Introducing MrMessiahs Minecraft Mods v1.81, featuring BetterGrass, SimpleMap, SMChat and now BETTERLIGHT (used to be Ambient Occlusion but then I added something)
Current status / FAQ Anyone getting a patcher error patching bm.class / bi.class You have an outdated patcher Wierd triangles with Optimine Patched in wrong order: Optimine, then my mods, always. More FAQs further down
New changes:
1.8.1 - Fixed BetterGrass green tint appearing when it shouldnt. Updated mmcolors.
1.8 - Added compatibilty for Optiminer. If you want to use those mods, make sure to patch them in first as they will overwrite my mod
(Will redo FancyPack compatibility when they update.)
- Slight speed improvement with BetterLight
- NEW SMChat commands
/ui map save - saves your config for simplemap (including which way is up)
/ui map load - reloads it
- SMGUI now has its key for toggling maps on and off, and Reply-to-last-MSG in its config file. If you want to use the default keys (Tab and M) for something else, pick new ones here.
1.7 - This is a straight rebase of the v1.5 mod code to the Minecraft Beta 1.2 code. Nothing new added, no bugs fixed for now
1.5 - Ambient Occlusion is now known as BetterLight, which is basically a complete rewrite of AO but now incorporating light smoothing. Plus side: should be less buggy, hopefully, maybe. Looks nicer. Minus side: currently BetterGrass requires it in order to run. Still, shiny things!
HOW TO INSTALL - If you're not comfortable doing any of these steps, best not to play with it, just to be safe.
1. Unzip the entire contents of this zip file to your Minecraft folder. In windows this can be found at "%appdata%/.minecraft" . On a Mac, "library/application support/minecraft"
(PLEASE NOTE when I say the Minecraft folder I really mean that, so NOT the minecraft/bin folder)
If you do this right it will create a new directory under .minecraft called "mods", where all the settings for SimpleMap live, and a patcher called MrMPatcher.jar which is based on MCPatcher by xau.
2. Follow the rest of the instructions in README.txt
From the bin folder:
1. Delete "minecraft.jar"
2a. Replace it with the backup you saved earlier
or if you want to be thorough:
2b. Delete the file called "version",
3. Delete any ".mrmbackup" files
4. Run Minecraft again and it will redownload clean files
TO CONFIGURE - The config file for SimpleMap is in .minecraft/mods/SimpleMap, its called, again read the README for the full jenny.
The patcher fails since the game updated - New versions of the game require a new version of the patcher. I'm usually pretty quick getting those out - check the OP to make sure you've got the latest version and if it's patch day, it might take a day or two to get an update out.
I'm on a Mac and I get Wrong Number In Class File errors - You need to update Java on your machine.
For OS X users having the patcher freeze:
Make sure you do NOT have support for assistive devices enabled. To check, go to System Preferences, Universal Access, and make sure the checkbox "Enable access for assistive devices" is unchecked.
I'm on Windows 7 x64 and just get "could not find the main class. program will exit"
Coddan wrote:To those of you who have theproblem;
I struggled with this **** all night and I finally got it working after some google magic.
I'm guessing you are like me on Windows 7 64 bit. On your C: drive, you likely have a folder named Program (x86). That is where the installation of Java will go if you don't customize the install and place it somewhere else. What I did that finally made it work is I uninstalled Java completely and then reinstalled it into the Program Files folder, which is in the same folder as Program (x86).
Now you should be able to go about with opening the .jar file like the instructions said. However, here I got another error - I would just see the command prompt flash by and nothing happened. So I made a text document in the same folder as MrMPatcher.jar and put this line in it: "java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar MrMPatcher.jar nogui".
After you've done that, rename it "Run.bat". Now click that file and the .jar should finally work.
I try and run the patcher and it just opens a command window and exits/opens in WinRAR/some other application - Your computer has JAR files set to open with some other app and not run by themselves. If you don't know how to fix this yourself, this tool apparently works.
Patching fails with "duplicate class" error - You're patching an already-patched (by one of my patchers) minecraft.jar. Start again from a clean minecraft.jar (see "Uninstalling" above for how to go back to a clean Minecraft.jar)
When I start the game I get a downloading screen that hangs - This shouldn't happen unless the patcher failed, but the fix is the same: do a "thorough uninstall" (see above), and once Minecraft has redownloaded all it needs to do, quit the game and repatch (if you still trust the mod :wink.gif: )
This is incompatible with (insert MCP mod here) - The mod creator pack decompiles and recompiles some classes I use, changing the line number table, and renames some of the methods and fields. This generally breaks my patcher as it can't find the bits of the game it needs to make changes to. There's a limit to what I can do here, but I'm looking at it.
