Ok. Say a dragon is guarding a dungeon that is full of Gold and valuables. In order to get in side you need to kill the dragon. When you kill the dragon he will drop a key. You use that key to get inside. Or if you are taming a dragon you present a dragon with a chest that has a certain amount of gold diamonds and Emeralds. If it is enough the dragon will accept your offering. If a dragon is tamed he won't follow you around. Instead when you tame a dragon it will give you a dragon whistle that you can use to call him when you want.
Thanks! Just what I wanted. I added it to the list.
I had a pretty cool idea.Dragons by myth love gold and valuables. So maybe dragons can guard golds diamonds and emeralds. Or maybe to tame a dragon you can give them valuable items.
Dragons love diamonds, rubys, gold, crowns. and they eat that stuff, well they also use it as a nest.
Anyways I got this information from mlp fim. I hope this helps with the idea!
Dragons love diamonds, rubys, gold, crowns. and they eat that stuff, well they also use it as a nest.
Anyways I got this information from mlp fim. I hope this helps with the idea!
This not about only one idea, it is about everybody that wants dragons in Mo' Creatures posting them here because the original thread was getting crowded with dragon suggestions and so Dr. Zhark can see everyone's idea so he can pick his favorite. Thanks for the ideas though! If you want me to put in the first thread your idea, please make it a little more in depth and detailed.
It's good to hear Dr.Zhark is adding Wyverns to the mod. IMO those are just as cool as normal dragons. Here are a couple of thoughts / suggestions about them.
Variety: There should be a variety of them varying biome to biome. This would promote exploration of the player to go out and hunt / find every type of them.
Tamable: I don't mind having the ability to ride Wyverns (C'mon, we already have pegasus and ostriches xD) but they should be a challenge to obtain. It would be cool if you had to go out and hunt for their eggs and raise the egg instead of just feeding a wild, giant creature that is more then able to eat you whole a stack of steak.
Rarity: Wyverns should be rare, they should be a feared, and their presence should be known. Random, half-burnt trees, shacks, and skulls lying around a certain biome could help indicate if there is one nearby.
Drops: Personally, I think they should drop scales. These scales could be used create wall mounts of their heads. A wall mount could be made out of wood, iron, gold, diamond, etc. and the head of the wyvern (or any animal if walls mounts were universal) could be placed on them. An idea would be to surround a block of wool with the specific scale.
That's all I have for now. I know no matter what Dr. Zhark will do a really good job with adding these monsters in. I've been following Mo'creatures since the beginning and I knew this day would come eventually!
It's good to hear Dr.Zhark is adding Wyverns to the mod. IMO those are just as cool as normal dragons. Here are a couple of thoughts / suggestions about them.
Variety: There should be a variety of them varying biome to biome. This would promote exploration of the player to go out and hunt / find every type of them.
Tamable: I don't mind having the ability to ride Wyverns (C'mon, we already have pegasus and ostriches xD) but they should be a challenge to obtain. It would be cool if you had to go out and hunt for their eggs and raise the egg instead of just feeding a wild, giant creature that is more then able to eat you whole a stack of steak.
Rarity: Wyverns should be rare, they should be a feared, and their presence should be known. Random, half-burnt trees, shacks, and skulls lying around a certain biome could help indicate if there is one nearby.
Drops: Personally, I think they should drop scales. These scales could be used create wall mounts of their heads. A wall mount could be made out of wood, iron, gold, diamond, etc. and the head of the wyvern (or any animal if walls mounts were universal) could be placed on them. An idea would be to surround a block of wool with the specific scale.
That's all I have for now. I know no matter what Dr. Zhark will do a really good job with adding these monsters in. I've been following Mo'creatures since the beginning and I knew this day would come eventually!
Thanks for the suggestion! I added it to the list.
When you have a tamed dragon of one kind, you don't get attacked by other dragons of that type unless you attack them. The condition to trigger would be being accompanied by the dragon to make it work. But there would be some exceptions.
Dragon growth: A dragon grows continuously during all it's life. The bigger it get, the stronger it is.
Alpha dragon: Bigger dragon. It's stronger and really territorial. Will sometimes fight if he sees a dragon of the same kind that's smaller.
Dragons move and live in groups.
Small size: 3 to 5 dragons, no alpha.
Medium size: 6 to 8 dragons, small alpha.
Big size: 9 to 12 dragons, big alpha.
Taming and cares about dragons:
A dragon must accept you as stronger than him or as older than him. Since you can't be stronger, you need to tame one by making a dragon egg hatch. A dragon needs to be fed meat during the early stages of it's growth until it can fight mobs by itself (around the size of a wolf or adult lion). During the rest of it's life, it will hunt mobs for food. Some types of mobs might cause the dragon to gain diseases, like the zombies. If fed a specific type of toxin a certain number of type, the dragon will gain an immunity (feed him some rotten flesh and it will grow an immunity to poison). Please note that a dragon is an intelligent being, if you harm it daily, it will suddenly turn against you and kill you. You must also keep a small group of dragon, if you only have one tamed dragon, it will grow lonely and eventually die.
Dragon lairs:
Deep caves with piles of riches. You find a big group of dragon, it's likely that there's a lair nearby. Warning, Diamond Gear might not help you survive if you enter the lair, take some treasures and an egg and run. It is likely that your diamond gear will end up in a pile of diamonds. A lair is where the largest groups of dragon lives, make their nests and hide their treasures. There is always a dragon inside the lair, watching over things.
It's good to hear Dr.Zhark is adding Wyverns to the mod. IMO those are just as cool as normal dragons. Here are a couple of thoughts / suggestions about them.
Variety: There should be a variety of them varying biome to biome. This would promote exploration of the player to go out and hunt / find every type of them.
Tamable: I don't mind having the ability to ride Wyverns (C'mon, we already have pegasus and ostriches xD) but they should be a challenge to obtain. It would be cool if you had to go out and hunt for their eggs and raise the egg instead of just feeding a wild, giant creature that is more then able to eat you whole a stack of steak.
Rarity: Wyverns should be rare, they should be a feared, and their presence should be known. Random, half-burnt trees, shacks, and skulls lying around a certain biome could help indicate if there is one nearby.
Drops: Personally, I think they should drop scales. These scales could be used create wall mounts of their heads. A wall mount could be made out of wood, iron, gold, diamond, etc. and the head of the wyvern (or any animal if walls mounts were universal) could be placed on them. An idea would be to surround a block of wool with the specific scale.
That's all I have for now. I know no matter what Dr. Zhark will do a really good job with adding these monsters in. I've been following Mo'creatures since the beginning and I knew this day would come eventually!
It does make sense for a Wyvern to be one of the most feared. It is the largest of them all; it can carry away full grown African Elephants, for pete's sake! Although I would say the European would still be at the top, as it can't stand anyone but itself. Heck, they can barely stand them!
I do agree that feared dragons such as Wyvern and Europeans do need things like bones and scorch marks around their lairs too. Especially the bones. Also, are there types of Wyverns that can spew fire? I thought they only sported poison in their fangs.
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Hah! You though you would see something interesting here, didn't you?
When you have a tamed dragon of one kind, you don't get attacked by other dragons of that type unless you attack them. The condition to trigger would be being accompanied by the dragon to make it work. But there would be some exceptions.
Dragon growth: A dragon grows continuously during all it's life. The bigger it get, the stronger it is.
Alpha dragon: Bigger dragon. It's stronger and really territorial. Will sometimes fight if he sees a dragon of the same kind that's smaller.
Dragons move and live in groups.
Small size: 3 to 5 dragons, no alpha.
Medium size: 6 to 8 dragons, small alpha.
Big size: 9 to 12 dragons, big alpha.
Taming and cares about dragons:
A dragon must accept you as stronger than him or as older than him. Since you can't be stronger, you need to tame one by making a dragon egg hatch. A dragon needs to be fed meat during the early stages of it's growth until it can fight mobs by itself (around the size of a wolf or adult lion). During the rest of it's life, it will hunt mobs for food. Some types of mobs might cause the dragon to gain diseases, like the zombies. If fed a specific type of toxin a certain number of type, the dragon will gain an immunity (feed him some rotten flesh and it will grow an immunity to poison). Please note that a dragon is an intelligent being, if you harm it daily, it will suddenly turn against you and kill you. You must also keep a small group of dragon, if you only have one tamed dragon, it will grow lonely and eventually die.
Dragon lairs:
Deep caves with piles of riches. You find a big group of dragon, it's likely that there's a lair nearby. Warning, Diamond Gear might not help you survive if you enter the lair, take some treasures and an egg and run. It is likely that your diamond gear will end up in a pile of diamonds. A lair is where the largest groups of dragon lives, make their nests and hide their treasures. There is always a dragon inside the lair, watching over things.
and if dragons attack villages and kidnap sheeps or and the taming sistem should be more like lion taming sistem from the mod but instead of adopting the dragon you hachit.
dragons have the potential of becoming war beasts but they could have other porpuses when tamed instead of guard or kill something
a more pasive funcion like a block where you put ores and the firebreathing of the dragons smelt the ores.
and about species i think there should be a chance to get a three-headed dragon as a rare breed im out of ideas i will post more if i think more suggestions.
i got another idea:while the dragon still its a hachling you con change the dragon type by giving him an essense and if you breed 2 dragons
of a diferent type the result will be a 2 headed dragon example:(dark+light=1head and 1 head dark) and if you have a different dragon type you can make the 3 headed dragon example:(hybrid from last example+fire=fire/light/dark 3 headed dragon).
undead dragons can't breed by ovius reasons they r dead but they will look cooler when the scales fall down and its all skelly.okay im out of ideas
and if dragons attack villages and kidnap sheeps or and the taming sistem should be more like lion taming sistem from the mod but instead of adopting the dragon you hachit.
dragons have the potential of becoming war beasts but they could have other porpuses when tamed instead of guard or kill something
a more pasive funcion like a block where you put ores and the firebreathing of the dragons smelt the ores.
and about species i think there should be a chance to get a three-headed dragon as a rare breed im out of ideas i will post more if i think more suggestions.
i got another idea:while the dragon still its a hachling you con change the dragon type by giving him an essense and if you breed 2 dragons
of a diferent type the result will be a 2 headed dragon example:(dark+light=1head and 1 head dark) and if you have a different dragon type you can make the 3 headed dragon example:(hybrid from last example+fire=fire/light/dark 3 headed dragon).
undead dragons can't breed by ovius reasons they r dead but they will look cooler when the scales fall down and its all skelly.okay im out of ideas
1: Green Dragon: This dragon is hostile and is the less rare and can fly, it can be found in caves and in his nest, the nest of the green dragon is generate when you create new worlds.
2: Nether Dragon: This dragon is black and have eyes in fire, they live in nether, can swim in lava and can fly.
3: Peaceful Dragon: This dragon is peaceful and can be tamed and mounted, it is brown and can fly .
4: Ice Dragon: This dragon is white is hostile, can fly and live in caves.
I think is nice if the dragons cast potions like witches.
Thanks for see my ideas and good luck with you topic Manimal !
1: Green Dragon: This dragon is hostile and is the less rare and can fly, it can be found in caves and in his nest, the nest of the green dragon is generate when you create new worlds.
2: Nether Dragon: This dragon is black and have eyes in fire, they live in nether, can swim in lava and can fly.
3: Peaceful Dragon: This dragon is peaceful and can be tamed and mounted, it is brown and can fly .
4: Ice Dragon: This dragon is white is hostile, can fly and live in caves.
I think is nice if the dragons cast potions like witches.
Thanks for see my ideas and good luck with you topic Manimal !
Thanks for the suggestion! I added it to the list. If you think of anything new or want to change it, tell me and i will do so.
Here are some ideas for species, full idea coming later:
Magma Dragons: Red with golden claws and horns, these dragons are found only at large pools of above ground lava and in the Nether. 4 legs, medium tail length and a pair of large wings. Lots of HP. Eggs can be stolen from nests and will only hatch if placed in lava. Can carry 2 people.
Sea Serpent: Very long with no wings, very fast in water. Carries 2 riders. Eggs will only hatch in water. Only found in ocean biomes and rarely basking on the beach. Blasts high pressure water instead of fire. If equipped with Aqua Saddle you will be able to breath underwater.
It does make sense for a Wyvern to be one of the most feared. It is the largest of them all; it can carry away full grown African Elephants, for pete's sake! Although I would say the European would still be at the top, as it can't stand anyone but itself. Heck, they can barely stand them!
I do agree that feared dragons such as Wyvern and Europeans do need things like bones and scorch marks around their lairs too. Especially the bones. Also, are there types of Wyverns that can spew fire? I thought they only sported poison in their fangs.
It depends on the culture. Some have Wyverns with venom, others with the ability to spit fire.
Not completely sure about the size thing though; most mythology ( and fantasy) they are big, yes, but Dragons supersede them in size.
mushdragons these dragons spawn in mushroom biome isles (read dragon isles below) they are grey like the colo(u)r of the grey grass in the mushroom biomes and they are covered in mushrooms they are tamable by finding a in a dragons nest see flouting isles and stealing the egg if you do it while the dragons are away from the nest you can steal the egg and get away without angering the dragon. a dragon may lay an egg again if they are not angered by you and you can hatch a baby dragon that can grow up and help you fight
the dragon isles if you make a portal you can travel to the dragon isles a group of islands maybe like 15 islands in it and this will be a place with a lot of dragons and eggs you may find certain eggs in certain areas for example: there may be a netherack area with a nether dragon egg. the portal will be made from the mystical dragonite ore but be careful stealing a mothers egg will auto aggro all nearby dragons so you must do it while the mother is flying around getting food or run from the dragons
there is a tiny tiny chance that a dragon may have come into the over world wrecking havoc on everyone there unlike in the dragon isles these dragons are hostile unlike in the Isles when they only attack when you attack or steal an egg be careful some dragons may destroy your entire minecraft world
chameleon dragons these tiny dragons are so small they can barely fight unless in a group these little guys will blend in with there surroundings and when every they find another chameleon dragon they will join a team and eventually make a horde of them
these are much more common in the over world but you wont always see you unless they are in a group eating you alive
Thanks! Just what I wanted. I added it to the list.
Dragons love diamonds, rubys, gold, crowns. and they eat that stuff, well they also use it as a nest.
Anyways I got this information from mlp fim. I hope this helps with the idea!
CarissaThis not about only one idea, it is about everybody that wants dragons in Mo' Creatures posting them here because the original thread was getting crowded with dragon suggestions and so Dr. Zhark can see everyone's idea so he can pick his favorite. Thanks for the ideas though! If you want me to put in the first thread your idea, please make it a little more in depth and detailed.
What's awesome?
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Variety: There should be a variety of them varying biome to biome. This would promote exploration of the player to go out and hunt / find every type of them.
Tamable: I don't mind having the ability to ride Wyverns (C'mon, we already have pegasus and ostriches xD) but they should be a challenge to obtain. It would be cool if you had to go out and hunt for their eggs and raise the egg instead of just feeding a wild, giant creature that is more then able to eat you whole a stack of steak.
Rarity: Wyverns should be rare, they should be a feared, and their presence should be known. Random, half-burnt trees, shacks, and skulls lying around a certain biome could help indicate if there is one nearby.
Drops: Personally, I think they should drop scales. These scales could be used create wall mounts of their heads. A wall mount could be made out of wood, iron, gold, diamond, etc. and the head of the wyvern (or any animal if walls mounts were universal) could be placed on them. An idea would be to surround a block of wool with the specific scale.
That's all I have for now. I know no matter what Dr. Zhark will do a really good job with adding these monsters in. I've been following Mo'creatures since the beginning and I knew this day would come eventually!
Yah that would be cool. I love that movie! Its the best. All of the creatures are awesome.
Thanks for the suggestion! I added it to the list.
More details please.
Thanks man! I appreciate it.
More details please about the types, powers, attributes, size, etc.
When you have a tamed dragon of one kind, you don't get attacked by other dragons of that type unless you attack them. The condition to trigger would be being accompanied by the dragon to make it work. But there would be some exceptions.
Dragon growth: A dragon grows continuously during all it's life. The bigger it get, the stronger it is.
Alpha dragon: Bigger dragon. It's stronger and really territorial. Will sometimes fight if he sees a dragon of the same kind that's smaller.
Dragons move and live in groups.
Small size: 3 to 5 dragons, no alpha.
Medium size: 6 to 8 dragons, small alpha.
Big size: 9 to 12 dragons, big alpha.
Taming and cares about dragons:
A dragon must accept you as stronger than him or as older than him. Since you can't be stronger, you need to tame one by making a dragon egg hatch. A dragon needs to be fed meat during the early stages of it's growth until it can fight mobs by itself (around the size of a wolf or adult lion). During the rest of it's life, it will hunt mobs for food. Some types of mobs might cause the dragon to gain diseases, like the zombies. If fed a specific type of toxin a certain number of type, the dragon will gain an immunity (feed him some rotten flesh and it will grow an immunity to poison). Please note that a dragon is an intelligent being, if you harm it daily, it will suddenly turn against you and kill you. You must also keep a small group of dragon, if you only have one tamed dragon, it will grow lonely and eventually die.
Dragon lairs:
Deep caves with piles of riches. You find a big group of dragon, it's likely that there's a lair nearby. Warning, Diamond Gear might not help you survive if you enter the lair, take some treasures and an egg and run. It is likely that your diamond gear will end up in a pile of diamonds. A lair is where the largest groups of dragon lives, make their nests and hide their treasures. There is always a dragon inside the lair, watching over things.
It does make sense for a Wyvern to be one of the most feared. It is the largest of them all; it can carry away full grown African Elephants, for pete's sake! Although I would say the European would still be at the top, as it can't stand anyone but itself. Heck, they can barely stand them!
I do agree that feared dragons such as Wyvern and Europeans do need things like bones and scorch marks around their lairs too. Especially the bones. Also, are there types of Wyverns that can spew fire? I thought they only sported poison in their fangs.
Added to the list! Thanks
dragons have the potential of becoming war beasts but they could have other porpuses when tamed instead of guard or kill something
a more pasive funcion like a block where you put ores and the firebreathing of the dragons smelt the ores.
and about species i think there should be a chance to get a three-headed dragon as a rare breed im out of ideas i will post more if i think more suggestions.
of a diferent type the result will be a 2 headed dragon example:(dark+light=1head and 1 head dark) and if you have a different dragon type you can make the 3 headed dragon example:(hybrid from last example+fire=fire/light/dark 3 headed dragon).
undead dragons can't breed by ovius reasons they r dead but they will look cooler when the scales fall down and its all skelly.okay im out of ideas
Can you please reword this to make it comprehendible and repost it in one comment please?
My idea is for have diferent types of dragons,
1: Green Dragon: This dragon is hostile and is the less rare and can fly, it can be found in caves and in his nest, the nest of the green dragon is generate when you create new worlds.
2: Nether Dragon: This dragon is black and have eyes in fire, they live in nether, can swim in lava and can fly.
3: Peaceful Dragon: This dragon is peaceful and can be tamed and mounted, it is brown and can fly .
4: Ice Dragon: This dragon is white is hostile, can fly and live in caves.
I think is nice if the dragons cast potions like witches.
Thanks for see my ideas and good luck with you topic Manimal
Thanks for the suggestion! I added it to the list. If you think of anything new or want to change it, tell me and i will do so.
Magma Dragons: Red with golden claws and horns, these dragons are found only at large pools of above ground lava and in the Nether. 4 legs, medium tail length and a pair of large wings. Lots of HP. Eggs can be stolen from nests and will only hatch if placed in lava. Can carry 2 people.
Sea Serpent: Very long with no wings, very fast in water. Carries 2 riders. Eggs will only hatch in water. Only found in ocean biomes and rarely basking on the beach. Blasts high pressure water instead of fire. If equipped with Aqua Saddle you will be able to breath underwater.
It depends on the culture. Some have Wyverns with venom, others with the ability to spit fire.
Not completely sure about the size thing though; most mythology ( and fantasy) they are big, yes, but Dragons supersede them in size.
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the dragon isles if you make a portal you can travel to the dragon isles a group of islands maybe like 15 islands in it and this will be a place with a lot of dragons and eggs you may find certain eggs in certain areas for example: there may be a netherack area with a nether dragon egg. the portal will be made from the mystical dragonite ore but be careful stealing a mothers egg will auto aggro all nearby dragons so you must do it while the mother is flying around getting food or run from the dragons
there is a tiny tiny chance that a dragon may have come into the over world wrecking havoc on everyone there unlike in the dragon isles these dragons are hostile unlike in the Isles when they only attack when you attack or steal an egg be careful some dragons may destroy your entire minecraft world
chameleon dragons these tiny dragons are so small they can barely fight unless in a group these little guys will blend in with there surroundings and when every they find another chameleon dragon they will join a team and eventually make a horde of them
these are much more common in the over world but you wont always see you unless they are in a group eating you alive
Correct, dragons are MUCH larger then Wyverns usually.