1) Open up %appdata%, if you don't know how to do this, start>run, then type in %appdata%
2) Browse to .minecraft/bin
3) Open up minecraft.jar with WinRAR or 7zip.
4) Drag and drop the necessary class files into the jar.
5) Delete the META-INF folder in the jar.
6) Run Minecraft, enjoy!
1) Go to Applications>Utilities and open terminal.
2) Type in the following, line by line:
cd ~
mkdir mctmp
cd mctmp
jar xf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
3) Outside of terminal, copy the class files into the mctmp directory.
4) Back inside terminal, type in the following:
jar uf ~/Library/Application\ Support/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar ./
cd ..
rm -rf mctmp
5) Run Minecraft, enjoy!
Creeper Animals
This might not be updated!! I can't figure out the error on recompile!
So here it is I made the modified mob act like normal until you get close. Then the thay will act like creepers! :Pig:/ >
I had to make a 100% new class out of two classes that already existed.
Custom class
Creeper Pig
Creeper Pig with cooked pork
Creeper Sheep
Creeper Chicken
Creeper Cow
You need to use the custom class for all Creeper mobs.
Source in zip files.
Custom pig skin:
Custom sheep skin:
Custom Chicken skin:
Custom cow skin:
Human Plates
Lets you craft Pressure plates that only you can turn on!
You craft them like this:
Get it here!
Update for Timeroot.
My custom cape
My cape
More to come!
Coming soon:
Updating mods...
Green Screen Block.
My customizable cape (txt) (one little error is preventing this...).
All hostile mobs like creepers.
Creeper Animals
This might not be updated!! I can't figure out the error on recompile!
So here it is I made the modified mob act like normal until you get close. Then the thay will act like creepers! :Pig:/ >
I had to make a 100% new class out of two classes that already existed.
Custom class
Creeper Pig
Creeper Pig with cooked pork
Creeper Sheep
Creeper Chicken
Creeper Cow
You need to use the custom class for all Creeper mobs.
Source in zip files.
Custom pig skin:
Custom sheep skin:
Custom Chicken skin:
Custom cow skin:
Human Plates
Lets you craft Pressure plates that only you can turn on!
You craft them like this:
Get it here!
Update for Timeroot.
My custom cape
My cape
More to come!
Coming soon:
Updating mods...
Green Screen Block.
My customizable cape (txt) (one little error is preventing this...).
All hostile mobs like creepers.
such as creeper sheep?
Not reversing hostiles = Insane Mode
lol your pic
Like m3ta_knight said, you should make it ModLoader compatible, and since you are adding NPCs you should also make it spawnlist compatible too.
Oh hey, come over here piggy, I want your meat right n-
AngelCraft 64 Texture Pack v2.0.2 (Beta 1.8.1)
Nerd, geek, server admin, guy wearing a rainbow skin (with an office suit of epicness)? That's me.
Spider pig, Skeleton Pig, Spider Cow, etc.
And Creeper Spider, Creeper Skeleton, etc.
And yes, i AM mad. -insane cackle-
Dl link?