Dows the button in the lava room have a purpose in this version?
Nah, not yet. The release I'm uploading now even has a few with redstone dust, but they don't serve a purpose either (yet). What I'd like to do is keep track of how many I leave in the chests, then at the VERY end you'll need them in order to move through the final puzzle rooms (for 100% full completion). At the end, I hope for it to take several play sessions to complete, something on the scale of 6-10 hours. Hopefully, nothing Notch does ruins what I already have done before I finish!
Awesome, I gotta try it out. It would be cool if you made a hidden waterladder that leads to a hole in the wall or ceiling. And you might want to update your first post to link to the latest version.
After another play through, before anyone else tells me, I'm aware of the following problems:
I forgot to put a mob spawner somewhere. (secret)
I forgot to put items in new chest #4 (beach).
The monster room for the super secret base is ABSURDLY difficult, even on easy setting. Luckily, it's actually possible to just jump over the trip switch that locks you out of the prize room anyway! Still, it's fun to see the results of my redstone circuitry. When you step on the pressure pad, the burnt out redstone torches all flash (imagine a blaring voice yelling "INTRUDER ALERT!") and the door shuts, until you go backwards out of the room and hit the button to reset the alarm.
There's a small gap in some glass in the Nether. If a ghast happens to see you, he'll blow a bigger hole in the glass. Then you're ****ed, for lack of a better term. I also neglected to enclose the area in which you see the double-sized chest as soon as you first enter the nether (the portal from the first version). If you happen to make it to that chest, you will most likely get blown up.
On the bright side, aside from the ghast problem, it's very fun.
As a side note, unless I'm enclosing them in a room made of obsidian, I will try my best to keep ghasts and creepers away. Remember, the main goal here is to leave the environment intact; I don't like explosions blowing up my carefully constructed map. When a ghast blows up a bridge or a creeper knocks out a wall in a normal game, it's "meh, whatever". But when you're supposed to play the map as-is without mining or building, well, it ruins it.
Has anyone gotten to the minecart joyride at the end? I'm REALLY proud of it. Took quite a while to actually make it fun!
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I'm stuck on the part with Pludpladr's chest. I have no clue where to go from there >_>
BTW, the part where Steve says that he hopes that you brought a torch...a zombie pigmen spawner? I'm extremely confused. On the other hand, I finished the normal world part. Was improved, although I was kinda going like...Where does that go? Can I go back and check? And crap like that.
Edit: I did see your post much earlier than posting this and srsly, I agree w/e the "Super secret base part". I was pretty much like, "****. Ima check out the other way." Thank goodness you let us jump over the plate even though it took me like 4 tries.
Edit: So um...I had to break down the gravel cause I had NO CLUE what to do. >_> So sad.
Anyway. Also...the whole minecart thing wasn't really working. I had to go into the maintenance room and get it working. And even then, after that, the cart lost speed and the booster didn't work. And another thing, the -ahem-chestthatwasnotsupposedtobefound...was the one after the lava? -being vague on purpose-
3rd Edit now: So...I checked the gravel later and...the water being active from the redstone wasn't happening. I punched a redstone and placed it down again and the it worked. I just noticed i'm the bearer of bad news. ****. On the other hand(This is another edit), I retryed the entire game by extracting it again. The first minecart booster did work but i suspect that hitting the other carts into lava slowed it down. The first hill after the TNT is what stops the cart completely. I removed the hill, and the mini booster thing that is set on the side of the TNT and the cart was able to move along fine. However, I don't know about the hitting minecart thing because well...They got burnt.
Well. I am sorry if that ruined your day or anything. Good luck on college!
I got up to the room right after the intruder room with the reset button where there is a painting and a large I don't have a clue what to do.
I'm stuck with the pludpladr (was it that way) chest too. Pressed the button on the pigmen spawner pit too, but don't really know what does it do. Do I have to track back too much to know what does it do?
(1st playthrough).
By the way, there are several "weak" against ghasts areas in the second visit to the nether. And some paths let you go to open areas. :\ (a little bit before all this pigmen spawner part, there is a chest on the left side of a sign that reads (-->), if you keep going to the left the tunnel gets you to the open nether.
I'm stuck with the pludpladr (was it that way) chest too. Pressed the button on the pigmen spawner pit too, but don't really know what does it do. Do I have to track back too much to know what does it do?
(1st playthrough).
By the way, there are several "weak" against ghasts areas in the second visit to the nether. And some paths let you go to open areas. :\ (a little bit before all this pigmen spawner part, there is a chest on the left side of a sign that reads (-->), if you keep going to the left the tunnel gets you to the open nether.
The button is supposed to make the gravel fall on the first floor. However, the redstone circuitry has something wrong with it so that the redstone doesn't make it fall. Just press the button for legitness and then break down the gravel. Make sure to right click the minecart to get through the wall after that.
Hey guys,
just a quick note to let you know that I should have my laptop by the middle of the month. I'll do a huge upgrade to the map as my way of saying "Sorry."
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Hey guys,
didn't have much free time, but I did what I could. Maybe 8 hours worth lol.
