When this gets released,I'll make a Arnold Schwarzenegger player skin,reskin the creepers to be predators,and then volley every bullet i have at them,while listening to hard rock,and yelling "GET BACK TO THE CHOPPER!".
P.S. In a non-homosexual way,I LOVE YOU MAN!
P.P.S. Have a psilocybe cubensis mushroom,for your efforts :wink.gif: ------->
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The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. --Mark Russell
Tá m’árthach foluaineach lán d’eascainn! / Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein loma-làn easgannan!
Have you considered doing more weapons? I'd love to see something like the crossbow in effect... especially if it wasn't an insta-kill like it is in HL2. So that it pins monsters and animals down. Although, I think that having the full selection of weaponry from HL2 in Minecraft would get a little pointless. Mostly because they're not that different from one another, and Minecraft enemies aren't really designed to be fought with guns. You really only need one handgun and one machine-gun when you're fighting against Minecraft monsters. Especially when ammo has to be crafted ahead of time and doesn't just come loosely dropped from enemies and crates.
...but now I have the hankering to fight a Ghast with a laser guided rocket launcher.
I also love that you've fulfilled my initial reaction I had when I played Minecraft for the first time. I came to this game right after getting really immersed in Spelunky. I always thought, minecraft needs bombs and ropes. Your grenades and grappling hook work exactly like bombs and ropes from Spelunky. I would suggest to be able to make sticky grenades to add to their versatility and usefulness. I guess TNT can be stuck to walls with a block underneath for support, but you can't throw TNT.
Strap some :Spider:'s web onto a grenade, just like in Spelunky.
I'm not sure how I feel about guns, but I would REALLY like to use that lightometer. It would be so handy, whether spelunking or just being OCD to make sure no enemies spawn near my base.
Any possibilities of a nice 19th century rifle. 1 shot every 4 seconds or so?. These weapons are waaaay too powerful. Something 3x the power of the bow would be nice, but with a huge recoil and waiting time between shots. (3 or 4 seconds)
Thanks for all the comments guys. For now I'm working on putting more stuff in and getting this released, the new update didn't help. So I won't be taking requests for a bit. Here's a video of the rocket launcher I just made though. If anybody wants to draw a launcher (this one was just takin from the Doom texture pack) and a rocket feel free.
The first two thirds are testing at slow speed, last third is full speed and with sound.
!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!One!!111111!1!!!Won!!1!1!1!!!!!!!!!Exclaimation Point!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!!1!!!1!1!!!1!!!!1!!!!!1!!
I love you.
MineScience - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=166560
Dragonator - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=141803
Sand Skiffs - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=233346
could you shed some light on how you would make lightometer, sentry, guns ect...
Otherwise great mod hope it works well oh and please add direction on how to install the mod for windows and Mac
Who's there?
Interrupting creeper..
Oh crap
Mayhaps when flying mobs come out, you could make a variant of the Sentrie Gun that is like an Anti- Aircraft gun?
P.S. In a non-homosexual way,I LOVE YOU MAN!
P.P.S. Have a psilocybe cubensis mushroom,for your efforts :wink.gif: ------->
--Mark Russell
Tá m’árthach foluaineach lán d’eascainn! / Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein loma-làn easgannan!
Have you considered doing more weapons? I'd love to see something like the crossbow in effect... especially if it wasn't an insta-kill like it is in HL2. So that it pins monsters and animals down. Although, I think that having the full selection of weaponry from HL2 in Minecraft would get a little pointless. Mostly because they're not that different from one another, and Minecraft enemies aren't really designed to be fought with guns. You really only need one handgun and one machine-gun when you're fighting against Minecraft monsters. Especially when ammo has to be crafted ahead of time and doesn't just come loosely dropped from enemies and crates.
...but now I have the hankering to fight a Ghast with a laser guided rocket launcher.
I also love that you've fulfilled my initial reaction I had when I played Minecraft for the first time. I came to this game right after getting really immersed in Spelunky. I always thought, minecraft needs bombs and ropes. Your grenades and grappling hook work exactly like bombs and ropes from Spelunky. I would suggest to be able to make sticky grenades to add to their versatility and usefulness. I guess TNT can be stuck to walls with a block underneath for support, but you can't throw TNT.
Strap some :Spider:'s web onto a grenade, just like in Spelunky.
Can't wait to see Team Fortresscraft 2 or any other offshoots from this mod, be it Counter-strikecraft or Halocraft 3.
grats on 1st page!
I'd <3 ya for it. :33
(I like the way you made them somewhat balanced ;D)
The first two thirds are testing at slow speed, last third is full speed and with sound.