Wow my bad, I already knew about that one and completely blanked. I was referring more to the questions that everyone is pissing their pants over and why this topic has gotten so many posts in so little time. I'm just tired of seeing this entire discussion of the relation to hell and heaven. It's a fun game to play, so who cares?
Most of these blocks aren't really that useful, and the additional tiers of tools
aren't really needed. I still like Grey's version better.
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Quote from Amariithynar »
Aesthetics. Give them to us.
Quote from GreyAcumen »
Quote from lxxwj »
I think Grey just hates putting new things into the game unless they can be completely and fully justified for at least 3 uses, not including looking cool.
If there's a thread that certainly doesn't need a bump, it's this one. Kudos to you guys for this mod of epic proportions - this looks bloody fantastic and very, very promising.
I was reading this thread and the further I read the Opening post I kept asking myself "How is this what Grey proposed?"
I mean, you have the terrain generation, and a few mobs. From there you COMPLETELY diverge on Block types, and even go so far as adding Ores and new Tool tiers.
2 points for terrain gen, and 1 for some of the more difficult mobs, but still that leaves you with 3/10.
You know, even though it has the same name, doesn't mean that its supposed to be as mentioned in the suggestion topic.
Quote from name="From the Aether Suggestion Topic »
Hey guys, me and two other modders have been hard at work to create the Aether. We've made it based on this suggestion thread, and we've already completed the Aerwhale and Moa! Check it out here:
I was reading this thread and the further I read the Opening post I kept asking myself "How is this what Grey proposed?"
I mean, you have the terrain generation, and a few mobs. From there you COMPLETELY diverge on Block types, and even go so far as adding Ores and new Tool tiers.
2 points for terrain gen, and 1 for some of the more difficult mobs, but still that leaves you with 3/10.
You know, even though it has the same name, doesn't mean that its supposed to be as mentioned in the suggestion topic.
Quote from name="From the Aether Suggestion Topic »
Hey guys, me and two other modders have been hard at work to create the Aether. We've made it based on this suggestion thread, and we've already completed the Aerwhale and Moa! Check it out here:
sabata2 wrote:I was reading this thread and the further I read the Opening post I kept asking myself "How is this what Grey proposed?"
I mean, you have the terrain generation, and a few mobs. From there you COMPLETELY diverge on Block types, and even go so far as adding Ores and new Tool tiers.
2 points for terrain gen, and 1 for some of the more difficult mobs, but still that leaves you with 3/10.
You know, even though it has the same name, doesn't mean that its supposed to be as mentioned in the suggestion topic.
From the Aether Suggestion Topic : kingbdogz wrote:Hey guys, me and two other modders have been hard at work to create the Aether. We've made it based on this suggestion thread, and we've already completed the Aerwhale and Moa! Check it out here:
I do believe you can stfu now.
For something based off the thread, it's doing a VERY poor job at following it.
wow, the idioticacy *facepalm* Sabata the phrase based off of doesnt mean EXACTLY what its based off of. also no one guaranteed it to be "Just what your heart desires" E:
I do believe you can stfu now.
For something based off the thread, it's doing a VERY poor job at following it.
Yes, just because this mod is based on what was discussed in the idea thread, it does not have to follow it completely. Like movies based on books, or the rip-off games based on Minecraft, we can agree that in comparison, they aren't the same. Also, the modders have recently just begun posting about block types and items. They have not updated this list in a few days, so perhaps there will be more blocks from the idea thread and of their own added on here very soon, but of course this is up to the modders and what they think should be in their mod. In my opinion, we should wait until the mod is done before we go on judging how it is like or not like the idea. Besides, the new block types add practicality to the Aether, and like many here, I'd rather not have to go back to the normal world for something as simple as tools.
Sabata does have a point. He's not complaining about the Modders making any changes at all, but that the changes they are making specifically conflict with the very core of what makes the Aether really feel like a separate Realm, and not just a bunch of floating islands that could have been added to minecraft Overworld.
To compare it to movies, just look what has happened to movies like Dragonball and Airbender when they've been given the hollywood treatment and had much of their most basic essence completely ripped out of them.
To be fair though, Kingdogz has been doing an excellent (or at least adequate) job of keeping in touch with me, running new ideas by me for feedback. Some of their block own block additions have been pretty decent, and they've obviously done a wonderful job with the mobs.
Another thing to keep in mind is that many of the restrictions I placed on the suggestions for the Aether thread were based on the Nether getting almost no updates at all. With the New Nether acting as a point of reference the Teirs being proposed for the Aether are actually quite acceptable. (they certainly aren't just more of the same slapped on the end, but seem to have their own unique dynamics. Whether these dynamics will work or not will have to be seen)
My only concerns so far have been that:
1) I still don't think fire should work in the Aether (which Kingdogs mentioned they were going to try to tie back in through a different method, but I pointed out problems with that method, so maybe they'll use the rest of my advice and pull it back to fire simply not working) I haven't heard back from him on that. My original proposal from teh suggestion thread, that even LAVA would be turned to obsidian, was too much though. Simply having its flow length decreased in the Aether and not being able to set things on fire (though still able to injure the player when touched) would be a much better solution.
2) I still don't think there should be directly damaging mobs. The sentries still seem okay, and from what I recall the Hostile Moas may have been toned down or reworked. Still, the Guardians and bosses are supposed to do direct damage. We'll have to see how that turns out. Worst comes to worst they could always be disabled or reworked.
3) I don't agree with using other materials for Aether Portals.
I've also discussed the Enchanter with Kingdogz. It seems to share some similarities with my Magic Furnace suggestion, but with extra pieces tacked on that seemed unnecessary to me, even given the additional features it would possess. Yet to hear word back on that either.
Sabata does have a point. He's not complaining about the Modders making any changes at all, but that the changes they are making specifically conflict with the very core of what makes the Aether really feel like a separate Realm, and not just a bunch of floating islands that could have been added to minecraft Overworld.
Good point. I personally support the ideas on your thread because of the sheer simplicity they provide for the player. Minecraft is simple in itself, so it flows with it. However, the mod is not yet finalized, and many things can change in the next week (or more...) during its development. I just do not think its right to judge something that isn't done.
but that the changes they are making specifically conflict with the very core of what makes the Aether really feel like a separate Realm, and not just a bunch of floating islands that could have been added to minecraft Overworld.
I think this idea will be a little difficult to define. Floating islands are the core of what makes Aether a significant addition--like the Nether, the reason it has to be a dimension is because the terrain generation is far too different to dovetail well with the overworld. The "theme" should be secondary to that. King and co. are going with a slightly more mythological feel, whereas you suggested a purer opposite to the Nether. Each idea has its merits, but so long as each works well with the floating islands concept, it's tough to say that they've discarded some "essence" of Aetherness. They still are really pushing for the main mechanic of mobs that risk pushing you off islands moreso than direct damage, which works well with the fact that there are gaps all over the place. As long as the spirit of platforming is there, I think they've got a handle on things.
Aside from the coldness theme, which they clearly aren't using, why shouldn't fire work? It doesn't exactly seem overpowered, especially if the skyroots stay fairly sparse. Besides, who wants to risk burning a golden oak?
And the motivation behind using other materials besides lightstone is it's extreme rarity. Having to mine 90 blocks of it to make a single portal, and not being able to remine that portal and put it elsewhere without a 9x penalty, seems a little steep. Last I heard, Shockah still wants it to use some lightstone, and still preserve the "Nether before Aether" requirement.
My only real worry at this point is ambrosium becoming an infinite resource via holystone tools. If ambrosium can then be used to repair tools, then without severe restrictions on the mechanic, diamond becomes trivial since your tool never breaks.
Personally I think it's an epic idea, and as many have mentioned, the main attraction is a realm of floating islands. If the mod added that and nothing else, it would land 500k downloads easy, but add on to that new mobs, materials, mechanics, and an objective other than "Find diamond or mob spawner!"? Forget about it, any mod that can on pure anticipation alone get me to stop playing the game and read 99+ pages on a forum, and then make an account just so I can comment about that mod........WINNING! As for the original concepts, who among us as gamers have never been drooling with excitement over an article in a magazine about a game with a world changing mechanic that is 12-24 months away from release, that eventually comes out without those very features (or doesn't come out at all!) because it was too difficult to accomplish? Give the "Three Kings" up there some credit! They are the ones charged with making our Minecraft fantasy into a reality, so if there are some things that need to be changed or forgotten from the wish list to get this content to us with the up-most quality, then so be it. Not to mention that they have gotten this far in a MONTH, and while were not mentioning things, anyone ever heard of "Updates"? All of our favorite mods are added to/polished all the time, why would one this (potentially) amazing be any different?
How do you know Beta 1.4 is coming out this week? 0_0
Wow my bad, I already knew about that one and completely blanked. I was referring more to the questions that everyone is pissing their pants over and why this topic has gotten so many posts in so little time. I'm just tired of seeing this entire discussion of the relation to hell and heaven. It's a fun game to play, so who cares?
Agreed completely, it's pointless.
A mysterious force pulls towards the eggs....
These are for you
aren't really needed. I still like Grey's version better.
P.S.: Who is TehRussian and what business does he have saying that "meeps" will be in your mod?
I do believe you can stfu now.
For something based off the thread, it's doing a VERY poor job at following it.
For me it doesn't matter. It's a great mod either way.
wow, the idioticacy *facepalm* Sabata the phrase based off of doesnt mean EXACTLY what its based off of. also no one guaranteed it to be "Just what your heart desires" E:
Yes, just because this mod is based on what was discussed in the idea thread, it does not have to follow it completely. Like movies based on books, or the rip-off games based on Minecraft, we can agree that in comparison, they aren't the same. Also, the modders have recently just begun posting about block types and items. They have not updated this list in a few days, so perhaps there will be more blocks from the idea thread and of their own added on here very soon, but of course this is up to the modders and what they think should be in their mod. In my opinion, we should wait until the mod is done before we go on judging how it is like or not like the idea. Besides, the new block types add practicality to the Aether, and like many here, I'd rather not have to go back to the normal world for something as simple as tools.
To compare it to movies, just look what has happened to movies like Dragonball and Airbender when they've been given the hollywood treatment and had much of their most basic essence completely ripped out of them.
To be fair though, Kingdogz has been doing an excellent (or at least adequate) job of keeping in touch with me, running new ideas by me for feedback. Some of their block own block additions have been pretty decent, and they've obviously done a wonderful job with the mobs.
Another thing to keep in mind is that many of the restrictions I placed on the suggestions for the Aether thread were based on the Nether getting almost no updates at all. With the New Nether acting as a point of reference the Teirs being proposed for the Aether are actually quite acceptable. (they certainly aren't just more of the same slapped on the end, but seem to have their own unique dynamics. Whether these dynamics will work or not will have to be seen)
My only concerns so far have been that:
1) I still don't think fire should work in the Aether (which Kingdogs mentioned they were going to try to tie back in through a different method, but I pointed out problems with that method, so maybe they'll use the rest of my advice and pull it back to fire simply not working) I haven't heard back from him on that. My original proposal from teh suggestion thread, that even LAVA would be turned to obsidian, was too much though. Simply having its flow length decreased in the Aether and not being able to set things on fire (though still able to injure the player when touched) would be a much better solution.
2) I still don't think there should be directly damaging mobs. The sentries still seem okay, and from what I recall the Hostile Moas may have been toned down or reworked. Still, the Guardians and bosses are supposed to do direct damage. We'll have to see how that turns out. Worst comes to worst they could always be disabled or reworked.
3) I don't agree with using other materials for Aether Portals.
I've also discussed the Enchanter with Kingdogz. It seems to share some similarities with my Magic Furnace suggestion, but with extra pieces tacked on that seemed unnecessary to me, even given the additional features it would possess. Yet to hear word back on that either.
Sabata & Grey Acumen's "New Nether"
Grey Acumen's Minecraft 2.0 Suggestion Series
Good point. I personally support the ideas on your thread because of the sheer simplicity they provide for the player. Minecraft is simple in itself, so it flows with it. However, the mod is not yet finalized, and many things can change in the next week (or more...) during its development. I just do not think its right to judge something that isn't done.
I think this idea will be a little difficult to define. Floating islands are the core of what makes Aether a significant addition--like the Nether, the reason it has to be a dimension is because the terrain generation is far too different to dovetail well with the overworld. The "theme" should be secondary to that. King and co. are going with a slightly more mythological feel, whereas you suggested a purer opposite to the Nether. Each idea has its merits, but so long as each works well with the floating islands concept, it's tough to say that they've discarded some "essence" of Aetherness. They still are really pushing for the main mechanic of mobs that risk pushing you off islands moreso than direct damage, which works well with the fact that there are gaps all over the place. As long as the spirit of platforming is there, I think they've got a handle on things.
Aside from the coldness theme, which they clearly aren't using, why shouldn't fire work? It doesn't exactly seem overpowered, especially if the skyroots stay fairly sparse. Besides, who wants to risk burning a golden oak?
And the motivation behind using other materials besides lightstone is it's extreme rarity. Having to mine 90 blocks of it to make a single portal, and not being able to remine that portal and put it elsewhere without a 9x penalty, seems a little steep. Last I heard, Shockah still wants it to use some lightstone, and still preserve the "Nether before Aether" requirement.
My only real worry at this point is ambrosium becoming an infinite resource via holystone tools. If ambrosium can then be used to repair tools, then without severe restrictions on the mechanic, diamond becomes trivial since your tool never breaks.