I haven't read through but has anyone suggested making the obsidian set have the strength of iron instead of stone? I can understand not wanting to make it cheating, but it seems like it would make sense if it could mine Redstone and diamond, especially since it has iron in it.
I have three things to say about this mod:
1. Great job, I really do love this mod, especially the sawdust.
2. Furnaces like to eat things, even my beloved sawdust, and It's really annoying.
3. It doesn't seem that gold runes are very random, this is what I got after 64 gold runes:
The reason it doesn't add up to 64 is because I used some red runes on accident.
It would be really nice if these issues were addressed, but otherwise, great job and keep up the good work.
I figured the gold rune problem, those are the only things that it generates, I may or may not make it so it can generate ANYTHING. That includes blocks and items, and maybe an random stack size also, but only if it's ok with kingbdogz.
For the pickaxe, axe, and hoe, you should put the stick behind the head. Irl, an axe is not just an axe head glued to a stick.. it goes around it. A little bit can still stick out the top, though.
Also, when i tried to smelt some iron using coal dust, Minecraft crashes with this error:
at gz.a(SourceFile:425)
at cx.a(SourceFile:1291)
at mh.a(SourceFile:103)
at lr.b(TileEntityFurnace.java:171)
at cx.e(SourceFile:1039)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.i(SourceFile:1127)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:595)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
By the way... you should consider my tree idea
I suppose you could just pull a bit of code from where a bush turns into a tree, and just stick that in there. I have no clue what I'm talking about but it might work?
Same thing happened to me, I noticed that the problem lies in the order of the reagents, Dust then iron it's cool, the other way crashes the game. Goodbye my 36 iron bars T.T
Time for some constructive critisizem:
1. The hammer is a no no, because a you waste a tool in combination making it so when you make the took you know it's just a waste and b the combinations it's in for are no more important than anything else.
2. All though runes are nice please make them not suck so much they only grant health or make blocks and it makes me want to not even use this mod because of it. When I do play this I don't ever use the runes due to how useless they are.
3. Just remove the hammer... It's annoying and stupid.
4. There seems to be a missing tool for obsidian... Make an obsidian hoe all it needs to be is power between iron and diamond.
5. I want to see Dragon and Obsidian Armour. (Obsidian armour should be made of rough obsidian.)
6. All though I like the concept of 2 versions of a item I think soft and rough obsidian need to some how be made one item due to how useless it is to have a duplicate even if it can do things rough cant or soft can't. I'm saying I'm not happy with how this was executed.
Thank you for reading this I'm sorry if I at any time offended you I just hope you take what I have said into consideration and thank you for making this mod and as I said at the start this was "Constructive critisizem" I'm not trying to say "Oh you made crap" i'm saying oh you made somthing cool but here's things I don't like about it and what I think could better the mod and get more people on board saying "This mod is REQUIRED for minecraft play". I hope this mod gets more popular than it already is and I hope this mod has a bright future... As I said thank you for reading this and if you did get offended I'm sorry. Have a nice day :smile.gif:
Time for some constructive critisizem:
1. The hammer is a no no, because a you waste a tool in combination making it so when you make the took you know it's just a waste and b the combinations it's in for are no more important than anything else.
They are going to stay, however, in future versions they will act very much like Coal but for a new Redstone Anvil.
2. All though runes are nice please make them not suck so much they only grant health or make blocks and it makes me want to not even use this mod because of it. When I do play this I don't ever use the runes due to how useless they are.
How are they useless? You get stackable food and the ability to use throwable lava (an extremely effective weapon which kills mobs instantly). Cobblestone Runes can be used to make bridges from places. For example, stand on a cliff. Aim at another cliff nearby, and keep shooting Cobblestone Runes in the exact same place you've aimed the entire time. You'll find yourself creating a quick and easy bridge. This is EXTREMELY useful in the Nether realm.
4. There seems to be a missing tool for obsidian... Make an obsidian hoe all it needs to be is power between iron and diamond.
I decided to remove Obsidian Hoes for balance reasons. The whole point of Hoe's is to make farms and gain seeds. If it had infinite durability it'd be way too overpowered, and making it weaker than the average Obsidian item would make no sense. So I removed it.
5. I want to see Dragon and Obsidian Armour. (Obsidian armour should be made of rough obsidian.)
Yes I have plans for this.
6. All though I like the concept of 2 versions of a item I think soft and rough obsidian need to some how be made one item due to how useless it is to have a duplicate even if it can do things rough cant or soft can't. I'm saying I'm not happy with how this was executed.
I want the Obsidian tools to be complicated to make. After all, they have infinite durability. It'd be pretty unbalanced if I made them easier to craft.
Oh and sorry to break it to you guys, but I've tested the mod for about 4 hours now. All the bugs you've been mentioning aren't popping up, especially the ones with the Furnace. I really don't know why it's bugging out for you guys, but if you still get problems post in this thread with your OS, the Bug, and state if you've installed any other mod before.