I revamped my minecart ride, and it ends with a portal to the surface. There's a boat-vator tour of the wild area, too! There's a really cool sand/tnt trick to take you straight to the bottom of the map (by surprise, hopefully), followed by another minecart trail- but this time, timing and thought are important! For now, I haven't had time to add in my own punishment for those who fail stuff with the carts, so if you find yourself stuck I am allowing you to break a block or two :tongue.gif: My favorite accomplishment with this update: Around 5 hours of redstone and rail work, coming together to let you use a combination of 4 levers to either get a prize, or a punishment. In the future, the "win" combination will be hidden somewhere in the map, but for now, I'll just let you guys know to turn on the outer two levers (facing down). Any other combination is supposed to drop a skeleton in a minecart right into your face, but for some reason they seem to like to **** up the minecarts, and it usually just drops an empty cart at you. The right combination drops a chest cart!
Didn't really have the time to fully bug test the final corridor with the minecart puzzle stuff, forgive me. Gotta work tomorrow morning, and it's already 3 AM haha.
In other news, I think I've patched up all of the nether leaks (that sounds dirty.) so no more random ghast attacks! They'll just creepily float outside of your bubble/tube/walls made of glass and make you uneasy. Jackass things. Lol.
Minecart physics are really fun! I never really knew much about boosters, but I'm starting to get the hang of it (as you should be able to tell when you download the new map!).
ALSO, I've hidden a new chest in one of the areas that was present in the very first version! It's somewhere after the first trip to the nether, but before the bloodstone bridge.
Oh, and I changed the skeleton spawner you had to fight at the beginning to a zombie spawner. Skeletons are jerks.
I just made it to the end. It took a while but was enjoyable. At first I thought it was too easy but I guess it gets progressively harder. I found a few bugs and/or things I would change
-I found 3 or 4 ways out of the main path
-At one part a skeleton was shooting arrows at me through a wall of lava
-The minecarts didn't work as expected and I had to go on foot instead
-The first time you enter the nether, the second door is already open and the second button does nothing
-The boat tour should stop at the end. I ended up going around a few times before I realized I was going in a loop
-For the boat tour, I'd put one boat in the water instead of boats in a chest to prevent people from using them later on
-The part where the pressure plate causes the sand underneath you to drop just drops me down into the void. I had to make a pickaxe and tunnel myself down to get past that part.
-Probably some other things I can't remember at the moment
I really hope you'll update this sometime.
I finished it just now, I really liked it.
I got stuck at the level/door bit,for a while, I resorted to breaking down the door to figure out where the redstone wires lead. I still failed after that. I restarted the adventurer, and then figured I missed an additional switch. The Rexcraft texture pack (or maybe it's the original graphics as well), really hide the buttons in the game. I had trouble seeing it.
Same goes with glass (such epic class :tongue.gif:). Not complaints, just thought I'd share my little story.
Why do the posts say there was a minecart and boat ride? Where are these things? I got to the end of v0.6, which seams to be the latest version and people are saying "the first" time you enter the nether. There's a second?
I finish after you leave the nether (for the 1st time) and then go across a snaking bridge of netherstone.
Nah, not yet. The release I'm uploading now even has a few with redstone dust, but they don't serve a purpose either (yet). What I'd like to do is keep track of how many I leave in the chests, then at the VERY end you'll need them in order to move through the final puzzle rooms (for 100% full completion). At the end, I hope for it to take several play sessions to complete, something on the scale of 6-10 hours. Hopefully, nothing Notch does ruins what I already have done before I finish!
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, here is the newest version! ...
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I hate you ... Pig dahhh *quit*
I forgot to put a mob spawner somewhere. (secret)
I forgot to put items in new chest #4 (beach).
The monster room for the super secret base is ABSURDLY difficult, even on easy setting. Luckily, it's actually possible to just jump over the trip switch that locks you out of the prize room anyway! Still, it's fun to see the results of my redstone circuitry. When you step on the pressure pad, the burnt out redstone torches all flash (imagine a blaring voice yelling "INTRUDER ALERT!") and the door shuts, until you go backwards out of the room and hit the button to reset the alarm.
There's a small gap in some glass in the Nether. If a ghast happens to see you, he'll blow a bigger hole in the glass. Then you're ****ed, for lack of a better term. I also neglected to enclose the area in which you see the double-sized chest as soon as you first enter the nether (the portal from the first version). If you happen to make it to that chest, you will most likely get blown up.
On the bright side, aside from the ghast problem, it's very fun.
As a side note, unless I'm enclosing them in a room made of obsidian, I will try my best to keep ghasts and creepers away. Remember, the main goal here is to leave the environment intact; I don't like explosions blowing up my carefully constructed map. When a ghast blows up a bridge or a creeper knocks out a wall in a normal game, it's "meh, whatever". But when you're supposed to play the map as-is without mining or building, well, it ruins it.
Has anyone gotten to the minecart joyride at the end? I'm REALLY proud of it. Took quite a while to actually make it fun!
