Basically, I get an error under BlockObsidian.blockID
public void addSmelts()
ModLoader.AddSmelting(BlockObsidian.blockID, new ItemStack(ObsidianIngot, 1));
I want to be able to make an Obsidian Ingot.. But it won't allow me to smelt An Obsidian Block..
Do I need to edit core files or can I stick with ModLoader?
Thanks for your help Lancer.. Personally I just made it so that you craft Obsidian into what's known as an "Obsidian Rock".
You use that rock to create the tools/Armor..
Basically, I get an error under BlockObsidian.blockID
public void addSmelts()
ModLoader.AddSmelting(BlockObsidian.blockID, new ItemStack(ObsidianIngot, 1));
I want to be able to make an Obsidian Ingot.. But it won't allow me to smelt An Obsidian Block..
Do I need to edit core files or can I stick with ModLoader?
Heres what you need as long as ObsidianIngot is defined in the same file
ModLoader.AddSmelting(Block.obsidian.blockID, new ItemStack(ObsidianIngot, 1));
I want to be able to make an Obsidian Ingot.. But it won't allow me to smelt An Obsidian Block..
Do I need to edit core files or can I stick with ModLoader?
Here is why I'm using void.
Tell me if you figure out why It's not working.
You use that rock to create the tools/Armor..
I gave up on the smelt thing ;D.
Heres what you need as long as ObsidianIngot is defined in the same file
ModLoader.AddSmelting(Block.obsidian.blockID, new ItemStack(ObsidianIngot, 1));