Is this possible? It seems like it would be, if you just took the code from the torches and applied it to the tracks, but I don't know. Not much of a coder but I'm mainly just wondering.
I've finished this. Minecrafts that go on walls, underwater, in lava, and Twist tracks to make a cart from the ground roll up onto the wall.
Well then give us the mod if you have done it, and give it to so he can put it in the next Update
would never want that. It defies the laws of notchy physics
Is this actualy completed?; I would love something like this with all my boosters :L
I just finished making a 15 switch door :wink.gif: And im realy bored with minecraft, so this could be GREAT!
i want this i want it!! please ! i want to finish my roller coaster track i want to make loops so you will be able to drie upside down and on walls the rails plz !
I've had a bad record for risugami. hes Mr. StealYourMods
I dig straight down.
I just finished making a 15 switch door :wink.gif: And im realy bored with minecraft, so this could be GREAT!

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