Every suggested mob should come with moderate detail. Please do not say "Kangaroos" without suggesting behaviour, tamability, health, etc. Pictures are nice too. If you do not follow this simple rule, I will request that you add more info.
Is this thread legit?
You may be wondering "Haven't I seen a forum for mob suggestions before?" The answer is yes, there was an old thread run by Mythra, the problem was that the forum lacked detail and moderation. So that explains why this one exist, but is it legit? This forum is 100%legitimate, I have been approved by DrZhark in a private message. Even though I wouldn't want you to bother Zhark, you can always PM him to confirm, his response time is about 1-3 days due to amount of fans sending him messages. It is unofficial as it is run by me, not DrZhark himself.
How will this thread be run?
Leave your suggestions in the comments below, I will go through all comments (I can do that). Please leave detail and I will add it to the collection of mobs. DrZhark Polls will always be up until he wants them down or they are no longer relevant.
will hunt chickens and fight for you, craft a leather glove to train them with maybe.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 5-7 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: Yes (Bluish, Brown/Grey)
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Any raw meat (1-5) OR Raise from egg laid by already tamed Falcon.
Baby Time: 1 Minecraft Week
Baby Size: Chicken Adult
Blue: Snowy Biomes, Wet Biomes, Extreme Hills.
Brown: Dry Biomes, Extreme Hills
Spawn size: 1
Spawn rate: Slightly rare
Size: 2x1 Blocks x 80%
0-4 Feathers
0-2 Talons
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 6 Hearts
Behaviour: Aggressive (All mobs, excluding medium birds)
Damage: 1 Heart
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: Desert
Spawn size: 4-5
Spawn rate: Common
Size: 2x1 Blocks
Extra: Attacks every mob in the desert including the players. Circles ~20 block above target. Attacks by swooping targets and retreating back to the sky shortly after, making bows the appropriate weapon of choice.
Drops: 0-4 Feathers
Lilcuz's Suggestion:
Hearts: 30
Damage: 3 half hearts
Tamable when egg is found
Find in flocks
Biomes: All Hot Overworld, Forest, Birch Forest, Plains
Spawn size: 1
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: Slightly larger than normal birds
Drops: 0-3 Feathers
cysiek's Suggestion:
spawn on savannah. Have a specific sound like a laught. Spawn in group 2-3. give kokaburra feathers and kokaburra eggs.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 5 Hearts
Behaviour: Aggressive
Damage: 2 Heart (3 if it does a charge attack instead of a normal attack)
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: All Biomes with trees (except swamps)
Spawn size: 2-5
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: Slightly Smaller than an Ostrich
Speed: Normal Player Speed, 2x as fast if charging
Drops: 0-2 Ostrich Meat
11Mooneye's Suggestion:
So it could spawn in plains, savana or jungle (or all of them) but it would have to be rare however you could make it like ostriches, where they lay eggs BUT the males would attack when they saw you (cassowarys are naturally agreesive birds) however the females would attack when provoked and/or had her eggs stolen.
There's not a huge difference from male and female cassowarys in real life so you'd have to make slight changes (maybe the colour of there whottle, the blue/red thing under its beak/on its neck)
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Ostrich
Behaviour: Same as Ostrich
Damage: Same as Ostrich
Variants: Yes (More in Essence Based Emus)
Tameable: Yes, Same as Ostrich
Baby Time: Same as Ostrich
Baby Size: Same as Ostrich
Biomes: All Hot Overworld
Spawn size: 1-3
Spawn rate: Rare
Size: Slightly Smaller than an Ostrich
Speed: Same as Ostrich
Extra: Pronounced Ee-Myu
Extra 2: Emu eggs are green
Drops: 0-2 Ostrich meat
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Ostrich
Behaviour: Passive - Flees from player
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: Swamps, Jungles, Beaches, Islands
Spawn size: 4-7
Spawn rate: Rare
Size: Slightly Smaller than an Ostrich
Extra: Flies away, does not run away.
Extra 2: Should be idle in the classic flamingo pose
Drops if no new item: Exp (nothing)
Drops if new item: 0-2 Exotic Feathers
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Normal Birds
Behaviour: Passive - Flees from player
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: Beaches, Ocean (Not deep ocean), Islands
Spawn size: 5-9
Spawn rate: Common
Size: ~1 block
Extra: Flies away, does not run away.
Drops: 0-2 Feathers
cysiek's Suggestion:
spawn on the beach near ocean Kill small fish, and can be tamed with a raw fish. Give feathers and seagull eggs. Spawn in group 4-6
Pigeons & Doves
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Normal Birds
Behaviour: Passive - Flees from player
Variants: Yes, White and Grey
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Seeds
Breedable: No
Biomes: Around the player in literally every biome (excluding dimensions)
Spawn size: 2-3
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: ~1 block
Extra: Flies away, does not run away.
Extra 2: Doves have a 0.1% chance of spawning.
Drops: 0-2 Feathers
Geese & Swans
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 7 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive (They will give you a warning like snakes before attacking)
Damage: 2.5 Hearts
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Egg raising
Baby size: Slightly smaller than normal bird
Baby time: ~4 Minecraft days
Biomes: Rivers
Spawn size: 1-2
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: 1.5x1.5 (3 block with wings out)
Drops if no new item: Swan/Goose Egg
Drops if new item:
0-2 Exotic Feathers
Swan/Goose Egg
cysiek's Suggestion:
in marshes and near lakes. There are 2 variants of white, black and less frequent. They will defend their children.They fall out of their feathers, eggs swans. With black swan black feathers. spawn in group 1-3
AuraBird's Suggestion:
Health: 12 hearts
Behaviour: Passive until provoked. Like Pigmen they will call to any other geese within a certain radius
Damage: 7-8 hearts (IRL geese hit like trucks)
Variants: Canadian Goose, Snow Goose, and American Goose
Snow Geese have black-tipped wings if the picture (2nd one) isn't clear
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Like ocelots, slowly approach with grass (the sheared stuff not the block) and feed until tamed
Breedable: Breed by feeding two geese grass (again, the sheared stuff and not the block)
Canadian Geese: All but Desert, Savannah, Mesa and Jungle
Snow Geese: Snow Biomes
American Geese: All but Desert, Savannah, Mesa, and Jungle
Spawn Rate: Slightly Uncommon
Drops: Exp, Feathers, Raw Goose
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 6 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Egg raising
Breedable: No
Baby size: Slightly smaller than normal bird
Baby time: ~3 Minecraft days
Biomes: Jungles
Spawn size: 1
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: ~1-2 blocks
Drops if no new item: Toucan Egg
Drops if new item:
0-2 Exotic Feathers
Toucan Egg
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 6 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: Yes
Peacock (Vibrant Blue and Green), Peahen (Slightly blue, mostly brown grey, no tail feathers), Albino (White male - Tumblr would hate it)
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Bread or Egg raising
Breedable: Yes, only between the two genders.
Baby size: Slightly smaller than normal bird
Baby time: ~4 Minecraft days
Biomes: Any overworld biome with land. Albinos are very common in snowy biomes and extremely rare in hot.
Spawn size: 1-4
Spawn rate: Rare
Size: I don't know how to Minecraft size it. I'll just say 4x as big with it's tail displaying
Drops if no new item: Peafowl Egg
Drops if new item:
0-2 Exotic Feathers
Peafowl Egg
yellowflash7000's Suggestion:
they can be on the ocean flose for more ocean content.
EmileeRoseGaming's Suggestion:
Color: Blue and Red Lobsters
Biome: Found in the deep depths of oceans.
Tamed By: Fish Nets
Transportation: Fish Nets.
Drops: Raw Lobster
Exotic Fresh Water Fish
Zombyhead's Suggestion:
(guppies, mollys, etc) maybe somthing like this:
SnappingCap's Suggestion:
Found in deep waters?
Health: 4 Hearts
Behaviour: Attack
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: No, just a plain brown one with a light upon its head. Males are parasitic, so...
Breedable: No
Holdable: No
Where found: Deep water
Spawn size: 1-4
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: 1.5 Blocks
Drops: 1-2 Raw Fish / Anglerfishes Light? (Similar to a torch)
Orca (Killer Whales)
Azkhare's Suggestion:
killer whales could be added too, just so sharks don't massacre dolphins. Orcas would feed on sharks and pretty much anything that dares to approach a big body of water. If you know orcas, they shore themselves to get their food. That would be an interesting mechanic. They would prey on everything but dolphins, would only spawn on deep, large bodies of water, and would have a LOT of health. They would drop 0-2 orca teeth, and 2-4 leather.
Yakulong's Suggestion:
they breake your boat if you touch them.
tamable but really hard! like 2 or 3 stack of fish, whale hein, that's eat a lot!
maybe riding, but i'm not sure
you can breed them but it's have to be really long and hard, and the baby will not be tamed. i would say a 15 salmon each and they can't breed for like 5 minecraft days or more.
that would be a good idea to add a bigh fishnet or another items.
aashford's Suggestion:
Swamp area - very powerful, very aggressive. Drops bones,meat,tusks.
ShyGuyDu83's Suggestion:
they can be tamed giving them a non-cooked fish. And when tamed, they just woud follow you. And you could give them a name too <3
Maybe they could be agressive when attacked, only spawning the night or if it rains, and 1*2 long and digging a burrow to hide during the day. They would only spawn near from water, in all biomes except desert.
EmileeRoseGaming's Suggestion:
Color: Brown and Black Platypi
Biome: Rivers
Tamed By: Fish
Transportation: Fish Nets
Drops: Webbed Feet (Used to craft flippers, look in spoiler for more info)
Webbed Feet:
Color: Brown
Used To craft: Flippers
Rarity: on the scale 1-10, (10 being rarest) The drop rarity would be like 6 or 7
Color: Blue and yellow
Used for: Swimming fast in oceans/lakes
Durability: Durability of Iron
Special Abilities: Speed for swimming (Swiftness)
Neon_ColorsFTW22's Suggestion:
spawn in swamp biomes because of the lily pads they can hop on it and hop on another lily pad
And they would have ribbit kinda sounds :3
aashford's Suggestion:
Jungle area - will attack player if he gets too close, very powerful.
aashford's Suggestion:
Jungle area - climb trees to get away from player, may throw dung or dirt blocks?
CoolGastornis's Suggestion:
A sloth for the jungle, it would be passive and hang on a tree, if given leather*as a blanket, sloths love being cozy and warm* and they will be tamed, hopping straight on your back! CUTE AND SNUGLY!
Anonoymus's Suggestion:
Please add sloths and make them tamable. Maybe you could add that if you carry them they can be around your shoulders. They are passive and spawn uncommonly in the jungle.
LazerRay's Suggestion:
have them steal small, shiny items from containers and put them in their hidey-holes (if you keep a tamed on in your house), to get the items back just requires finding the hiding spot. I know some people who have pet ferrets and have trouble keeping them out of things.
Yakulong's Suggestion:
neutral mob
tamable with raw chicken or raw turke
attack small animals around them.
attack the player if the player carry a bird or a rabbit.
they can climb for 3 block hight
they drop fur x1 or x2
do 1-3 hearth dammage.
you can breed them with raw turkey.
Pinataman20's Suggestion:
(forest,Plains) Skunk is unafraid of player and raises tail when 5 blocks away. After tail raises and if player dosen retreat it gives you the same affect as the dirty litter box aswell as the nausea effect. once player is sprayed it sprints away. (size) A little larger than a chicken with a tail as large as its body. (tameability) Maybe-LEaving kittly food outside attracts skunk. Then can be tamed with any food item. Must be thrown skunk will not approach or accept player coming towards it even with food. Leaving kittle food outside for too long will cause a large area around the original place of the litter box. A tamed skunk will spray agressive mobs and hunt mice,rats ect.
M_b11's Suggestion:
gives play nausea affect
lives in woods
Cybercat5555's Suggestion:
Neutral, spawns in plains and savannas in groups of 3-6 animals. Attacks anything smaller than it, as well as anything that attacks it first, and will eat any dropped meat- raw, cooked, or rotten. Can be tamed by giving it raw pork or ostrich. After that, it will protect you. Ridable?
Lilcuz's Suggestion:
Hearts: 20?
Damage: 6 half hearts
Tamable when baby with raw beef or bones
Sort of lice Vanilla wolves, you can find them in packs, or clans as they're called
The females are bigger than males btw
Bearded Dragons
FreedKoal's Suggestion:
Health: 2 Hearts
Behaviour: Friendly
Damage: 1/2 when hit (Like thorns enchantment)
Variants: Different textures per biome
Tameable: yes
How to Tame: Can be tamed by Carrot or Apple
Breedable: yes
Biomes: Savannah & Desert
Spawn Rate: slightly uncommon
Drops: Exp
aashford's Suggestion:
arctic, can break through ice and attack players and hunts the penguins.Drops bones,meat.
aashford's Suggestion:
arctic areas - Peaceful, may even flee if player gets to close. Lays eggs.
leonelmegaman's Suggestion:
A tamable mob that feeds on insects and that can be tamed by giving it any kind of vegetable when right clicked it gets on your shoulder.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 3 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1 Heart
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Flowers or Carrots
Breedable: No
Holdable: Yes, like snakes.
Biomes: Jungle, Desert, Beach and Savanna
Spawn size: 1-4
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: 1 Block
Drops: 0-1 Reptile Hide.
Dodo Bird
MCFUser149837's Suggestion:
How about the dodo bird that been extinct for hunderds of years, they would be a island spawn plus they dont run away if u attack them just more keep moving towards you like pigmen but non-aggresive. easy way to get meat if your exlporing the ocean. mabey even make them a rare spawn like murshroom cows.
diszxchat's Suggestion:
Hearts: 8 - 10
Behaviour: Acts like sheep/cow/pig (AI basically the same)
Tamable?: Yes
Location: Roofed Forest
If seeds/fruits on players hand, dodo will follow them. If attacked, it will run away. Without seeds/fruits and attacking, it will run away as it fears the player a threat to their community.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
for smaller species of cats like lynxes and caracals
The species could be:
Grassland: Servals, caracals
Taiga: Lynx
Forest: Bobcat
Jungle: Jungle cats, Clouded leopards, perhaps? Ocelots are already in vanilla
Extreme Hills: Geoffery's cat
River: Fishing cat
LazerRay's Suggestion:
Found in swamps, they bite players and most mobs with a random chance of causing an illness (craft bug repellent to drive them off)
Stink Bug
LazerRay's Suggestion:
Cause an effect similar to a dirty litter-box with nausea when killed
LazerRay's Suggestion:
Found on trees, they make their loud mating calls
LazerRay's Suggestion:
Live in trees, climb anything made of wood, and eat fruit, nuts (if available), and seeds. They will come near the player if one of the three food items is dropped on the ground, eventually taking the food from your hand when offered (the player just needs to stand still while holding the item)
iiAmDuck's Suggestion:
We all know our cute and cuddly creature the Squirrel who inhabits the tree line, usually attacked by non-passive mammals and other animals BUT the Squirrels in the Mo' Creatures mod should be tame-able since people like having cute animals for pets
DrakeTheWarrior's Suggestion:
4 blocks tall. Neutral. Spawns are rare in savannah biome.
male/female variations. They can drop eggs. Rare spawns.
DrakeTheWarrior's Suggestion:
1. 4 block tall and is covered in feathers. Neutral. Spawns are rare in plains and taiga biomes.
male/female variations. They can drop eggs. Rare spawns.
DrakeTheWarrior's Suggestion:
3 blocks tall. Neutral. Spawns are rare in plains. Similar to an ostrich. Has feathers.
male/female variations. They can drop eggs. Rare spawns.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
DrakeTheWarrior's Suggestion:
4.5 blocks tall, has some feathers. Aggresive like the polar bear. Spawns are rare in taiga, tundra, and savannah biomes.
should have a white variant found in tundra biomes, like a giant polar T. rex
male/female variations. They can drop eggs. Rare spawns.
Bilby (Macrotis)
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Rats
Behaviour: Passive, Nocturnal (Spawn at night).
Variants: No
Tamable: Yes
How to Tame: 1 Apple or 1 Red Mushroom or 2 Brown.
Ridable/Holdable/Follower: Holding
Breedable: Yes, very slow, but like bunnies.
Baby size: Slightly smaller than a mouse
Baby time: ~3 Minecraft days
Biomes: "Hot" Biomes (Savannah, Desert, Red Desert) NO HUMID BIOMES like Jungle biomes.
Spawn group size: 1-2
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: Between a Bunny and a Rat
Speed: Same as Rat
Drops if no new item: Seeds, Fur
Drops if new item: Raw Bilby (same as Raw Rat)
Fun Fact: Bilbies don't need to drink water, all their hydration needs are in the food they eat, like insects, fruit, mushrooms and small animals.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Pigs
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 2.5 hearts (I am serious)
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: 5-10 Carrots.
Ridable/Holdable/Follower: Follower
Breedable: Iffy, for balance reasons, no. If yes, 5-10 Potatoes.
Baby size: Slightly smaller than a mouse
Baby time: 4 Minecraft days for the baby (Joey) to grow up.
Biomes: Any grassy biome with low water (No swamps or jungles)
Spawn group size: 1-3
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: Just smaller than a pig, a bit fatter.
Speed: Not too slow, but not as fast as the play (90% speed?).
Drops if no new item: Raw Porkchops, Fur
Drops if new item: Raw Bilby (same as Raw Rat)
11Mooneye's Suggestion:
Wombats would be found in plains or savanas possibly would could make them some sort of "wombat hole" OR you could design them like moles how they dig under ground but make it so that wombats don't dig down when scared only when attacked, tameable like pandas and if attack charge at the player or dig under ground.
atley9999's Suggestion:
atley9999's Suggestion:
atley9999's Suggestion:
IrishRaven's Suggestion:
Who doesn't love whales?! Large majestic creatures that just make the endless ocean biomes that we have all ran into at some stage that little bit more interesting. If I wanted to be really greedy I'd say different types such as the Blue, Humpback, Orca and just more sea life in general.
Shagarath's Suggestion:
non-tameable (to big)
Passive but may crush your boat/pull you down into the ocean if you get to close to the tail.
Yakulong's Suggestion:
they breake your boat if you touch them.
tamable but really hard! like 2 or 3 stack of fish, whale hein, that's eat a lot!
maybe riding, but i'm not sure
you can breed them but it's have to be really long and hard, and the baby will not be tamed. i would say a 15 salmon each and they can't breed for like 5 minecraft days or more.
that would be a good idea to add a bigh fishnet or another items.
Sperm Whales
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
Sperm whales would be nice, as we truely need a giant mob in the oceans, they would be neutral and would have 75 hearts of health, they deal 15 hearts of damage per attack.
IrishRaven's Suggestion:
Find string can be a pain in the behind at times so why not make a bug we can keep as a pet that spins string? Would make things very interesting though to keep the challenge I would make them rare to find.
black or brown
aggressive mob
can't tame it, you can carry it in a fish net but will still attack you if yu release it.
you can't breed it
they can destroy your boat, and will try to ''eat'' if you are reading an animal (dolphin) so the dolphin will receive hight dammage but not the player. if you are not riding, they can cath you like the crocodile.
Shagarath's Suggestion:
tamable (for those who want that)
Passive, non-attacking
inflicts half a heart of damage if "walked on"
(if has thorns, duh )
Hedgehogs wold spawn at night, and hide in the forest at day.
Curls into a ball if attacked or walked on.
Kind of like the Ninja Turtles easter egg, if you name it Sonic it should turn blue.
Shagarath's Suggestion:
hostile if attacked or walked on
inflicts 0,5-1 heart of damage
Porcupine would spawn on plains and hide in small 1*1*3 deep holes in hills (small porcupine caves) if attacked by another mob.
Hizkoh's Suggestion:
I know it will be cool! Like the bears and foxes, they'd mess with the dogs, but not attack players. tamed with seeds, perhaps?
Lukas_Art's Suggestion:
tamable with 10 seeds OR sunflower
be cute <3
It can remove big grass and give seeds to player
Hamster is atacked by cats and foxes
Hamster can be on player's shoulder if Player Right Click it
Hamster is very fast - 5x faster than player
Drop seeds |"rare" sunflower|
It can be found in forest and plains
EmileeRoseGaming's Suggestion:
Color: Beige and Grey Koalas
Biome: Jungles Up in trees.
Tamed by: Sugar lumps (10)
Transportation: Pet Amulets/Leads
Drops: Fur
Locksoli's Suggestion:
An alternative for rabbits come 1.8. They live in acacia trees, and they eat sugar cane and a new item called eucalyptus. Can be tameable, and can either be on the players head, or shoulders. They could also be put back on trees, even if tamed. So if a person just happened to be making a zoo, they could keep the koalas from moving too much.
GrinningMoon's Suggestion:
I haven't seen this suggested before but I think adding Rhinos would be a great idea for deserts or more so grasslands. Biomes:
Grasslands/Deserts Behavior:
Neutral (Passive until provoked) Health/Armor:
Similar health to bears but with a resistance effect on them for armor (tough hide) Abilities: Melee Attack Bucking, can swing it's head/horn which applies a knockback/melee damage and creates space between the player and rhino Charging, lowers its head and after a short time pursues the player in a straight line with a short speed boost, if the player is struck it deals massive damage (2x, 3x melee?) Tameable/Breedable:
I think they should both be able to be tamed and breed (similar to horses, but maybe more challenging?). Once tamed, the player can use the rhino's charge ability (similar to jump with horses) but maybe with an exhaust sideaffect afterwards. Drops:
Leather, Horn (small chance for a horn that can maybe crafted into an actually horn or used as a weapon), XP
Think about a rhino with the texture of a elephant. if Drzhark makes a rhino make it as realistic as the elephants and mammoths
Hp: baby Half of the adults: (example: if a adult has 40 HP then the baby wil have 20 HP)
adult: (look at types)
Attack damage: 8 (wooly rhino has 7 because it already has 10 more HP)
Types/kinds: Wooly Rhino (Taiga) HP: 50
White Rhino (desert/savannah) HP: 40
Black Rhino (desert/savannah) HP: 40
Javan/Sumatra Rhino (jungle/forest) HP: 40 (it has 1 horn so yeah)
Rideable: Yes
Rarety: Very rare because they are almost extinct (except for wooly rhino that is extinct XD)
height: 3 - 5 blocks it should be a challenge to find one because they are overpowerd and good
Food/tame item: Sugar lumps
Store amulet: Pet amulet
Drops: Wooly and Sumatra Rhino: Fur (Sumatra rhino has fur on its body :0)
Black and White Rhino: Hide
All rhino's: Rhino horn
Items : (new) Rhino tusk/horn: (Wood/iron/gold/diamond)
(new) Rhino Chest
(new) Rhino Harness
(new) Big mammal fence (special fence wich cant be broken by tusks or horns)
(new) Rhino tools and armor
(new) Big mammal food (special food that can be fed for health, it can be crafted by using apples and sugarlumps
Extra option: Rhino's will defend zebra's and deer's if you attack
M_b11's Suggestion:
grasslands, deserts, savanas
attacks played if too close
tamable only by using lasso and using the jump on kick off taming method
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
The next idea I have is for rhinoceroses. Big, burly animals only exceeded in size by elephants, these savanna herbivores are neutral, but they're also territorial - get too close for too long, and they will charge you. Despite their size, they can move quite quickly, and they don't take knockback. Can be tamed with a shitload of wheat, although young ones can be tamed with apples (Good luck getting it away from momma, though). Once tamed, you can saddle them and put chests on their backs, as well as special coverings for the horns, like with elephants and their tusk armor.
Three subspecies exist:
-Jungle rhinoceros: Smaller than the normal rhino, will flee rather than fight, but will attack if cornered. Found in jungles, based on Javan rhinoceros.
-Durer's rhinoceros: Covered in bony metallic-grey armor, found in extreme hills biomes. Lots more health, lots more damage.
-Woolly rhinocers: Largest of them all, found in tundra and taiga.
Yimmy7's Suggestion:
Biomes: Desert, Savannah. During the day will burrow, during the night can be found eating bugs.
Tamable: Yes, give them some kind of bug (make it so that when you kill a bug it will drop itself as an item?)
Drops: none
Behavior: Will burrow into blocks such as sand or dirt during the day, at night will find bugs and eat them. Passive
Appearance: Grey with noticable ears and tail, and long snout.
Red Panda
iTurtleSaur's Suggestion:
So I've been wondering and I always loved the famous Red Panda, and it even stars on shows like the cartoon The Legend of Korra, which Pabu the Fire Ferret, and the Fire Ferret is a exact copy of the Red Panda.
Heres some details on what could be added with the Red Panda
Red Pandas spawn in Jungles and forests. They like to climb trees and hide in small holes. They can be tamed using Sugar Cane or Sugar. They will act like Kitties, which need lots of attention. They will not have emotions, but items for them, like Cave Houses or like Bamboo Shoot Houses (made out of sugar cane) They could also come with place-able
sticks to climb on.
Red pandas could be bred using Sugar Lumps, as of because Red Pandas in wilderness and in captivity have a taste for sugary foods. Baby Red Pandas and Regular Red Pandas are very playful. There could be Pet Bowls for Kittys and both Red Pandas, made out of iron. Red Pandas can be fed milk, sugar cane, or oak leaves. (red pandas like eating leaves too) Red pandas can be neutral, since in real life, if you annoy or disturb or hurt it, they fight back
Hizkoh's Suggestion:
Use the raccoon skin... just red... and tame it with whatever giant pandas are tamed with
Locksoli's Suggestion:
A re-skinned python, that can grow really big. Like, big enough to ride. Also, there would be a in joke there like with zebras. We all know what it could be.
Locksoli's Suggestion:
Because why not. They would probably have pouches with young in them, and certain ones can be hostile if provoked, kicking you and knocking you back. They would also hop.
Hizkoh's Suggestion:
Red, Grey, and Wallaroo. When killed, drop a baby kangaroo (not a mob). When right-clicking with the baby kangaroo in your hand, guess what? "What would you like to name your pet?" You get a tamed baby kangaroo that you can ride later (?).
M_b11's Suggestion:
savanas deserts
small groups 3-5
tameable by killing mom and having baby drop from pouch
sounds terrible ik
Tasmanian Devil
11Mooneye's Suggestion:
These would act like raccons however they would only be tameable by raw pork/beef/chicken, they'd spawn in jungles or forests but they would be fairly rare. However you could also make them like the big cats, where you can only take there babies, however you would just feed them meat and not need a medaleon
Lilcuz's Suggestion:
Hearts: 30
Damage: 8 half hearts
Tamable like cows
Breedable like cows
Find them in herds
Bearded Vultures, or Lammergeiers, are found high up in Extreme Hills and other "Hilly" biomes. They can be tamed with bones or iron ingots, though it is easier to tame them with iron ingots. After tamed, a bearded vulture will follow the player if right-clicked with a bone, or told to stay (it will still roam a bit, but not get too far) if right-clicked with an iron ingot. Bearded vultures will automatically attack any undead mob (though it prioritizes skeletons and related) it sees, and is attracted to iron ore, bars, or blocks. They come in three colors with varying degrees on rarity and strength- buff/white-common-weak,orange-uncommon-stronger, and red-rare-strongest. They can be bred with any kind of raw or rotten meat, other than fish. The iron association is because real-life Bearded Vultures love iron oxide and use it to dye their feathers (really).
alpacafan's Suggestion:
I think this animal would provide and interesting addition to the Mo' Creatures™ mod. I hope the Mo' Creatures community will support this notion and will use this thread to discuss the various abilities that can be incorporated into the mob design and game play elements attributed to it.