Time for some constructive critisizem:
1. The hammer is a no no, because a you waste a tool in combination making it so when you make the took you know it's just a waste and b the combinations it's in for are no more important than anything else.
2. All though runes are nice please make them not suck so much they only grant health or make blocks and it makes me want to not even use this mod because of it. When I do play this I don't ever use the runes due to how useless they are.
3. Just remove the hammer... It's annoying and stupid.
4. There seems to be a missing tool for obsidian... Make an obsidian hoe all it needs to be is power between iron and diamond.
5. I want to see Dragon and Obsidian Armour. (Obsidian armour should be made of rough obsidian.)
6. All though I like the concept of 2 versions of a item I think soft and rough obsidian need to some how be made one item due to how useless it is to have a duplicate even if it can do things rough cant or soft can't. I'm saying I'm not happy with how this was executed.
Thank you for reading this I'm sorry if I at any time offended you I just hope you take what I have said into consideration and thank you for making this mod and as I said at the start this was "Constructive critisizem" I'm not trying to say "Oh you made crap" i'm saying oh you made somthing cool but here's things I don't like about it and what I think could better the mod and get more people on board saying "This mod is REQUIRED for minecraft play". I hope this mod gets more popular than it already is and I hope this mod has a bright future... As I said thank you for reading this and if you did get offended I'm sorry. Have a nice day :smile.gif:
Criticism*. Have you read his plans about the hammer being used on an anvil in future releases? It might feel dumb because it isn't fully implemented yet.
@kingbdogz have you tried running your mod with zan's mod. I don;t know if that is what causes the crashing or not and you may double check the furnaces because every time i use them it either crashes my game or it smelts air forever. Plus their may be a glitch with multiple furnaces running at the same time.
@kingbdogz have you tried running your mod with zan's mod. I don;t know if that is what causes the crashing or not and you may double check the furnaces because every time i use them it either crashes my game or it smelts air forever. Plus their may be a glitch with multiple furnaces running at the same time.
For the love of god...
I'm not going to repeat this again:
Oh and, I did use Coal Dust and other items, they all worked perfectly fine. Even used a Golden Rune while opening the Furnace; no bugs.
1. Red runes, yellow runes and green runes have no discernible difference whatsoever.
That's like saying Bacon and Bread have no discernible difference. They aren't supposed to have a difference, it just allows for different crafting recipes instead of JUST red flowers or JUST saplings.
2. Why would you waste a diamond for 10 health when you could use iron which heals 6?
Diamond Runes and Iron Runes were removed in the latest version, again, this is all work in progress. Give me time to polish each items feature.
3. It doesn't make any sense for Ghasts to drop Dragon scales - They are NOT dragons.
It's a placeholder. Not much else to say.
4. The gold runes that spawn random items are obscenely overpowered as you can get diamonds etc, with a MUCH more common material.
This is actually a bug, I intended to make the Golden Rune have a chance to convert into any item, not just 6 like it is now. That would mean it's like a 1/400 chance that you get a Diamond. Plus, Gold is quite rare. Probably just a little less rarer the Diamond.
5. The coal dust that comes from coal, but magically burns for longer is overpowered 'coal duplication' essentially.
It's a placeholder.
6. Why do obsidian and dragon tools have to have a 'rod'? All other types of tools have these when creating then tool - this is just uselessly complicating the simple.
It's not uselessly complicating things, it's with a good purpose. I don't want it to be easy, I want the creation process of Dragon and Obsidian items to be complex, and at times, even annoying. This is completely intentional.
7. The 'fire runes' are pretty beardy and don't really serve to have any other purpose than 'better coal', though I admit, it is a lot more expensive to create (This one isn't as bad as the others).
It's better coal, not much else to say. I might give it another feature, but right now I think it's fine for its price.
8. The lava runes and cobblestone runes are pretty pointless, I've yet to come across a situation where I have needed to 'throw' a block.
Suit yourself, but I quite like being able to burn my enemies in streams of lava from a distance. I plan to make Lava Runes easier to obtain (perhaps an increase in how many you receive? Instead of 1 you get 4 Lava Runes when crafting). Cobblestone Runes can be used to make bridges between high cliffs or deep drops (the Nether comes to mind).
9. Obsidian tools have infinite capacity for use (Sigh...), so WTF do dragon tools do that's going to beat that, seeing as you have to go into the Nether and kill a beefed up Ghast to get them?
Obsidian Tools have the strength of Stone Tools. Sure, they have infinite durability, but they are slow as heck. Dragon Tools can mine some blocks instantly with one click. I don't plan to keep the infinite durability though, they will just have the highest durability in the game.
I'm loving the mod !!
Having some problems, but thats cuz I use other mods beside this one ( thinking in playing more vanilla-ish), especially the furnaces one but thats ok ;D
Just that I have one doubt, seeing the png i noticed what it looks like obsidian tools, but darker, does anyones knows how to make them? I havent found some lava springs in my map yet ( nor diamond, yikes!!) so I can't try on my own =(
If you want help, maybe try sentences, they help people understand your problem and they may be able to help you.
and im like fck
I figured the gold rune problem, those are the only things that it generates, I may or may not make it so it can generate ANYTHING. That includes blocks and items, and maybe an random stack size also, but only if it's ok with kingbdogz.