BetterLight makes everything too dark - Working on this.
BetterLight makes performance drop - This is priority #1 at the moment, and there's lots I can do to fix this.
The patcher is too complicated and sucks. Can you send me just the class files / a prepatched minecraft.jar - Sorry it's not working for you, but I will never do this.
Earlier versions changelog
1.4 - Fixed a bug with SMChat where it wouldn't let you enter /ui commands in SMP
+ BetterGrass now returns and is fully biome compliant
+ SimpleMap new commands: "/ui map deep" makes the depth tinting more obvious (as many times as you like to make it more and more obvious. "/ui map shallow" does the opposite.
+ SMChat no longer makes you reply to yourself if you hit tab twice
Not going to go into the whole thing, but this version of the mod works in a different way that sidesteps that whole issue and is all above board and doesn't break any rules, as will be the case with everything I release from now on.
Its funny because up until starting these mods I hadn't touched Java for something like 15 years so I was way out of date with what was possible, and the last 5 days have been educational.
I think it's great that you're back at it, and doing it this way. A patch file will be better than an edited class anyway, since there's likely going to be a lot of mods coming out that edit the same files. There will still be the possibility of mod conflicts, but it won't be a case of overwriting one set of changes to use another.
I think it's great that you're back at it, and doing it this way. A patch file will be better than an edited class anyway, since there's likely going to be a lot of mods coming out that edit the same files. There will still be the possibility of mod conflicts, but it won't be a case of overwriting one set of changes to use another.
Kudos. Love the minimap.
Cheers man. And yeah, you're absolutely right that doing it this way lets you make changes more compatible with other mods, which was what was stopping me from pursuing some crazy ideas before, that I can now seriously look at.
Ah, thank god. I was really upset when this mod got taken down. I'm very glad you were able to work out a patcher for it.
Anyway, now that your back in development mode, I'd like to re-introduce a past request. Can we get the mini-map to rotate with the player? So that on the mini-map it appears that the player is always moving towards the top of the screen. I actually find that i need to watch the mini-map when i am exploring in order to remember which directions i went in and then try to re-translate that into movement in the world (which can be tricky and has lead to some very lengthy expeditions).
Ah, thank god. I was really upset when this mod got taken down. I'm very glad you were able to work out a patcher for it.
Anyway, now that your back in development mode, I'd like to re-introduce a past request. Can we get the mini-map to rotate with the player?
I kind of want this too. I'm not sure if it would be possible to make it rotate any less than 90 degrees though.
What I'd really like to see, is for the map to naturally have the top of it point north. I hate walking north while my red dot moves left on my minimap (even though it's actually the minimap moving to the right while my red dot stays still). I've considered putting an "N" on the left side of my map to remember it but my OCD says that north HAS to be up.
Ah, thank god. I was really upset when this mod got taken down. I'm very glad you were able to work out a patcher for it.
Anyway, now that your back in development mode, I'd like to re-introduce a past request. Can we get the mini-map to rotate with the player?
I kind of want this too. I'm not sure if it would be possible to make it rotate any less than 90 degrees though.
What I'd really like to see, is for the map to naturally have the top of it point north. I hate walking north while my red dot moves left on my minimap (even though it's actually the minimap moving to the right while my red dot stays still). I've considered putting an "N" on the left side of my map to remember it but my OCD says that north HAS to be up.
This! I don't care so much for the map rotating in real time as I do about it being orientated to where left of sun rise is up.
Welcome back, MrMessiah! I am glad you found a solution that makes you feel comfortable sharing your mods with us again!
Even though it's good that you're releasing it, all the crap that's been pulled in the past week or so has really left me not wanting to touch anything you make.
Even though it's good that you're releasing it, all the crap that's been pulled in the past week or so has really left me not wanting to touch anything you make.
Sure, it's spite, but it makes me feel better.
That's kind of dumb as hell? And you're depriving yourself of a really nice ingame minimap because of some perceived dramawhore slight against you? Good luck with that, I guess.
My goal is to keep the map to be non-cheaty, so a lot of the stuff I could concievably do with it - mob radar, or anything like that - are never going to be part of it. The area you can see with the map is about comparible with what you can see if you do a quick 360 so I think as it stands it's pretty much OK for SMP for most people. YMMV.