Alpacas truly would enhance the experiences players have when using this mod. These fantastic creatures would add a whole new world of possibilities to gameplay as players gain the ability to start new alpaca farms, where they can harvest wool and tame alpacas for both riding and just have for a trusty companion. Imagine looking out your Minecraft window to the beautiful, flowering meadow outside and seeing majestic alpacas roaming the lands.
Juan_The_Legend's Suggestions:
You should make large koi which can be tamed by dropping algae, which will grow in jungle waters and in swamps, if you tap 2 tamed koi with algae they will mate but you can't be around and no koi can be around, once they have successfully mated, they will drop an egg which will hatch after 1 minecraft day, you can name it once it hatched. koi can be found in jungles. Also, add koi ponds but you need to fill it, koi ponds automatically grow algae, in order to tame a koi you must catch it with a net and place it in the pond, then you can tame it.
juonmydog's Suggestion:
How 'bout some Tarantulas they are becoming a common household pet so why not make them tamable,although They could act kind of like the snakes do, but more docile on the species ^^ they arent seen in very many mods and I would really like the see a Mexican Red Knee in minecraft :3 (Apparently Tarantulas are Fragile so the health maybe needs to be low :T)
Size: Slightly smaller than the size of medium fish.
Drops: Unless he'd be willing to add axolotl meat, I'd say nothing.
I would love them to be super cute, kinda like this skin?
spires33's Suggestion:
axolotl spawn in lakes and rivers.
wild: has no special anything, just looks cool.
bioluminescent: spawns super rare and is a living light source. and glowing when its night or in dark places.
drops: wild drops Axolotl Blood, that can be made into a regen potion bio drop axolotl blood or can be picked up to be put in a jar and used for a source of light.
Can be captured in fishnets:
they can be bred by giving them fish. if a wild and bio breed it will produce 2 babies, one wild and one bio.
Biomes: All but ocean, mushroom islands and ice spike plains.
Breedable: Yes.
How to breed: Give two rats a new item, made up of melon, pumpkin and/or wheat seeds and worms to make "Rat Mix"
Spawn rate: Common
Size: A little bigger than the already added mice.
Drops: Raw rat
Big Fish
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Beluga sturgeon: Spawns in river biomes; sizes range from 2 to 4 blocks long. Drops raw fish and raw caviar. Passive to players.
Arapaima: Spawns in jungle biomes; sizes range from 1 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw fish; will also attack smaller fish, even piranhas. Neutral to players.
Mekong giant catfish: Spawns in swamp biomes: sizes range from 2 to 3.5 blocks long. Drops raw fish. Passive to players.
Giant snakehead: Spawns in swamp biomes; sizes range from 2 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw fish; will attack and kill anything smaller than it that gets near it; can also haul itself onto land for a short period of time. Extremely hostile to players. Does 3-5 damage.
Taimen: Spawns in taiga biomes; sizes range from 1 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw salmon. Passive to players.
Alligator gar: Spawns in swamp biomes; about the same size as a crocodile. Drops raw fish; will attack crocodiles on sight and will hunt smaller fish and animals. Neutral to players. Does 3-5 damage.
Nile perch: Spawns in swamp biomes; about the size of a vanilla wolf, but can be as big as a large black bear. Drops raw fish; will eat any smaller fish it can catch. Neutral to players. Does 1-3 damage.
Wels catfish: Spawns in forest biomes; ranges from 2 to 4.5 blocks in length. Drops raw fish; attacks and eats anything smaller than it in the water. Hostile to players. Does 2-3 damage.
Piraiba catfish: Spawns in jungle biomes; ranges from 2 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw fish; attacks and eats anything smaller than it in the immediate radius. Neutral to players. Does 2-3 damage.
Goliath tigerfish: Spawns in jungle and swamp biomes; ranges from 1 to 2 blocks long. Drops raw fish; attacks and kills virtually anything else in the water. Hostile to players. Does 4-5 damage.
Chinook salmon: Spawns in tundra and ocean biomes; sizes range from 1 to 2 blocks long. Drops raw salmon. Passive to players.
Goonch catfish: Spawns in swamp biomes; sizes range from 1 to 2.5 blocks long. Drops raw fish; will attack and kill anything smaller than it. Hostile to players. Does 3-4 damage.
Chinese paddlefish: Spawns in river biomes; sizes range from 1 to 2 blocks long. Drops raw fish. Passive to players.
White sturgeon: Spawns in river biomes; sizes range from 1 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw fish. Passive to players.
Kaluga: Spawns in river and ocean biomes; sizes range from 1 to 3.5 blocks long. Drops raw fish. Neutral to players. Does 1-2 damage.
Giant freshwater stingray: Spawns in river and swamp biomes; sizes range from 2 to 4 blocks long and 2 to 5 blocks wide. Drops raw fish. Neutral to players. Does 2-3 damage.
Ocean sunfish: Spawns in ocean biomes; 3.5 blocks long and 3 blocks tall. Will occasionally leap out of the water. Passive to players.
Hell Pigs (Entelodonts)
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
A gigantic entelodont with saber teeth, these monstrous pigs are only slightly smaller than elephants, living alone or in pairs in savanna biomes. While extremely hostile towards players, they can occasionally spawn alongside one to three piglets, much like boars. These piglets can be tamed with large amounts of carrots and used as powerful mounts once they grow up.
Image (Note mine:)
Giant Centipedes
creeperkiller196's Suggestion:
Health: Somewhere around 10 hearts (20hp)
Behavior: Similar to spiders and scorpions
Damage: Somewhere around 2 hearts (4hp) inflicts the poison debuff
Variants: Same as scorpions
Tameable: Most likely
How to Tame: Raise a centipede egg
Rideable : I'd assume so
Spawn Area: Dark places (like most hostile mobs) and The Nether (Nether variant only)
Spawn Rate: Slightly less common than scorpions
Drops: 0-1 Centipede egg, EXP and anything DrZhark thinks they should drop
This would give Bane of Arthropods another use
Of course, DrZharks could decide to change any of this if he chooses to add this to the mod
Gulper Eels
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
Gulper eels would be something unexpected but would also make a great addition, they have 2.5 hearts in helath and deal 1.5 hearts in damage when attacked, they eat small fish in one and swim away from goblin sharks.
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
I want to see seals, specifically three different seals; harp seals, elephant seals and leopard seals;
Harp seals have 9 hearts of health and deal 2.5 hearts per attack, leopard seals have 14 hearts and deal 5 hearts per attack, and elephant seals have 24 hearts of health and deal 8 hearts per attack.
TrendedRatchet's Suggestion:
The Basics:
A chameleon will be hard to find as they blend in when you get within a 5-7 block radius of them so you have to be careful as all you can see is the steps its taking and the noises it makes. also as it moves onto a different block it changes colors.
There is a different type for every biome. For example if you find a plains one it will be naturally green once tamed. If you get a ocean one it will be Blue as so forth. These are non-aggressive mobs. You tame this mob by hunting down bugs and using a new item called a "fly squatter" to kill them and get bug meat/guts. You can also use a jar to store bugs for later (one jar holds up to 10 bugs) As the chameleons hunger or heath goes down like a dog it changes colors Green is VERY healthy as Red is VERY low. Chameleons have a 10 health bar. If you hold them they change to the color of your Armour and an amazing thing even absorb the durability for themselves. IF you make armour out of reptile skin you can now dye it and put it on them as you hold shift.
Tameable: Yes
Tamed with: Bug Guts
New items added: Bug Jar, Chameleon Pouch, Dye-able reptile armor, Fly Squatter, Reptile Cage
Health: 10
Biomes: All
YOU CAN MAKE TOOLS AND ARMOUR FROM: Chameleon Claws (idk wip)
*Extra Note*: The Reptile cage is a glass block thats see threw with a black rim around the top that you can right click while holding your chameleon and put him away. (Retrieve him by right clicking again)
BloodFromALes' Suggestion:
Hostile or Neutral: Passive (breaking the rules)
Amount of HP: 30hp
Biome mob can be found in: Desert
Drops when Killed: 0-2 hide,
Tameable: Yes
How do you tame?: 10 wheat or 1 hay bale.
How do you store them?: Amulet
Any special traits?: They can be a mount to 1 or 2 people with required amount of saddles (Explained under basic description) and once every few minutes the camel will spit, making (if near or on) tilled soil fertile, as if next to water.
Basic description of the mob: Camels spawn in herds of 2-5, normally consisting of mostly adults and one or 2 babies. Very rarely (like a 1.5% chance) a camel can spawn with 2 humps. Normal camels need one saddle to be ridden, but if a double humped camel is equipped with 2 saddles, an additional player can ride on the camel's back.
Images: (Show us what the mob might look like, can be drawn by you or just use photos you can find)
Any extra ideas: Camels can be equipped with chest, similar to the donkey or mule
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in desert and one lives in taiga
tameable with hay
spits if attacked
M_b11's Suggestion:
biome: grasslands
Health: 4-6 hearts
runs very fast when it sees player
when killed drops leather and pronghorn steak
M_b11's Suggestion:
tiaga or snow covered plains
lives in groups 4-8
eats hay
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in large groups
herd protects babies
attacks if u get too close; takes 2 hearts each hit
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in jungle
very rare
tamable only with golden apples
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives on hilly coastline
large groups 10-16
tameable with fish
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in plains forrests
Runs from player
drops feathers
M_b11's Suggestion:
live on beaches and small island
if u go too close they jump into the water
tamabke with fish
drops blubber
African Buffalo
M_b11's Suggestion:
larger herds
attack if too close
M_b11's Suggestion:
live on plains and in woods
follow player around at a distance
takes things from the players tool bar and runs
(Mostly food)
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives by/in rivers lakes
tameabke with fish
not aggresive
M_b11's Suggestion:
build dams
rivers lakes
tameable with wood blocks
drops fur pelt that makes fur hat
M_b11's Suggestion:
herds of 5-10
very skiddish
run from everything but other gazelle
drop leather
Prairie Dog
M_b11's Suggestion:
live in mounds
tameable with seeds
lives in groups of 3-8
M_b11's Suggestion:
hunts mammoths
tameable with medal
attacks player unless snuck up on
Drops claw
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Small raccoon-like animal with red fur and a long tail held upright like a flagpole. Spawns in groups in savannas and jungles. Can be tamed with fruit, insects, and/or eggs.
like Trainable Hawks but can be ridden, more powerful. Drops feathers, eggs.
Giant Insects
General Insects
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 2-3 hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1 Heart standard (+ Poison for Cockroaches and Maggots)
Variants: Various Insects
Tameable: Yes, Only Snails, Butterflies and Moths
How to Tame: Any Vegetable or Fruit for Snails, Flowers for Butterflies and String for Moths
Rideable: Yes, the 3 tameable ones move at the same speed as the player. Moths and Butterflies can fly
Breedable: No
Biomes: All biomes where normal insects spawn
Spawn size: 1-4 per group
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: Large enough to look fearsome but not too big.
Drops: 0-2 Raw Insect Leg
Giant Caterpillars
bluelightning123's Suggestion:
I like to see giant caterpillars they don't do much the can be farm animals the spawn on giant leaves which can generate around the world the caterpillars can be killed to food and unfortunately this big critters get hunted by almost any hostile mob.
Giant Slugs
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
You can never have too many giant insects, and the caves need some more cuddly things. The giant slug is there to solve both problems! About the size of a cow, these guys are ridiculously slow, but they're versatile: they can climb walls and even ceilings easily, and their soft bodies mean that they don't take fall damage and they can squeeze through one-block-wide holes. When killed, they drop slugflesh (Gives nausea when eaten raw, but when cooked, it's quite filling), slimeballs, and slime sheets - stick it onto the side or bottom of a block, and you've got essentially an upgraded ladder. Thanks to their sticky bodies, slugs don't need a saddle to be ridden: just right-click on them with a leaf on a stick (Crafted like a carrot on a stick, but with a leaf block or sapling of any kind instead of, well, a carrot) and you're good to go! Going too slow for you? Give the slug a piece of sugar (Maybe a sugar cube?) and its speed increases by 25%, maxing out at about the same speed as a Tier 2 horse (Takes a ton of sugar, obviously.) Also, when you're attacking these guys, there's a low chance that your sword will get stuck in the slug's flesh, wrenching it from your hands. The weapon will drop when the slug is killed, but it can still be very irritating.
Giant Crab
MohawkyMagoo's Suggestion:
aspade01's Suggestion:
Small slug like creatures that enter mobs and changes there behavior.
Doesn't attack you directly, but makes all mobs that they enter hostile.
Every now and then the infected mobs release a sliver.
The A.I. of hostile mobs they enter changes to that of a zombie.
Infected zombies don't try to shoot their bows and infected creepers don't explode, but both try traveling toward you like zombies.
Endermen can't be infected.
user_316165's Suggestion:
only spawns on small islands and is rather rare, swims at 3/4 the speed of a boat at full speed, deals two to three hearts of damage to an unarmoured player and has a 25% chance to ignore armour. The siren sings at random intervals, which paralyzes the player from the point they hear it until a few seconds after it finishes. Encounters are always potentially fatal as a result of this, so the monster only spawns on hard difficulty. Protection enchantments on your headgear cancel out the effect of the siren's song. Maximum of three spawn at any given time, although it's very unlikely more than one will spawn at any given time.
Kelpie (Water horse)
spiritrider13's Suggestion:
Water Horse (Kelpie) – Horsemob (hostile) found in oceans and if you kill it you get an occasional heart of water and leather (similar to nightmares and bathorses). You would give a zorse an essence of water to obtain a tamed kelpie.
Water (similar to fire) + Heart of water + Glass Bottle = Essence of Water
This horse would be able to take the player under water when ridden with a . Sharks would not attack the player. Can move under water similar to a dolphin and is water breathing. The kelpie would have all four legs and a normal tail. It must look exactly like this:
When a kelpie is given an essence of light underwater, it gains wings that are like those of a flying ghost horse but look like water. This makes the kelpie able to fly above water
boogsterally's Suggestion:
Its a creature that lives under Ice and when you walk over ice it like shoots up the ice in the air throwing you up too
Micblobb's Suggestion:
(a huge underwater creature with tentacles) spawns only one per world.
Votp123's Suggestion:
Catastrophically large and rare sea dwelling serpentine monster, downs any boats that stray into it's territory and picks off any survivors as food. Has a huge amount of health, is hostile unless raised from an egg, drops rare items when killed. Useful for fast transport between landmasses due to sheer size and high swimming speed. Can cause storms and flooding when enraged or disturbed. Sleeps at bottom of oceans.
Francisco_Scaramanga_Jr's Suggestion:
Spawn place: deep Deep DEEEEP Oceans during thunderstorms
Looks like: a giant whale with red glowing eyes, with scales made out of some kind of a hard stone material, maybe stone fused with bedrock? The body is a blue-ish gray color and smoke particles come out of the mouth. It has many fins and the Leviathan can be either the regular one or the Elder Leviathan. The Elder has a pale blue and white color, with the main difference having strange white fur around it's skin, like some kind of a moss
Special abilities: it can breath fire underwater, which causes the ocean to "boil". And that means the materials that are burnable slowly start to burn. It can also eat blocks below it and ram into them
How to defeat it: At the first, "raw" form it's invincible. Whoa whoa whoa WAIT! Did I say invincible? "But Francis, have you gone mad again? THAT'S TOO OP!". First things first, I'M A MAD SCIENTIST, remember? Secondly, I say that I didn't finish the sentence! Yes, it is invincible, but you must come there prepared. Remember I said it has these weird scales? They can either get worn off by ramming too much into obsidian OR if you hit them couple of times with the Pickdrax, a powerful hammer that's made with this recipe:
S = scorpion stinger
M = Manticore's stinger
B = blaze rod
O = obsidian
So, when the scales fall of, you must quickly stab the Leviathan's skin which is now vulnerable, or it enters the tantrum mode. When the tantrum is on, it shoots fire vortexes and has a possibility of sending red signals from it's eyes, which if they hit you give the "Fear" debuff, which is basically a crazy blindness debuff that tints the screen red. When the Leviathan dies, it's corpse will stay on the ground until you break all it's scales , which are also a crafting material.
Drops: Leviathan Scales, Essence of Fire (Or Darkness if Elder), and it's eyes which are the Potion of Fear's ingridient
HP: 250 or 350 if Elder
Death animation: It's skin starts cracking and you can notice the space between scales is filling with lava. After the whole body is smoking, it explodes, leaving only it's scales still there like a hollow shell
aashford's Suggestion:
Jungle area - attacks with poison darts and tenticles - drops flowers,wood.
Cornish Mining Spirits (Knockers)
Moldiworp2's Suggestion:
similar to dwarf yet smaller and only spawns below y-30, has increased chance of a spawn if its close to an abandoned mineshaft and/or diamond(?) This would make it an inherently rare mob. Makes the sound of a miner digging every now and then, very shy and will flee the player on sight. Kill them and they drop random ores (rarely diamonds) and a pickaxe up to iron. Once you set your eyes on one, they would teleport as soon as they're out of your line of vision, but only a short distance (20 blocks at most?) Perhaps make a sound when they (land?) from teleporting, so you could sort of track them. Just like your classic vanishing Leprechaun/Fairy myth, blink and they're gone. They would look like a grubby little Dwarf with a rucksack over one shoulder, perhaps pick in hand. In mythology they would play tricks on miners, leading them to their doom or 'just' making them lost
Elemental Bats
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
fire bats - burns the player
ice bats - freeze water and drops snow as it flies (like snow golems
Mythra's Suggestion:
Can only be found flying through the air, not on land, can create lightning to attack.
sukamaki's Suggestion:
when lightning strikes a bird it becomes a thunderbird
sukamaki's Suggestion:
(desert) Very Rare, Neutral mob, agressive when attacked, atacks do fire damage to player, immune to fire, tameable, Fly when ordered, find drops, bring them back for you, kill other creatures like the way tamed wolves do, colorful plumage with tail of gold and scarlet or purple, blue, and green, can only be spawned in day, Drops 1 fire orb and (Pheonix egg maybe?).
leonelmegaman's Suggestion:
Health: 30 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 6 Hearts
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes.
How to Tame:Wild ones when killed spawn a baby one that can be tamed with netherwart
Breedable: No
It follows you and leaves fire particles behind it also it can eat magma cream to help you battle wild mobs.
Biomes: Nether only
Spawn size: 1-2
Spawn rate: RARE
Size: 1 Block
Drops:Exp,Feathers,hearth of fire(common)and fire
user_316165's Suggestion:
Similar to ogres in some ways. Trolls throw smoothstone blocks from a distance and pick up and throw the player at close range. Exposure to daylight turns them to stone permanently. Trolls drop smoothstone when killed, regardless of cause of death.
7 Sin Themed Enemies
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
all very rare
lust- looks like a succubus will drains health of player player freezes if they look at her
pride- stays a set distance from the player and attacks with arrows (can fly or dig though some blocks if necessary) avoids all animals and can be cornered if you use this to your advantage.
envy - when aggro on the player will mirror the players movements and actions including using sword and tools digging and building and the placing of lava/water.
wrath- charges the player sets activated tnt
Greed - steals from the player picks up blocks could look like an enderman with a crown and jewels drops lots of loot upon death including what it steals.
sloth- invincible when standing still will freeze if a player is near by however he could be afraid of things
gluttony- tons of health eats animals to heal and will attempt to eat you and your pets drops tons of food upon death
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
basically a zombie for the dessert only is very flammable drops better loot but has a higher attack power
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
human form during the night, is a normal looking bat during the day, drains player health, weak to wood swords and sticks and avoids water
user_316165's Suggestion:
Only active during the night, turn to bedrock-strength stone during the day. In order to render vulnerable during the day, the player needs to surround the gargoyle with a certain type of block or some such. When killed at night, the gargoyle gives additional experience; killed during the day, it drops a replica block of its stationary form that can be used for decoration.
WaR_x_Hazard's Suggestion:
A wolf model but black and glowing orange, yellow, or red eyes. Tamed with a fire charge. Drops scorched bones. I was thinking this would go great in the Nether Immune to fire. Kill-able by any sword and by sword only. (no fist or any other item in the game) Inflicts fire damage over time. (like poison from spiders) Attacks when you are near them to long. (2-3 blocks away for about 5 seconds)To indicate that you are to close they start with a low growl that gets louder and louder over 5 seconds.
GrinningMoon's Suggestion:
Create a red/molten reskin of the wwolf (or vanilla) and add another head. Biomes:
Nether Behavior:
Aggressive Health/Armor:
Similar health to wwolves Abilities: Melee Attack, applies fire effect Double Bite, both mouths bite down at the same time, deals double melee damage Latch, one head bites down similar to crocs while the other head continuously bites you (applies melee damage every couple seconds until you or it dies, only one hellhound can latch you at a time) Tameable/Breedable:
No and No Drops:
Heart of Fire?, blaze powder, hide, XP
No Submitted Details. Original description: Rare, very large reptile. Lots of HP, and do great damage. Different types depending on biome.
-Red: Lives in or near lava, fireproof, breathes fire. In the Nether hides in lava and eats Ghasts. -Black: Spawn at night or in the Nether, very aggressive, has area of effect attack. -Brown: Lives in mountain biomes, avoids being in sight of player, but attacks if player comes close. -Blue: Lives in water, usually ocean biomes. Has water jet breath attack. Can grab player and attempt to drown them. -Green: Smaller than most dragons, lives in forests, does not attack unless provoked. Uses biome colors to change its appearance. -White: Lives in Tundra, freezes water, causes snow storms, lots of health. -Gray: The smallest of Dragons, lives in caves, very aggressive in protecting its territory. Can dig through stone. -Gold: Rarest, Largest and toughest of all Dragons, lives primarily in desert. -Pink: Friendly, flies, only attacks if provoked.
No Submitted Details. Original description: A combination of a spider and a velociraptor.
Leaving this suggestion here because it is awesome, I really wish this makes it into the mod.
Picture was found by Glarnboudin, so I added it.
Mushroom Dinosaur
Mythra's Suggestion:
Rare and found only in mushroom biome, Shroomasaurus.
Recila's Suggestion:
Smallish creature with the head and body of a rooster, dragonian wings, and a plume of feathers at the tail. Spawns in Forests and Plains, and is sort of rare. You can spawn one yourself by placing a chicken egg near a turtle :3. Poisonous creature, it's attacks do four hearts worth of damage, and it hunts cows, but doesn't touch chickens.
user_316165's Suggestion:
Large, bull-headed humanoid wielding a two-handed axe. Spawns only on hard mode, as its hits, while slow to power up, deal massive damage. Charges in a straight line toward the player if a certain distance between it and them is reached. The player and anything else struck by the charge are knocked backward, and at least ten blocks into the air (random variable). If the minotaur charges and strikes a two-high wall, it takes damage and is temporarily stunned by the impact.
Deezcrackalacka's Suggestion:
One of the mythical cats which has Human head. It's almost as huge as dragons and it sits and stays in one place and one place only. It will only attack once the curious player tickles its toes BUT then it will go back to where it sat before once the player either dies or gets away from his/her inevitable death. Sphinx's spawn rate is quite rare but should easily be spotted if the player venture to desert biome for quite a while. It drops golden sword, soul sand and Fire Charge once defeated.
Locksoli's Suggestion:
Sphinx would come in 3 varieties. The human headed variety, the goat variety, or the falcon headed variety. All varieties have lion bodies. Sometimes, they have wings. Falcon and goat headed sphinxes attack on sight, while human headed sphinxes only attack when agitated, like crocodiles or snakes. Goat headed sphinxes would be untameable. Falcon headed sphinxes would drop eggs, Human headed sphinxes would have some sort of special way of taming them, like solving a riddle or something.
Recila's Suggestion:
A creature whose forebody has the appearance of an eagle, but from the mid-back on, it is a lion. Spawns in handmade nests of wheat and gold (Place the wheat in a circle around the gold). When a gryffon spawns, it is not tamed, and will attack any nearby horses. How do you tame it? Ruthlessly murder horses to gain up to 10 slabs of horse meat. Gryffons may need anywhere from 3 to 9 pieces of meat to be tamed, but the instant you attack it, you may not tame it again.
Locksoli's Suggestion:
well, you can breed an eagle an a lion, but only a small chance gets you a griffon. Killing a wild griffon would yield an egg, or you could tame it like you would a wyvern. They'd probably only spawn in hill biomes, and they might have special spots were they have little nests surrounded by gold blocks and ores. You could breed one with a horse to get a small chance of a hippogriff. Breeding an eagle and a lion may yeild an egg or a live birth, just as breeding two griffons or breeding for a hippogriff is the same. its a 50/50 chance for an egg when breeding is successful when its lion/eagle or griffon/horse. Once you have a griffon, you can make it into a special griffon. Giving it a fire essence would give you a lava colored griffon, with fiery eyes and wings made of fire. An essence of darkness would give a black griffon with black wings. An essence of undead would give eitther a zombie or skeleton griffon, and an essence of light gives a pure white griffon.
Xuarie's Suggestion:
a Hippogriff is a mixture of horse and Gryphon
gryphons would attack horses on sight
to get one, I was going to suggest that you'd need to feed a tamed gryphon a potion then bring a horse nearby and pen them up together. More than likely the Gryphon would simply eat the horse, but a small percentage of the time ( I was thinking maybe 5-15% of the time) you'd successfully breed them and you'd get a hippogriff, which would be faster than both of the parents.
Recila's Suggestion:
A passive mob that spawns in lakes and oceans. Feed it seaweed and place a saddle on it's back to tame it... There's really not much else. Much faster than dolphins...
ScottBiggins' Suggestion:
the half fish half horse mythical creature and to get one u have to kill a fish to get a small chance to get a Heart Of Water then u give it to a zorse then u get a Squid horse like a bat horse then a essence of light and bam a hippocampi also can u dye it either cyan,lime green,lapis lazuli to get those colors thank u
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
made by placing a jack o lantern on top of wool block (with levers on the sides for arms and a button on one side of it) on top of a fence post
emits light and scares all mobs away passive to all mobs
Western Zodiac Themed Creatures
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
extremely hard to kill, incredibly rare (only spawn each once per world) drop rare and valuable loot and lots of it, neutral to the player but will attack if you place block within 5 blocks of them( prevent the player from boxing them in), can walk though lava without being set on fire or injured.
Storm Serpents
Absol's Suggestion:
flying snakes that only appear in thunder/lightning storms, completely yellow, static-ike particles. I think that these could be tamable and ride able, but they must be in a dark room to be seen. Maybe ride able with a rubber saddle and can be tamed with cooked pork
Permanent Werewolf
MohawkyMagoo's Suggestion:
Underworld style Werewolf lord that does not change back from its werewolf form in sunlight
Essence Based BigCats
Cybercat5555's Suggestion:
Actually what it says on the tin. It gets sickly green skin, only have a few patches of nasty rotten fur in places. The skin is very tight on its bones, and torn in places, revealing its skeleton. When mounted, other undeads will not attack the player, unless attacked first. Also, when it attacks others, it will give them a minor nausea effect and may zombify other mobs it kills (30% chance), given that is able to get zombified, such as ostriches or scorpions. Possibly decays into a skeleton like the horses? Drops rotten flesh, claws, and Hearts of the Undead, also spawns in several maggots and occasionally a small-medium slime when killed.
Has bloodred, almost scale-like skin instead of fur, other than jet black fur along the spine, mane, back of legs, and tail-tip (maybe replace it with a stereotypical arrow devil-tail). However, it has slightly darker marking on it body reminiscent of the original cat (ex. tigers will still have stripes, cheetahs and leopards will still have spots), as well as overall looking more demonic. Immune to fire, and may ignite targets. Drops redstone, claws, and Hearts of Fire.
