Ok so well I'am making an underground underwater base/house and I'am in need of a mod like Shape Builder, I ask because it seems it's only for SMP and its not updated :/.
Main point would be that well I just want to dig tunnels and huge holes whatever the size I want for whatever the length of blocks I want.
If this can't be done well uhm may some direct me to an easy to use map editor, for the kinds of things I'am looking for?
Also quick question how exactly do I completely flood a massive hole? I tried putting water near corners but that doesn't do nothing because the whole is from the top of the mountain till the bedrock.
Main point would be that well I just want to dig tunnels and huge holes whatever the size I want for whatever the length of blocks I want.
If this can't be done well uhm may some direct me to an easy to use map editor, for the kinds of things I'am looking for?
Also quick question how exactly do I completely flood a massive hole? I tried putting water near corners but that doesn't do nothing because the whole is from the top of the mountain till the bedrock.
+ = :Notch:?
It's very useful
anyone else have answers to my other questions?