The wider issue of cheating through client mods is interesting. I suspect at some point what will happen is there will be a flag on the server you can set to say "only pure, non-modded clients can connect to this" and then that will be how it is. Remains to be seen what happens when official mod support comes out.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but it would be nice for an option to disallow players running this to join SMP servers if the host doesn't want it.
Likely not possible for him to code this into his mod. But, the server side could very likely include a check for modified class files.....
This would require a compatible tattle-tale mod to be installed on both the client and the server.
Way OT I know. But, the client already as some sort of validation in place with the md5 mathcing files in META-INF. Couldn't we just add a class tot he server that would check for the presence and valid size of those files? If the client is using any modified classes then they of course will be lacking them in order for the mods to work. This would of course be a very strict no mods period for the client rule....
The wider issue of cheating through client mods is interesting. I suspect at some point what will happen is there will be a flag on the server you can set to say "only pure, non-modded clients can connect to this" and then that will be how it is. Remains to be seen what happens when official mod support comes out.
Sweet! Really glad to see Simple Map resurrected - I hadn't gotten a chance to try it before and can't wait.
One idea for a future version is something that helps you return to points of interest. The compass points back to spawn, but many of us wish there was a way to find other places in the game, besides building ugly obnoxious sky-scrapers or a whole lotta signs. Simple Map could include a way to make the block you currently stand on a point of interest, and create one of 9 different colored points that would then appear on the mini-map, and persist on the side of the mini-map when further way.
Likewise, if you have a compass in your inventory, could it be shown on or below the mini-map?
Another idea: the mini-map wouldn't be automatically shown with this Simple Map mod - instead you have to craft the map out of paper, and the mini-map would only show when the map item is in your inventory. (Maybe then combining flowers or mushrooms with the map item would trigger the point-of-interest feature - instead of colored POIs, they could be icons of mushrooms or flowers, or whatever you combined with the map)
I love the idea of being something of a cartographer inside the game - although a mini-map isn't exactly the same as a map…
Quote from MonkeyX »
Couldn't we just add a class tot he server that would check for the presence and valid size of those files? If the client is using any modified classes then they of course will be lacking them in order for the mods to work.
MonkeyX, that wouldn't work: the client can always be modded to fool the server. Notch can make it harder to cheat, ban accounts known to cheat to discourage it, but can never make it impossible.
I like the idea of having the compass shown on the map too. Has anyone suggested the possibility of making a craft-able object that turns the map on, just to add the option of using it when you need it and taking it off when you don't? I would suggest paper to make it out of, but some people have trouble finding reeds. Maybe as an option?
Anyway, I can't wait to try this, I'm glad to have the grass mod back.
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"When as children we listen and dream, we think but half formed thoughts. And when as men we try to remember, we are dulled and prosaic with the poison of life." - Celephaïs, H.P. Lovecraft
Current status / FAQ
Anyone getting a patcher error patching bm.class / bi.class You have an outdated patcher
Wierd triangles with Optimine Patched in wrong order: Optimine, then my mods, always.
More FAQs further down
New changes:
1.8.1 - Fixed BetterGrass green tint appearing when it shouldnt. Updated mmcolors.
1.8 - Added compatibilty for Optiminer. If you want to use those mods, make sure to patch them in first as they will overwrite my mod
(Will redo FancyPack compatibility when they update.)
- Slight speed improvement with BetterLight
- NEW SMChat commands
/ui map save - saves your config for simplemap (including which way is up)
/ui map load - reloads it
- SMGUI now has its key for toggling maps on and off, and Reply-to-last-MSG in its config file. If you want to use the default keys (Tab and M) for something else, pick new ones here.
1.7 - This is a straight rebase of the v1.5 mod code to the Minecraft Beta 1.2 code. Nothing new added, no bugs fixed for now
1.5 - Ambient Occlusion is now known as BetterLight, which is basically a complete rewrite of AO but now incorporating light smoothing. Plus side: should be less buggy, hopefully, maybe. Looks nicer. Minus side: currently BetterGrass requires it in order to run. Still, shiny things!
HOW TO INSTALL - If you're not comfortable doing any of these steps, best not to play with it, just to be safe.
