 8 weeks) so I have more time. I will guarantee that I will edit this thread soon, before the holidays end (I want to say 2 or 4 weeks but I'm afraid I would crack under pressure of a deadline and a deadline is not something I need right now).
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Lemme get what I just wrote on the official mod page:
Mob suggestion: Leviathan (Not the Supernatural one)
Spawn place: deep Deep DEEEEP Oceans during thunderstorms
Looks like: a giant whale with red glowing eyes, with scales made out of some kind of a hard stone material, maybe stone fused with bedrock? The body is a blue-ish gray color and smoke particles come out of the mouth. It has many fins and the Leviathan can be either the regular one or the Elder Leviathan. The Elder has a pale blue and white color, with the main difference having strange white fur around it's skin, like some kind of a moss
Special abilities: it can breath fire underwater, which causes the ocean to "boil". And that means the materials that are burnable slowly start to burn. It can also eat blocks below it and ram into them
How to defeat it: At the first, "raw" form it's invincible. Whoa whoa whoa WAIT! Did I say invincible? "But Francis, have you gone mad again? THAT'S TOO OP!". First things first, I'M A MAD SCIENTIST, remember? Secondly, I say that I didn't finish the sentence! Yes, it is invincible, but you must come there prepared. Remember I said it has these weird scales? They can either get worn off by ramming too much into obsidian OR if you hit them couple of times with the Pickdrax, a powerful hammer that's made with this recipe:
S = scorpion stinger
M = Manticore's stinger
B = blaze rod
O = obsidian
So, when the scales fall of, you must quickly stab the Leviathan's skin which is now vulnerable, or it enters the tantrum mode. When the tantrum is on, it shoots fire vortexes and has a possibility of sending red signals from it's eyes, which if they hit you give the "Fear" debuff, which is basically a crazy blindness debuff that tints the screen red. When the Leviathan dies, it's corpse will stay on the ground until you break all it's scales , which are also a crafting material.
Drops: Leviathan Scales, Essence of Fire (Or Darkness if Elder), and it's eyes which are the Potion of Fear's ingridient
HP: 250 or 350 if Elder
Death animation: It's skin starts cracking and you can notice the space between scales is filling with lava. After the whole body is smoking, it explodes, leaving only it's scales still there like a hollow shell
I think this has more info than the other Leviathan suggestions!
Vermiculus Regis surrexit de tenebrae ad suo soliu
I did it, I got all the suggestions in.
In reality I shouldn't be celebrating, I should have done it sooner and not have been selfish.
I would like to thank Glarnboudin in particular for all the suggestions that took a while to get in.
Also thanks to everyone else who has submitted so far.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Hey, no problem, man!
Also, word of advice: the Amamemasu [/b]is a creature from Inuit legend.
Please add sloths and make them tamable. Maybe you could add that if you carry them they can be around your shoulders. They are passive and spawn uncommonly in the jungle.
Again, no results for the Amamemasu. Google informs me of an "Amemasu" (understandable typo) but it is from Ainu folklore and is from only one story. I do not find anything relating it to Inuit Legend.
Anonoymus, I do not add anything. Neither does Mythra from the old thread.
I just run this suggestion thread, but I will be sure to add them to the list but not the mod because I can't do that.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Can u add hippocampi the half fish half horse mythical creature and to get one u have to kill a fish to get a small chance to get a Heart Of Water then u add a fish and bottle then give it to a zorse then u get a JellyFish horse like a bat horse then a essence of light and bam a hippocampi also can u dye it either cyan,lime green,lapis lazuli,and Pink to get those colors thank u
I've actually been meaning to get on that.
But I appreciate you posting that so I can close my Mo' Creatures tab now.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Alrighty. DrZhark has updated his mod and I could finally take down his requested poll.
So finally I can engage more with you guys and actually run the "tournament style" poll without cluttering the page.
So I have removed Manitcores and edited several things on BigCats as they are recent additions to the mod.
So now on to the tournament. I use a random generator to select creatures "from a hat" I'll alternate from mythical to real weekly*.
The poll will end on Fridays-Saturdays (depending on your location) and whichever creature wins will have its name placed in the winners' hat to draw from and so on until only one creature exist. By the time there are 10ish creatures left I will combine the polls.
*Weekly in terms that if I do not believe enough votes were submitted, I will extend the poll's up time for another week. This might happen a lot as attention to this thread is at an alltime low but I intended to get it back up with being active.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Maybe a Elephant would be nice?
Could have 20 Hearts(40 Hit Points)
Would be Neutral
Would attack you with its tusks only if you hit it doing:
2 & 1/2 - 5 Hearts of damage.
Would look like an elephant, and that is all I can think of so Thanks for reading!
Ummm... it's already in the mod
i saw the axolotl suggestion and thought i would make on of my own.
axolotl spawn in lakes and rivers.
wild: has no special anything, just looks cool.
bioluminescent: spawns super rare and is a living light source. and glowing when its night or in dark places.
drops: wild drops Axolotl Blood, that can be made into a regen potion bio drop axolotl blood or can be picked up to be put in a jar and used for a source of light.
Can be captured in fishnets:
they can be bred by giving them fish. if a wild and bio breed it will produce 2 babies, one wild and one bio.
glowing bio
Personally, I'd like some giant centipedes
Health: Somewhere around 10 hearts (20hp)
Behavior: Similar to spiders and scorpions
Damage: Somewhere around 2 hearts (4hp) inflicts the poison debuff
Variants: Same as scorpions
Tameable: Most likely
How to Tame: Raise a centipede egg
Rideable : I'd assume so
Spawn Area: Dark places (like most hostile mobs) and The Nether (Nether variant only)
Spawn Rate: Slightly less common than scorpions
Drops: 0-1 Centipede egg, EXP and anything DrZhark thinks they should drop
This would give Bane of Arthropods another use
Of course, DrZharks could decide to change any of this if he chooses to add this to the mod
Sorry for copying your method of submitting suggestions, atley9999. I just really like how you go about it
Just as a little update to how the tournament polls are going to work.
I am going to place the winners in the second post in the thread.
You will be able to see which creature has won, but unless requested I see no need to show the creatures who lost.
Anyway, Walrus won the natural selection, now the fictional is up.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread