I think you breed a pegasus and unicorn with Essenence Of Light will chance Pegacorn or Fairy horse to spawn Fairy horse = rare chance %20 and Pegacorn = normal chance %50
That's redundant. Fairy horses have the same abilities of the pegacorns (flight and the ability to buckle/charge other mobs). Plus there's no need for chances as both parents die after the fairy horse is born. Also, what about the remaining 30% in your suggestion? Not trying to sound rude, just nitpicking.
hey i do have a suggestion to stay aways from frogs....... its really hard to generalise them, theres the fire bellied toad, bull frog and poison dart frogs and so on the behave very differently
hey i do have a suggestion to stay aways from frogs....... its really hard to generalise them, theres the fire bellied toad, bull frog and poison dart frogs and so on the behave very differently
I wouldn't say that. Frogs are quite easy. You having the picture of a frog likely know more about frogs than most people (like people with horses for profile pics). So if I was to ask any random person to describe characteristics of a frog here is what you would get:
Sticky tongue to catch flies (and other insects)
Come from tadpoles
Live in very wet places
Egg laying
So when we convert this stuff into realistic stuff for minecraft
Live in wet places
As frogs wouldn't make great pets for the adventurous Steve, I left out egg laying and tadpoles (also because they are so small it would be hard to keep track of it)
So from those details, what is the most known frog with all 3? The Tree Frog.
After some research I have found that the tree frog that most people know is the Red Eyed Tree Frog, despite it's size it would be most efficient to make that frog.
However it is likely that if frogs are added that they would be like snakes and have multiple colours. Behaviours may be left out though.
Toads could be another variant that is poisonous and dark green.
Also wondering where I have seen your picture before I checked your profile.
Critters Galore, sounds like a mob mod?
Mod Suggestion category so it doesn't exist (yet)
There are lots of frogs, lizards, toads and a bunch of others.
Now I have no idea what you feel about Mo' Creatures, but if it is that you feel threatened that Mo' Creatures is going to steal your ideas don't be. Mo' Creatures is just generalisations of each and every creature in it. If anyone wants more detail in a mob species then they download a different mod. "Critters Galore" is perfectly safe from Mo' Creatures, no need to feel worried if that is what you are feeling.
I wouldn't say that. Frogs are quite easy. You having the picture of a frog likely know more about frogs than most people (like people with horses for profile pics). So if I was to ask any random person to describe characteristics of a frog here is what you would get:
Sticky tongue to catch flies (and other insects)
Come from tadpoles
Live in very wet places
Egg laying
So when we convert this stuff into realistic stuff for minecraft
Live in wet places
As frogs wouldn't make great pets for the adventurous Steve, I left out egg laying and tadpoles (also because they are so small it would be hard to keep track of it)
So from those details, what is the most known frog with all 3? The Tree Frog.
After some research I have found that the tree frog that most people know is the Red Eyed Tree Frog, despite it's size it would be most efficient to make that frog.
However it is likely that if frogs are added that they would be like snakes and have multiple colours. Behaviours may be left out though.
Toads could be another variant that is poisonous and dark green.
Also wondering where I have seen your picture before I checked your profile.
Critters Galore, sounds like a mob mod?
Mod Suggestion category so it doesn't exist (yet)
There are lots of frogs, lizards, toads and a bunch of others.
Now I have no idea what you feel about Mo' Creatures, but if it is that you feel threatened that Mo' Creatures is going to steal your ideas don't be. Mo' Creatures is just generalisations of each and every creature in it. If anyone wants more detail in a mob species then they download a different mod. "Critters Galore" is perfectly safe from Mo' Creatures, no need to feel worried if that is what you are feeling.
no i really love this mod and i in no way feel threatened by it but a lot more people than you think (playing minecraft idk) that it annoys them when the frog is generalised.... i have issues i actually really think this mod would be awesome with frogs
(when posted that i had woken up really early i was in a bad mood XD)
no i really love this mod and i in no way feel threatened by it but a lot more people than you think (playing minecraft idk) that it annoys them when the frog is generalised.... i have issues i actually really think this mod would be awesome with frogs
(when posted that i had woken up really early i was in a bad mood XD)
I noticed you had Ferrets on the idea list, you could have them steal small, shiny items from containers and put them in their hidey-holes (if you keep a tamed on in your house), to get the items back just requires finding the hiding spot. I know some people who have pet ferrets and have trouble keeping them out of things.
Um, leviathans are massive sea serpent/dragon or snakey crocodile things that are not tentacled, krakens are the sea monsters that are tentacled.
I didn't write the default suggestions, they were by people from the old thread. Would you like me to include your suggestion? Doing so removes the old one.
Yo, Atley, do you think it'd be a bad idea to suggest the banshees I mentioned on the last page? I mean, we already have wyverns and horses, but... I don't know.
No not at all. When I started this thread I suggested removing the creatures that already belonged to other games/movies/shows. I put it to a vote and thankfully people voted to keep them. I wasn't all for the suggestions like the beholder but I loved the Banshee suggestion. It seems like it would be a great fit. For balance of needing the Wyverns to be better, the Alpha would have to be extremely rare and the normal ones would have to be hard to tame but also be more useless than a wyvern.
The only bad suggestions that I have come across so far are all from the old thread. Not going to mention which ones, but they are really long and would be better for their own mod rather than Mo' Creatures.
Anyway haven't said this in a while:
People, we need more suggestions. I will not be added my new suggestions until 50% of all suggestions are filled.
There are 315 creatures with only 69 suggestions. That is only 22%. We need double and then a little bit more.
Info: A large draconic beast, jabberwockies are deadly predators that emit a disturbing chittering babble of noise that can alert you to its prescence before it even attacks. Fast and lethal, these beasts are formidable foes, but they can drop an egg that can be hatched into a tamed jabberwocky. This powerful companion can be mounted, making for a fast-moving ride that can outrun most horses!
Warning: Rant ahead. Put in spoilers for space convenience. Creeper_8888, I recommend you read.
Okay, creeper_8888, you have been severely bugging me by repeatedly "advertising" this idea in two different places that I've seen. Not only are you posting this on the "Mob Suggestion Thread", but you're also posting it HERE.
Backing up my opinion with information in your posts on the Mob Suggestion Thread, I'm going to tell you a few things about your idea. Someone has already said on the Mob Suggestion Thread that the Pegacorn should at least be weaker than the Fairy Horse and a lot more common/simple to get. People would end up with a surplus of Pegacorns while breeding, and they (Pegacorns) honestly don't seem all too special compared to a Unicorn or a Pegasus. As you said,
"Health: same as fairy horse
Flying: same as fairy horse
Spawn: none
Effect: none"
If it has no effect, then a Pegasus would serve the exact same purpose as a Pegacorn and if DrZhark really wanted, he could add, say, a 10% chance for a Pegasus to be born with a horn.
What is an Essence of Star going to do? To make an Essence of Light you already need a Unicorn Horn, which drops from the Unicorn itself. I don't think it's necessary to have yet another Essence item whose ingredient also comes from the Unicorn. You don't need to go through all that trouble to be able to slap a horn on a Pegasus and call it a job well done. Adding a horn is purely aesthetic. Adding stars coming out of a mob's butt is purely aesthetic.
All your mobs (Pegacorn, Alicorn, Eenhorn, Unisus) are literally horned, recolored, even unchanged versions of current mobs (Unicorn, Pegasus, etc). I don't get it, I truly don't. I'm sorry if I shot you down. I'm just irritated and I don't find that adding any of these mobs would be logical, game-changing, or helpful. DrZhark doesn't need to code in new mobs or items just to be able to add horns to current mobs.
Wyverns in the Wyvern Lair are mother wyverns only. Baby wyverns spawn and follow their mothers, but cannot be tamed yet. The babies are random colors/breeds. Players approaching the Mother Wyvern will get a warning "hiss" at 20 blocks. With aggression if within 10 blocks. Baby wyverns flee if the Mother Wyvern is attacked. Adult wyverns of other types can only be tamed by saddle breaking them.
Once a player has killed a mother wyvern and collected eggs, that players goes to the overworld and may hatch the egg by placing it by torches. The biome effects what type of wyvern is born. With a 10% chance it is a wyvern mother. Here is a list of the wyverns and their birth places
Savannah Wyvern (Reddish Brown): Savannah Biome
Swamp Wyvern (Yellow Green): Swamp Biome
Jungle Wyvern (Deep Green): Jungle Biome
Sand Wyvern (Yellow):Desert Biome
Cave Wyvern (Silver-Grey): Below 32 blocks of depth
Mountain Wyvern (Light Brown): Above 96 blocks of height
Sea Wyvern (Deep Blue): Ocean Biome
Arctic Wyvern (Ice Blue): Taiga Biome
Mother Wyvern (Red): 10% Any biome
Tamed Wyverns will attack mobs it can reach when attached to a fence post by a lead. Except the player that hatched/tamed it. This is the "Rage" effect your wyvern gets for being tied down. Your wyvern can be killed by mobs if you don't heal it. Wyverns will attack other wyvenrs or each other when tied too close together. Wyverns cannot be mounted or given armor while tied down. Telling your wyvern to sit will not cause this rage effect. Tying down a flying dragon-beast will unleash the anger. Mobs do not drop ANY items if killed by a Wyvern. A player holding a lead does not cause rage effects.
Wyverns scatter and flee if another wyvern is attacked or hit close by. Like a flock of birds taking off. However, Mother Wyverns will attack the threat until death. Wyvern babies will follow the player that hatched them or the closest adult Wyvern. Wyverns will kill rabbits and snakes to gain health when injured if not fed by a player. Wyverns killed by the player only, turn into a Ghost Wyvern on a rare 5% chance.
Mother Wyverns will still transform when given the right essence to do so, but now have use for Essence of Fire:
Mother Wyverns will become a Light Wyvern after you feed it an Essence of Light
Mother Wyverns will become a Dark Wyvern after you feed it an Essence of Darkness
Mother Wyverns will become an Undead Wyvern after you feed it an Essence of Undead
Mother Wyverns will lay an Egg after you feed it an Essence of Fire like an ostrich. However, the mother will attack the player if they take the egg. The player can stop the attack by retreating over 30 blocks away. Babies left to hatch by the Mother will be wild and only tamed by saddle. This is because you place the "Burning Love of a Mother" into your Wyvern.
Another use for Essence of Fire: Ghost Wyverns can be resurrected into a Grand Wyvern. This is because you put "Fire" back into the heart of your Wyvern.
Ghost Wyverns will NOT spawn by slaying Mother, Light, Dark, or Undead Wyverns.
Grand Wyverns are the same size as Mother Wyverns, however have golden horns that make them seem taller. Higher hitpoints and they cause foes to catch fire as well as poison effects. They are white with a rainbow membrane to their wings, large purple eyes. Grand Wyverns will attack hostile mobs within 20 blocks and not flee until health is low. Grand Wyverns cannot be fed any other essences. Are 8 blocks in speed, so only slightly faster in flight. Grand Wyverns drop 5% Heart of Fire, otherwise nothing. This is because you take back that fire from their heart.
Images are attached to this post. Images used do NOT belong to me and just references. All credit to original owners, I just used google to find the images.
Stink Bug
Cause an effect similar to a dirty litter-box with nausea when killed
Found on trees, they make their loud mating calls
Found in swamps, they bite players and most mobs with a random chance of causing an illness (craft bug repellent to drive them off)
Live in trees, climb anything made of wood, and eat fruit, nuts (if available), and seeds. They will come near the player if one of the three food items is dropped on the ground, eventually taking the food from your hand when offered (the player just needs to stand still while holding the item)
That's redundant. Fairy horses have the same abilities of the pegacorns (flight and the ability to buckle/charge other mobs). Plus there's no need for chances as both parents die after the fairy horse is born. Also, what about the remaining 30% in your suggestion? Not trying to sound rude, just nitpicking.
What about the Anglerfish, found in deep waters?
Health: 4 Hearts
Behaviour: Attack
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: No, just a plain brown one with a light upon its head. Males are parasitic, so...
Breedable: No
Holdable: No
Where found: Deep water
Spawn size: 1-4
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: 1.5 Blocks
Drops: 1-2 Raw Fish / Anglerfishes Light? (Similar to a torch)
Will get on to it tomorrow!
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
hey i do have a suggestion to stay aways from frogs....... its really hard to generalise them, theres the fire bellied toad, bull frog and poison dart frogs and so on the behave very differently
I wouldn't say that. Frogs are quite easy. You having the picture of a frog likely know more about frogs than most people (like people with horses for profile pics). So if I was to ask any random person to describe characteristics of a frog here is what you would get:
Sticky tongue to catch flies (and other insects)
Come from tadpoles
Live in very wet places
Egg laying
So when we convert this stuff into realistic stuff for minecraft
Live in wet places
As frogs wouldn't make great pets for the adventurous Steve, I left out egg laying and tadpoles (also because they are so small it would be hard to keep track of it)
So from those details, what is the most known frog with all 3? The Tree Frog.
After some research I have found that the tree frog that most people know is the Red Eyed Tree Frog, despite it's size it would be most efficient to make that frog.
However it is likely that if frogs are added that they would be like snakes and have multiple colours. Behaviours may be left out though.
Toads could be another variant that is poisonous and dark green.
Also wondering where I have seen your picture before I checked your profile.
Critters Galore, sounds like a mob mod?
Mod Suggestion category so it doesn't exist (yet)
There are lots of frogs, lizards, toads and a bunch of others.
Now I have no idea what you feel about Mo' Creatures, but if it is that you feel threatened that Mo' Creatures is going to steal your ideas don't be. Mo' Creatures is just generalisations of each and every creature in it. If anyone wants more detail in a mob species then they download a different mod. "Critters Galore" is perfectly safe from Mo' Creatures, no need to feel worried if that is what you are feeling.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
no i really love this mod and i in no way feel threatened by it but a lot more people than you think (playing minecraft idk) that it annoys them when the frog is generalised.... i have issues i actually really think this mod would be awesome with frogs
(when posted that i had woken up really early i was in a bad mood XD)
EDit: also you should add tree frogs
i like the toad idea too
but the ground frog if its only 1 type i suggest the bullfrog or leopard frog or any other species in family rana (typical frog) https://www.google.com/search?q=rana species frog&rlz=1C1ASAD_enUS482US485&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=855&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=20s1VZe5KNS2ogSkt4DgAw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ
I only run the thread, but DrZhark will probably see this soon.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
I noticed you had Ferrets on the idea list, you could have them steal small, shiny items from containers and put them in their hidey-holes (if you keep a tamed on in your house), to get the items back just requires finding the hiding spot. I know some people who have pet ferrets and have trouble keeping them out of things.
Sorry it took so long, got your suggestion included!
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Um, leviathans are massive sea serpent/dragon or snakey crocodile things that are not tentacled, krakens are the sea monsters that are tentacled.
I didn't write the default suggestions, they were by people from the old thread. Would you like me to include your suggestion? Doing so removes the old one.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
No not at all. When I started this thread I suggested removing the creatures that already belonged to other games/movies/shows. I put it to a vote and thankfully people voted to keep them. I wasn't all for the suggestions like the beholder but I loved the Banshee suggestion. It seems like it would be a great fit. For balance of needing the Wyverns to be better, the Alpha would have to be extremely rare and the normal ones would have to be hard to tame but also be more useless than a wyvern.
The only bad suggestions that I have come across so far are all from the old thread. Not going to mention which ones, but they are really long and would be better for their own mod rather than Mo' Creatures.
Anyway haven't said this in a while:
People, we need more suggestions. I will not be added my new suggestions until 50% of all suggestions are filled.
There are 315 creatures with only 69 suggestions. That is only 22%. We need double and then a little bit more.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Welp, might as well jump on the bandwagon... WARNING: LARGE POST
Alignment: Hostile
Health: 30-45 maybe?
Damage: 6-7 (3-3.5 hearts)
Biome: Forest, Mountains
Drops: Leather, Reptile Hide, Jabberwocky Egg (Rarely)
Info: A large draconic beast, jabberwockies are deadly predators that emit a disturbing chittering babble of noise that can alert you to its prescence before it even attacks. Fast and lethal, these beasts are formidable foes, but they can drop an egg that can be hatched into a tamed jabberwocky. This powerful companion can be mounted, making for a fast-moving ride that can outrun most horses!