Has sleek, raven-like fur (as in, black with hints of green, blue, and purple in places), bright red eyes, quills instead of a mane (for all cats, not just male lions) and longer claws. Alternatively, it has no fur, only sleek metallic-black skin, or maybe it can have a mix of the raven-like and metallic skins. Regardless of how it looks, it still has darker markings that resemble the natural markings. When mounted, the player will get night vision, and may inflict blindness on the target. Drops claws and Hearts of Darkness.
Cats given an essence of light become a foo dog/lion. It has draconic scales on the front of the legs, and all types of cats get a majestic mane and long, thick fur on its tail and the back of the legs.
Still has slight spots or stripes depending on what it was before the potion. When ridden, the rider gets a mild regeneration effect, and cannot be poisoned (both the rider and the cat), and poison is cured as soon as mounted. When killed, drops an unicorn horn, in addition to claws. Strongest of all the cats.
Cheetahs and panthers both will come in a rare version- panthers can be pink, and cheetahs can have king cheetah-style markings. Both can be tamed at any age, not just cubs, but cubs are still easier to tame
Kirins are essentially Chinese unicorns, and have both horse/deer-like and reptilian traits. They often have mostly scaly skin, but with a long, flowing mane, stag-like antlers, hooves, and often have fire around/on them (or flame-like feathers/curled hair). Kirins can be ridden, and move at very fast speeds, are fire resistant, walk on lava (still can drown though), can buckle mobs like unicorns, and suffer no fall damage. Also, if you're on a Kirin and kill a mob, the killed mob will often yield more EX and loot (essentially looting without the need for enchants, any previous looting enchants will just be increased while on a Kirin), because Kirins are often related to luck and prosperity. Kirins are obtained in an unusual manner-they do not spawn naturally, instead you must feed a both a Wyvern AND a special horse (bat, unicorn, fairy, pegasus, etc) an essence of fire. Both original mobs are lost in the process, but you get a Kirin in turn. Kirins are unbreedable as well. Kirins can also be dyed like fairy horses by right-clicking them with any dye, which will change the color of their scales. This has no effect other than aesthetics and they can be re-dyed as wanted. They drop reptile hide, blaze powder, and fur when killed, as well as rarely a heart of fire. Kirins also produce flame particles, more than a Nightmare, but not as much as an Enderman.
Essence Based Emus (Can only be added if Emus are added)
atley9999's Suggestion:
Emu turns black when given a essence of darkness, they can not fly like dark ostriches but can run faster. They can leap larger gaps though (8 blocks).
Drops a heart of darkness and always one ostrich meat. Can be given a helmet.
If left alone with a normal baby emu the baby emu will be "raised" the same and will become a dark emu.
If left alone with a Baby Fire Emu, the emu will become corrupted and will turn dark purple with black and red. The corrupted emu will try and kill the player once it's dark colours appear, it drops a heart of undead. It cannot be tamed.
Emu looses lots of feathers and turns sickly green when given an essence of undead. Emu runs slower, but can serve a better purpose with the light emu. Emu has more health and regenerates it at night. Can be given a helmet. Will increase damage by 4 (2 heart) if attacking from emu back, making it slightly more valuable to combat.
Will attack corrupted emus. If an undead emu kills a corrupted emu, it drops a diamond but has a rare chance to drop Magic Emu Wings (probably needs a better name).
Emu cannot lay eggs.
Drops a heart of Undead and always one ostrich meat. Chance for rotten flesh too.
Emu lights on fire without taking damage when given essence of fire, while on fire it turns red then when complete the fire is put out. Emu egg could also be hatched in the Nether. Emu is immune to fire and will power up your attacks with fire aspects. Emu is slightly faster. Can be given helmet. Emu lays Purple eggs.
Purple Eggs will hatch more Fire Emu babies.
Emu turns angelic in appearance when given an essence of light. This emu runs slightly slower than the Dark emu and cannot catch on fire. This emu however cannot lay eggs or fly. It can fly if given 2 Magic Emu Wings.
After unlocking it's flight ability it can run as fast as the dark emu, has twice as much health and can heal in the day.
Emu does not have a horn and when killed has a 10% chance to drop one of it's wings. If no wings were added than it always drops 1 feather.
(This was so that every emu would need to be acquired before having the best emu)
Banshees from Avatar (Placeholder name)
Charlazer's Suggestion:
A model concept could be something like this: Warning, pictures!
Health: 20 hearts.
Size: Generally large, but can be from the size of a Big Cat to the size of an "adolescent" wyvern (the alpha banshee, or Leonopteryx, is much larger)
Temperament: Aggressive (will attack on sight)
Attack damage: 50% chance to inflict Poison debuff for 10 sec. Does 2 hearts of damage by spitting/biting and 4 hearts of damage for slashing/headbutting, etc.
Variation: By biome
Habitat: Extreme Hills, Jungle treetops, Coastal areas (practically Overworld wyverns)
Tameable: Not all too easily...
Able to be ridden: Yes, the challenge of taming guarantees this privilege. However, the banshee may not always comply and may snap or bite at the player.
How to tame + Behavior:
Banshees will be found in spawn groups of 2-5; depending on where the different banshees live (social grouping depends on habitat), there will be more or less banshees in various sizes. They will attack on sight and tend to stay airborne but will occasionally land to kill an ocelot, sheep, etc.
Taming a banshee is slightly easier than taming a wyvern as there is no need to have a saddle.
If a banshee happens to land (and you stay out of its sight for the most part or kill off the others in the vicinity), you should be able to sneak behind it and right click to mount it. I'm thinking that you'd have to keep punching it until it stopped trying to buck you off. However, as soon as you get onto its back, it might take you for a magical ride into the air and possibly drop you at deadly heights. Once the banshee is subdued after 30+ punches or so you'd be able to name it and fly it with a running start.
The alpha banshee goes faster (think mother wyvern) and is harder to tame, being rarer and much bigger and stronger. Please give feedback!
Info: A large draconic beast, jabberwockies are deadly predators that emit a disturbing chittering babble of noise that can alert you to its prescence before it even attacks. Fast and lethal, these beasts are formidable foes, but they can drop an egg that can be hatched into a tamed jabberwocky. This powerful companion can be mounted, making for a fast-moving ride that can outrun most horses!
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
A new boss idea i had is the jabberwocky, which can be spawned by using three dark essences on a wyvern egg, once it is slain, the cheshire cat will appear, congratulate the player and disappear. Jabberwockies have 150 hearts in health, and attack in three ways; fire breath dealing 7 hearts of damage per second, a bit attack which deals 10 hearts of damage and a slash attack that only deals 3 hearts of damage but it decreases armour durability by a large amount.
Medusas (Gorgons)
TheInfernoShadow's Suggestion:
Please change 'medusas, the real name of them is 'gorgons' and I want to suggest them:
Alignment : hostile
Health : 40
Damage : 3,5 from the bow (yup they have their own bow)
5 hearts from petrifying gaze (she takes her mask of and everyone looking at her will get petrified, if they don't they get the half DMG and slow. III)
Biome : taiga and plains
Drops : its mask and reptile hide
Info : the gorgons are in the down tile with a snake tail, upper they are human looking. On the face she wears a mask when she's enraged (5 Hearts) she'll take it of from time to time. After petrifying the player she regains 2 hearts back for every successful petrify. If you are far away it'll shoot at you with arrows, if she's enraged she shoots 3ple arrows and one of them can cause fire. (It would look like Medusa from SMITE )
Sea Serpents
RageMallor's Suggestion:
Length: At the very least 5-7? Blocks, and only 1 block tall
Behaviour: Will attack anything in it's range (Maybe up to about 15 blocks? I'm bad at this) This includes Sharks, dolphins, and the player.
Attack: Strangling, then biting. If player is on boat, it will crush it, leaving the player to only be able to combat it while swimming.
Spawns in: Deep Ocean.
Health: As high as werewolves. I forgot how many hearts they have, but I think it's perfect for the sea serpent.
Drops: I have no ideas, but I'm going with it's scale and tongue. Also serpent meat, which if cooked can give 2 hearts, although when raw will cause food poisoning.
Tameable: No.
Machine Shark
Mo' Creatures Wiki Contributor's Suggestion:
Machine Shark, an already tamed shark that can live in ground and water.
First Way To get it: Craft a Shark Cog, need 8 shark teeth around and a iron ingot in the middle to craft it.
Second Way: Craft the Machine Shark Egg, need 3 iron ingot in the top, 1 cog in right-middle, 1 button in middle, 1 Gold Ingot in left-middle, 2 iron ingot in the left-down and middle down, and 1 redstone dust in the right-middle to craft it.
Final Way: Place the egg into the ground then click the button and wait for 1 minutes to hatch it. after the egg hatched, give it name by click the shark once, you can also add 5 items to the shark like iron ingot for attack boost, gold ingot for defense boost, and the other mechanism items to boost each power.
The Machine Shark Have 250 health, 50 attack points( or higher if you add boost), 50 defense points ( defense is for reducing damage by mobs including player, more higher its defense, more longer its can live.etc
Super Shark
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Alignment: Hostile
Health: 80
Damage: 3.5 hearts to an unarmored player
Biome: Deep Ocean
Drops: Shark teeth, Fish, Super Shark Statue (Rare drop; a small model of the creature that you can place as a trophy), Super Shark Egg (Can be hatched to produce a tamed super shark)
Info: A massive shark with pterosaur-like wings, this deadly predator launches itself out of the water to soar through the air, biting with its powerful jaws and creating huge gusts of wind with its wings. After hatching its egg, you can ride your new super shark through the sky and the water: as it swims, it gives its rider water breathing and night vision that lasts for as long as the player is riding it.
Victorian Megalosaurus
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Alignment: Neutral
Health: 80
Damage: 5 hearts
Biome: Swamp, Jungle
Drops: Dinosaur Teeth (Can be used as shark teeth or can be used to make a Dino-Tooth Dagger, which does 5 damage and has the durability of an iron sword), Reptile Hide, Megalosaurus Head, and Megalosaurus Egg (Can be used to hatch a tamed, rideable Megalosaurus)
Info: This massive lizard-like beast acts like a super sized combination of komodo dragon and crocodile-most of the time, it's passive, but if you get too close, it will start tearing you apart with its deadly jaws and powerful claws. As a mount, it's pretty slow, but its power more than makes up for that.
Kitsune Foxes
cyblog's Suggestion:
Those Multiple-tailed creatures. Yup.
These Neutral Kitsunes roam around forests and are pretty rare. They can be tamed using medallions but would firstly appreciate some raw turkey being tossed at them. wild Kitsunes have 50 health and tamed Kitsunes have 100. Exploring forests at dark gives you a chance to find a white Kitsune. This can be tamed the same way, but Wild ones have 100 and tamed have 150. Kitsunes need some things to be happy in your house: Food, Water, friends (Any pets you have will make him happy). To make them sit, follow or wander, just use a Kitsune Flute, crafted with sticks and a diamond.
Normal Kitsune:
White Kitsune
(Flute Recipe)
S = Stick S
D = Diamond S
Dune Worm
GrinningMoon's Suggestion:
Similar to the graboids from Tremors but also a pretty traditional enemy (Dune), this is a giant (maybe as wide as a bear and as long as the enderdragon?) worm-like monster that burrows underground (similar to the way moles burrow). Biomes:
Deserts Behavior:
Aggressive Health/Armor:
Similar health to golems Abilities: Melee Attack Eruption, burrows toward a player (again similar to how a mole burrows and their particles, bigger though for visibility) and when the player is in range it bursts through the ground (destroys a 3x3x2 area and applies explosion particles) which if the player is in that range it deals damage 1/3 of tnt. The wurm can only erupt/travel through sand (as to not wreck houses). Once the wurm appears it will try to melee the player while they're in range. Tar Spit, if the player escapes melee range while the wurm has appeared, it will try to hit the player with a projectile that applies a slow debuff. The wurm will then try to catch up to the player and erupt near them again. Rinse and repeat. Tameable/Breedable:
No and No Drops:
Hide, random junk loot (leather boots, string, sand blocks, etc.), extremely rare - rare loot (iron/gold ingots, diamonds, redstone, etc.). Reasoning, the wurm travels through the ground and thus eats random things.
Locksoli's Suggestion:
Basically like werewolves, but they're bears. They would do more damage, and have a four-legged charge attack that knocks back any targets hit, but they'd move slower than werewolves, but have more hit points.
KerianH's Suggestion:
Alphyns would be amazing (Alphyns are the half-wolf, half-eagle non-flying equivalent of griffins and are super cool). Could be tamable. It'd be nice to be able to have a Mo'Creatures equivalent of a wolf but with extra perks, such as maybe smite or something.
PragmaticWisdom's Suggestion:
Base it on a wolf, add two extra heads and triple the size.
Colour: Gold and black with either blue, green or red eyes. This depends on whether it's tamed (green), neutral (blue) or aggressive (red).
Biomes: Nether, 1/10000 chance to spawn in any biome other than the Ender World.
Behavior: Neutral unless provoked and attacks in packs (similar to Zombie Pig-men) Health/Armor: 10 times that of a wolf, armour rating of 5
Abilities: Melee, deals three hearts damage, has a percentage of 25% to poison per hit which deals 1 damage per 10 game ticks for 60 ticks.
Tameable: Yes, Nether Charm Nameable: Yes, upon taming
Trainable: Yes, using various mob drops (ex, zombie flesh improves poison bite). Mountable: Yes
Breedable: No
Drops: Gold ingot 10%, Obsidian blocks 10%, Nether Charm 5%, XP
Great Blue Ox
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Largest of the bovids, these huge blue-furred, massive-horned animals can stand almost 3 blocks tall at the shoulder. Extremely rare, they can be tamed with apples to use as mounts and pack animals. They're neutral to players, using their massive horns to gore for 6-7 damage. Spawns in taiga and megataiga biomes, and drops blue fur and blue oxen horns, which can be used to craft a wall trophy of the same name.
Blue fur: Drops from great blue oxen. Can be crafted into blue fur armor, which has the strength of gold armor, the durability of iron armor, and a strength buff on the wearer of a complete set.
Bison meat: Drops from bison. Heals 1 hunger raw and 4 hunger cooked.
Mica_Monster's Suggestion:
what about Bigfoot?
Before you snicker - HEAR ME OUT!
They might actually be fun to have! I imagine they use the same structure as, perhaps, a bear mob when its standing, but taller than the player. (maybe like the werewolf) Its texture just needs to resemble hair, however a Chewbacca look wouldn't hurt! (; I'd really like to see it have a cute (or at least NOT SPOOKY) face so that the player is less likely to kill it when they see one.
They would be neutral, shy mobs. They'd run from you like deer and zebras to keep that "elusive creature" feel that Bigfoot is so good at, but they'll attack if you manage to harm them. (ie arrow shot, ect) Damage would be up to DrZhark of course. If they're killed, they could drop hide or fur, but I also think it would be cute if they dropped wooden tools like the human version of the werewolf.
They would spawn naturally in Roofed Forests, since they're so dark and secluded: easy for a bigfoot to hide out in. I suppose regular forests would work too, but I was also thinking that the mob's texture would be similar in color to dark oak, so that they "camouflage" in Roofed Forests, in a sense.
I, okay hear me out again, encourage them to be tamable. How cool would it be to have a bigfoot as a pet?? I THINK IT'D BE COOL. Since they're shy mobs, something will probably have to be done to get them to not run, like the horse breeding to get zebras... If they could deter monsters like the vanilla dogs/cats do - that would be a really good reason to tame them. Heal them with raw meat... perfect pet!
Anyway, I hope you guys like this suggestion.
Turducken - (Is the blue justified? This is just an animal of a food.)
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
A wolf-sized combination of turkey, duck, and chicken, these large birds live in plains, forest, and swamp biomes, feeding on seeds and grasses. They can be bred with seeds, and when killed, they drop either turkey, duck, or chicken when killed, making them the ultimate avian livestock animal.
Image (Not mine):
Mythical Wolves
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
A massive white wolf twice the size of a horse that spawns in taiga biomes, this brutal predator's saberteeth and incredible strength make it a lethal adversary to players.
Shunka Warakin
A plains-dwelling creature, this immense creature is slightly smaller than the Waheela, but more than compensates with its maneuverability and bone-crushing jaws, which are capable of dealing nearly full damage even to armor-wearing players.
Image (Not by me):
Native to taiga biomes, the Amarok is about the same size as the Waheela, but it sacrifices brawn for speed-it can chase down horses with ease, bringing them down and devouring both mount and rider.
Image (Not by me):
Gevaudan Beast
Spawning in forest biomes, the Gevaudan beast is three times the size of a horse, and the most powerful out of all the monster-wolves. Tearing apart villagers and players with murderous glee, this terrifying beast is not to be taken lightly.
Image (Not by me):
Smiledog - (Internet folklore)
The smallest of the monster wolves, smiledogs are a little bit smaller than a horse, but it has a miriad of tricks up its sleeves: not only is it incredibly fast, but its attacks inflict a variety of ailments on its victims, varying from nausea to wither. Thankfully, they're extremely frail: two or three hits from a diamond sword can easily dispatch them.
Image (Not by me):
In between the Gevaudan beast and the Waheela in terms of size, these enormous creatures spawn in extreme hills biomes, and are overall the most well-rounded of the monster wolves-they have decent speed, attack, and health, but nothing particularly special.
Image (Not by me):
This gargantuan wolf is the same size as the Gevaudan beast, but is quite a bit slower and has more offensive capability. Spawning in the megataiga, these colossal wolves are capable of bringing down even other monster wolves with relatively little effort.
Image (Not by me):
Marsh Tyrant
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Basically a hippo with minimal soft tissue around its face and a more predatory body, these great beasts dwell in swamp biomes, attacking anything larger than a turtle that comes close. Their mighty jaws deal a large amount of damage, and they have high amounts of health, but once killed, they will drop the contents of their stomachs-gold nuggets, lumps of iron from the armor of previous victims, even the heads of monsters. Furthermore, marsh tyrants can be tamed with raw meat of any kind, making them excellent guardians for bases near bodies of water or incorporating moats.
Image (Note mine):
Fire Lizard
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
This rare, gigantic reptile is related to the dragons and wyverns, spawning in extreme hill biomes. Attacking with fiery breath and their massive jaws, fire lizards drop fire lizard hide once slain, which can be crafted into flamescale armor: a suit of flaming red armor with the protection and durability of iron that grants its wearer complete and total immunity to fire and lava.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
An immense mammoth spawning very, very rarely in tundra biomes, this colossal beast stands 5 blocks tall, and can be tamed with enormous amounts of wheat, apples, and carrots. Once tamed, this enormous creature can be equipped with two different sets of tusks, two mammoth platforms, and eight elephant chests.
Image (Not mine):
Giant Mutant Demon Chameleon from Hell
IPCNA and spires33's Suggestion:
Haha, actually,a giant chameleon might be cool, maybe kinda like the scorpions they have different kinds, and can turn invisible, or change their skin color, and are really slow but use their tongues to attack you. idk just thought all that off the top of my head.
And maybe they can occasionally steal items from you when they attack you with their tongue.
Living Statues
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
Something I have always wanted to see is a garden gnome mob, which might look like a silly idea but its not. Garden gnomes will appear as statues at day, but at night they will become a living entity, and will care for your crops. If a gnome is attacked by a hostile mob, they will retaliate by hitting said mob with a fishing rod, this scares most mobs away, and does a large sum of damage (exactly 9 hearts), Gnomes have 20 hearts of health.
Another statue mob is the gargoyle, which protects you house by attacking hostile mobs, if a gargoyle is attacked, it will attack the mob that harmed it at a much faster rate. it has 25 hearts of health and each attack deals 12 hearts of damage.
Has white body and mane with strip of pink in mane. Ultra rare and can be tamed and ridden similarly to a regular horse.
Cybercat5555's Suggestion:
Cheetahs and panthers both will come in a rare version- panthers can be pink, and cheetahs can have king cheetah-style markings. Both can be tamed at any age, not just cubs, but cubs are still easier to tame.
(King Cheetah)
Like crabs, wyverns, and others, BigCat tigers can come in more colors than just orange or white, including golden tabby/strawberry (golden back with orange stripes and a white belly), black (white back and belly, but with more stripes, making it look blackish), Maltese/blue (silvery-blue back with black stripes and a white belly), and finally white stripless/albino (white back and belly, with very faint, light grey stripes and red eyes).
Lions also come in a rare white-light gold variant.
All special bigcats are very rare chance of being a special color (maybe 3% like brown sheep or .164% like pink sheep?), but can be found in the wild and obtained via breeding (a random mutation can happen, even when two otherwise normal colored bigcats are bred, with a 5% chance of happening), but still have the same HP, strength, etc. as the normal BigCats. Breeding a normal x special has a 20% chance of getting the same special variant as its parent, while breeding two special variants ensures a 100% chance of getting a special one (50% for each if two different specials are bred). No special colored hybrids such as ligers are possible, just for simplicity's sake, just the normal colored hybrid cat is produced.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
I would like to submit a two-part suggestion: first off, to have different types of big cats have slightly different stats (Tigers have more health, leopards can climb easier, cheetahs are faster, etc.). And second, I would like to suggest that jaguars be added as part of the big cats. They'd be in between lions and leopards in terms of strength, and mainly found in jungle biomes, as well as very good at swimming. Gotta have your murdercats, man!
Come to think of it, why not add a couple of extinct cat species? I know just the two for the job:
-Cave Lion: In between a lion and a tiger in size and strength, these guys live in taiga and tundra biomes, with shaggy brown-and-white coats.
-Smilodon: Largest of all big cats, even exceeding tigers in size, these tawny giants are big enough for an extra chest to be put on them, and they do extra damage against big animals like elephants and mammoths. Can be crossbred with other cats to make bigger saber-toothed versions of those cats (Including a literal sabretooth tiger)
In addition, the sabre cats would have a couple of rare species:
-Shadesaber: Either spawning in the dark forest or made by giving a Smilodon an Essence of Darkness. Charcoal grey in color, these guys are totally silent when they move and can leap great distances to take down prey. They also inflict blindness and, rarely, wither on their prey.
-Snowsaber: Shaggy cold-dwelling subspecies.
-Hellsaber: A giant among giants, these titanic predators are the largest and the deadliest of the special sabertooth subspecies. Found in the Nether, their fur is a bloody crimson in color, striped with obsidian black like a tiger. The forelimbs are considerably larger than the hind legs, and a mane of fur runs from the back of the head down to between the shoulders, while a long, thin serpentine tail constantly lashes through the air behind the creature. Anything it hits catches fire, and it's extremely tough, taking no knockback and being immune to fire and wither effects.
Looks a lot like this in terms of its body plan, but with bulkier forelimbs and darker coloration. (Credit to image goes to McSlackerton)
Important Note about BigCats:
We all know that the Panther is in the mod, a Panther is NOT a real creature, it is actually the black colouration of the Leopard or Jaguar. Because the mod has Tigers, Lions and Leopards already, we'll just assume that BigCats are from the Pantherinae Subfamily. That leaves us with two options, is the Panther a Jaguar or a Leopard? Well Leopards are already in the mod, so I am going to say that the Panther is in fact a Jaguar.
I say this because Jaguars are highly requested but they are already in the mod. Even if they were added their texture would be so similar to the Cheetah that we wouldn't even know which is which.
Extra Fact:
The Cheetah is the only "BigCat" from the Felinae Subfamily. I highly encourage DrZhark to make MediumCats and move the Cheetah there. Read more in the "MediumCats" section in Real Creatures
Extra Fact 2:
The Snow Leopard is the only BigCat that cannot hybridize. That being said, we would miss out on Leopons, Lipards, Leguars, Jagupards, Leogers, Tigards, Leoliguars, Leoligers, Leotigons, Lijagupards, Jagjagupards, Tijagupards, Leojagupards, Leoleguars and Leoligulors. Because of this I decided that if no leopards are going to be present, we could always just go "Whatever it's a mod, it is as real as it could be made." You can refer to my chart in the Other Suggestions section.
Extra Fact 3:
A Puma is the black colouration of a Cougar.
Azkhare's Suggestion:
Hammerhead Sharks
Hammerheads could be made to "flee" from the player for a short time, but come back to attack if pursued. Can only spawn near the coastline, and only eats stingrays, mantarays, jellyfish and smaller fishes. It keeps it's distance with bigger mobs, like other sharks or dolphins, but will retaliate if attacked. Drops 1-2 Shark Teeth and, rarely, 1 hammerhead shark egg.
Tiger Sharks
Tiger sharks are agressive towards anything moving rapidly. Like the ocelot, tiger sharks react to movement, but, instead of running away, they attack. If you are moving slowly, and don't make any sharp movements, you may survive. They are faster than other sharks, and pack a little more of a punch, but, in turn, are a little weaker. Can detect movement at twenty cubes of distance, but only reacts agressively if you get ten cubes close to it. Eats dolphins, turtles, and pretty much anything else but sharks. Drops 0-3 Shark Teeth and, rarely, 1 tiger shark egg.
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
Goblin Sharks
Goblin Shark as a mob, it has the same health as the other sharks, but goblin sharks regen health at a fater rate, they also deal 6.5 hearts per attack, goblin sharks are tamable like other sharks.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as normal insects
Behaviour: Aggressive (Range of 4 blocks)
Damage: 1 (Half Heart)
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: All biomes where normal insects spawn
Spawn size: For ambience
Spawn rate: For ambience
Size: Insect size
Drops: None
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Markhor: Mountain goat with corkscrew horns. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops brown wool and raw goat meat. Can be bred with grass. Passive to players.
Ibex: Mountain goat with large curved horns. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops leather and raw goat meat. Can be bred with grass. Passive to players.
Bighorn sheep: A mountain-dwelling wild sheep with large curled horns. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops leather and raw goat meat. Neutral to players, headbutting them for 2-3 damage when attacked and launching you a few blocks into the air. Can be bred with grass.
Mountain goat: A species of shaggy-furred white goat. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops white wool and raw goat meat. Passive to players.
Muskox: The largest living goat species; a brown-furred shaggy goat that looks more like an ox. Spawns in tundra biomes. Drops brown wool and raw goat meat. Passive to players; will attack wolves and wild wolves.
Woodland muskox: An extinct species of muskox with thinner wool and much larger horns, woodland muskox are untamable animals that spawn in taiga and forest biomes. Neutral to players, they will use their horns to gore for 3-4 damage, and drop the same things as normal muskox, but have a lower chance to drop wool. They may also drop woodland muskox horns, which can be used to make a wall trophy of the same name.
Note: all of these species can be milked.
Goat meat: Drops from goats. Can be cooked into goat steak. Heals 1.5 hunger when raw, and 4 hunger when cooked.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Yak: A large, shaggy species of bovid. Can be sheared for wool and tamed with wheat or bred with grass. When tamed, chests can be put on it for use as a pack animal. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops beef and brown wool, although it can be dyed to get different colors. Passive to players.
Aurochs: A large bull-like animal with a pair of large, curved horns. Can be bred with wheat and tamed with apples. When tamed, it can be used as a mount or a pack animal. Spawns in forests and megataiga. Neutral to players; will charge forwards and gore for 2-4 damage. Passive to players. Drops leather, beef, and aurochs horns, which can be crafted into a wall trophy.
Gaur: A huge species of brown bovid with short horns and a large body. Spawns in jungle biomes. Can be bred with wheat and tamed with apples; once tamed, it makes for a handy, if slow, mount, as it can carry chests as well as a saddle. Passive to players. Drops leather and beef.
