This is my first adventure map.
I just decided to call it The Experiment, there is no plot.
Let me know if you find any problems or have any suggestions Rules
1. play on peaceful
2. you cannot destroy blocks except for clay (and dirt in the first room only)
3. you cannot place blocks
4. Don't cheat using any inventory editors
The first room becomes easy with use of the diamond shovel. Just remove one dirt and backtrack! Also it's very easy to dodge the explosion when you flick "Horrible, painful death" by going down the ladder a bit.
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If you're callin' about the Mobtalker scripts, I no longer have access to them.
However, it's been getting tempting lately to put together a modpack that includes CustomNPCs, so I could definitely work in something along the same themes in the modpack's quests. Feel free to give suggestions of mods that promote an experience which minimizes mining grind in favor of exploration. I'll likely have to include Grimorie of Gaia to provide good models (No I'm not gonna directly change the default mob models)
The first room becomes easy with use of the diamond shovel. Just remove one dirt and backtrack! Also it's very easy to dodge the explosion when you flick "Horrible, painful death" by going down the ladder a bit.
Thanks, I didn't notice the dirt thing, and the switches were done on purpose. I wanted to give people a chance to
escape because you weren't suppose to hit them in the first place
I just decided to call it The Experiment, there is no plot.
Let me know if you find any problems or have any suggestions
1. play on peaceful
2. you cannot destroy blocks except for clay (and dirt in the first room only)
3. you cannot place blocks
4. Don't cheat using any inventory editors
yes there is. you build it 1 to the right of the door.
like this
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the black wool is door red wool is redstone stick is switch
If you're callin' about the Mobtalker scripts, I no longer have access to them.
However, it's been getting tempting lately to put together a modpack that includes CustomNPCs, so I could definitely work in something along the same themes in the modpack's quests. Feel free to give suggestions of mods that promote an experience which minimizes mining grind in favor of exploration. I'll likely have to include Grimorie of Gaia to provide good models (No I'm not gonna directly change the default mob models)
Thanks, I didn't notice the dirt thing, and the switches were done on purpose. I wanted to give people a chance to
escape because you weren't suppose to hit them in the first place
Since you can't control what comes out of a dispenser some people got a mushroom and some got redstone dust. They were both in the dispenser