Same thing happened to me, I noticed that the problem lies in the order of the reagents, Dust then iron it's cool, the other way crashes the game. Goodbye my 36 iron bars T.T
1. The hammer is a no no, because a you waste a tool in combination making it so when you make the took you know it's just a waste and b the combinations it's in for are no more important than anything else.
2. All though runes are nice please make them not suck so much they only grant health or make blocks and it makes me want to not even use this mod because of it. When I do play this I don't ever use the runes due to how useless they are.
3. Just remove the hammer... It's annoying and stupid.
4. There seems to be a missing tool for obsidian... Make an obsidian hoe all it needs to be is power between iron and diamond.
5. I want to see Dragon and Obsidian Armour. (Obsidian armour should be made of rough obsidian.)
6. All though I like the concept of 2 versions of a item I think soft and rough obsidian need to some how be made one item due to how useless it is to have a duplicate even if it can do things rough cant or soft can't. I'm saying I'm not happy with how this was executed.
Thank you for reading this I'm sorry if I at any time offended you I just hope you take what I have said into consideration and thank you for making this mod and as I said at the start this was "Constructive critisizem" I'm not trying to say "Oh you made crap" i'm saying oh you made somthing cool but here's things I don't like about it and what I think could better the mod and get more people on board saying "This mod is REQUIRED for minecraft play". I hope this mod gets more popular than it already is and I hope this mod has a bright future... As I said thank you for reading this and if you did get offended I'm sorry. Have a nice day :smile.gif:
They are going to stay, however, in future versions they will act very much like Coal but for a new Redstone Anvil.
How are they useless? You get stackable food and the ability to use throwable lava (an extremely effective weapon which kills mobs instantly). Cobblestone Runes can be used to make bridges from places. For example, stand on a cliff. Aim at another cliff nearby, and keep shooting Cobblestone Runes in the exact same place you've aimed the entire time. You'll find yourself creating a quick and easy bridge. This is EXTREMELY useful in the Nether realm.
I decided to remove Obsidian Hoes for balance reasons. The whole point of Hoe's is to make farms and gain seeds. If it had infinite durability it'd be way too overpowered, and making it weaker than the average Obsidian item would make no sense. So I removed it.
Yes I have plans for this.
I want the Obsidian tools to be complicated to make. After all, they have infinite durability. It'd be pretty unbalanced if I made them easier to craft.
Criticism*. Have you read his plans about the hammer being used on an anvil in future releases? It might feel dumb because it isn't fully implemented yet.
For the love of god...
I'm not going to repeat this again:
Oh and, I did use Coal Dust and other items, they all worked perfectly fine. Even used a Golden Rune while opening the Furnace; no bugs.
That's like saying Bacon and Bread have no discernible difference. They aren't supposed to have a difference, it just allows for different crafting recipes instead of JUST red flowers or JUST saplings.
Diamond Runes and Iron Runes were removed in the latest version, again, this is all work in progress. Give me time to polish each items feature.
It's a placeholder. Not much else to say.
This is actually a bug, I intended to make the Golden Rune have a chance to convert into any item, not just 6 like it is now. That would mean it's like a 1/400 chance that you get a Diamond. Plus, Gold is quite rare. Probably just a little less rarer the Diamond.
It's a placeholder.
It's not uselessly complicating things, it's with a good purpose. I don't want it to be easy, I want the creation process of Dragon and Obsidian items to be complex, and at times, even annoying. This is completely intentional.
It's better coal, not much else to say. I might give it another feature, but right now I think it's fine for its price.
Suit yourself, but I quite like being able to burn my enemies in streams of lava from a distance. I plan to make Lava Runes easier to obtain (perhaps an increase in how many you receive? Instead of 1 you get 4 Lava Runes when crafting). Cobblestone Runes can be used to make bridges between high cliffs or deep drops (the Nether comes to mind).
Obsidian Tools have the strength of Stone Tools. Sure, they have infinite durability, but they are slow as heck. Dragon Tools can mine some blocks instantly with one click. I don't plan to keep the infinite durability though, they will just have the highest durability in the game.
...well, it took two swipes to kill a spider.
Hmm, this seems to be a bug, the same is happening with me. The rest of the tools seem to be working though, just the Sword...
Having some problems, but thats cuz I use other mods beside this one ( thinking in playing more vanilla-ish), especially the furnaces one but thats ok ;D
Just that I have one doubt, seeing the png i noticed what it looks like obsidian tools, but darker, does anyones knows how to make them? I havent found some lava springs in my map yet ( nor diamond, yikes!!) so I can't try on my own =(
i installed the mod like this:
1 items png in gui
2 class files in jar file
could someone help me?