African buffalo: A massive species of cow with dark brown fur and large horns. Spawns in savannah biomes. Neutral to players; will charge forwards for 4-5 damage and is immune to arrows-they just bounce off the fused bone covering on their skulls. Will attack big cats on sight. Drops leather and beef. A subspecies exists with massive horns, each two blocks long. This subspecies, the Pelorovis, is larger and has more health than the average African buffalo, and can do 6-7 damage with its massive horns. Pelorovis can also drop Pelorovis horns, which can be used to craft a wall trophy of the same name.
Bison: Spawns in plains biomes. Passive to players. Can be bred with wheat. Drops fur, leather, bones, and bison meat. Sometimes, bison with large horns like those of an a gaur or an Ankole Watusi cattle will spawn. These two species of prehistoric bison ( the steppe and giant bison, respectively ) are larger than other bison, cannot be tamed, and are neutral to players, goring them for 5-6 damage. Each species will drop their horns, which can be crafted into wall trophies of the same name.
Water buffalo: Spawn in jungle biomes. Passive to players, and can be bred with wheat or tamed with apples. When tamed, these animals can be used to carry as much as 4 chests' worth of items. Drops beef and leather.
New achievement: Trophy Hunter. To get this achievement, you must craft wall trophies of all of the exotic horned animals in the mod.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Moose: Spawns in forests, taiga, and megataiga biomes. Neutral to players, goring with its antlers for 4-5 damage. Females don't have antlers. Drops fur and venison.
Elk: Spawns in forest and extreme hills biomes. Females lack antlers, and males will occasionally fight each other in non-lethal matches. Neutral to players, using its antlers to inflict 3-4 damage. Drops fur and venison.
Reindeer: Spawns in tundra and taiga biomes. Both males and females have antlers. Passive to players, and can be bred with wheat. By taming them with apples, it's possible to ride reindeer after putting a saddle on them. Drops fur and venison.
Bush antlered deer: A large deer species with 1.5-block-long antlers that spawns in forest and megataiga biomes. Neutral to players, attacking for 4-5 damage. Drops fur, venison, and their antlers, which can be crafted into wall trophies of the same name.
Megaloceros: A massive deer species sporting 2-block-long antlers that spawns in forest biomes. Neutral to players, attacking for 5-6 damage. Can be tamed with apples, after which the deer can be mounted and ridden. Drops fur, venison, and their antlers, which can be crafted into a wall trophy of the same name.
Venison: Drops from all deer. Heals 1.5 hunger when raw, and 4 hunger when cooked.
KzurelTheDragon's Suggestion:
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox would be a shy small fox it would spawn in the desert biome and would attack insects like scorpions, rodents like mice and rats, rabbits, and birds and when tamed you can feed them seeds, and fruit.
The females would run away if you hover the cursor on them.
The males would attack you if you hovered the cursor on them.
They can be tamed like wolves just instead of bones you tame with any type of meat (about 1-5 pieces) but will not tame at all if you have a dog/wolf near you.
Once tamed they will follow you around and attack any mob that you attack except ones that have more hearts that it.
They would bark if they get low on HP, purr when there happy, and snarl when angry.
They would take up half a block and be half a block tall.
If killed they would drop fur
It's spawn rate would be slightly rare and would increase at night.
It would have 7 hearts
Glarnboudin's Suggestions:
Pygmy elephants: Smaller version of a standard elephant, about the size of a horse. Variants for both African and Asian elephants exist. Spawn in jungles. Asia variants can have an elephant garment equipped, but not a howdah. Both species can only carry one elephant chest, but can wear tusks.
Dwarf elephant: A tiny species of elephant a little larger than a wolf with shorter tusks than either African or Asian elephants. Cannot be ridden, but can be equipped with one elephant chest and a set of tusks. Spawns on beaches and islands.
MewMochi's Suggestion:
White elephants: Are passive and tameable.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
-Nile crocodile (Current one)
-Cuban crocodile (Rare, slightly smaller than normal crocodile, more colorful)
-Saltwater crocodile (Largest crocodile variant, found on beaches and in oceans)
-Dwarf crocodile (Smallest variant, found in jungles)
-Freshwater crocodile (Fastest one of them all on land)
An alligator would also be cool. They'd be darker in color and a bit smaller than regular crocodiles, as well as with a shorter, blunter snout. They'd primarily be found in swamps, but they do have a subspecies: the cave alligator. Pale clammy greyish-white, larger than the average alligator, and with no eyes, these creatures would be hyper-aggressive, with higher health than regular alligators, but being intolerant of light (They flee from it; would need special coding)
Perhaps as a subspecies, they could have caimans; smaller and less aggressive than regular alligators, they would be found in jungle biomes.
Also, maybe give crocodiles a proper swimming animation. At the moment, they look really weird when they 'swim'. Ooh, maybe they could leap out of the water to snatch birds?
But what would crocodiles be without a giant subspecies? Introducing the Ticktock. Rare to the extreme, this gigantic crocodilian is based on the crocodile of the same name from Peter Pan, as well as the real-life giant croc known as Gustave, an immense Nile crocodile that has killed more people than any serial killer in history, and the prehistoric crocodilians Crocodylus anthropophagous and Crocodylus thorbarnarsoni, two gigantic prehistoric crocs that lived alongside -and preyed upon - early humans. One and a half times as large as a saltwater crocodile, this monster reptile has several unique attacks - it can ram with its snout to destroy boats and knock back players, whip its tail to attack those trying to kill it from behind, and chomp away with its massive jaws. When killed, it drops a ton of crocodile leather, the bones and rotting flesh of its prey, and a small fortune's worth of gold nuggets from when it devoured an ancient treasure chest, as well as, rarely, a clock or two.
Komodo Dragon / Monitor Lizards
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
- Megalania: A massive cousin to the Komodo dragon, with reddish-brown scales striped with red-brown. Roughly in between a grizzly bear or polar bear on all fours at shoulder height and longer than a crocodile, these huge creatures live in the savannas, red mesas, and rarely in deserts - they deal a hell of a lot of damage and inflict slowness with their attacks, making them extremely dangerous foes.... and useful mounts.
- Silawik dragon: About the same size as a Komodo dragon, but slinkier and sleeker, maybe a bit longer, and with a pale straw-yellow coloration with a brown line down the spine and similarly-colored stripes branching off from it. Spawns in savanna biomes.
- Perentie: Slightly smaller than a normal Komodo dragon. Spawns in deserts.
Antelopes and Deers
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Antelope: Fast-moving herding animals that live in various biomes and flee from players that get close like zebras, best hunted with a bow and arrow. All of the animals listed below drop leather and antelope meat (Fills as much of the hunger bar as pork, but drops is pretty decent amounts). Maybe they can be lead around with sheared grass?
-Thompson's gazelle: Roughly the size of a goat, one of the fastest examples. Spawns in savanna.
-Springbok: Very fast, in between a cow and a sheep in terms of size, able to leap great distances. Spawns in savanna and red mesa.
-Bongo: Beautifully-colored antelope that's more solitary than the others. Spawns in jungles.
-Blackbuck: Males will attack the player for a fair amount of damage - say, one to one and a half hearts. Spawns in plains.
-Dorcas gazelle: Fairly small and plentiful, only dropping one or two items, either meat or leather, never both at once. Spawns in savannas.
-Saiga antelope: Quite stocky, making loud noises. Spawns in extreme hills.
-Klipspringer: Very tiny, able to climb very well - maybe it can walk up blocks like a spider? Spawns in extreme hills.
-Grant's gazelle: Spawns in savannas, maybe red mesa biomes. Males can attack like the male blackbucks can.
-Lechwe: Attacks are about as strong as the blackbuck's. Spawns in swamps.
-Hartebeest: Fairly large - maybe it can be ridden? Spawns in savannas.
-Wildebeest: Moves in large herds, often hunted by lions and other predators. Spawns in savannas.
-Gemsbok: Attacks for 1-3 hearts of damage with each attack. Spawns in savannas and/or red mesas.
-Blesbock: Spawns in hill biomes.
-Roan antelope: Spawns in savannas.
-Dik-diks: Tiny antelope about the size of rabbits. Spawns in savannas and jungles.
-Sable antelope: Attacks are as strong as a gemsbok's. Spawns in savannas.
-Giant sable antelope: Can be ridden like a horse after being fed enough wheat to tame it. Spawns in savannas.
-Addax. Spawns in deserts, males will attack like some of the other antelope will.
-Scimitar oryx: Spawns in deserts, very rare.
-Gerenuk: Has a custom animation where it rears up onto its hind legs. Spawns in savannas.
-Giant eland: Very large, able to attack for 1-3 points of damage. Spawns in savannas. Can be ridden.
-Greater kudu: Attacks like the giant eland does. Spawns in savannas. Can be ridden.
Other Suggestions
Bitey mobs do more damage to unarmoured opponents
"This is not a mob suggestion this is a gameplay one i think sharks,crocodiles and bears should bemore dangerous, they only are dangerous to players without armor."
- leonelmegaman
Separate Bird Mobs so we can have individual biome spawns for each
...separating the "Bird" mob into separate mobs based on color/sounds, or some config option to specify what variety of bird spawns in certain biomes? They are cool mobs but I'd prefer not to have bright tropical birds spawning in a spooky forest instead of just crows.
- Gorduleria
Foxes, Ducks, Wraiths & Silver Skeletons have simple models and should be upgraded.
Because all these mobs were made very early in the mod all of them have become "outdated" in comparison to the rest of the mobs. Foxes look very bulky and should be slimmer and smaller. Ducks look like chickens and should have necks while being slimmer as well. Wraiths are just human models and could probably feel more ghostly in their model was adjusted. Silver Skeletons, while still being more advanced than the others are still fairly simple. Silver Skeletons feel like the would be better if the hunched with knees and elbows like the Werewolves.
- atley9999
Catchable bugs with jars
how about you can catch bugs with a jar?
- spires33
Maybe a glass bottle would work too?
- atley9999
BigCat Breeding Re-do:
Notice the different tiles depending on the gender of each cat.
1. Those new wyverns added on the 1.7.10 (Sea, Mountain, etc.) can grow as big as mother wyverns,
so make them grow a bit smaller.
2. Why don't you make a hell's wyvern or fire wyvern?
When we give a essence of fire to mother wyvern, it may turn into a fiery wyvern. I think it's also a fine idea.
- Goddammit
I think you breed a pegasus and unicorn with Essenence Of Light will chance Pegacorn or Fairy horse to spawn Fairy horse = rare chance %20 and Pegacorn = normal chance %50
- creeper_8888
Wyvern Rehaul
Wyverns in the Wyvern Lair are mother wyverns only. Baby wyverns spawn and follow their mothers, but cannot be tamed yet. The babies are random colors/breeds. Players approaching the Mother Wyvern will get a warning "hiss" at 20 blocks. With aggression if within 10 blocks. Baby wyverns flee if the Mother Wyvern is attacked. Adult wyverns of other types can only be tamed by saddle breaking them.
Once a player has killed a mother wyvern and collected eggs, that players goes to the overworld and may hatch the egg by placing it by torches. The biome effects what type of wyvern is born. With a 10% chance it is a wyvern mother. Here is a list of the wyverns and their birth places
Savannah Wyvern (Reddish Brown): Savannah Biome
Swamp Wyvern (Yellow Green): Swamp Biome
Jungle Wyvern (Deep Green): Jungle Biome
Sand Wyvern (Yellow):Desert Biome
Cave Wyvern (Silver-Grey): Below 32 blocks of depth
Mountain Wyvern (Light Brown): Above 96 blocks of height
Sea Wyvern (Deep Blue): Ocean Biome
Arctic Wyvern (Ice Blue): Taiga Biome
Mother Wyvern (Red): 10% Any biome
Tamed Wyverns will attack mobs it can reach when attached to a fence post by a lead. Except the player that hatched/tamed it. This is the "Rage" effect your wyvern gets for being tied down. Your wyvern can be killed by mobs if you don't heal it. Wyverns will attack other wyvenrs or each other when tied too close together. Wyverns cannot be mounted or given armor while tied down. Telling your wyvern to sit will not cause this rage effect. Tying down a flying dragon-beast will unleash the anger. Mobs do not drop ANY items if killed by a Wyvern. A player holding a lead does not cause rage effects.
Wyverns scatter and flee if another wyvern is attacked or hit close by. Like a flock of birds taking off. However, Mother Wyverns will attack the threat until death. Wyvern babies will follow the player that hatched them or the closest adult Wyvern. Wyverns will kill rabbits and snakes to gain health when injured if not fed by a player. Wyverns killed by the player only, turn into a Ghost Wyvern on a rare 5% chance.
Mother Wyverns will still transform when given the right essence to do so, but now have use for Essence of Fire:
Mother Wyverns will become a Light Wyvern after you feed it an Essence of Light
Mother Wyverns will become a Dark Wyvern after you feed it an Essence of Darkness
Mother Wyverns will become an Undead Wyvern after you feed it an Essence of Undead
Mother Wyverns will lay an Egg after you feed it an Essence of Fire like an ostrich. However, the mother will attack the player if they take the egg. The player can stop the attack by retreating over 30 blocks away. Babies left to hatch by the Mother will be wild and only tamed by saddle. This is because you place the "Burning Love of a Mother" into your Wyvern.
Another use for Essence of Fire: Ghost Wyverns can be resurrected into a Grand Wyvern. This is because you put "Fire" back into the heart of your Wyvern.
Ghost Wyverns will NOT spawn by slaying Mother, Light, Dark, or Undead Wyverns.
Grand Wyverns are the same size as Mother Wyverns, however have golden horns that make them seem taller. Higher hitpoints and they cause foes to catch fire as well as poison effects. They are white with a rainbow membrane to their wings, large purple eyes. Grand Wyverns will attack hostile mobs within 20 blocks and not flee until health is low. Grand Wyverns cannot be fed any other essences. Are 8 blocks in speed, so only slightly faster in flight. Grand Wyverns drop 5% Heart of Fire, otherwise nothing. This is because you take back that fire from their heart.
Images are attached to this post. Images used do NOT belong to me and just references. All credit to original owners, I just used google to find the images.
- Doenut55
Bird cages
You should add a bird cage to the mod because when I own a bird I don't really have a place to keep it. You should be able to put the bird on your head and right click the cage to place the bird inside.
- Silver_Tinsel
Cole's suggestions
What would be Really cool is a few more horses, for example, a nightmare Pegasus. basically a black pegasus with the fire animations, fire animation on the wings (would be really cool) and also the Nightmare mane (the hair on its head xD).
Also! would would be a good edition to jungle biomes, monkeys! tamable monkeys and also hostile monkeys, like orangutans & gorillas (maybe a boss mob, King Kong).
Another awesome thing would be, sea creatures, hatchable sea horses! and you should be able to ride them. whales would be awesome. what would be an amazing adventure, sunken ships. like a new dungeon! the ships could have sharks in them so it makes them really hard to get the loot.
The Ents were a great idea, LOTR fans would like this, what would make it even better if you could sit on their heads or their shoulders, a 2 person ride? they should be tamable by apples, sapplings, seeds, anything that would be fruit or greenery related items.
last of all, the Wyverns. At the moment the Lair is abit boring, what would make it better is if there were dungeons! and in the Dungeon chests there was eggs (makes it a little easier to get baby wyverns). also i think that the Bigger wyverns should have a 2 player seat, put 2 saddles on it to get 2 seater Wyvern! should be able to breed Wyverns like you do with horses and get loads of different combinations! Savvana & sea Wyverns Breeded, gets a End wyvern (purple wyvern) and when you give that a fire essence, it turns into a flame wyvern ( a fire wyvern with fire animations!), Last thing on Wyverns, if you left click, they breath fire, water, acid, clouds (bad clouds D:<) depending on the Dragon Type/Colour
Thats all i really want to be added, so thats all im gonna write, For now
An opinion to disable/enable pets:
- disable: egg drops would be normal eggs or just not at all, baby scorpions would be like baby zombies (attacking )
in other words: do small changes in the droppings/ behavior...
Fox overhaul
Foxes are another old favorite, and since the BigCats are getting an update, it seems fitting the foxes should too. First off, they need a new model, more texture (1 or 2 of each "morph" would be enough), and the ability to breed. Foxes can be bred with raw chicken, rabbit, or turkey, and have a 10% chance to produce a Silver Fox (white-grey to black-grey fur with black speckles) when bred, which acts like a tamed wolf, though smarter. Silver Foxes can be bred as well, and will always produce more Silver Foxes. Silver Foxes can also be fed an Essence of Fire, Darkness, or Light to make, you guessed it, a Kitsune. Kitsunes are bigger than normal foxes and each type of Kitsune has a different ability- Fire (bronzy-orange) is fireproof (obviously), and can set targets a blaze, and will constantly emit flame particles; Darkness (black and dark grey) scares away non-undead monsters and can inflict blindness when attacking, and produces smoke-like particles; while Light (golden-white) scares away all monsters, has constant regeneration, and can give the rider (yes, Light and only Light Kitsunes can be ridden) regen, and produces "shiny" particles. Each special Kitsune can wear mount armor as well, though only light can wear the crystal armor. After a fox is fed an essence and morphs into a kitsune, it will gain a second tail. They (all kitsunes) will also eventually grow up to 9 tails (the same way other MoC mobs grow from babies to adults). Once a Kitsune has 9 tails, it upgrades to 35 HP and can do a max of 6 damage plus any bonuses (fire, etc) when attacking. When killed, Kitsunes drop fur and their respective heart (other than light). Aggressive, untamable fire and dark kitsunes can rarely be found in the Nether, and hostile dark ones can rarely be found in Deep Forests as well.
Tameable mini golems
1.tame mini golems with iron ingots and tamed ones can be healed with red stone dust
2.tamed mini golems will attack hostile mobs in sight except big golems and ogres to prevent terrain destruction,tamed mini golems will only attack them if the player gets attacked by those two mobs or the player attacks those two kind of mobs
3.tamed mini golems will not attack passive and neutral mobs,tamed mini golems will only attack neutral mobs if the player attacks the neutral mob
4.tamed mini golems will follow their owners and will teleport if they are too far away from the player,right clicking them will make them sit
5.the blue sections of thier body will change color if a player right clicks the tamed mini golem with a dye,the color will change according to the dye used
Can you add nests to the game? depending on the size of the nest attracts different birds, you can breed two of the same kind of tamed birds, they will mate on a nest which will place 3 eggs on the nest. Can you fix the glitch of birds suffocating into blocks?
Ducks should lay duck eggs and drop duck meat instead of chicken eggs and meat.
Goat Consumption
Instead of destroying items when they eat them, they should have a 'digestion' timer - aka how long it takes for that item to be destroyed. Dirt, seeds, and other organic items aren't affected, but metal or diamond materials take quite a while to digest. If you can kill the goat before that timer is up, you can get your stuff back, albeit a bit damaged.
Werewolf Buffing
There are actually lunar cycles in Minecraft - maybe werewolves could get a strength or speed boost during full moons and a debuff during new moons?
Zebra Spawning
Maybe they could spawn in the savanna biome more frequently than regular horses do?
I do not claim credit for any suggestions other than my own. All suggestions will be and are credited. I cannot guarantee that you will have credit if your suggestion makes its way to the main mod. Sorry, Mythra. If you feel betrayed I feel bad for you, it's no one's fault that you had real life problems that reduced your activity. Life > This.
I wasn't told that this was going to be happening. Granted it's not my mod, and not a decision that is ultimately up to me, but I don't recall being asked at all either. I've read the occasional comments on the other suggestion thread asking for a new poll. My answer to that was that DrZhark himself wasn't asking me to make a specific poll that he wanted up, so I wasn't taking it upon myself to come up with one. As far as how long it had been since I edited the opening post on the old thread, it's been an even longer time since DrZhark has put out an update for the mod itself. It's been v6.2.1 with Ents and Moles for a very long time.
Many of the suggestions on the other thread were repeats or slightly altered versions of previous suggestions. Part of the reason for a list is to allow interested fans of Mo'Creatures to know what already may be being considered by the mod creator for inclusion in the mod. I felt that the list was sufficiently vast to provide DrZhark with more than enough ideas for some time to come.
I wouldn't say that I feel "betrayed," but I do want to say that the way that you did this, atley9999, wasn't the way that I myself would've gone about doing this. Also, in reviewing your interactions with other members on my old thread, and other places online, you can at times come across as brash or abrasive. I am a disabled military intelligence veteran, I'm not some kid lurking, I take whatever it is that I do, seriously. Do you realize how you can come across to people, whether it's on these forums, spore wiki, Marvel wiki, The Sims Forums or on YouTube? I understand that you felt the other thread lacked moderation, but I do think most people who posted didn't care for your type of "moderation," by that I mean the tone of your replies/comments. These threads themselves already have moderation as the site itself has people who do that, and it is up to each user to flag inappropriate comments.
I didn't shoot down ideas for the Mo'Creatures mod whenever someone took the time to leave them, because I didn't feel it was my place to do that. Ultimately a suggestion thread is just a place for fans of the mod to interact just like the mod thread itself is, and it is important to keep a friendly atmosphere so as not to turn anyone off of the mod itself. At least that is the approach that I had with it.
I fully respect that you had no idea, and I will accept that I may have come off as rude at points in my suggestions on your thread.
Sorry if I can not compare to your comment.
I have Asperger's if you want to know that. Basically, everything must have order or it is in chaos.
I do not know how to talk to people correctly, I am short and straight to the point otherwise it could take me 15 minutes to write a couple of sentences.
The only reason I would have appeared to "shoot down ideas" was because the layout was not supportive of multiple request of the same creature.
I know from experience that replacements are never easy, but I am trying my hardest to make it appear nice, you may think of the only way to be nice is to not do it.
I am not a modder.
I am not a texturer.
I am not a map builder.
I have no Minecraft talent, and I am grabbing hold of the one thing I am good at, moderating. You have texturing, I could never if I tried.
On a different note because we all need some good news, I will not be adding my suggestions until 60% of the initial suggestions are filled. That way it would never be horrible one sided with all the poles being in my favour.
So if you have any suggestions Mythra or other people, be my guest.
Water Horse (Kelpie) – Horsemob (hostile) found in oceans and if you kill it you get an occasional heart of water and leather (similar to nightmares and bathorses). You would give a zorse an essence of water to obtain a tamed kelpie.
Water (similar to fire) + Heart of water + Glass Bottle = Essence of Water
This horse would be able to take the player under water when ridden with a . Sharks would not attack the player. Can move under water similar to a dolphin and is water breathing. The kelpie would have all four legs and a normal tail. It must look exactly like this:
When a kelpie is given an essence of light underwater, it gains wings that are like those of a flying ghost horse but look like water. This makes the kelpie able to fly above water
Majestic Horse - as in "Barbie in a Pony Tale". Has white body and mane with strip of pink in mane. Ultra rare and can be tamed and ridden similarly to a regular horse.
This is not a mob suggestion this is a gameplay one i think sharks,crocodiles and bears should bemore dangerous, they only are dangerous to players without armor.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move
I remember I made a large post on this back in the old thread, so I though I'd (try to) remember what I said:
Neutral, spawns in plains and savannas in groups of 3-6 animals. Attacks anything smaller than it, as well as anything that attacks it first, and will eat any dropped meat- raw, cooked, or rotten. Can be tamed by giving it raw pork or ostrich. After that, it will protect you. Ridable?
BigCat things:
Breedable, can produce sterile hybrid cats, such as ligers
Able to wear horse armor
Can be affedted by the essences
Essence-based BigCats:
Undead: Actually what it says on the tin. It gets sickly green skin, only have a few patches of nasty rotten fur in places. The skin is very tight on its bones, and torn in places, revealing its skeleton. When mounted, other undeads will not attack the player, unless attacked first. Also, when it attacks others, it will give them a minor nausea effect and may zombify other mobs it kills (30% chance), given that is able to get zombified, such as ostriches or scorpions. Possibly decays into a skeleton like the horses? Drops rotten flesh, claws, and Hearts of the Undead, also spawns in several maggots and occasionally a small-medium slime when killed.
Fire: Has bloodred, almost scale-like skin instead of fur, other than jet black fur along the spine, mane, back of legs, and tail-tip (maybe replace it with a stereotypical arrow devil-tail). However, it has slightly darker marking on it body reminiscent of the original cat (ex. tigers will still have stripes, cheetahs and leopards will still have spots), as well as overall looking more demonic. Immune to fire, and may ignite targets. Drops redstone, claws, and Hearts of Fire
Darkness: Has sleek, raven-like fur (as in, black with hints of green, blue, and purple in places), bright red eyes, quills instead of a mane (for all cats, not just male lions) and longer claws. Alternatively, it has no fur, only sleek metallic-black skin, or maybe it can have a mix of the raven-like and metallic skins. Regardless of how it looks, it still has darker markings that resemble the natural markings. When mounted, the player will get night vision, and may inflict blindness on the target. Drops claws and Hearts of Darkness
Light: Cats given an essence of light become a foo lion or qilin. Vaguely draconic, has deer-like antlers, scales, and a majestic mane (all cats and both genders of lions), and long, thick fur on its tail and the back of its legs. Image link,another image link. Still has slight spots or stripes depending on what it was before the potion. When ridden, the rider gets a mild regeneration effect, and cannot be poisoned (both the rider and the cat), and poison is cured as soon as mounted. When killed, drops an unicorn horn, in addition to claws. Strongest of all the cats. Not sure if this would be better as a mutation of the BigCat or its own mob.
Cheetahs and panthers both will come in a rare version- panthers can be pink, and cheetahs can have king cheetah-style markings. Both can be tamed at any age, not just cubs, but cubs are still easier to tame
How to Tame:Wild ones when killed spawn a baby one that can be tamed with netherwart
Breedable: No
It follows you and leaves fire particles behind it also it can eat magma cream to help you battle wild mobs.
Biomes: Nether only
Spawn size: 1-2
Spawn rate: RARE
Size: 1 Block
Drops:Exp,Feathers,hearth of fire(common)and fire.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: the requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world — "No, you move
Fairy horse has butterfly wings with horn with colored
you can breed with gold ingot you get pegacorn
you can breed with Essences of Light you get fairy horse
The problem is that the Essence of Light is much harder to achieve than a gold ingot. The Fairy horse is also more unique than all the other horses, a Pegacorn Is just a Pegasus with a horn. It also sounds like direct breeding, the fairy horse is created by a sacrifice of the Pegasus and the Unicorn.
Please Read
Every suggested mob should come with moderate detail. Please do not say "Kangaroos" without suggesting behaviour, tamability, health, etc. Pictures are nice too. If you do not follow this simple rule, I will request that you add more info.
Is this thread legit?
You may be wondering "Haven't I seen a forum for mob suggestions before?" The answer is yes, there was an old thread run by Mythra, the problem was that the forum lacked detail and moderation. So that explains why this one exist, but is it legit? This forum is 100% legitimate, I have been approved by DrZhark in a private message. Even though I wouldn't want you to bother Zhark, you can always PM him to confirm, his response time is about 1-3 days due to amount of fans sending him messages. It is unofficial as it is run by me, not DrZhark himself.
How will this thread be run?
Leave your suggestions in the comments below, I will go through all comments (I can do that). Please leave detail and I will add it to the collection of mobs. DrZhark Polls will always be up until he wants them down or they are no longer relevant.
Mo' Creatures Thread
Mo' Creatures Website
Old Thread
DrZharks Patreon Page
Mob Suggestions
Warning, the following spoilers are large. It may take a while to go through them all.
They are all in a compact format so it is only long to those who want to read everything.
Minecraft Forums or Wikia users are in black.
Mo' Creatures Official Site users are in orange.
Natural Mobs
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 2-3 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: Yes (White, Brown)
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Raw Rats (1-5)
Biomes: Forest, Spruce Forest & Birch Forest.
Spawn size: 1-2
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: 1 Block
Drops: 0-4 Feathers (More feathers than chickens because owls are more dangerous)
Hizkoh's Suggestion:
It would be GREAT for raw mice meat to tame the owls to be added! If not, raw rat. Any type: Barn, Great Horned, and Burrowing are all great examples.
Eagles & Hawks
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 5-7 Hearts
Behaviour: Provocable (Attack, hold meat or a weapon)
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: Forest, Spruce Forest, Birch Forest, Savannah & Extreme Hills.
Spawn size: 1
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: 2x1 Blocks
aashford's Suggestion:
will hunt chickens and fight for you, craft a leather glove to train them with maybe.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 5-7 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: Yes (Bluish, Brown/Grey)
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Any raw meat (1-5) OR Raise from egg laid by already tamed Falcon.
Baby Time: 1 Minecraft Week
Baby Size: Chicken Adult
Spawn size: 1
Spawn rate: Slightly rare
Size: 2x1 Blocks x 80%
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 6 Hearts
Behaviour: Aggressive (All mobs, excluding medium birds)
Damage: 1 Heart
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: Desert
Spawn size: 4-5
Spawn rate: Common
Size: 2x1 Blocks
Extra: Attacks every mob in the desert including the players. Circles ~20 block above target. Attacks by swooping targets and retreating back to the sky shortly after, making bows the appropriate weapon of choice.
Drops: 0-4 Feathers
Lilcuz's Suggestion:
Hearts: 30
Damage: 3 half hearts
Tamable when egg is found
Find in flocks
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 2 Hearts
Behaviour: Aggressive (To Players, Birds & Insects)
Damage: 1 Heart
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: All Hot Overworld, Forest, Birch Forest, Plains
Spawn size: 6-7
Spawn rate: Common
Size: Slightly larger than normal birds
Extra: Based of Australian Magpie
Drops: 0-3 Feathers
Look at it chasing that hawk!
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 4 Hearts
Behaviour: Aggressive (To Players, Birds & Insects)
Damage: 2 Heart
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: All Hot Overworld, Forest, Birch Forest, Plains
Spawn size: 1
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: Slightly larger than normal birds
Drops: 0-3 Feathers
cysiek's Suggestion:
spawn on savannah. Have a specific sound like a laught. Spawn in group 2-3. give kokaburra feathers and kokaburra eggs.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 5 Hearts
Behaviour: Aggressive
Damage: 2 Heart (3 if it does a charge attack instead of a normal attack)
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: All Biomes with trees (except swamps)
Spawn size: 2-5
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: Slightly Smaller than an Ostrich
Speed: Normal Player Speed, 2x as fast if charging
Drops: 0-2 Ostrich Meat
11Mooneye's Suggestion:
So it could spawn in plains, savana or jungle (or all of them) but it would have to be rare however you could make it like ostriches, where they lay eggs BUT the males would attack when they saw you (cassowarys are naturally agreesive birds) however the females would attack when provoked and/or had her eggs stolen.
There's not a huge difference from male and female cassowarys in real life so you'd have to make slight changes (maybe the colour of there whottle, the blue/red thing under its beak/on its neck)
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Ostrich
Behaviour: Same as Ostrich
Damage: Same as Ostrich
Variants: Yes (More in Essence Based Emus)
Tameable: Yes, Same as Ostrich
Baby Time: Same as Ostrich
Baby Size: Same as Ostrich
Biomes: All Hot Overworld
Spawn size: 1-3
Spawn rate: Rare
Size: Slightly Smaller than an Ostrich
Speed: Same as Ostrich
Extra: Pronounced Ee-Myu
Extra 2: Emu eggs are green
Drops: 0-2 Ostrich meat
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Ostrich
Behaviour: Passive - Flees from player
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: Swamps, Jungles, Beaches, Islands
Spawn size: 4-7
Spawn rate: Rare
Size: Slightly Smaller than an Ostrich
Extra: Flies away, does not run away.
Extra 2: Should be idle in the classic flamingo pose
Drops if no new item: Exp (nothing)
Drops if new item: 0-2 Exotic Feathers
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Normal Birds
Behaviour: Passive - Flees from player
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: Beaches, Ocean (Not deep ocean), Islands
Spawn size: 5-9
Spawn rate: Common
Size: ~1 block
Extra: Flies away, does not run away.
Drops: 0-2 Feathers
cysiek's Suggestion:
spawn on the beach near ocean
Kill small fish, and can be tamed with a raw fish. Give feathers and seagull eggs. Spawn in group 4-6
Pigeons & Doves
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Normal Birds
Behaviour: Passive - Flees from player
Variants: Yes, White and Grey
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Seeds
Breedable: No
Biomes: Around the player in literally every biome (excluding dimensions)
Spawn size: 2-3
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: ~1 block
Extra: Flies away, does not run away.
Extra 2: Doves have a 0.1% chance of spawning.
Drops: 0-2 Feathers
Geese & Swans
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 7 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive (They will give you a warning like snakes before attacking)
Damage: 2.5 Hearts
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Egg raising
Baby size: Slightly smaller than normal bird
Baby time: ~4 Minecraft days
Biomes: Rivers
Spawn size: 1-2
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: 1.5x1.5 (3 block with wings out)
Drops if no new item: Swan/Goose Egg
Drops if new item:
cysiek's Suggestion:
in marshes and near lakes. There are 2 variants of white, black and less frequent. They will defend their children.They fall out of their feathers, eggs swans. With black swan black feathers. spawn in group 1-3
AuraBird's Suggestion:
Health: 12 hearts
Behaviour: Passive until provoked. Like Pigmen they will call to any other geese within a certain radius
Damage: 7-8 hearts (IRL geese hit like trucks)
Variants: Canadian Goose, Snow Goose, and American Goose
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Like ocelots, slowly approach with grass (the sheared stuff not the block) and feed until tamed
Breedable: Breed by feeding two geese grass (again, the sheared stuff and not the block)
Canadian Geese: All but Desert, Savannah, Mesa and Jungle
Snow Geese: Snow Biomes
American Geese: All but Desert, Savannah, Mesa, and Jungle
Spawn Rate: Slightly Uncommon
Drops: Exp, Feathers, Raw Goose
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 6 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Egg raising
Breedable: No
Baby size: Slightly smaller than normal bird
Baby time: ~3 Minecraft days
Biomes: Jungles
Spawn size: 1
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: ~1-2 blocks
Drops if no new item: Toucan Egg
Drops if new item:
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 6 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: Yes
Peacock (Vibrant Blue and Green), Peahen (Slightly blue, mostly brown grey, no tail feathers), Albino (White male - Tumblr would hate it)
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Bread or Egg raising
Breedable: Yes, only between the two genders.
Baby size: Slightly smaller than normal bird
Baby time: ~4 Minecraft days
Biomes: Any overworld biome with land. Albinos are very common in snowy biomes and extremely rare in hot.
Spawn size: 1-4
Spawn rate: Rare
Size: I don't know how to Minecraft size it. I'll just say 4x as big with it's tail displaying
Drops if no new item: Peafowl Egg
Drops if new item:
yellowflash7000's Suggestion:
they can be on the ocean flose for more ocean content.
EmileeRoseGaming's Suggestion:
Color: Blue and Red Lobsters
Biome: Found in the deep depths of oceans.
Tamed By: Fish Nets
Transportation: Fish Nets.
Drops: Raw Lobster
Exotic Fresh Water Fish
Zombyhead's Suggestion:
(guppies, mollys, etc) maybe somthing like this:
SnappingCap's Suggestion:
Found in deep waters?
Health: 4 Hearts
Behaviour: Attack
Damage: 1.5 Hearts
Variants: No, just a plain brown one with a light upon its head. Males are parasitic, so...
Breedable: No
Holdable: No
Where found: Deep water
Spawn size: 1-4
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: 1.5 Blocks
Drops: 1-2 Raw Fish / Anglerfishes Light? (Similar to a torch)
Orca (Killer Whales)
Azkhare's Suggestion:
killer whales could be added too, just so sharks don't massacre dolphins. Orcas would feed on sharks and pretty much anything that dares to approach a big body of water. If you know orcas, they shore themselves to get their food. That would be an interesting mechanic. They would prey on everything but dolphins, would only spawn on deep, large bodies of water, and would have a LOT of health. They would drop 0-2 orca teeth, and 2-4 leather.
Yakulong's Suggestion:
they breake your boat if you touch them.
tamable but really hard! like 2 or 3 stack of fish, whale hein, that's eat a lot!
maybe riding, but i'm not sure
you can breed them but it's have to be really long and hard, and the baby will not be tamed. i would say a 15 salmon each and they can't breed for like 5 minecraft days or more.
that would be a good idea to add a bigh fishnet or another items.
aashford's Suggestion:
Swamp area - very powerful, very aggressive. Drops bones,meat,tusks.
ShyGuyDu83's Suggestion:
they can be tamed giving them a non-cooked fish. And when tamed, they just woud follow you. And you could give them a name too <3
Maybe they could be agressive when attacked, only spawning the night or if it rains, and 1*2 long and digging a burrow to hide during the day. They would only spawn near from water, in all biomes except desert.
EmileeRoseGaming's Suggestion:
Color: Brown and Black Platypi
Biome: Rivers
Tamed By: Fish
Transportation: Fish Nets
Drops: Webbed Feet (Used to craft flippers, look in spoiler for more info)
Webbed Feet:
Color: Brown
Used To craft: Flippers
Rarity: on the scale 1-10, (10 being rarest) The drop rarity would be like 6 or 7
Color: Blue and yellow
Used for: Swimming fast in oceans/lakes
Durability: Durability of Iron
Special Abilities: Speed for swimming (Swiftness)
Neon_ColorsFTW22's Suggestion:
spawn in swamp biomes because of the lily pads they can hop on it and hop on another lily pad
And they would have ribbit kinda sounds :3
aashford's Suggestion:
Jungle area - will attack player if he gets too close, very powerful.
aashford's Suggestion:
Jungle area - climb trees to get away from player, may throw dung or dirt blocks?
CoolGastornis's Suggestion:
A sloth for the jungle, it would be passive and hang on a tree, if given leather*as a blanket, sloths love being cozy and warm* and they will be tamed, hopping straight on your back! CUTE AND SNUGLY!
Anonoymus's Suggestion:
Please add sloths and make them tamable. Maybe you could add that if you carry them they can be around your shoulders. They are passive and spawn uncommonly in the jungle.
LazerRay's Suggestion:
have them steal small, shiny items from containers and put them in their hidey-holes (if you keep a tamed on in your house), to get the items back just requires finding the hiding spot. I know some people who have pet ferrets and have trouble keeping them out of things.
Yakulong's Suggestion:
neutral mob
tamable with raw chicken or raw turke
attack small animals around them.
attack the player if the player carry a bird or a rabbit.
they can climb for 3 block hight
they drop fur x1 or x2
do 1-3 hearth dammage.
you can breed them with raw turkey.
Pinataman20's Suggestion:
(forest,Plains) Skunk is unafraid of player and raises tail when 5 blocks away. After tail raises and if player dosen retreat it gives you the same affect as the dirty litter box aswell as the nausea effect. once player is sprayed it sprints away. (size) A little larger than a chicken with a tail as large as its body. (tameability) Maybe-LEaving kittly food outside attracts skunk. Then can be tamed with any food item. Must be thrown skunk will not approach or accept player coming towards it even with food. Leaving kittle food outside for too long will cause a large area around the original place of the litter box. A tamed skunk will spray agressive mobs and hunt mice,rats ect.
M_b11's Suggestion:
gives play nausea affect
lives in woods
Cybercat5555's Suggestion:
Neutral, spawns in plains and savannas in groups of 3-6 animals. Attacks anything smaller than it, as well as anything that attacks it first, and will eat any dropped meat- raw, cooked, or rotten. Can be tamed by giving it raw pork or ostrich. After that, it will protect you. Ridable?
Lilcuz's Suggestion:
Hearts: 20?
Damage: 6 half hearts
Tamable when baby with raw beef or bones
Sort of lice Vanilla wolves, you can find them in packs, or clans as they're called
The females are bigger than males btw
Bearded Dragons
FreedKoal's Suggestion:
Health: 2 Hearts
Behaviour: Friendly
Damage: 1/2 when hit (Like thorns enchantment)
Variants: Different textures per biome
Tameable: yes
How to Tame: Can be tamed by Carrot or Apple
Breedable: yes
Biomes: Savannah & Desert
Spawn Rate: slightly uncommon
Drops: Exp
aashford's Suggestion:
arctic, can break through ice and attack players and hunts the penguins.Drops bones,meat.
aashford's Suggestion:
arctic areas - Peaceful, may even flee if player gets to close. Lays eggs.
leonelmegaman's Suggestion:
A tamable mob that feeds on insects and that can be tamed by giving it any kind of vegetable when right clicked it gets on your shoulder.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 3 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1 Heart
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: Flowers or Carrots
Breedable: No
Holdable: Yes, like snakes.
Biomes: Jungle, Desert, Beach and Savanna
Spawn size: 1-4
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: 1 Block
Drops: 0-1 Reptile Hide.
Dodo Bird
MCFUser149837's Suggestion:
How about the dodo bird that been extinct for hunderds of years, they would be a island spawn plus they dont run away if u attack them just more keep moving towards you like pigmen but non-aggresive. easy way to get meat if your exlporing the ocean. mabey even make them a rare spawn like murshroom cows.
diszxchat's Suggestion:
Hearts: 8 - 10
Behaviour: Acts like sheep/cow/pig (AI basically the same)
Tamable?: Yes
Location: Roofed Forest
If seeds/fruits on players hand, dodo will follow them. If attacked, it will run away. Without seeds/fruits and attacking, it will run away as it fears the player a threat to their community.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
for smaller species of cats like lynxes and caracals
The species could be:
Grassland: Servals, caracals
Taiga: Lynx
Forest: Bobcat
Jungle: Jungle cats, Clouded leopards, perhaps? Ocelots are already in vanilla
Extreme Hills: Geoffery's cat
River: Fishing cat
LazerRay's Suggestion:
Found in swamps, they bite players and most mobs with a random chance of causing an illness (craft bug repellent to drive them off)
Stink Bug
LazerRay's Suggestion:
Cause an effect similar to a dirty litter-box with nausea when killed
LazerRay's Suggestion:
Found on trees, they make their loud mating calls
LazerRay's Suggestion:
Live in trees, climb anything made of wood, and eat fruit, nuts (if available), and seeds. They will come near the player if one of the three food items is dropped on the ground, eventually taking the food from your hand when offered (the player just needs to stand still while holding the item)
iiAmDuck's Suggestion:
We all know our cute and cuddly creature the Squirrel who inhabits the tree line, usually attacked by non-passive mammals and other animals BUT the Squirrels in the Mo' Creatures mod should be tame-able since people like having cute animals for pets
DrakeTheWarrior's Suggestion:
4 blocks tall. Neutral. Spawns are rare in savannah biome.
male/female variations. They can drop eggs. Rare spawns.
DrakeTheWarrior's Suggestion:
1. 4 block tall and is covered in feathers. Neutral. Spawns are rare in plains and taiga biomes.
male/female variations. They can drop eggs. Rare spawns.
DrakeTheWarrior's Suggestion:
3 blocks tall. Neutral. Spawns are rare in plains. Similar to an ostrich. Has feathers.
male/female variations. They can drop eggs. Rare spawns.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
DrakeTheWarrior's Suggestion:
4.5 blocks tall, has some feathers. Aggresive like the polar bear. Spawns are rare in taiga, tundra, and savannah biomes.
should have a white variant found in tundra biomes, like a giant polar T. rex
male/female variations. They can drop eggs. Rare spawns.
Bilby (Macrotis)
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Rats
Behaviour: Passive, Nocturnal (Spawn at night).
Variants: No
Tamable: Yes
How to Tame: 1 Apple or 1 Red Mushroom or 2 Brown.
Ridable/Holdable/Follower: Holding
Breedable: Yes, very slow, but like bunnies.
Baby size: Slightly smaller than a mouse
Baby time: ~3 Minecraft days
Biomes: "Hot" Biomes (Savannah, Desert, Red Desert) NO HUMID BIOMES like Jungle biomes.
Spawn group size: 1-2
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: Between a Bunny and a Rat
Speed: Same as Rat
Drops if no new item: Seeds, Fur
Drops if new item: Raw Bilby (same as Raw Rat)
Fun Fact: Bilbies don't need to drink water, all their hydration needs are in the food they eat, like insects, fruit, mushrooms and small animals.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as Pigs
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 2.5 hearts (I am serious)
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes
How to Tame: 5-10 Carrots.
Ridable/Holdable/Follower: Follower
Breedable: Iffy, for balance reasons, no. If yes, 5-10 Potatoes.
Baby size: Slightly smaller than a mouse
Baby time: 4 Minecraft days for the baby (Joey) to grow up.
Biomes: Any grassy biome with low water (No swamps or jungles)
Spawn group size: 1-3
Spawn rate: Slightly Rare
Size: Just smaller than a pig, a bit fatter.
Speed: Not too slow, but not as fast as the play (90% speed?).
Drops if no new item: Raw Porkchops, Fur
Drops if new item: Raw Bilby (same as Raw Rat)
11Mooneye's Suggestion:
Wombats would be found in plains or savanas possibly would could make them some sort of "wombat hole" OR you could design them like moles how they dig under ground but make it so that wombats don't dig down when scared only when attacked, tameable like pandas and if attack charge at the player or dig under ground.
atley9999's Suggestion:
atley9999's Suggestion:
atley9999's Suggestion:
IrishRaven's Suggestion:
Who doesn't love whales?! Large majestic creatures that just make the endless ocean biomes that we have all ran into at some stage that little bit more interesting. If I wanted to be really greedy I'd say different types such as the Blue, Humpback, Orca and just more sea life in general.
Shagarath's Suggestion:
non-tameable (to big)
Passive but may crush your boat/pull you down into the ocean if you get to close to the tail.
Yakulong's Suggestion:
they breake your boat if you touch them.
tamable but really hard! like 2 or 3 stack of fish, whale hein, that's eat a lot!
maybe riding, but i'm not sure
you can breed them but it's have to be really long and hard, and the baby will not be tamed. i would say a 15 salmon each and they can't breed for like 5 minecraft days or more.
that would be a good idea to add a bigh fishnet or another items.
Sperm Whales
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
Sperm whales would be nice, as we truely need a giant mob in the oceans, they would be neutral and would have 75 hearts of health, they deal 15 hearts of damage per attack.
IrishRaven's Suggestion:
Find string can be a pain in the behind at times so why not make a bug we can keep as a pet that spins string? Would make things very interesting though to keep the challenge I would make them rare to find.
Shagarath's Suggestion:
non- tameable
crushes boat/ inflicts damage on swimming players
Yakulong's Suggestion:
black or brown
aggressive mob
can't tame it, you can carry it in a fish net but will still attack you if yu release it.
you can't breed it
they can destroy your boat, and will try to ''eat'' if you are reading an animal (dolphin) so the dolphin will receive hight dammage but not the player. if you are not riding, they can cath you like the crocodile.
Shagarath's Suggestion:
tamable (for those who want that)
Passive, non-attacking
inflicts half a heart of damage if "walked on"
(if has thorns, duh
Hedgehogs wold spawn at night, and hide in the forest at day.
Curls into a ball if attacked or walked on.
Kind of like the Ninja Turtles easter egg, if you name it Sonic it should turn blue.
Shagarath's Suggestion:
hostile if attacked or walked on
inflicts 0,5-1 heart of damage
Porcupine would spawn on plains and hide in small 1*1*3 deep holes in hills (small porcupine caves) if attacked by another mob.
Hizkoh's Suggestion:
I know it will be cool! Like the bears and foxes, they'd mess with the dogs, but not attack players. tamed with seeds, perhaps?
Lukas_Art's Suggestion:
tamable with 10 seeds OR sunflower
be cute <3
It can remove big grass and give seeds to player
Hamster is atacked by cats and foxes
Hamster can be on player's shoulder if Player Right Click it
Hamster is very fast - 5x faster than player
Drop seeds |"rare" sunflower|
It can be found in forest and plains
EmileeRoseGaming's Suggestion:
Color: Beige and Grey Koalas
Biome: Jungles Up in trees.
Tamed by: Sugar lumps (10)
Transportation: Pet Amulets/Leads
Drops: Fur
Locksoli's Suggestion:
An alternative for rabbits come 1.8. They live in acacia trees, and they eat sugar cane and a new item called eucalyptus. Can be tameable, and can either be on the players head, or shoulders. They could also be put back on trees, even if tamed. So if a person just happened to be making a zoo, they could keep the koalas from moving too much.
GrinningMoon's Suggestion:
I haven't seen this suggested before but I think adding Rhinos would be a great idea for deserts or more so grasslands.
Neutral (Passive until provoked)
Similar health to bears but with a resistance effect on them for armor (tough hide)
Melee Attack
Bucking, can swing it's head/horn which applies a knockback/melee damage and creates space between the player and rhino
Charging, lowers its head and after a short time pursues the player in a straight line with a short speed boost, if the player is struck it deals massive damage (2x, 3x melee?)
I think they should both be able to be tamed and breed (similar to horses, but maybe more challenging?). Once tamed, the player can use the rhino's charge ability (similar to jump with horses) but maybe with an exhaust sideaffect afterwards.
Leather, Horn (small chance for a horn that can maybe crafted into an actually horn or used as a weapon), XP
Lilcuz's Suggestion:
Hearts: 50
Damage: 7 half hearts
YassinBlackG's Suggestion:
Think about a rhino with the texture of a elephant. if Drzhark makes a rhino make it as realistic as the elephants and mammoths
Hp: baby Half of the adults: (example: if a adult has 40 HP then the baby wil have 20 HP)
adult: (look at types)
Attack damage: 8 (wooly rhino has 7 because it already has 10 more HP)
Types/kinds: Wooly Rhino (Taiga) HP: 50
White Rhino (desert/savannah) HP: 40
Black Rhino (desert/savannah) HP: 40
Javan/Sumatra Rhino (jungle/forest) HP: 40 (it has 1 horn so yeah)
Rideable: Yes
Rarety: Very rare because they are almost extinct (except for wooly rhino that is extinct XD)
height: 3 - 5 blocks it should be a challenge to find one because they are overpowerd and good
Food/tame item: Sugar lumps
Store amulet: Pet amulet
Drops: Wooly and Sumatra Rhino: Fur (Sumatra rhino has fur on its body :0)
Black and White Rhino: Hide
All rhino's: Rhino horn
Items : (new) Rhino tusk/horn: (Wood/iron/gold/diamond)
(new) Rhino Chest
(new) Rhino Harness
(new) Big mammal fence (special fence wich cant be broken by tusks or horns)
(new) Rhino tools and armor
(new) Big mammal food (special food that can be fed for health, it can be crafted by using apples and sugarlumps
Extra option: Rhino's will defend zebra's and deer's if you attack
M_b11's Suggestion:
grasslands, deserts, savanas
attacks played if too close
tamable only by using lasso and using the jump on kick off taming method
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
The next idea I have is for rhinoceroses. Big, burly animals only exceeded in size by elephants, these savanna herbivores are neutral, but they're also territorial - get too close for too long, and they will charge you. Despite their size, they can move quite quickly, and they don't take knockback. Can be tamed with a shitload of wheat, although young ones can be tamed with apples (Good luck getting it away from momma, though). Once tamed, you can saddle them and put chests on their backs, as well as special coverings for the horns, like with elephants and their tusk armor.
Three subspecies exist:
-Jungle rhinoceros: Smaller than the normal rhino, will flee rather than fight, but will attack if cornered. Found in jungles, based on Javan rhinoceros.
-Durer's rhinoceros: Covered in bony metallic-grey armor, found in extreme hills biomes. Lots more health, lots more damage.
-Woolly rhinocers: Largest of them all, found in tundra and taiga.
Yimmy7's Suggestion:
Biomes: Desert, Savannah. During the day will burrow, during the night can be found eating bugs.
Tamable: Yes, give them some kind of bug (make it so that when you kill a bug it will drop itself as an item?)
Drops: none
Behavior: Will burrow into blocks such as sand or dirt during the day, at night will find bugs and eat them. Passive
Appearance: Grey with noticable ears and tail, and long snout.
Red Panda
iTurtleSaur's Suggestion:
So I've been wondering and I always loved the famous Red Panda, and it even stars on shows like the cartoon The Legend of Korra, which Pabu the Fire Ferret, and the Fire Ferret is a exact copy of the Red Panda.
Heres some details on what could be added with the Red Panda
Red Pandas spawn in Jungles and forests. They like to climb trees and hide in small holes. They can be tamed using Sugar Cane or Sugar. They will act like Kitties, which need lots of attention. They will not have emotions, but items for them, like Cave Houses or like Bamboo Shoot Houses (made out of sugar cane) They could also come with place-able
sticks to climb on.
Red pandas could be bred using Sugar Lumps, as of because Red Pandas in wilderness and in captivity have a taste for sugary foods. Baby Red Pandas and Regular Red Pandas are very playful. There could be Pet Bowls for Kittys and both Red Pandas, made out of iron. Red Pandas can be fed milk, sugar cane, or oak leaves. (red pandas like eating leaves too) Red pandas can be neutral, since in real life, if you annoy or disturb or hurt it, they fight back
Hizkoh's Suggestion:
Use the raccoon skin... just red... and tame it with whatever giant pandas are tamed with
Locksoli's Suggestion:
A re-skinned python, that can grow really big. Like, big enough to ride. Also, there would be a in joke there like with zebras. We all know what it could be.
Locksoli's Suggestion:
Because why not. They would probably have pouches with young in them, and certain ones can be hostile if provoked, kicking you and knocking you back. They would also hop.
Hizkoh's Suggestion:
Red, Grey, and Wallaroo. When killed, drop a baby kangaroo (not a mob). When right-clicking with the baby kangaroo in your hand, guess what? "What would you like to name your pet?" You get a tamed baby kangaroo that you can ride later (?).
M_b11's Suggestion:
savanas deserts
small groups 3-5
tameable by killing mom and having baby drop from pouch
sounds terrible ik
Tasmanian Devil
11Mooneye's Suggestion:
These would act like raccons however they would only be tameable by raw pork/beef/chicken, they'd spawn in jungles or forests but they would be fairly rare. However you could also make them like the big cats, where you can only take there babies, however you would just feed them meat and not need a medaleon
Lilcuz's Suggestion:
Hearts: 30
Damage: 8 half hearts
Tamable like cows
Breedable like cows
Find them in herds
Lilcuz's Suggestion:
Hearts: 50
Damage: 4 half hearts
Mewmochi's Suggestion:
Giraffes would be passive and tameable.
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in groups of 4-5
eats hay or leaf blocks
Bearded Vulture
Cybercat5555's Suggestion:
HP: 10, 13, or 15 (more on this later)
Damage: 2, 3, or 5
Bearded Vultures, or Lammergeiers, are found high up in Extreme Hills and other "Hilly" biomes. They can be tamed with bones or iron ingots, though it is easier to tame them with iron ingots. After tamed, a bearded vulture will follow the player if right-clicked with a bone, or told to stay (it will still roam a bit, but not get too far) if right-clicked with an iron ingot. Bearded vultures will automatically attack any undead mob (though it prioritizes skeletons and related) it sees, and is attracted to iron ore, bars, or blocks. They come in three colors with varying degrees on rarity and strength- buff/white-common-weak,orange-uncommon-stronger, and red-rare-strongest. They can be bred with any kind of raw or rotten meat, other than fish. The iron association is because real-life Bearded Vultures love iron oxide and use it to dye their feathers (really).
alpacafan's Suggestion:
I think this animal would provide and interesting addition to the Mo' Creatures™ mod. I hope the Mo' Creatures community will support this notion and will use this thread to discuss the various abilities that can be incorporated into the mob design and game play elements attributed to it.
Alpacas truly would enhance the experiences players have when using this mod. These fantastic creatures would add a whole new world of possibilities to gameplay as players gain the ability to start new alpaca farms, where they can harvest wool and tame alpacas for both riding and just have for a trusty companion. Imagine looking out your Minecraft window to the beautiful, flowering meadow outside and seeing majestic alpacas roaming the lands.
Juan_The_Legend's Suggestions:
You should make large koi which can be tamed by dropping algae, which will grow in jungle waters and in swamps, if you tap 2 tamed koi with algae they will mate but you can't be around and no koi can be around, once they have successfully mated, they will drop an egg which will hatch after 1 minecraft day, you can name it once it hatched. koi can be found in jungles. Also, add koi ponds but you need to fill it, koi ponds automatically grow algae, in order to tame a koi you must catch it with a net and place it in the pond, then you can tame it.
juonmydog's Suggestion:
How 'bout some Tarantulas
they are becoming a common household pet so why not make them tamable,although They could act kind of like the snakes do, but more docile on the species ^^ they arent seen in very many mods and I would really like the see a Mexican Red Knee in minecraft :3 (Apparently Tarantulas are Fragile so the health maybe needs to be low :T)
hikikomoon's Suggestion:
I would love AXOLOTLSSSSS.
Health: 2-3 Hearts
Behaviour: Neutral
Damage: None. Run when attacked by player.
Variants: Yes. Pink and white, gold and blue/grey and brown.
Tameable: YESSSS!
How to Tame: 1-2 fish.
Biomes: On beaches of lakes, ponds, oceans, etc.
Spawn rate: Common
Size: Slightly smaller than the size of medium fish.
Drops: Unless he'd be willing to add axolotl meat, I'd say nothing.
I would love them to be super cute, kinda like this skin?

spires33's Suggestion:
axolotl spawn in lakes and rivers.

wild: has no special anything, just looks cool.
bioluminescent: spawns super rare and is a living light source. and glowing when its night or in dark places.
drops: wild drops Axolotl Blood, that can be made into a regen potion bio drop axolotl blood or can be picked up to be put in a jar and used for a source of light.
Can be captured in fishnets:
they can be bred by giving them fish. if a wild and bio breed it will produce 2 babies, one wild and one bio.
glowing bio
hikikomoon's Suggestion:
Health: 4-5 Hearts
Behaviour: Neutral
Damage: Half a heart.
Variants: Yes.
Tameable: YES, YES, YES.
How to Tame: Basically any kind of food/seeds.
Biomes: All but ocean, mushroom islands and ice spike plains.
Breedable: Yes.
How to breed: Give two rats a new item, made up of melon, pumpkin and/or wheat seeds and worms to make "Rat Mix"
Spawn rate: Common
Size: A little bigger than the already added mice.
Drops: Raw rat
Big Fish
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Beluga sturgeon: Spawns in river biomes; sizes range from 2 to 4 blocks long. Drops raw fish and raw caviar. Passive to players.
Arapaima: Spawns in jungle biomes; sizes range from 1 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw fish; will also attack smaller fish, even piranhas. Neutral to players.
Mekong giant catfish: Spawns in swamp biomes: sizes range from 2 to 3.5 blocks long. Drops raw fish. Passive to players.
Giant snakehead: Spawns in swamp biomes; sizes range from 2 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw fish; will attack and kill anything smaller than it that gets near it; can also haul itself onto land for a short period of time. Extremely hostile to players. Does 3-5 damage.
Taimen: Spawns in taiga biomes; sizes range from 1 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw salmon. Passive to players.
Alligator gar: Spawns in swamp biomes; about the same size as a crocodile. Drops raw fish; will attack crocodiles on sight and will hunt smaller fish and animals. Neutral to players. Does 3-5 damage.
Nile perch: Spawns in swamp biomes; about the size of a vanilla wolf, but can be as big as a large black bear. Drops raw fish; will eat any smaller fish it can catch. Neutral to players. Does 1-3 damage.
Wels catfish: Spawns in forest biomes; ranges from 2 to 4.5 blocks in length. Drops raw fish; attacks and eats anything smaller than it in the water. Hostile to players. Does 2-3 damage.
Piraiba catfish: Spawns in jungle biomes; ranges from 2 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw fish; attacks and eats anything smaller than it in the immediate radius. Neutral to players. Does 2-3 damage.
Goliath tigerfish: Spawns in jungle and swamp biomes; ranges from 1 to 2 blocks long. Drops raw fish; attacks and kills virtually anything else in the water. Hostile to players. Does 4-5 damage.
Chinook salmon: Spawns in tundra and ocean biomes; sizes range from 1 to 2 blocks long. Drops raw salmon. Passive to players.
Goonch catfish: Spawns in swamp biomes; sizes range from 1 to 2.5 blocks long. Drops raw fish; will attack and kill anything smaller than it. Hostile to players. Does 3-4 damage.
Chinese paddlefish: Spawns in river biomes; sizes range from 1 to 2 blocks long. Drops raw fish. Passive to players.
White sturgeon: Spawns in river biomes; sizes range from 1 to 3 blocks long. Drops raw fish. Passive to players.
Kaluga: Spawns in river and ocean biomes; sizes range from 1 to 3.5 blocks long. Drops raw fish. Neutral to players. Does 1-2 damage.
Giant freshwater stingray: Spawns in river and swamp biomes; sizes range from 2 to 4 blocks long and 2 to 5 blocks wide. Drops raw fish. Neutral to players. Does 2-3 damage.
Ocean sunfish: Spawns in ocean biomes; 3.5 blocks long and 3 blocks tall. Will occasionally leap out of the water. Passive to players.
Hell Pigs (Entelodonts)
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
A gigantic entelodont with saber teeth, these monstrous pigs are only slightly smaller than elephants, living alone or in pairs in savanna biomes. While extremely hostile towards players, they can occasionally spawn alongside one to three piglets, much like boars. These piglets can be tamed with large amounts of carrots and used as powerful mounts once they grow up.
Image (Note mine:)
Giant Centipedes
creeperkiller196's Suggestion:
Health: Somewhere around 10 hearts (20hp)
Behavior: Similar to spiders and scorpions
Damage: Somewhere around 2 hearts (4hp) inflicts the poison debuff
Variants: Same as scorpions
Tameable: Most likely
How to Tame: Raise a centipede egg
Rideable : I'd assume so
Spawn Area: Dark places (like most hostile mobs) and The Nether (Nether variant only)
Spawn Rate: Slightly less common than scorpions
Drops: 0-1 Centipede egg, EXP and anything DrZhark thinks they should drop
This would give Bane of Arthropods another use
Of course, DrZharks could decide to change any of this if he chooses to add this to the mod

Gulper Eels
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
Gulper eels would be something unexpected but would also make a great addition, they have 2.5 hearts in helath and deal 1.5 hearts in damage when attacked, they eat small fish in one and swim away from goblin sharks.
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
I want to see seals, specifically three different seals; harp seals, elephant seals and leopard seals;
Harp seals have 9 hearts of health and deal 2.5 hearts per attack, leopard seals have 14 hearts and deal 5 hearts per attack, and elephant seals have 24 hearts of health and deal 8 hearts per attack.
TrendedRatchet's Suggestion:
The Basics:
A chameleon will be hard to find as they blend in when you get within a 5-7 block radius of them so you have to be careful as all you can see is the steps its taking and the noises it makes. also as it moves onto a different block it changes colors.
There is a different type for every biome. For example if you find a plains one it will be naturally green once tamed. If you get a ocean one it will be Blue as so forth. These are non-aggressive mobs. You tame this mob by hunting down bugs and using a new item called a "fly squatter" to kill them and get bug meat/guts. You can also use a jar to store bugs for later (one jar holds up to 10 bugs) As the chameleons hunger or heath goes down like a dog it changes colors Green is VERY healthy as Red is VERY low. Chameleons have a 10 health bar. If you hold them they change to the color of your Armour and an amazing thing even absorb the durability for themselves. IF you make armour out of reptile skin you can now dye it and put it on them as you hold shift.
Tameable: Yes
Tamed with: Bug Guts
New items added: Bug Jar, Chameleon Pouch, Dye-able reptile armor, Fly Squatter, Reptile Cage
Health: 10
Biomes: All
YOU CAN MAKE TOOLS AND ARMOUR FROM: Chameleon Claws (idk wip)
*Extra Note*: The Reptile cage is a glass block thats see threw with a black rim around the top that you can right click while holding your chameleon and put him away. (Retrieve him by right clicking again)
BloodFromALes' Suggestion:
Hostile or Neutral: Passive (breaking the rules)
Amount of HP: 30hp
Biome mob can be found in: Desert
Drops when Killed: 0-2 hide,
Tameable: Yes
How do you tame?: 10 wheat or 1 hay bale.
How do you store them?: Amulet
Any special traits?: They can be a mount to 1 or 2 people with required amount of saddles (Explained under basic description) and once every few minutes the camel will spit, making (if near or on) tilled soil fertile, as if next to water.
Basic description of the mob: Camels spawn in herds of 2-5, normally consisting of mostly adults and one or 2 babies. Very rarely (like a 1.5% chance) a camel can spawn with 2 humps. Normal camels need one saddle to be ridden, but if a double humped camel is equipped with 2 saddles, an additional player can ride on the camel's back.
Images: (Show us what the mob might look like, can be drawn by you or just use photos you can find)
Any extra ideas: Camels can be equipped with chest, similar to the donkey or mule
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in desert and one lives in taiga
tameable with hay
spits if attacked
M_b11's Suggestion:
biome: grasslands
Health: 4-6 hearts
runs very fast when it sees player
when killed drops leather and pronghorn steak
M_b11's Suggestion:
tiaga or snow covered plains
lives in groups 4-8
eats hay
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in large groups
herd protects babies
attacks if u get too close; takes 2 hearts each hit
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in jungle
very rare
tamable only with golden apples
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives on hilly coastline
large groups 10-16
tameable with fish
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives in plains forrests
Runs from player
drops feathers
M_b11's Suggestion:
live on beaches and small island
if u go too close they jump into the water
tamabke with fish
drops blubber
African Buffalo
M_b11's Suggestion:
larger herds
attack if too close
M_b11's Suggestion:
live on plains and in woods
follow player around at a distance
takes things from the players tool bar and runs
(Mostly food)
M_b11's Suggestion:
lives by/in rivers lakes
tameabke with fish
not aggresive
M_b11's Suggestion:
build dams
rivers lakes
tameable with wood blocks
drops fur pelt that makes fur hat
M_b11's Suggestion:
herds of 5-10
very skiddish
run from everything but other gazelle
drop leather
Prairie Dog
M_b11's Suggestion:
live in mounds
tameable with seeds
lives in groups of 3-8
M_b11's Suggestion:
hunts mammoths
tameable with medal
attacks player unless snuck up on
Drops claw
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Small raccoon-like animal with red fur and a long tail held upright like a flagpole. Spawns in groups in savannas and jungles. Can be tamed with fruit, insects, and/or eggs.
Continues in next post to bypass character limit.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Fictional/Mythological Mobs
Original Ideas
Enlargened Creatures
Unknown or contains other colours within
Giant Hawk
aashford's Suggestion:
like Trainable Hawks but can be ridden, more powerful. Drops feathers, eggs.
Giant Insects
General Insects
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: 2-3 hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 1 Heart standard (+ Poison for Cockroaches and Maggots)
Variants: Various Insects
Tameable: Yes, Only Snails, Butterflies and Moths
How to Tame: Any Vegetable or Fruit for Snails, Flowers for Butterflies and String for Moths
Rideable: Yes, the 3 tameable ones move at the same speed as the player. Moths and Butterflies can fly
Breedable: No
Biomes: All biomes where normal insects spawn
Spawn size: 1-4 per group
Spawn rate: Uncommon
Size: Large enough to look fearsome but not too big.
Drops: 0-2 Raw Insect Leg
Giant Caterpillars
bluelightning123's Suggestion:
I like to see giant caterpillars they don't do much the can be farm animals the spawn on giant leaves which can generate around the world the caterpillars can be killed to food and unfortunately this big critters get hunted by almost any hostile mob.
Giant Slugs
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
You can never have too many giant insects, and the caves need some more cuddly things. The giant slug is there to solve both problems! About the size of a cow, these guys are ridiculously slow, but they're versatile: they can climb walls and even ceilings easily, and their soft bodies mean that they don't take fall damage and they can squeeze through one-block-wide holes. When killed, they drop slugflesh (Gives nausea when eaten raw, but when cooked, it's quite filling), slimeballs, and slime sheets - stick it onto the side or bottom of a block, and you've got essentially an upgraded ladder. Thanks to their sticky bodies, slugs don't need a saddle to be ridden: just right-click on them with a leaf on a stick (Crafted like a carrot on a stick, but with a leaf block or sapling of any kind instead of, well, a carrot) and you're good to go! Going too slow for you? Give the slug a piece of sugar (Maybe a sugar cube?) and its speed increases by 25%, maxing out at about the same speed as a Tier 2 horse (Takes a ton of sugar, obviously.) Also, when you're attacking these guys, there's a low chance that your sword will get stuck in the slug's flesh, wrenching it from your hands. The weapon will drop when the slug is killed, but it can still be very irritating.
Giant Crab
MohawkyMagoo's Suggestion:
aspade01's Suggestion:
Small slug like creatures that enter mobs and changes there behavior.
Doesn't attack you directly, but makes all mobs that they enter hostile.
Every now and then the infected mobs release a sliver.
The A.I. of hostile mobs they enter changes to that of a zombie.
Infected zombies don't try to shoot their bows and infected creepers don't explode, but both try traveling toward you like zombies.
Endermen can't be infected.
user_316165's Suggestion:
only spawns on small islands and is rather rare, swims at 3/4 the speed of a boat at full speed, deals two to three hearts of damage to an unarmoured player and has a 25% chance to ignore armour. The siren sings at random intervals, which paralyzes the player from the point they hear it until a few seconds after it finishes. Encounters are always potentially fatal as a result of this, so the monster only spawns on hard difficulty. Protection enchantments on your headgear cancel out the effect of the siren's song. Maximum of three spawn at any given time, although it's very unlikely more than one will spawn at any given time.
Kelpie (Water horse)
spiritrider13's Suggestion:
Water Horse (Kelpie) – Horsemob (hostile) found in oceans and if you kill it you get an occasional heart of water and leather (similar to nightmares and bathorses). You would give a zorse an essence of water to obtain a tamed kelpie.
Water (similar to fire) + Heart of water + Glass Bottle = Essence of Water
This horse would be able to take the player under water when ridden with a . Sharks would not attack the player. Can move under water similar to a dolphin and is water breathing. The kelpie would have all four legs and a normal tail. It must look exactly like this:
When a kelpie is given an essence of light underwater, it gains wings that are like those of a flying ghost horse but look like water. This makes the kelpie able to fly above water
boogsterally's Suggestion:
Its a creature that lives under Ice and when you walk over ice it like shoots up the ice in the air throwing you up too
Micblobb's Suggestion:
(a huge underwater creature with tentacles) spawns only one per world.
Votp123's Suggestion:
Catastrophically large and rare sea dwelling serpentine monster, downs any boats that stray into it's territory and picks off any survivors as food. Has a huge amount of health, is hostile unless raised from an egg, drops rare items when killed. Useful for fast transport between landmasses due to sheer size and high swimming speed. Can cause storms and flooding when enraged or disturbed. Sleeps at bottom of oceans.
Francisco_Scaramanga_Jr's Suggestion:
Spawn place: deep Deep DEEEEP Oceans during thunderstorms
Looks like: a giant whale with red glowing eyes, with scales made out of some kind of a hard stone material, maybe stone fused with bedrock? The body is a blue-ish gray color and smoke particles come out of the mouth. It has many fins and the Leviathan can be either the regular one or the Elder Leviathan. The Elder has a pale blue and white color, with the main difference having strange white fur around it's skin, like some kind of a moss
Special abilities: it can breath fire underwater, which causes the ocean to "boil". And that means the materials that are burnable slowly start to burn. It can also eat blocks below it and ram into them
How to defeat it: At the first, "raw" form it's invincible. Whoa whoa whoa WAIT! Did I say invincible? "But Francis, have you gone mad again? THAT'S TOO OP!". First things first, I'M A MAD SCIENTIST, remember? Secondly, I say that I didn't finish the sentence! Yes, it is invincible, but you must come there prepared. Remember I said it has these weird scales? They can either get worn off by ramming too much into obsidian OR if you hit them couple of times with the Pickdrax, a powerful hammer that's made with this recipe:
S = scorpion stinger
M = Manticore's stinger
B = blaze rod
O = obsidian
So, when the scales fall of, you must quickly stab the Leviathan's skin which is now vulnerable, or it enters the tantrum mode. When the tantrum is on, it shoots fire vortexes and has a possibility of sending red signals from it's eyes, which if they hit you give the "Fear" debuff, which is basically a crazy blindness debuff that tints the screen red. When the Leviathan dies, it's corpse will stay on the ground until you break all it's scales , which are also a crafting material.
Drops: Leviathan Scales, Essence of Fire (Or Darkness if Elder), and it's eyes which are the Potion of Fear's ingridient
HP: 250 or 350 if Elder
Death animation: It's skin starts cracking and you can notice the space between scales is filling with lava. After the whole body is smoking, it explodes, leaving only it's scales still there like a hollow shell
aashford's Suggestion:
Jungle area - attacks with poison darts and tenticles - drops flowers,wood.
Cornish Mining Spirits (Knockers)
Moldiworp2's Suggestion:
similar to dwarf yet smaller and only spawns below y-30, has increased chance of a spawn if its close to an abandoned mineshaft and/or diamond(?) This would make it an inherently rare mob. Makes the sound of a miner digging every now and then, very shy and will flee the player on sight. Kill them and they drop random ores (rarely diamonds) and a pickaxe up to iron. Once you set your eyes on one, they would teleport as soon as they're out of your line of vision, but only a short distance (20 blocks at most?) Perhaps make a sound when they (land?) from teleporting, so you could sort of track them. Just like your classic vanishing Leprechaun/Fairy myth, blink and they're gone. They would look like a grubby little Dwarf with a rucksack over one shoulder, perhaps pick in hand. In mythology they would play tricks on miners, leading them to their doom or 'just' making them lost
Elemental Bats
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
fire bats - burns the player
ice bats - freeze water and drops snow as it flies (like snow golems
Mythra's Suggestion:
Can only be found flying through the air, not on land, can create lightning to attack.
sukamaki's Suggestion:
when lightning strikes a bird it becomes a thunderbird
sukamaki's Suggestion:
(desert) Very Rare, Neutral mob, agressive when attacked, atacks do fire damage to player, immune to fire, tameable, Fly when ordered, find drops, bring them back for you, kill other creatures like the way tamed wolves do, colorful plumage with tail of gold and scarlet or purple, blue, and green, can only be spawned in day, Drops 1 fire orb and (Pheonix egg maybe?).
leonelmegaman's Suggestion:
Health: 30 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 6 Hearts
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes.
How to Tame:Wild ones when killed spawn a baby one that can be tamed with netherwart
Breedable: No
It follows you and leaves fire particles behind it also it can eat magma cream to help you battle wild mobs.
Biomes: Nether only
Spawn size: 1-2
Spawn rate: RARE
Size: 1 Block
Drops:Exp,Feathers,hearth of fire(common)and fire
user_316165's Suggestion:
Similar to ogres in some ways. Trolls throw smoothstone blocks from a distance and pick up and throw the player at close range. Exposure to daylight turns them to stone permanently. Trolls drop smoothstone when killed, regardless of cause of death.
7 Sin Themed Enemies
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
all very rare
lust- looks like a succubus will drains health of player player freezes if they look at her
pride- stays a set distance from the player and attacks with arrows (can fly or dig though some blocks if necessary) avoids all animals and can be cornered if you use this to your advantage.
envy - when aggro on the player will mirror the players movements and actions including using sword and tools digging and building and the placing of lava/water.
wrath- charges the player sets activated tnt
Greed - steals from the player picks up blocks could look like an enderman with a crown and jewels drops lots of loot upon death including what it steals.
sloth- invincible when standing still will freeze if a player is near by however he could be afraid of things
gluttony- tons of health eats animals to heal and will attempt to eat you and your pets drops tons of food upon death
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
basically a zombie for the dessert only is very flammable drops better loot but has a higher attack power
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
human form during the night, is a normal looking bat during the day, drains player health, weak to wood swords and sticks and avoids water
user_316165's Suggestion:
Only active during the night, turn to bedrock-strength stone during the day. In order to render vulnerable during the day, the player needs to surround the gargoyle with a certain type of block or some such. When killed at night, the gargoyle gives additional experience; killed during the day, it drops a replica block of its stationary form that can be used for decoration.
WaR_x_Hazard's Suggestion:
A wolf model but black and glowing orange, yellow, or red eyes. Tamed with a fire charge. Drops scorched bones. I was thinking this would go great in the Nether
Immune to fire. Kill-able by any sword and by sword only. (no fist or any other item in the game) Inflicts fire damage over time. (like poison from spiders) Attacks when you are near them to long. (2-3 blocks away for about 5 seconds)To indicate that you are to close they start with a low growl that gets louder and louder over 5 seconds.
GrinningMoon's Suggestion:
Create a red/molten reskin of the wwolf (or vanilla) and add another head.
Similar health to wwolves
Melee Attack, applies fire effect
Double Bite, both mouths bite down at the same time, deals double melee damage
Latch, one head bites down similar to crocs while the other head continuously bites you (applies melee damage every couple seconds until you or it dies, only one hellhound can latch you at a time)
No and No
Heart of Fire?, blaze powder, hide, XP
No Submitted Details. Original description: Rare, very large reptile. Lots of HP, and do great damage. Different types depending on biome.
-Red: Lives in or near lava, fireproof, breathes fire. In the Nether hides in lava and eats Ghasts. -Black: Spawn at night or in the Nether, very aggressive, has area of effect attack. -Brown: Lives in mountain biomes, avoids being in sight of player, but attacks if player comes close. -Blue: Lives in water, usually ocean biomes. Has water jet breath attack. Can grab player and attempt to drown them. -Green: Smaller than most dragons, lives in forests, does not attack unless provoked. Uses biome colors to change its appearance. -White: Lives in Tundra, freezes water, causes snow storms, lots of health. -Gray: The smallest of Dragons, lives in caves, very aggressive in protecting its territory. Can dig through stone. -Gold: Rarest, Largest and toughest of all Dragons, lives primarily in desert. -Pink: Friendly, flies, only attacks if provoked.
No Submitted Details. Original description: A combination of a spider and a velociraptor.
Leaving this suggestion here because it is awesome, I really wish this makes it into the mod.
Picture was found by Glarnboudin, so I added it.
Mushroom Dinosaur
Mythra's Suggestion:
Rare and found only in mushroom biome, Shroomasaurus.
Recila's Suggestion:
Smallish creature with the head and body of a rooster, dragonian wings, and a plume of feathers at the tail. Spawns in Forests and Plains, and is sort of rare. You can spawn one yourself by placing a chicken egg near a turtle :3. Poisonous creature, it's attacks do four hearts worth of damage, and it hunts cows, but doesn't touch chickens.
user_316165's Suggestion:
Large, bull-headed humanoid wielding a two-handed axe. Spawns only on hard mode, as its hits, while slow to power up, deal massive damage. Charges in a straight line toward the player if a certain distance between it and them is reached. The player and anything else struck by the charge are knocked backward, and at least ten blocks into the air (random variable). If the minotaur charges and strikes a two-high wall, it takes damage and is temporarily stunned by the impact.
Deezcrackalacka's Suggestion:
One of the mythical cats which has Human head. It's almost as huge as dragons and it sits and stays in one place and one place only. It will only attack once the curious player tickles its toes BUT then it will go back to where it sat before once the player either dies or gets away from his/her inevitable death. Sphinx's spawn rate is quite rare but should easily be spotted if the player venture to desert biome for quite a while. It drops golden sword, soul sand and Fire Charge once defeated.
Locksoli's Suggestion:
Sphinx would come in 3 varieties. The human headed variety, the goat variety, or the falcon headed variety. All varieties have lion bodies. Sometimes, they have wings. Falcon and goat headed sphinxes attack on sight, while human headed sphinxes only attack when agitated, like crocodiles or snakes. Goat headed sphinxes would be untameable. Falcon headed sphinxes would drop eggs, Human headed sphinxes would have some sort of special way of taming them, like solving a riddle or something.
Recila's Suggestion:
A creature whose forebody has the appearance of an eagle, but from the mid-back on, it is a lion. Spawns in handmade nests of wheat and gold (Place the wheat in a circle around the gold). When a gryffon spawns, it is not tamed, and will attack any nearby horses. How do you tame it? Ruthlessly murder horses to gain up to 10 slabs of horse meat. Gryffons may need anywhere from 3 to 9 pieces of meat to be tamed, but the instant you attack it, you may not tame it again.
Locksoli's Suggestion:
well, you can breed an eagle an a lion, but only a small chance gets you a griffon. Killing a wild griffon would yield an egg, or you could tame it like you would a wyvern. They'd probably only spawn in hill biomes, and they might have special spots were they have little nests surrounded by gold blocks and ores. You could breed one with a horse to get a small chance of a hippogriff. Breeding an eagle and a lion may yeild an egg or a live birth, just as breeding two griffons or breeding for a hippogriff is the same. its a 50/50 chance for an egg when breeding is successful when its lion/eagle or griffon/horse. Once you have a griffon, you can make it into a special griffon. Giving it a fire essence would give you a lava colored griffon, with fiery eyes and wings made of fire. An essence of darkness would give a black griffon with black wings. An essence of undead would give eitther a zombie or skeleton griffon, and an essence of light gives a pure white griffon.
Xuarie's Suggestion:
a Hippogriff is a mixture of horse and Gryphon
gryphons would attack horses on sight
to get one, I was going to suggest that you'd need to feed a tamed gryphon a potion then bring a horse nearby and pen them up together. More than likely the Gryphon would simply eat the horse, but a small percentage of the time ( I was thinking maybe 5-15% of the time) you'd successfully breed them and you'd get a hippogriff, which would be faster than both of the parents.
Recila's Suggestion:
A passive mob that spawns in lakes and oceans. Feed it seaweed and place a saddle on it's back to tame it... There's really not much else. Much faster than dolphins...
ScottBiggins' Suggestion:
the half fish half horse mythical creature and to get one u have to kill a fish to get a small chance to get a Heart Of Water then u give it to a zorse then u get a Squid horse like a bat horse then a essence of light and bam a hippocampi also can u dye it either cyan,lime green,lapis lazuli to get those colors thank u
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
made by placing a jack o lantern on top of wool block (with levers on the sides for arms and a button on one side of it) on top of a fence post
emits light and scares all mobs away passive to all mobs
Western Zodiac Themed Creatures
IAreNinja's Suggestion:
extremely hard to kill, incredibly rare (only spawn each once per world) drop rare and valuable loot and lots of it, neutral to the player but will attack if you place block within 5 blocks of them( prevent the player from boxing them in), can walk though lava without being set on fire or injured.
Storm Serpents
Absol's Suggestion:
flying snakes that only appear in thunder/lightning storms, completely yellow, static-ike particles. I think that these could be tamable and ride able, but they must be in a dark room to be seen. Maybe ride able with a rubber saddle and can be tamed with cooked pork
Permanent Werewolf
MohawkyMagoo's Suggestion:
Underworld style Werewolf lord that does not change back from its werewolf form in sunlight
Essence Based BigCats
Cybercat5555's Suggestion:
Actually what it says on the tin. It gets sickly green skin, only have a few patches of nasty rotten fur in places. The skin is very tight on its bones, and torn in places, revealing its skeleton. When mounted, other undeads will not attack the player, unless attacked first. Also, when it attacks others, it will give them a minor nausea effect and may zombify other mobs it kills (30% chance), given that is able to get zombified, such as ostriches or scorpions. Possibly decays into a skeleton like the horses? Drops rotten flesh, claws, and Hearts of the Undead, also spawns in several maggots and occasionally a small-medium slime when killed.
Has bloodred, almost scale-like skin instead of fur, other than jet black fur along the spine, mane, back of legs, and tail-tip (maybe replace it with a stereotypical arrow devil-tail). However, it has slightly darker marking on it body reminiscent of the original cat (ex. tigers will still have stripes, cheetahs and leopards will still have spots), as well as overall looking more demonic. Immune to fire, and may ignite targets. Drops redstone, claws, and Hearts of Fire.
Has sleek, raven-like fur (as in, black with hints of green, blue, and purple in places), bright red eyes, quills instead of a mane (for all cats, not just male lions) and longer claws. Alternatively, it has no fur, only sleek metallic-black skin, or maybe it can have a mix of the raven-like and metallic skins. Regardless of how it looks, it still has darker markings that resemble the natural markings. When mounted, the player will get night vision, and may inflict blindness on the target. Drops claws and Hearts of Darkness.
Cats given an essence of light become a foo dog/lion. It has draconic scales on the front of the legs, and all types of cats get a majestic mane and long, thick fur on its tail and the back of the legs.
Still has slight spots or stripes depending on what it was before the potion. When ridden, the rider gets a mild regeneration effect, and cannot be poisoned (both the rider and the cat), and poison is cured as soon as mounted. When killed, drops an unicorn horn, in addition to claws. Strongest of all the cats.
Cheetahs and panthers both will come in a rare version- panthers can be pink, and cheetahs can have king cheetah-style markings. Both can be tamed at any age, not just cubs, but cubs are still easier to tame
Kirins are essentially Chinese unicorns, and have both horse/deer-like and reptilian traits. They often have mostly scaly skin, but with a long, flowing mane, stag-like antlers, hooves, and often have fire around/on them (or flame-like feathers/curled hair). Kirins can be ridden, and move at very fast speeds, are fire resistant, walk on lava (still can drown though), can buckle mobs like unicorns, and suffer no fall damage. Also, if you're on a Kirin and kill a mob, the killed mob will often yield more EX and loot (essentially looting without the need for enchants, any previous looting enchants will just be increased while on a Kirin), because Kirins are often related to luck and prosperity. Kirins are obtained in an unusual manner-they do not spawn naturally, instead you must feed a both a Wyvern AND a special horse (bat, unicorn, fairy, pegasus, etc) an essence of fire. Both original mobs are lost in the process, but you get a Kirin in turn. Kirins are unbreedable as well. Kirins can also be dyed like fairy horses by right-clicking them with any dye, which will change the color of their scales. This has no effect other than aesthetics and they can be re-dyed as wanted. They drop reptile hide, blaze powder, and fur when killed, as well as rarely a heart of fire. Kirins also produce flame particles, more than a Nightmare, but not as much as an Enderman.
Essence Based Emus (Can only be added if Emus are added)
atley9999's Suggestion:
Emu turns black when given a essence of darkness, they can not fly like dark ostriches but can run faster. They can leap larger gaps though (8 blocks).
Drops a heart of darkness and always one ostrich meat. Can be given a helmet.
If left alone with a normal baby emu the baby emu will be "raised" the same and will become a dark emu.
If left alone with a Baby Fire Emu, the emu will become corrupted and will turn dark purple with black and red. The corrupted emu will try and kill the player once it's dark colours appear, it drops a heart of undead. It cannot be tamed.
Emu looses lots of feathers and turns sickly green when given an essence of undead. Emu runs slower, but can serve a better purpose with the light emu. Emu has more health and regenerates it at night. Can be given a helmet. Will increase damage by 4 (2 heart) if attacking from emu back, making it slightly more valuable to combat.
Will attack corrupted emus. If an undead emu kills a corrupted emu, it drops a diamond but has a rare chance to drop Magic Emu Wings (probably needs a better name).
Emu cannot lay eggs.
Drops a heart of Undead and always one ostrich meat. Chance for rotten flesh too.
Emu lights on fire without taking damage when given essence of fire, while on fire it turns red then when complete the fire is put out. Emu egg could also be hatched in the Nether. Emu is immune to fire and will power up your attacks with fire aspects. Emu is slightly faster. Can be given helmet. Emu lays Purple eggs.
Purple Eggs will hatch more Fire Emu babies.
Emu turns angelic in appearance when given an essence of light. This emu runs slightly slower than the Dark emu and cannot catch on fire. This emu however cannot lay eggs or fly. It can fly if given 2 Magic Emu Wings.
After unlocking it's flight ability it can run as fast as the dark emu, has twice as much health and can heal in the day.
Emu does not have a horn and when killed has a 10% chance to drop one of it's wings. If no wings were added than it always drops 1 feather.
(This was so that every emu would need to be acquired before having the best emu)
Banshees from Avatar (Placeholder name)
Charlazer's Suggestion:
A model concept could be something like this: Warning, pictures!
Health: 20 hearts.
Size: Generally large, but can be from the size of a Big Cat to the size of an "adolescent" wyvern (the alpha banshee, or Leonopteryx, is much larger)
Temperament: Aggressive (will attack on sight)
Attack damage: 50% chance to inflict Poison debuff for 10 sec. Does 2 hearts of damage by spitting/biting and 4 hearts of damage for slashing/headbutting, etc.
Variation: By biome
Habitat: Extreme Hills, Jungle treetops, Coastal areas (practically Overworld wyverns)
Tameable: Not all too easily...
Able to be ridden: Yes, the challenge of taming guarantees this privilege. However, the banshee may not always comply and may snap or bite at the player.
How to tame + Behavior:
Banshees will be found in spawn groups of 2-5; depending on where the different banshees live (social grouping depends on habitat), there will be more or less banshees in various sizes. They will attack on sight and tend to stay airborne but will occasionally land to kill an ocelot, sheep, etc.
Taming a banshee is slightly easier than taming a wyvern as there is no need to have a saddle.
If a banshee happens to land (and you stay out of its sight for the most part or kill off the others in the vicinity), you should be able to sneak behind it and right click to mount it. I'm thinking that you'd have to keep punching it until it stopped trying to buck you off. However, as soon as you get onto its back, it might take you for a magical ride into the air and possibly drop you at deadly heights. Once the banshee is subdued after 30+ punches or so you'd be able to name it and fly it with a running start.
The alpha banshee goes faster (think mother wyvern) and is harder to tame, being rarer and much bigger and stronger. Please give feedback!
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Alignment: Hostile
Health: 30-45 maybe?
Damage: 6-7 (3-3.5 hearts)
Biome: Forest, Mountains
Drops: Leather, Reptile Hide, Jabberwocky Egg (Rarely)
Info: A large draconic beast, jabberwockies are deadly predators that emit a disturbing chittering babble of noise that can alert you to its prescence before it even attacks. Fast and lethal, these beasts are formidable foes, but they can drop an egg that can be hatched into a tamed jabberwocky. This powerful companion can be mounted, making for a fast-moving ride that can outrun most horses!
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
A new boss idea i had is the jabberwocky, which can be spawned by using three dark essences on a wyvern egg, once it is slain, the cheshire cat will appear, congratulate the player and disappear. Jabberwockies have 150 hearts in health, and attack in three ways; fire breath dealing 7 hearts of damage per second, a bit attack which deals 10 hearts of damage and a slash attack that only deals 3 hearts of damage but it decreases armour durability by a large amount.
Medusas (Gorgons)
TheInfernoShadow's Suggestion:
Please change 'medusas, the real name of them is 'gorgons' and I want to suggest them:
Alignment : hostile
Health : 40
Damage : 3,5 from the bow (yup they have their own bow)
5 hearts from petrifying gaze (she takes her mask of and everyone looking at her will get petrified, if they don't they get the half DMG and slow. III)
Biome : taiga and plains
Drops : its mask and reptile hide
Info : the gorgons are in the down tile with a snake tail, upper they are human looking. On the face she wears a mask when she's enraged (5 Hearts) she'll take it of from time to time. After petrifying the player she regains 2 hearts back for every successful petrify. If you are far away it'll shoot at you with arrows, if she's enraged she shoots 3ple arrows and one of them can cause fire. (It would look like Medusa from SMITE )
Sea Serpents
RageMallor's Suggestion:
Length: At the very least 5-7? Blocks, and only 1 block tall
Behaviour: Will attack anything in it's range (Maybe up to about 15 blocks? I'm bad at this) This includes Sharks, dolphins, and the player.
Attack: Strangling, then biting. If player is on boat, it will crush it, leaving the player to only be able to combat it while swimming.
Spawns in: Deep Ocean.
Health: As high as werewolves. I forgot how many hearts they have, but I think it's perfect for the sea serpent.
Drops: I have no ideas, but I'm going with it's scale and tongue. Also serpent meat, which if cooked can give 2 hearts, although when raw will cause food poisoning.
Tameable: No.
Machine Shark
Mo' Creatures Wiki Contributor's Suggestion:
Machine Shark, an already tamed shark that can live in ground and water.
First Way To get it: Craft a Shark Cog, need 8 shark teeth around and a iron ingot in the middle to craft it.
Second Way: Craft the Machine Shark Egg, need 3 iron ingot in the top, 1 cog in right-middle, 1 button in middle, 1 Gold Ingot in left-middle, 2 iron ingot in the left-down and middle down, and 1 redstone dust in the right-middle to craft it.
Final Way: Place the egg into the ground then click the button and wait for 1 minutes to hatch it. after the egg hatched, give it name by click the shark once, you can also add 5 items to the shark like iron ingot for attack boost, gold ingot for defense boost, and the other mechanism items to boost each power.
The Machine Shark Have 250 health, 50 attack points( or higher if you add boost), 50 defense points ( defense is for reducing damage by mobs including player, more higher its defense, more longer its can live.etc
Super Shark
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Alignment: Hostile
Health: 80
Damage: 3.5 hearts to an unarmored player
Biome: Deep Ocean
Drops: Shark teeth, Fish, Super Shark Statue (Rare drop; a small model of the creature that you can place as a trophy), Super Shark Egg (Can be hatched to produce a tamed super shark)
Info: A massive shark with pterosaur-like wings, this deadly predator launches itself out of the water to soar through the air, biting with its powerful jaws and creating huge gusts of wind with its wings. After hatching its egg, you can ride your new super shark through the sky and the water: as it swims, it gives its rider water breathing and night vision that lasts for as long as the player is riding it.
Victorian Megalosaurus
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Alignment: Neutral
Health: 80
Damage: 5 hearts
Biome: Swamp, Jungle
Drops: Dinosaur Teeth (Can be used as shark teeth or can be used to make a Dino-Tooth Dagger, which does 5 damage and has the durability of an iron sword), Reptile Hide, Megalosaurus Head, and Megalosaurus Egg (Can be used to hatch a tamed, rideable Megalosaurus)
Info: This massive lizard-like beast acts like a super sized combination of komodo dragon and crocodile-most of the time, it's passive, but if you get too close, it will start tearing you apart with its deadly jaws and powerful claws. As a mount, it's pretty slow, but its power more than makes up for that.
Kitsune Foxes
cyblog's Suggestion:
Those Multiple-tailed creatures. Yup.
These Neutral Kitsunes roam around forests and are pretty rare. They can be tamed using medallions but would firstly appreciate some raw turkey being tossed at them. wild Kitsunes have 50 health and tamed Kitsunes have 100. Exploring forests at dark gives you a chance to find a white Kitsune. This can be tamed the same way, but Wild ones have 100 and tamed have 150. Kitsunes need some things to be happy in your house: Food, Water, friends (Any pets you have will make him happy). To make them sit, follow or wander, just use a Kitsune Flute, crafted with sticks and a diamond.
Normal Kitsune:
White Kitsune
(Flute Recipe)
S = Stick S
D = Diamond S
Dune Worm
GrinningMoon's Suggestion:
Similar to the graboids from Tremors but also a pretty traditional enemy (Dune), this is a giant (maybe as wide as a bear and as long as the enderdragon?) worm-like monster that burrows underground (similar to the way moles burrow).
Similar health to golems
Melee Attack
Eruption, burrows toward a player (again similar to how a mole burrows and their particles, bigger though for visibility) and when the player is in range it bursts through the ground (destroys a 3x3x2 area and applies explosion particles) which if the player is in that range it deals damage 1/3 of tnt. The wurm can only erupt/travel through sand (as to not wreck houses). Once the wurm appears it will try to melee the player while they're in range.
Tar Spit, if the player escapes melee range while the wurm has appeared, it will try to hit the player with a projectile that applies a slow debuff. The wurm will then try to catch up to the player and erupt near them again. Rinse and repeat.
No and No
Hide, random junk loot (leather boots, string, sand blocks, etc.), extremely rare - rare loot (iron/gold ingots, diamonds, redstone, etc.). Reasoning, the wurm travels through the ground and thus eats random things.
Locksoli's Suggestion:
Basically like werewolves, but they're bears. They would do more damage, and have a four-legged charge attack that knocks back any targets hit, but they'd move slower than werewolves, but have more hit points.
KerianH's Suggestion:
Alphyns would be amazing (Alphyns are the half-wolf, half-eagle non-flying equivalent of griffins and are super cool). Could be tamable. It'd be nice to be able to have a Mo'Creatures equivalent of a wolf but with extra perks, such as maybe smite or something.
PragmaticWisdom's Suggestion:
Base it on a wolf, add two extra heads and triple the size.
Colour: Gold and black with either blue, green or red eyes. This depends on whether it's tamed (green), neutral (blue) or aggressive (red).
Biomes: Nether, 1/10000 chance to spawn in any biome other than the Ender World.
Behavior: Neutral unless provoked and attacks in packs (similar to Zombie Pig-men)
Health/Armor: 10 times that of a wolf, armour rating of 5
Abilities: Melee, deals three hearts damage, has a percentage of 25% to poison per hit which deals 1 damage per 10 game ticks for 60 ticks.
Tameable: Yes, Nether Charm
Nameable: Yes, upon taming
Trainable: Yes, using various mob drops (ex, zombie flesh improves poison bite).
Mountable: Yes
Breedable: No
Drops: Gold ingot 10%, Obsidian blocks 10%, Nether Charm 5%, XP
Great Blue Ox
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Largest of the bovids, these huge blue-furred, massive-horned animals can stand almost 3 blocks tall at the shoulder. Extremely rare, they can be tamed with apples to use as mounts and pack animals. They're neutral to players, using their massive horns to gore for 6-7 damage. Spawns in taiga and megataiga biomes, and drops blue fur and blue oxen horns, which can be used to craft a wall trophy of the same name.
Blue fur: Drops from great blue oxen. Can be crafted into blue fur armor, which has the strength of gold armor, the durability of iron armor, and a strength buff on the wearer of a complete set.
Bison meat: Drops from bison. Heals 1 hunger raw and 4 hunger cooked.
Mica_Monster's Suggestion:
what about Bigfoot?
Before you snicker - HEAR ME OUT!
They might actually be fun to have! I imagine they use the same structure as, perhaps, a bear mob when its standing, but taller than the player. (maybe like the werewolf) Its texture just needs to resemble hair, however a Chewbacca look wouldn't hurt! (; I'd really like to see it have a cute (or at least NOT SPOOKY) face so that the player is less likely to kill it when they see one.
They would be neutral, shy mobs. They'd run from you like deer and zebras to keep that "elusive creature" feel that Bigfoot is so good at, but they'll attack if you manage to harm them. (ie arrow shot, ect) Damage would be up to DrZhark of course. If they're killed, they could drop hide or fur, but I also think it would be cute if they dropped wooden tools like the human version of the werewolf.
They would spawn naturally in Roofed Forests, since they're so dark and secluded: easy for a bigfoot to hide out in. I suppose regular forests would work too, but I was also thinking that the mob's texture would be similar in color to dark oak, so that they "camouflage" in Roofed Forests, in a sense.
I, okay hear me out again, encourage them to be tamable. How cool would it be to have a bigfoot as a pet?? I THINK IT'D BE COOL. Since they're shy mobs, something will probably have to be done to get them to not run, like the horse breeding to get zebras... If they could deter monsters like the vanilla dogs/cats do - that would be a really good reason to tame them. Heal them with raw meat... perfect pet!
Anyway, I hope you guys like this suggestion.
Turducken - (Is the blue justified? This is just an animal of a food.)
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
A wolf-sized combination of turkey, duck, and chicken, these large birds live in plains, forest, and swamp biomes, feeding on seeds and grasses. They can be bred with seeds, and when killed, they drop either turkey, duck, or chicken when killed, making them the ultimate avian livestock animal.
Image (Not mine):
Mythical Wolves
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
A massive white wolf twice the size of a horse that spawns in taiga biomes, this brutal predator's saberteeth and incredible strength make it a lethal adversary to players.
Shunka Warakin
A plains-dwelling creature, this immense creature is slightly smaller than the Waheela, but more than compensates with its maneuverability and bone-crushing jaws, which are capable of dealing nearly full damage even to armor-wearing players.
Image (Not by me):
Native to taiga biomes, the Amarok is about the same size as the Waheela, but it sacrifices brawn for speed-it can chase down horses with ease, bringing them down and devouring both mount and rider.
Image (Not by me):
Gevaudan Beast
Spawning in forest biomes, the Gevaudan beast is three times the size of a horse, and the most powerful out of all the monster-wolves. Tearing apart villagers and players with murderous glee, this terrifying beast is not to be taken lightly.
Image (Not by me):
Smiledog - (Internet folklore)
The smallest of the monster wolves, smiledogs are a little bit smaller than a horse, but it has a miriad of tricks up its sleeves: not only is it incredibly fast, but its attacks inflict a variety of ailments on its victims, varying from nausea to wither. Thankfully, they're extremely frail: two or three hits from a diamond sword can easily dispatch them.
Image (Not by me):
In between the Gevaudan beast and the Waheela in terms of size, these enormous creatures spawn in extreme hills biomes, and are overall the most well-rounded of the monster wolves-they have decent speed, attack, and health, but nothing particularly special.
Image (Not by me):
This gargantuan wolf is the same size as the Gevaudan beast, but is quite a bit slower and has more offensive capability. Spawning in the megataiga, these colossal wolves are capable of bringing down even other monster wolves with relatively little effort.
Image (Not by me):
Marsh Tyrant
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Basically a hippo with minimal soft tissue around its face and a more predatory body, these great beasts dwell in swamp biomes, attacking anything larger than a turtle that comes close. Their mighty jaws deal a large amount of damage, and they have high amounts of health, but once killed, they will drop the contents of their stomachs-gold nuggets, lumps of iron from the armor of previous victims, even the heads of monsters. Furthermore, marsh tyrants can be tamed with raw meat of any kind, making them excellent guardians for bases near bodies of water or incorporating moats.
Image (Note mine):
Fire Lizard
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
This rare, gigantic reptile is related to the dragons and wyverns, spawning in extreme hill biomes. Attacking with fiery breath and their massive jaws, fire lizards drop fire lizard hide once slain, which can be crafted into flamescale armor: a suit of flaming red armor with the protection and durability of iron that grants its wearer complete and total immunity to fire and lava.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
An immense mammoth spawning very, very rarely in tundra biomes, this colossal beast stands 5 blocks tall, and can be tamed with enormous amounts of wheat, apples, and carrots. Once tamed, this enormous creature can be equipped with two different sets of tusks, two mammoth platforms, and eight elephant chests.
Image (Not mine):
Giant Mutant Demon Chameleon from Hell
IPCNA and spires33's Suggestion:
Haha, actually,a giant chameleon might be cool, maybe kinda like the scorpions they have different kinds, and can turn invisible, or change their skin color, and are really slow but use their tongues to attack you. idk just thought all that off the top of my head.
And maybe they can occasionally steal items from you when they attack you with their tongue.
Living Statues
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
Something I have always wanted to see is a garden gnome mob, which might look like a silly idea but its not. Garden gnomes will appear as statues at day, but at night they will become a living entity, and will care for your crops. If a gnome is attacked by a hostile mob, they will retaliate by hitting said mob with a fishing rod, this scares most mobs away, and does a large sum of damage (exactly 9 hearts), Gnomes have 20 hearts of health.
Another statue mob is the gargoyle, which protects you house by attacking hostile mobs, if a gargoyle is attacked, it will attack the mob that harmed it at a much faster rate. it has 25 hearts of health and each attack deals 12 hearts of damage.
Hybrid Gryffins
BlankaKossowska's Suggestion:
Hybrid Gryffin
Health: 40
Damage: 2 Hearts
Variants: Yes (Gryffin + Leopard, Gryffin + Panther, Gryffin + Lioness, Gryffin + Tiger)
Tameable: yes
Biomes: Forest, Spruce Forest, Birch Forest, Savannah & Extreme Hills.
Spawn rate: Very Rare
Continues in next post to bypass character limit.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
New Breeds
Majestic Horse
spiritrider13's Suggestion:
Has white body and mane with strip of pink in mane. Ultra rare and can be tamed and ridden similarly to a regular horse.
Cybercat5555's Suggestion:
Cheetahs and panthers both will come in a rare version- panthers can be pink, and cheetahs can have king cheetah-style markings. Both can be tamed at any age, not just cubs, but cubs are still easier to tame.
(King Cheetah)
Like crabs, wyverns, and others, BigCat tigers can come in more colors than just orange or white, including golden tabby/strawberry (golden back with orange stripes and a white belly), black (white back and belly, but with more stripes, making it look blackish), Maltese/blue (silvery-blue back with black stripes and a white belly), and finally white stripless/albino (white back and belly, with very faint, light grey stripes and red eyes).

Lions also come in a rare white-light gold variant.
All special bigcats are very rare chance of being a special color (maybe 3% like brown sheep or .164% like pink sheep?), but can be found in the wild and obtained via breeding (a random mutation can happen, even when two otherwise normal colored bigcats are bred, with a 5% chance of happening), but still have the same HP, strength, etc. as the normal BigCats. Breeding a normal x special has a 20% chance of getting the same special variant as its parent, while breeding two special variants ensures a 100% chance of getting a special one (50% for each if two different specials are bred). No special colored hybrids such as ligers are possible, just for simplicity's sake, just the normal colored hybrid cat is produced.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
I would like to submit a two-part suggestion: first off, to have different types of big cats have slightly different stats (Tigers have more health, leopards can climb easier, cheetahs are faster, etc.). And second, I would like to suggest that jaguars be added as part of the big cats. They'd be in between lions and leopards in terms of strength, and mainly found in jungle biomes, as well as very good at swimming. Gotta have your murdercats, man!
Come to think of it, why not add a couple of extinct cat species? I know just the two for the job:
-Cave Lion: In between a lion and a tiger in size and strength, these guys live in taiga and tundra biomes, with shaggy brown-and-white coats.
-Smilodon: Largest of all big cats, even exceeding tigers in size, these tawny giants are big enough for an extra chest to be put on them, and they do extra damage against big animals like elephants and mammoths. Can be crossbred with other cats to make bigger saber-toothed versions of those cats (Including a literal sabretooth tiger)
In addition, the sabre cats would have a couple of rare species:
-Shadesaber: Either spawning in the dark forest or made by giving a Smilodon an Essence of Darkness. Charcoal grey in color, these guys are totally silent when they move and can leap great distances to take down prey. They also inflict blindness and, rarely, wither on their prey.
-Snowsaber: Shaggy cold-dwelling subspecies.
-Hellsaber: A giant among giants, these titanic predators are the largest and the deadliest of the special sabertooth subspecies. Found in the Nether, their fur is a bloody crimson in color, striped with obsidian black like a tiger. The forelimbs are considerably larger than the hind legs, and a mane of fur runs from the back of the head down to between the shoulders, while a long, thin serpentine tail constantly lashes through the air behind the creature. Anything it hits catches fire, and it's extremely tough, taking no knockback and being immune to fire and wither effects.
Looks a lot like this in terms of its body plan, but with bulkier forelimbs and darker coloration. (Credit to image goes to McSlackerton)
Important Note about BigCats:
We all know that the Panther is in the mod, a Panther is NOT a real creature, it is actually the black colouration of the Leopard or Jaguar. Because the mod has Tigers, Lions and Leopards already, we'll just assume that BigCats are from the Pantherinae Subfamily. That leaves us with two options, is the Panther a Jaguar or a Leopard? Well Leopards are already in the mod, so I am going to say that the Panther is in fact a Jaguar.
I say this because Jaguars are highly requested but they are already in the mod. Even if they were added their texture would be so similar to the Cheetah that we wouldn't even know which is which.
Extra Fact:
The Cheetah is the only "BigCat" from the Felinae Subfamily. I highly encourage DrZhark to make MediumCats and move the Cheetah there. Read more in the "MediumCats" section in Real Creatures
Extra Fact 2:
The Snow Leopard is the only BigCat that cannot hybridize. That being said, we would miss out on Leopons, Lipards, Leguars, Jagupards, Leogers, Tigards, Leoliguars, Leoligers, Leotigons, Lijagupards, Jagjagupards, Tijagupards, Leojagupards, Leoleguars and Leoligulors. Because of this I decided that if no leopards are going to be present, we could always just go "Whatever it's a mod, it is as real as it could be made." You can refer to my chart in the Other Suggestions section.
Extra Fact 3:
A Puma is the black colouration of a Cougar.
Azkhare's Suggestion:
Hammerhead Sharks
Hammerheads could be made to "flee" from the player for a short time, but come back to attack if pursued. Can only spawn near the coastline, and only eats stingrays, mantarays, jellyfish and smaller fishes. It keeps it's distance with bigger mobs, like other sharks or dolphins, but will retaliate if attacked. Drops 1-2 Shark Teeth and, rarely, 1 hammerhead shark egg.
Tiger Sharks
Tiger sharks are agressive towards anything moving rapidly. Like the ocelot, tiger sharks react to movement, but, instead of running away, they attack. If you are moving slowly, and don't make any sharp movements, you may survive. They are faster than other sharks, and pack a little more of a punch, but, in turn, are a little weaker. Can detect movement at twenty cubes of distance, but only reacts agressively if you get ten cubes close to it. Eats dolphins, turtles, and pretty much anything else but sharks. Drops 0-3 Shark Teeth and, rarely, 1 tiger shark egg.
Kentrostego32's Suggestion:
Goblin Sharks
Goblin Shark as a mob, it has the same health as the other sharks, but goblin sharks regen health at a fater rate, they also deal 6.5 hearts per attack, goblin sharks are tamable like other sharks.
atley9999's Suggestion:
Health: Same as normal insects
Behaviour: Aggressive (Range of 4 blocks)
Damage: 1 (Half Heart)
Variants: No
Tameable: No
Biomes: All biomes where normal insects spawn
Spawn size: For ambience
Spawn rate: For ambience
Size: Insect size
Drops: None
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Markhor: Mountain goat with corkscrew horns. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops brown wool and raw goat meat. Can be bred with grass. Passive to players.