▲▲ 6,000+ subs looking for Creators with 2k+ to collab - Click to visit my channel! ▲▲
BTW, the part where Steve says that he hopes that you brought a torch...a zombie pigmen spawner? I'm extremely confused. On the other hand, I finished the normal world part. Was improved, although I was kinda going like...Where does that go? Can I go back and check? And crap like that.
Edit: I did see your post much earlier than posting this and srsly, I agree w/e the "Super secret base part". I was pretty much like, "****. Ima check out the other way." Thank goodness you let us jump over the plate even though it took me like 4 tries.
Edit: So um...I had to break down the gravel cause I had NO CLUE what to do. >_> So sad.
Anyway. Also...the whole minecart thing wasn't really working. I had to go into the maintenance room and get it working. And even then, after that, the cart lost speed and the booster didn't work. And another thing, the -ahem-chestthatwasnotsupposedtobefound...was the one after the lava? -being vague on purpose-
3rd Edit now: So...I checked the gravel later and...the water being active from the redstone wasn't happening. I punched a redstone and placed it down again and the it worked. I just noticed i'm the bearer of bad news. ****. On the other hand(This is another edit), I retryed the entire game by extracting it again. The first minecart booster did work but i suspect that hitting the other carts into lava slowed it down. The first hill after the TNT is what stops the cart completely. I removed the hill, and the mini booster thing that is set on the side of the TNT and the cart was able to move along fine. However, I don't know about the hitting minecart thing because well...They got burnt.
(1st playthrough).
By the way, there are several "weak" against ghasts areas in the second visit to the nether. And some paths let you go to open areas. :\ (a little bit before all this pigmen spawner part, there is a chest on the left side of a sign that reads (-->), if you keep going to the left the tunnel gets you to the open nether.
The button is supposed to make the gravel fall on the first floor. However, the redstone circuitry has something wrong with it so that the redstone doesn't make it fall. Just press the button for legitness and then break down the gravel. Make sure to right click the minecart to get through the wall after that.
just a quick note to let you know that I should have my laptop by the middle of the month. I'll do a huge upgrade to the map as my way of saying "Sorry."
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Good luck on it =)
didn't have much free time, but I did what I could. Maybe 8 hours worth lol.
I revamped my minecart ride, and it ends with a portal to the surface. There's a boat-vator tour of the wild area, too! There's a really cool sand/tnt trick to take you straight to the bottom of the map (by surprise, hopefully), followed by another minecart trail- but this time, timing and thought are important! For now, I haven't had time to add in my own punishment for those who fail stuff with the carts, so if you find yourself stuck I am allowing you to break a block or two :tongue.gif: My favorite accomplishment with this update: Around 5 hours of redstone and rail work, coming together to let you use a combination of 4 levers to either get a prize, or a punishment. In the future, the "win" combination will be hidden somewhere in the map, but for now, I'll just let you guys know to turn on the outer two levers (facing down). Any other combination is supposed to drop a skeleton in a minecart right into your face, but for some reason they seem to like to **** up the minecarts, and it usually just drops an empty cart at you. The right combination drops a chest cart!
Didn't really have the time to fully bug test the final corridor with the minecart puzzle stuff, forgive me. Gotta work tomorrow morning, and it's already 3 AM haha.
In other news, I think I've patched up all of the nether leaks (that sounds dirty.) so no more random ghast attacks! They'll just creepily float outside of your bubble/tube/walls made of glass and make you uneasy. Jackass things. Lol.
Minecart physics are really fun! I never really knew much about boosters, but I'm starting to get the hang of it (as you should be able to tell when you download the new map!).
ALSO, I've hidden a new chest in one of the areas that was present in the very first version! It's somewhere after the first trip to the nether, but before the bloodstone bridge.
Oh, and I changed the skeleton spawner you had to fight at the beginning to a zombie spawner. Skeletons are jerks.
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my laptop just got sent in to be fixed. Still shooting for it to be fixed by the middle of the month! Just keeping you updated.
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-I found 3 or 4 ways out of the main path
-At one part a skeleton was shooting arrows at me through a wall of lava
-The minecarts didn't work as expected and I had to go on foot instead
-The first time you enter the nether, the second door is already open and the second button does nothing
-The boat tour should stop at the end. I ended up going around a few times before I realized I was going in a loop
-For the boat tour, I'd put one boat in the water instead of boats in a chest to prevent people from using them later on
-The part where the pressure plate causes the sand underneath you to drop just drops me down into the void. I had to make a pickaxe and tunnel myself down to get past that part.
-Probably some other things I can't remember at the moment
I finished it just now, I really liked it.
I got stuck at the level/door bit,for a while, I resorted to breaking down the door to figure out where the redstone wires lead. I still failed after that. I restarted the adventurer, and then figured I missed an additional switch. The Rexcraft texture pack (or maybe it's the original graphics as well), really hide the buttons in the game. I had trouble seeing it.
Same goes with glass (such epic class :tongue.gif:). Not complaints, just thought I'd share my little story.
Why do the posts say there was a minecart and boat ride? Where are these things? I got to the end of v0.6, which seams to be the latest version and people are saying "the first" time you enter the nether. There's a second?
I finish after you leave the nether (for the 1st time) and then go across a snaking bridge of netherstone.