Hey I'm making some maps for an SMP server and I'm trying to figure out how to limit/disable the world from constantly generating.
I've allocated the space I wanted and got rid of everything beyond that space, but whenever you load the world it regenerates out.
Anyone know how to limit and or disable the generation so a map can be within a defined area.
P.S. I already limited the walk area so it won't go past a certain point since you can't "explore" more, but it just keeps regenerating back if I get rid of those blocks.
I've allocated the space I wanted and got rid of everything beyond that space, but whenever you load the world it regenerates out.
Anyone know how to limit and or disable the generation so a map can be within a defined area.
P.S. I already limited the walk area so it won't go past a certain point since you can't "explore" more, but it just keeps regenerating back if I get rid of those blocks.