Well, i just had a couple ideas for a SMP servers (And, now that i think about it writing it out, SP would also have a okay thing going on, if the second part of idea is implemented) but it would require a bit of an oddity, an item, or block, that once put into you inventory, can not be removed from, or moved around within, your inventory, except by inventory editors.
My idea was more of a thought, that maybe a MC server host, could give away 'gifts' because of certain events, like holidays, server anniversaries, Nation Creeper Day, etc... And it would be the easiest to just make the player have a item, that is non-movable/removable, maybe like a bag sort of thing, that can only have things put into, not taken out of, unless inventory editors where used to do so, so you could put the 'gifts' inside the bag, without having to delete a persons items to make room, or just let them all take from a public bin of gifts, or, mandate that a player always has X amount of slots free, for random gifts, which may, or may never be given/utilised/etc. Also, maybe a function, where the 'gift bag' could have a system, to where every 'X' number of days, a random item it sotred into it, as in, an Automatic, and very random inv editor, but you have no clue what it will give, maybe even a system to where certain factors come into play (See more on that later) to make the 'random' item/block you get, less random.
Possible Factors:
-Time in World (Basically your play time, in that speific world)
-Number of Blocks dug/mined, and maybe crafted also.
-Number of aggresive creatures killed
-Number of times you died (As a negative influence)
-Number of creatures you 'sniped' (Hitting a mob with an arrow X amount of blocks away, so far, my record is about 25... yes, that is a challenge to all would-be opposition)
-And, as a joke, number of creepers you blew up with TNT (Now that i think about it, that would be fun)
-Anything else you guys/gals/its/creepers suggest.
Maybe even where certain factors influence differently, or just, have each item have a value, and the item is picked from 0-XXX ( Where 'XXX' is the number of blocks/items in the current world) a Zero, means you get nothing that time around, but every positive influence raises the first num ber by one, every death lowers it by 5, with Zero as the lowest possible value (Mainly because the newbies who die alot, they may not want to have -100 within 2 MC days, and also, because everyone dies at some point, and early in the game, where your factors would be low, is the more likely time frame, and that is the greatest area where it may go negative.)
But, another spin on it could be, like before every item has a value, but it would also have a 'weight' lets pretend there is only 5 items/blocks in the game: sand, grass, rock, TNT, and diamonds. now, we would assign values to each one, and each would start out with a weight of '1', meaning, each one has as much of a chance to by received, but lets say, if you killed 25 creeepers with TNT, that related factor would raise by one, thus, it would increase the 'weight' of TNT by one also, for this, all you would have to do, is count how many of each 'factor' has been done, kinda like:
MC Days Alive: 12
Times Died: 1
Number of Blocks Dug/Mined: 999
Number of Creeper-Go-Boom's: 5
And, when each number reaches a multiple of some number, the factors effect raises, the 'factor effect' would not have to be a variable.
Okay, so using the above example, in a more code-orientated view, would be this:
User has 24 Creeper-go-boom's.
When he achieves another creeper-go-boom, it would raise 'itemTNT.weight' by one (Or whatever way you use to reference variables in java, i used 'item.variable', in this example) It would not raise the pretend variable 'Creeper-Go-Boom.factor_level', as it is unneeded, it would, when the specific requirements are achieved, just directly give it a cause, without more coding XD)
Personally, i like the 'value + weight' as it givesquite a bit more depth, like, number of days alive could increase the first number in the first part of this idea, times died decreases it by 5, but not below Zero, and maybe number of blocks dug/mined, could increase the weight of a random ore/rock/underground_item, like mushrooms, a lava bucket (As lava blocks would be kinda odd...) obsidian, iron/gold, coal, and diamonds, and maybe a very small chance, or at an extreme amount of 'blocks dug/mined' have you receive Adminium/Bedrock, (Maybe as milestones, like every 10K blocks dug/mined you get a 90% chance to get a diamond, 9% chance to get a diamond block, and a 1% chance to get Bedrock block. for the Creeper go boom, maybe a stack of gunpowder for a milestone, for times died, maybe mob spawner (Heck, you'll probably die more now, so long as it is an aggresive mob, and it is my only idea to fit in with dying...) maybe for a milestone of days alive, give a random piece of diamond armor or a stack of Obsidian (obsidian, because it is highly resistant to explosions, thus keeping that creeper from killing you, thus keeping you alive a bit longer.)
And yes, this is also partly a mod request, but the main reason i made this thread, is to ask the more experienced Modders out there, if such a 'Gift Bag' was possible, for both SMP, and SSP, or weither it was only possible for one of the two, or for neither of them, with reasons behind such.