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Maybe a new type of cat: Medium-sized cats for smaller species of cats like lynxes and caracals
The species could be:
Grassland: Servals, caracals
Taiga: Lynx
Forest: Bobcat
Jungle: Jungle cats, Clouded leopards, perhaps? Ocelots are already in vanilla
Extreme Hills: Geoffery's cat
River: Fishing cat
#MediumCats adding it now.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
The Wyvern Rehaul
Wyverns in the Wyvern Lair are mother wyverns only. Baby wyverns spawn and follow their mothers, but cannot be tamed yet. The babies are random colors/breeds. Players approaching the Mother Wyvern will get a warning "hiss" at 20 blocks. With aggression if within 10 blocks. Baby wyverns flee if the Mother Wyvern is attacked. Adult wyverns of other types can only be tamed by saddle breaking them.
Once a player has killed a mother wyvern and collected eggs, that players goes to the overworld and may hatch the egg by placing it by torches. The biome effects what type of wyvern is born. With a 10% chance it is a wyvern mother. Here is a list of the wyverns and their birth places
Savannah Wyvern (Reddish Brown): Savannah Biome
Swamp Wyvern (Yellow Green): Swamp Biome
Jungle Wyvern (Deep Green): Jungle Biome
Sand Wyvern (Yellow):Desert Biome
Cave Wyvern (Silver-Grey): Below 32 blocks of depth
Mountain Wyvern (Light Brown): Above 96 blocks of height
Sea Wyvern (Deep Blue): Ocean Biome
Arctic Wyvern (Ice Blue): Taiga Biome
Mother Wyvern (Red): 10% Any biome
Tamed Wyverns will attack mobs it can reach when attached to a fence post by a lead. Except the player that hatched/tamed it. This is the "Rage" effect your wyvern gets for being tied down. Your wyvern can be killed by mobs if you don't heal it. Wyverns will attack other wyvenrs or each other when tied too close together. Wyverns cannot be mounted or given armor while tied down. Telling your wyvern to sit will not cause this rage effect. Tying down a flying dragon-beast will unleash the anger. Mobs do not drop ANY items if killed by a Wyvern. A player holding a lead does not cause rage effects.
Wyverns scatter and flee if another wyvern is attacked or hit close by. Like a flock of birds taking off. However, Mother Wyverns will attack the threat until death. Wyvern babies will follow the player that hatched them or the closest adult Wyvern. Wyverns will kill rabbits and snakes to gain health when injured if not fed by a player. Wyverns killed by the player only, turn into a Ghost Wyvern on a rare 5% chance.
Mother Wyverns will still transform when given the right essence to do so, but now have use for Essence of Fire:
Another use for Essence of Fire: Ghost Wyverns can be resurrected into a Grand Wyvern. This is because you put "Fire" back into the heart of your Wyvern.
Ghost Wyverns will NOT spawn by slaying Mother, Light, Dark, or Undead Wyverns.
Grand Wyverns are the same size as Mother Wyverns, however have golden horns that make them seem taller. Higher hitpoints and they cause foes to catch fire as well as poison effects. They are white with a rainbow membrane to their wings, large purple eyes. Grand Wyverns will attack hostile mobs within 20 blocks and not flee until health is low. Grand Wyverns cannot be fed any other essences. Are 8 blocks in speed, so only slightly faster in flight. Grand Wyverns drop 5% Heart of Fire, otherwise nothing. This is because you take back that fire from their heart.
Images are attached to this post. Images used do NOT belong to me and just references. All credit to original owners, I just used google to find the images.
Sorry it took so long, your up there now!
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Here are some more ideas to add to the list:
Stink Bug
Cause an effect similar to a dirty litter-box with nausea when killed
Found on trees, they make their loud mating calls
Found in swamps, they bite players and most mobs with a random chance of causing an illness (craft bug repellent to drive them off)
Live in trees, climb anything made of wood, and eat fruit, nuts (if available), and seeds. They will come near the player if one of the three food items is dropped on the ground, eventually taking the food from your hand when offered (the player just needs to stand still while holding the item)
All of them are up.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread