Back in the day, all you had to do was put the bin and resources folders in your jars folder, and bam, it starts decompiling. Now that the old launcher is officially dead and there is no way to obtain all those original files, I am stuck with the 1.2.5 jar downloaded through the new launcher (though I was successful in recovering the old "minecraft.jar" from an old HDD, but that was it). So my question is, how exactly, if at all, can I decompile 1.2.5 with the resources I have? I will reiterate what I have in a bullet list below, and throw out some far fetched possibilities I have thought of.
The original "minecraft.jar" salvaged from an old HDD. None of the other jars that were in bin though.
The "1.2.5.jar" from the new launcher.
The "resources" folder is in my .minecraft right now, from launching the "1.2.5.jar", though it is only sound files (my memory is fuzzy, I don't recall if there were supposed to be textures in it).
MCP for 1.2.5.
Possibilities I have thought of:
Find the other jars (I think they were just libraries, e.g. LWJGL) and plug them in manually. Probably my best bet.
Try to decompile with just minecraft.jar, see what happens. Probably just going to be messy.
[Disregard, I solved it and there is no delete thread button] How to use MCP for 1.2.5... The old one...