Open to suggestions on possible 'factors' and also possible modifications to the original idea. I would really like to know if this would even be possible... :/
My idea was more of a thought, that maybe a MC server host, could give away 'gifts' because of certain events, like holidays, server anniversaries, Nation Creeper Day, etc... And it would be the easiest to just make the player have a item, that is non-movable/removable, maybe like a bag sort of thing, that can only have things put into, not taken out of, unless inventory editors where used to do so, so you could put the 'gifts' inside the bag, without having to delete a persons items to make room, or just let them all take from a public bin of gifts, or, mandate that a player always has X amount of slots free, for random gifts, which may, or may never be given/utilised/etc. Also, maybe a function, where the 'gift bag' could have a system, to where every 'X' number of days, a random item it sotred into it, as in, an Automatic, and very random inv editor, but you have no clue what it will give, maybe even a system to where certain factors come into play (See more on that later) to make the 'random' item/block you get, less random.
Possible Factors:
-Time in World (Basically your play time, in that speific world)
-Number of Blocks dug/mined, and maybe crafted also.
-Number of aggresive creatures killed
-Number of times you died (As a negative influence)
-Number of creatures you 'sniped' (Hitting a mob with an arrow X amount of blocks away, so far, my record is about 25... yes, that is a challenge to all would-be opposition)
-And, as a joke, number of creepers you blew up with TNT (Now that i think about it, that would be fun)
-Anything else you guys/gals/its/creepers suggest.
Maybe even where certain factors influence differently, or just, have each item have a value, and the item is picked from 0-XXX ( Where 'XXX' is the number of blocks/items in the current world) a Zero, means you get nothing that time around, but every positive influence raises the first num ber by one, every death lowers it by 5, with Zero as the lowest possible value (Mainly because the newbies who die alot, they may not want to have -100 within 2 MC days, and also, because everyone dies at some point, and early in the game, where your factors would be low, is the more likely time frame, and that is the greatest area where it may go negative.)
But, another spin on it could be, like before every item has a value, but it would also have a 'weight' lets pretend there is only 5 items/blocks in the game: sand, grass, rock, TNT, and diamonds. now, we would assign values to each one, and each would start out with a weight of '1', meaning, each one has as much of a chance to by received, but lets say, if you killed 25 creeepers with TNT, that related factor would raise by one, thus, it would increase the 'weight' of TNT by one also, for this, all you would have to do, is count how many of each 'factor' has been done, kinda like:
MC Days Alive: 12
Times Died: 1
Number of Blocks Dug/Mined: 999
Number of Creeper-Go-Boom's: 5
And, when each number reaches a multiple of some number, the factors effect raises, the 'factor effect' would not have to be a variable.
Okay, so using the above example, in a more code-orientated view, would be this:
User has 24 Creeper-go-boom's.
When he achieves another creeper-go-boom, it would raise 'itemTNT.weight' by one (Or whatever way you use to reference variables in java, i used 'item.variable', in this example) It would not raise the pretend variable 'Creeper-Go-Boom.factor_level', as it is unneeded, it would, when the specific requirements are achieved, just directly give it a cause, without more coding XD)
Personally, i like the 'value + weight' as it givesquite a bit more depth, like, number of days alive could increase the first number in the first part of this idea, times died decreases it by 5, but not below Zero, and maybe number of blocks dug/mined, could increase the weight of a random ore/rock/underground_item, like mushrooms, a lava bucket (As lava blocks would be kinda odd...) obsidian, iron/gold, coal, and diamonds, and maybe a very small chance, or at an extreme amount of 'blocks dug/mined' have you receive Adminium/Bedrock, (Maybe as milestones, like every 10K blocks dug/mined you get a 90% chance to get a diamond, 9% chance to get a diamond block, and a 1% chance to get Bedrock block. for the Creeper go boom, maybe a stack of gunpowder for a milestone, for times died, maybe mob spawner (Heck, you'll probably die more now, so long as it is an aggresive mob, and it is my only idea to fit in with dying...) maybe for a milestone of days alive, give a random piece of diamond armor or a stack of Obsidian (obsidian, because it is highly resistant to explosions, thus keeping that creeper from killing you, thus keeping you alive a bit longer.)
And yes, this is also partly a mod request, but the main reason i made this thread, is to ask the more experienced Modders out there, if such a 'Gift Bag' was possible, for both SMP, and SSP, or weither it was only possible for one of the two, or for neither of them, with reasons behind such.
And yes, this is mainly a bump, but eh...