After several days of working on the server and trying to get it running...I did! However, of all things I believe I ran out of item IDs.... I'm going to give a list of the mods we had running, the error came out because a couple of the weapons would crash the client with a "not in Gzip format" then give them a null.pointerexception error upon re-logging, we'd have to delete their player data.
The list is in no particular order, and I have Modloader, ModloaderMP, and Forge installed. (Generally if a mod isn't forge compatible I will try to jury-rig it in once to see if it plays nice, or we drop it all together.)
The list is as follows.:
Crafting Table 2
Balkions weapons!
Chainz Mod
Elemental Arrows
Inficraft+IT's Addons
Ballerburg Cannons
SDK GunsMod
Now I realize that this list is well....rather extensive, we play with the Max Mob Spawn limit (From SDK Guns) raised to 110, on hard mode, with the Spawn Multiplacator (Siege Craft) set to 15, elemental creepers will blow up behind walls as per a normal creeper, all creepers (Including elemental) will sometimes spawn as super charged, blazes will spawn in the real world.
Everything plays suprisingly nicely together (Admittedly through the witchery of config files and using up a fair bit (Pretty sure every or close to it) of our Block IDs ) Now the issue we ran into with all of this installed, is that when someone tried to make of all things... a stone battle axe with a WOODEN only with a Wooden handle, their client would crash. Ok... I said, I got this! Went in, changed so that they had fixed IDs, on both client and server side...worked...or so I thought.
Except it overwrote about 15 or so other weapons from inficraft's list, and now Iron Shovels (Vanilla standard) crash the client to the point of player data needing to be erased. So, after the past 3 days and nearly 55 hours put into modding the thing to work, we're all at a loss...cause well it doesn't work as well as it was seeming when we first hopped in. Which is really just a shame.
I'm posting here because to be honest, I don't know alow (At least in my opinion) about modding and making Minecraft work, my ideal would be take a big hammer to the code and see if it works then =D, but really. My question here is, is it indeed that I've run out of Item IDs of all things? (I thought there was well over 30K available.) Hmmm...I'm sure I'm forgetting to add something, but well hopefully this is enough info to eithier slap me and say "WTF of course that's to many" Or " Nah brah you cut the red wire instead of the blue one." OR something along the lines of where to go next.
We were batting around the idea of cutting out a few mods we're not thinking we need anymore. Such as Ropes+ (I added it because we had taken out smart moving, then to many complaints about smart moving being gone so we added it back in.) Elemental Arrows. (Cause...well we have guns and we have no one using them.) Chainz, (Cause while the elevator and iron spikes are awesome...they might not be needed.)
And see if it works then, but I'd like to know if it is indeed IDs or not first, as another note... I can't really use IDResolver as from all I've seen of it, it resolves client side on each startup, it doesn't actually modify configfiles or values so that I could copy it over to the server. Any help would be appreciated!
Ahhaha....ha... so...I just ran ID resolver on my client to see just what the issue might right after autoassigning.
Block IDs left 47
Item IDS left:27917
Sprite IDs left: 13
I think I've found my there anyway to make it so I can ID resolve a server? If so we may not have to scrap anything....
The list is in no particular order, and I have Modloader, ModloaderMP, and Forge installed. (Generally if a mod isn't forge compatible I will try to jury-rig it in once to see if it plays nice, or we drop it all together.)
The list is as follows.:
Crafting Table 2
Balkions weapons!
Chainz Mod
Elemental Arrows
Inficraft+IT's Addons
Ballerburg Cannons
SDK GunsMod
Now I realize that this list is well....rather extensive, we play with the Max Mob Spawn limit (From SDK Guns) raised to 110, on hard mode, with the Spawn Multiplacator (Siege Craft) set to 15, elemental creepers will blow up behind walls as per a normal creeper, all creepers (Including elemental) will sometimes spawn as super charged, blazes will spawn in the real world.
Everything plays suprisingly nicely together (Admittedly through the witchery of config files and using up a fair bit (Pretty sure every or close to it) of our Block IDs ) Now the issue we ran into with all of this installed, is that when someone tried to make of all things... a stone battle axe with a WOODEN only with a Wooden handle, their client would crash. Ok... I said, I got this! Went in, changed so that they had fixed IDs, on both client and server side...worked...or so I thought.
Except it overwrote about 15 or so other weapons from inficraft's list, and now Iron Shovels (Vanilla standard) crash the client to the point of player data needing to be erased. So, after the past 3 days and nearly 55 hours put into modding the thing to work, we're all at a loss...cause well it doesn't work as well as it was seeming when we first hopped in. Which is really just a shame.
I'm posting here because to be honest, I don't know alow (At least in my opinion) about modding and making Minecraft work, my ideal would be take a big hammer to the code and see if it works then =D, but really. My question here is, is it indeed that I've run out of Item IDs of all things? (I thought there was well over 30K available.) Hmmm...I'm sure I'm forgetting to add something, but well hopefully this is enough info to eithier slap me and say "WTF of course that's to many" Or " Nah brah you cut the red wire instead of the blue one." OR something along the lines of where to go next.
We were batting around the idea of cutting out a few mods we're not thinking we need anymore. Such as Ropes+ (I added it because we had taken out smart moving, then to many complaints about smart moving being gone so we added it back in.) Elemental Arrows. (Cause...well we have guns and we have no one using them.) Chainz, (Cause while the elevator and iron spikes are awesome...they might not be needed.)
And see if it works then, but I'd like to know if it is indeed IDs or not first, as another note... I can't really use IDResolver as from all I've seen of it, it resolves client side on each startup, it doesn't actually modify configfiles or values so that I could copy it over to the server. Any help would be appreciated!
Ahhaha....ha... so...I just ran ID resolver on my client to see just what the issue might right after autoassigning.
Block IDs left 47
Item IDS left:27917
Sprite IDs left: 13
I think I've found my there anyway to make it so I can ID resolve a server? If so we may not have to scrap anything....