Ibex: Mountain goat with large curved horns. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops leather and raw goat meat. Can be bred with grass. Passive to players.
Bighorn sheep: A mountain-dwelling wild sheep with large curled horns. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops leather and raw goat meat. Neutral to players, headbutting them for 2-3 damage when attacked and launching you a few blocks into the air. Can be bred with grass.
Mountain goat: A species of shaggy-furred white goat. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops white wool and raw goat meat. Passive to players.
Muskox: The largest living goat species; a brown-furred shaggy goat that looks more like an ox. Spawns in tundra biomes. Drops brown wool and raw goat meat. Passive to players; will attack wolves and wild wolves.
Woodland muskox: An extinct species of muskox with thinner wool and much larger horns, woodland muskox are untamable animals that spawn in taiga and forest biomes. Neutral to players, they will use their horns to gore for 3-4 damage, and drop the same things as normal muskox, but have a lower chance to drop wool. They may also drop woodland muskox horns, which can be used to make a wall trophy of the same name.
Note: all of these species can be milked.
Goat meat: Drops from goats. Can be cooked into goat steak. Heals 1.5 hunger when raw, and 4 hunger when cooked.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Yak: A large, shaggy species of bovid. Can be sheared for wool and tamed with wheat or bred with grass. When tamed, chests can be put on it for use as a pack animal. Spawns in extreme hills. Drops beef and brown wool, although it can be dyed to get different colors. Passive to players.
Aurochs: A large bull-like animal with a pair of large, curved horns. Can be bred with wheat and tamed with apples. When tamed, it can be used as a mount or a pack animal. Spawns in forests and megataiga. Neutral to players; will charge forwards and gore for 2-4 damage. Passive to players. Drops leather, beef, and aurochs horns, which can be crafted into a wall trophy.
Gaur: A huge species of brown bovid with short horns and a large body. Spawns in jungle biomes. Can be bred with wheat and tamed with apples; once tamed, it makes for a handy, if slow, mount, as it can carry chests as well as a saddle. Passive to players. Drops leather and beef.
African buffalo: A massive species of cow with dark brown fur and large horns. Spawns in savannah biomes. Neutral to players; will charge forwards for 4-5 damage and is immune to arrows-they just bounce off the fused bone covering on their skulls. Will attack big cats on sight. Drops leather and beef. A subspecies exists with massive horns, each two blocks long. This subspecies, the Pelorovis, is larger and has more health than the average African buffalo, and can do 6-7 damage with its massive horns. Pelorovis can also drop Pelorovis horns, which can be used to craft a wall trophy of the same name.
Bison: Spawns in plains biomes. Passive to players. Can be bred with wheat. Drops fur, leather, bones, and bison meat. Sometimes, bison with large horns like those of an a gaur or an Ankole Watusi cattle will spawn. These two species of prehistoric bison ( the steppe and giant bison, respectively ) are larger than other bison, cannot be tamed, and are neutral to players, goring them for 5-6 damage. Each species will drop their horns, which can be crafted into wall trophies of the same name.
Water buffalo: Spawn in jungle biomes. Passive to players, and can be bred with wheat or tamed with apples. When tamed, these animals can be used to carry as much as 4 chests' worth of items. Drops beef and leather.
New achievement: Trophy Hunter. To get this achievement, you must craft wall trophies of all of the exotic horned animals in the mod.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Moose: Spawns in forests, taiga, and megataiga biomes. Neutral to players, goring with its antlers for 4-5 damage. Females don't have antlers. Drops fur and venison.
Elk: Spawns in forest and extreme hills biomes. Females lack antlers, and males will occasionally fight each other in non-lethal matches. Neutral to players, using its antlers to inflict 3-4 damage. Drops fur and venison.
Reindeer: Spawns in tundra and taiga biomes. Both males and females have antlers. Passive to players, and can be bred with wheat. By taming them with apples, it's possible to ride reindeer after putting a saddle on them. Drops fur and venison.
Bush antlered deer: A large deer species with 1.5-block-long antlers that spawns in forest and megataiga biomes. Neutral to players, attacking for 4-5 damage. Drops fur, venison, and their antlers, which can be crafted into wall trophies of the same name.
Megaloceros: A massive deer species sporting 2-block-long antlers that spawns in forest biomes. Neutral to players, attacking for 5-6 damage. Can be tamed with apples, after which the deer can be mounted and ridden. Drops fur, venison, and their antlers, which can be crafted into a wall trophy of the same name.
Venison: Drops from all deer. Heals 1.5 hunger when raw, and 4 hunger when cooked.
KzurelTheDragon's Suggestion:
Fennec Fox
Fennec Fox would be a shy small fox it would spawn in the desert biome and would attack insects like scorpions, rodents like mice and rats, rabbits, and birds and when tamed you can feed them seeds, and fruit.
The females would run away if you hover the cursor on them.
The males would attack you if you hovered the cursor on them.
They can be tamed like wolves just instead of bones you tame with any type of meat (about 1-5 pieces) but will not tame at all if you have a dog/wolf near you.
Once tamed they will follow you around and attack any mob that you attack except ones that have more hearts that it.
They would bark if they get low on HP, purr when there happy, and snarl when angry.
They would take up half a block and be half a block tall.
If killed they would drop fur
It's spawn rate would be slightly rare and would increase at night.
It would have 7 hearts
Glarnboudin's Suggestions:
Pygmy elephants: Smaller version of a standard elephant, about the size of a horse. Variants for both African and Asian elephants exist. Spawn in jungles. Asia variants can have an elephant garment equipped, but not a howdah. Both species can only carry one elephant chest, but can wear tusks.
Dwarf elephant: A tiny species of elephant a little larger than a wolf with shorter tusks than either African or Asian elephants. Cannot be ridden, but can be equipped with one elephant chest and a set of tusks. Spawns on beaches and islands.
MewMochi's Suggestion:
White elephants: Are passive and tameable.
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
-Nile crocodile (Current one)
-Cuban crocodile (Rare, slightly smaller than normal crocodile, more colorful)
-Saltwater crocodile (Largest crocodile variant, found on beaches and in oceans)
-Dwarf crocodile (Smallest variant, found in jungles)
-Freshwater crocodile (Fastest one of them all on land)
An alligator would also be cool. They'd be darker in color and a bit smaller than regular crocodiles, as well as with a shorter, blunter snout. They'd primarily be found in swamps, but they do have a subspecies: the cave alligator. Pale clammy greyish-white, larger than the average alligator, and with no eyes, these creatures would be hyper-aggressive, with higher health than regular alligators, but being intolerant of light (They flee from it; would need special coding)
Perhaps as a subspecies, they could have caimans; smaller and less aggressive than regular alligators, they would be found in jungle biomes.
Also, maybe give crocodiles a proper swimming animation. At the moment, they look really weird when they 'swim'. Ooh, maybe they could leap out of the water to snatch birds?
But what would crocodiles be without a giant subspecies? Introducing the Ticktock. Rare to the extreme, this gigantic crocodilian is based on the crocodile of the same name from Peter Pan, as well as the real-life giant croc known as Gustave, an immense Nile crocodile that has killed more people than any serial killer in history, and the prehistoric crocodilians Crocodylus anthropophagous and Crocodylus thorbarnarsoni, two gigantic prehistoric crocs that lived alongside -and preyed upon - early humans. One and a half times as large as a saltwater crocodile, this monster reptile has several unique attacks - it can ram with its snout to destroy boats and knock back players, whip its tail to attack those trying to kill it from behind, and chomp away with its massive jaws. When killed, it drops a ton of crocodile leather, the bones and rotting flesh of its prey, and a small fortune's worth of gold nuggets from when it devoured an ancient treasure chest, as well as, rarely, a clock or two.
Komodo Dragon / Monitor Lizards
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
- Megalania: A massive cousin to the Komodo dragon, with reddish-brown scales striped with red-brown. Roughly in between a grizzly bear or polar bear on all fours at shoulder height and longer than a crocodile, these huge creatures live in the savannas, red mesas, and rarely in deserts - they deal a hell of a lot of damage and inflict slowness with their attacks, making them extremely dangerous foes.... and useful mounts.
- Silawik dragon: About the same size as a Komodo dragon, but slinkier and sleeker, maybe a bit longer, and with a pale straw-yellow coloration with a brown line down the spine and similarly-colored stripes branching off from it. Spawns in savanna biomes.
- Perentie: Slightly smaller than a normal Komodo dragon. Spawns in deserts.
Antelopes and Deers
Glarnboudin's Suggestion:
Antelope: Fast-moving herding animals that live in various biomes and flee from players that get close like zebras, best hunted with a bow and arrow. All of the animals listed below drop leather and antelope meat (Fills as much of the hunger bar as pork, but drops is pretty decent amounts). Maybe they can be lead around with sheared grass?
-Thompson's gazelle: Roughly the size of a goat, one of the fastest examples. Spawns in savanna.
-Springbok: Very fast, in between a cow and a sheep in terms of size, able to leap great distances. Spawns in savanna and red mesa.
-Bongo: Beautifully-colored antelope that's more solitary than the others. Spawns in jungles.
-Blackbuck: Males will attack the player for a fair amount of damage - say, one to one and a half hearts. Spawns in plains.
-Dorcas gazelle: Fairly small and plentiful, only dropping one or two items, either meat or leather, never both at once. Spawns in savannas.
-Saiga antelope: Quite stocky, making loud noises. Spawns in extreme hills.
-Klipspringer: Very tiny, able to climb very well - maybe it can walk up blocks like a spider? Spawns in extreme hills.
-Grant's gazelle: Spawns in savannas, maybe red mesa biomes. Males can attack like the male blackbucks can.
-Lechwe: Attacks are about as strong as the blackbuck's. Spawns in swamps.
-Hartebeest: Fairly large - maybe it can be ridden? Spawns in savannas.
-Wildebeest: Moves in large herds, often hunted by lions and other predators. Spawns in savannas.
-Gemsbok: Attacks for 1-3 hearts of damage with each attack. Spawns in savannas and/or red mesas.
-Blesbock: Spawns in hill biomes.
-Roan antelope: Spawns in savannas.
-Dik-diks: Tiny antelope about the size of rabbits. Spawns in savannas and jungles.
-Sable antelope: Attacks are as strong as a gemsbok's. Spawns in savannas.
-Giant sable antelope: Can be ridden like a horse after being fed enough wheat to tame it. Spawns in savannas.
-Addax. Spawns in deserts, males will attack like some of the other antelope will.
-Scimitar oryx: Spawns in deserts, very rare.
-Gerenuk: Has a custom animation where it rears up onto its hind legs. Spawns in savannas.
-Giant eland: Very large, able to attack for 1-3 points of damage. Spawns in savannas. Can be ridden.
-Greater kudu: Attacks like the giant eland does. Spawns in savannas. Can be ridden.
Other Suggestions
Bitey mobs do more damage to unarmoured opponents
"This is not a mob suggestion this is a gameplay one i think sharks,crocodiles and bears should bemore dangerous, they only are dangerous to players without armor."
- leonelmegaman
Separate Bird Mobs so we can have individual biome spawns for each
...separating the "Bird" mob into separate mobs based on color/sounds, or some config option to specify what variety of bird spawns in certain biomes? They are cool mobs but I'd prefer not to have bright tropical birds spawning in a spooky forest instead of just crows.
- Gorduleria
Foxes, Ducks, Wraiths & Silver Skeletons have simple models and should be upgraded.
Because all these mobs were made very early in the mod all of them have become "outdated" in comparison to the rest of the mobs. Foxes look very bulky and should be slimmer and smaller. Ducks look like chickens and should have necks while being slimmer as well. Wraiths are just human models and could probably feel more ghostly in their model was adjusted. Silver Skeletons, while still being more advanced than the others are still fairly simple. Silver Skeletons feel like the would be better if the hunched with knees and elbows like the Werewolves.
- atley9999
Catchable bugs with jars
how about you can catch bugs with a jar?
- spires33
Maybe a glass bottle would work too?
- atley9999
BigCat Breeding Re-do:
Notice the different tiles depending on the gender of each cat.
Tier 1 White, Tier 2 Green, Tier 3 Gold, Tier 4 Purple.
Grey = No result
(By atley9999)
A little change to Wyverns
1. Those new wyverns added on the 1.7.10 (Sea, Mountain, etc.) can grow as big as mother wyverns,
so make them grow a bit smaller.
2. Why don't you make a hell's wyvern or fire wyvern?
When we give a essence of fire to mother wyvern, it may turn into a fiery wyvern. I think it's also a fine idea.
- Goddammit
I think you breed a pegasus and unicorn with Essenence Of Light will chance Pegacorn or Fairy horse to spawn Fairy horse = rare chance %20 and Pegacorn = normal chance %50
- creeper_8888
Wyvern Rehaul
Wyverns in the Wyvern Lair are mother wyverns only. Baby wyverns spawn and follow their mothers, but cannot be tamed yet. The babies are random colors/breeds. Players approaching the Mother Wyvern will get a warning "hiss" at 20 blocks. With aggression if within 10 blocks. Baby wyverns flee if the Mother Wyvern is attacked. Adult wyverns of other types can only be tamed by saddle breaking them.
Once a player has killed a mother wyvern and collected eggs, that players goes to the overworld and may hatch the egg by placing it by torches. The biome effects what type of wyvern is born. With a 10% chance it is a wyvern mother. Here is a list of the wyverns and their birth places
Savannah Wyvern (Reddish Brown): Savannah Biome
Swamp Wyvern (Yellow Green): Swamp Biome
Jungle Wyvern (Deep Green): Jungle Biome
Sand Wyvern (Yellow):Desert Biome
Cave Wyvern (Silver-Grey): Below 32 blocks of depth
Mountain Wyvern (Light Brown): Above 96 blocks of height
Sea Wyvern (Deep Blue): Ocean Biome
Arctic Wyvern (Ice Blue): Taiga Biome
Mother Wyvern (Red): 10% Any biome
Tamed Wyverns will attack mobs it can reach when attached to a fence post by a lead. Except the player that hatched/tamed it. This is the "Rage" effect your wyvern gets for being tied down. Your wyvern can be killed by mobs if you don't heal it. Wyverns will attack other wyvenrs or each other when tied too close together. Wyverns cannot be mounted or given armor while tied down. Telling your wyvern to sit will not cause this rage effect. Tying down a flying dragon-beast will unleash the anger. Mobs do not drop ANY items if killed by a Wyvern. A player holding a lead does not cause rage effects.
Wyverns scatter and flee if another wyvern is attacked or hit close by. Like a flock of birds taking off. However, Mother Wyverns will attack the threat until death. Wyvern babies will follow the player that hatched them or the closest adult Wyvern. Wyverns will kill rabbits and snakes to gain health when injured if not fed by a player. Wyverns killed by the player only, turn into a Ghost Wyvern on a rare 5% chance.
Mother Wyverns will still transform when given the right essence to do so, but now have use for Essence of Fire:
Another use for Essence of Fire: Ghost Wyverns can be resurrected into a Grand Wyvern. This is because you put "Fire" back into the heart of your Wyvern.
Ghost Wyverns will NOT spawn by slaying Mother, Light, Dark, or Undead Wyverns.
Grand Wyverns are the same size as Mother Wyverns, however have golden horns that make them seem taller. Higher hitpoints and they cause foes to catch fire as well as poison effects. They are white with a rainbow membrane to their wings, large purple eyes. Grand Wyverns will attack hostile mobs within 20 blocks and not flee until health is low. Grand Wyverns cannot be fed any other essences. Are 8 blocks in speed, so only slightly faster in flight. Grand Wyverns drop 5% Heart of Fire, otherwise nothing. This is because you take back that fire from their heart.
Images are attached to this post. Images used do NOT belong to me and just references. All credit to original owners, I just used google to find the images.
- Doenut55
Bird cages
You should add a bird cage to the mod because when I own a bird I don't really have a place to keep it. You should be able to put the bird on your head and right click the cage to place the bird inside.
- Silver_Tinsel
Cole's suggestions
What would be Really cool is a few more horses, for example, a nightmare Pegasus. basically a black pegasus with the fire animations, fire animation on the wings (would be really cool) and also the Nightmare mane (the hair on its head xD).
Also! would would be a good edition to jungle biomes, monkeys! tamable monkeys and also hostile monkeys, like orangutans & gorillas (maybe a boss mob, King Kong).
Another awesome thing would be, sea creatures, hatchable sea horses! and you should be able to ride them. whales would be awesome. what would be an amazing adventure, sunken ships. like a new dungeon! the ships could have sharks in them so it makes them really hard to get the loot.
The Ents were a great idea, LOTR fans would like this, what would make it even better if you could sit on their heads or their shoulders, a 2 person ride? they should be tamable by apples, sapplings, seeds, anything that would be fruit or greenery related items.
last of all, the Wyverns. At the moment the Lair is abit boring, what would make it better is if there were dungeons! and in the Dungeon chests there was eggs (makes it a little easier to get baby wyverns). also i think that the Bigger wyverns should have a 2 player seat, put 2 saddles on it to get 2 seater Wyvern! should be able to breed Wyverns like you do with horses and get loads of different combinations! Savvana & sea Wyverns Breeded, gets a End wyvern (purple wyvern) and when you give that a fire essence, it turns into a flame wyvern ( a fire wyvern with fire animations!), Last thing on Wyverns, if you left click, they breath fire, water, acid, clouds (bad clouds D:<) depending on the Dragon Type/Colour
Thats all i really want to be added, so thats all im gonna write, For now
An opinion to disable/enable pets:
- disable: egg drops would be normal eggs or just not at all, baby scorpions would be like baby zombies (attacking
in other words: do small changes in the droppings/ behavior...
Fox overhaul
Foxes are another old favorite, and since the BigCats are getting an update, it seems fitting the foxes should too. First off, they need a new model, more texture (1 or 2 of each "morph" would be enough), and the ability to breed. Foxes can be bred with raw chicken, rabbit, or turkey, and have a 10% chance to produce a Silver Fox (white-grey to black-grey fur with black speckles) when bred, which acts like a tamed wolf, though smarter. Silver Foxes can be bred as well, and will always produce more Silver Foxes. Silver Foxes can also be fed an Essence of Fire, Darkness, or Light to make, you guessed it, a Kitsune. Kitsunes are bigger than normal foxes and each type of Kitsune has a different ability- Fire (bronzy-orange) is fireproof (obviously), and can set targets a blaze, and will constantly emit flame particles; Darkness (black and dark grey) scares away non-undead monsters and can inflict blindness when attacking, and produces smoke-like particles; while Light (golden-white) scares away all monsters, has constant regeneration, and can give the rider (yes, Light and only Light Kitsunes can be ridden) regen, and produces "shiny" particles. Each special Kitsune can wear mount armor as well, though only light can wear the crystal armor. After a fox is fed an essence and morphs into a kitsune, it will gain a second tail. They (all kitsunes) will also eventually grow up to 9 tails (the same way other MoC mobs grow from babies to adults). Once a Kitsune has 9 tails, it upgrades to 35 HP and can do a max of 6 damage plus any bonuses (fire, etc) when attacking. When killed, Kitsunes drop fur and their respective heart (other than light). Aggressive, untamable fire and dark kitsunes can rarely be found in the Nether, and hostile dark ones can rarely be found in Deep Forests as well.
Tameable mini golems
1.tame mini golems with iron ingots and tamed ones can be healed with red stone dust
2.tamed mini golems will attack hostile mobs in sight except big golems and ogres to prevent terrain destruction,tamed mini golems will only attack them if the player gets attacked by those two mobs or the player attacks those two kind of mobs
3.tamed mini golems will not attack passive and neutral mobs,tamed mini golems will only attack neutral mobs if the player attacks the neutral mob
4.tamed mini golems will follow their owners and will teleport if they are too far away from the player,right clicking them will make them sit
5.the blue sections of thier body will change color if a player right clicks the tamed mini golem with a dye,the color will change according to the dye used
Can you add nests to the game? depending on the size of the nest attracts different birds, you can breed two of the same kind of tamed birds, they will mate on a nest which will place 3 eggs on the nest. Can you fix the glitch of birds suffocating into blocks?
Ducks should lay duck eggs and drop duck meat instead of chicken eggs and meat.
Goat Consumption
Instead of destroying items when they eat them, they should have a 'digestion' timer - aka how long it takes for that item to be destroyed. Dirt, seeds, and other organic items aren't affected, but metal or diamond materials take quite a while to digest. If you can kill the goat before that timer is up, you can get your stuff back, albeit a bit damaged.
Werewolf Buffing
There are actually lunar cycles in Minecraft - maybe werewolves could get a strength or speed boost during full moons and a debuff during new moons?
Zebra Spawning
Maybe they could spawn in the savanna biome more frequently than regular horses do?
I do not claim credit for any suggestions other than my own. All suggestions will be and are credited. I cannot guarantee that you will have credit if your suggestion makes its way to the main mod. Sorry, Mythra. If you feel betrayed I feel bad for you, it's no one's fault that you had real life problems that reduced your activity. Life > This.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
I wasn't told that this was going to be happening. Granted it's not my mod, and not a decision that is ultimately up to me, but I don't recall being asked at all either. I've read the occasional comments on the other suggestion thread asking for a new poll. My answer to that was that DrZhark himself wasn't asking me to make a specific poll that he wanted up, so I wasn't taking it upon myself to come up with one. As far as how long it had been since I edited the opening post on the old thread, it's been an even longer time since DrZhark has put out an update for the mod itself. It's been v6.2.1 with Ents and Moles for a very long time.
Many of the suggestions on the other thread were repeats or slightly altered versions of previous suggestions. Part of the reason for a list is to allow interested fans of Mo'Creatures to know what already may be being considered by the mod creator for inclusion in the mod. I felt that the list was sufficiently vast to provide DrZhark with more than enough ideas for some time to come.
I wouldn't say that I feel "betrayed," but I do want to say that the way that you did this, atley9999, wasn't the way that I myself would've gone about doing this. Also, in reviewing your interactions with other members on my old thread, and other places online, you can at times come across as brash or abrasive. I am a disabled military intelligence veteran, I'm not some kid lurking, I take whatever it is that I do, seriously. Do you realize how you can come across to people, whether it's on these forums, spore wiki, Marvel wiki, The Sims Forums or on YouTube? I understand that you felt the other thread lacked moderation, but I do think most people who posted didn't care for your type of "moderation," by that I mean the tone of your replies/comments. These threads themselves already have moderation as the site itself has people who do that, and it is up to each user to flag inappropriate comments.
I didn't shoot down ideas for the Mo'Creatures mod whenever someone took the time to leave them, because I didn't feel it was my place to do that. Ultimately a suggestion thread is just a place for fans of the mod to interact just like the mod thread itself is, and it is important to keep a friendly atmosphere so as not to turn anyone off of the mod itself. At least that is the approach that I had with it.
I fully respect that you had no idea, and I will accept that I may have come off as rude at points in my suggestions on your thread.
Sorry if I can not compare to your comment.
I have Asperger's if you want to know that. Basically, everything must have order or it is in chaos.
I do not know how to talk to people correctly, I am short and straight to the point otherwise it could take me 15 minutes to write a couple of sentences.
The only reason I would have appeared to "shoot down ideas" was because the layout was not supportive of multiple request of the same creature.
I know from experience that replacements are never easy, but I am trying my hardest to make it appear nice, you may think of the only way to be nice is to not do it.
I am not a modder.
I am not a texturer.
I am not a map builder.
I have no Minecraft talent, and I am grabbing hold of the one thing I am good at, moderating. You have texturing, I could never if I tried.
On a different note because we all need some good news, I will not be adding my suggestions until 60% of the initial suggestions are filled. That way it would never be horrible one sided with all the poles being in my favour.
So if you have any suggestions Mythra or other people, be my guest.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Here is the first of many requests I have:
Water Horse (Kelpie) – Horsemob (hostile) found in oceans and if you kill it you get an occasional heart of water and leather (similar to nightmares and bathorses). You would give a zorse an essence of water to obtain a tamed kelpie.
Water (similar to fire) + Heart of water + Glass Bottle = Essence of Water
This horse would be able to take the player under water when ridden with a . Sharks would not attack the player. Can move under water similar to a dolphin and is water breathing. The kelpie would have all four legs and a normal tail. It must look exactly like this:
When a kelpie is given an essence of light underwater, it gains wings that are like those of a flying ghost horse but look like water. This makes the kelpie able to fly above water
Your suggestion has been added spiritrider. It is under "Kelpie (Water Horse)" in the "Fictional/Mythological Mobs" section.
There is also a new poll.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Update of Thread:
We need more creatures. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Not going to post 2 in a row of updates
Update of Thread:
We need more creatures. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Majestic Horse - as in "Barbie in a Pony Tale". Has white body and mane with strip of pink in mane. Ultra rare and can be tamed and ridden similarly to a regular horse.
This is not a mob suggestion this is a gameplay one i think sharks,crocodiles and bears should bemore dangerous, they only are dangerous to players without armor.
Just wanted to let you know that the horse breed i requested is called the Majestic Horse
I remember I made a large post on this back in the old thread, so I though I'd (try to) remember what I said:
Neutral, spawns in plains and savannas in groups of 3-6 animals. Attacks anything smaller than it, as well as anything that attacks it first, and will eat any dropped meat- raw, cooked, or rotten. Can be tamed by giving it raw pork or ostrich. After that, it will protect you. Ridable?
BigCat things:
Essence-based BigCats:
Sorry for the late edit, but I added all of that to the list and the exotic fish suggestion that was posted on the main thread.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
Health: 30 Hearts
Behaviour: Defensive
Damage: 6 Hearts
Variants: No
Tameable: Yes.
How to Tame:Wild ones when killed spawn a baby one that can be tamed with netherwart
Breedable: No
It follows you and leaves fire particles behind it also it can eat magma cream to help you battle wild mobs.
Biomes: Nether only
Spawn size: 1-2
Spawn rate: RARE
Size: 1 Block
Drops:Exp,Feathers,hearth of fire(common)and fire.
Bearded Dragon
Health: 2 Hearts
Behaviour: Friendly
Damage: 1/2 when hit (Like thorns enchantment)
Variants: Different textures per biome
Tameable: yes
How to Tame: Can be tamed by Carrot or Apple
Breedable: yes
Biomes: Savannah & Desert
Spawn Rate: slightly uncommon
Drops: Exp
I really don't want to add my own new creature suggestions until more submissions by other people are added. Please submit any creature with details.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
this is not a mob suggestion but! how about you can catch bugs with a jar? i remember this from the old thread.
How about giving a little change to "Wyverns"?
1. Those new wyverns added on the 1.7.10 (Sea, Mountain, etc.) can grow as big as mother wyverns,
so make them grow a bit smaller.
2. Why don't you make a hell's wyvern or fire wyvern?
When we give a essence of fire to mother wyvern, it may turn into a fiery wyvern. I think it's also a fine idea.
It is indeed but the idea for BigCat breeding has been something I have been wanting for ages.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread
The problem is that the Essence of Light is much harder to achieve than a gold ingot. The Fairy horse is also more unique than all the other horses, a Pegacorn Is just a Pegasus with a horn. It also sounds like direct breeding, the fairy horse is created by a sacrifice of the Pegasus and the Unicorn.
Official Mo' Creatures Suggestion Thread