1. Unzip the entire contents of this zip file to your Minecraft folder. In windows this can be found at "%appdata%/.minecraft" . On a Mac, "library/application support/minecraft"
(PLEASE NOTE when I say the Minecraft folder I really mean that, so NOT the minecraft/bin folder)
If you do this right it will create a new directory under .minecraft called "mods", where all the settings for SimpleMap live, and a patcher called MrMPatcher.jar which is based on MCPatcher by xau.
2. Follow the rest of the instructions in README.txt
From the bin folder:
1. Delete "minecraft.jar"
2a. Replace it with the backup you saved earlier
or if you want to be thorough:
2b. Delete the file called "version",
3. Delete any ".mrmbackup" files
4. Run Minecraft again and it will redownload clean files
TO CONFIGURE - The config file for SimpleMap is in .minecraft/mods/SimpleMap, its called, again read the README for the full jenny.
The patcher fails since the game updated - New versions of the game require a new version of the patcher. I'm usually pretty quick getting those out - check the OP to make sure you've got the latest version and if it's patch day, it might take a day or two to get an update out.
I'm on a Mac and I get Wrong Number In Class File errors - You need to update Java on your machine.
For OS X users having the patcher freeze:
Make sure you do NOT have support for assistive devices enabled. To check, go to System Preferences, Universal Access, and make sure the checkbox "Enable access for assistive devices" is unchecked.
I'm on Windows 7 x64 and just get "could not find the main class. program will exit"
I try and run the patcher and it just opens a command window and exits/opens in WinRAR/some other application - Your computer has JAR files set to open with some other app and not run by themselves. If you don't know how to fix this yourself, this tool apparently works.
Patching fails with "duplicate class" error - You're patching an already-patched (by one of my patchers) minecraft.jar. Start again from a clean minecraft.jar (see "Uninstalling" above for how to go back to a clean Minecraft.jar)
When I start the game I get a downloading screen that hangs - This shouldn't happen unless the patcher failed, but the fix is the same: do a "thorough uninstall" (see above), and once Minecraft has redownloaded all it needs to do, quit the game and repatch (if you still trust the mod :wink.gif: )
This is incompatible with (insert MCP mod here) - The mod creator pack decompiles and recompiles some classes I use, changing the line number table, and renames some of the methods and fields. This generally breaks my patcher as it can't find the bits of the game it needs to make changes to. There's a limit to what I can do here, but I'm looking at it.
BetterLight makes everything too dark - Working on this.
BetterLight makes performance drop - This is priority #1 at the moment, and there's lots I can do to fix this.
The patcher is too complicated and sucks. Can you send me just the class files / a prepatched minecraft.jar - Sorry it's not working for you, but I will never do this.
Where is your donate link - I don't have one but my Steam wishlist is here ;p
Earlier versions changelog
1.4 - Fixed a bug with SMChat where it wouldn't let you enter /ui commands in SMP
+ BetterGrass now returns and is fully biome compliant
+ SimpleMap new commands: "/ui map deep" makes the depth tinting more obvious (as many times as you like to make it more and more obvious. "/ui map shallow" does the opposite.
+ SMChat no longer makes you reply to yourself if you hit tab twice
Or did he change his mind?
Its funny because up until starting these mods I hadn't touched Java for something like 15 years so I was way out of date with what was possible, and the last 5 days have been educational.
Kudos. Love the minimap.
Cheers man. And yeah, you're absolutely right that doing it this way lets you make changes more compatible with other mods, which was what was stopping me from pursuing some crazy ideas before, that I can now seriously look at.
Anyway, now that your back in development mode, I'd like to re-introduce a past request. Can we get the mini-map to rotate with the player? So that on the mini-map it appears that the player is always moving towards the top of the screen. I actually find that i need to watch the mini-map when i am exploring in order to remember which directions i went in and then try to re-translate that into movement in the world (which can be tricky and has lead to some very lengthy expeditions).
Anyway, great work on this, keep it up.
I kind of want this too. I'm not sure if it would be possible to make it rotate any less than 90 degrees though.
What I'd really like to see, is for the map to naturally have the top of it point north. I hate walking north while my red dot moves left on my minimap (even though it's actually the minimap moving to the right while my red dot stays still). I've considered putting an "N" on the left side of my map to remember it but my OCD says that north HAS to be up.
Likely not possible for him to code this into his mod. But, the server side could very likely include a check for modified class files.....
This! I don't care so much for the map rotating in real time as I do about it being orientated to where left of sun rise is up.
Welcome back, MrMessiah! I am glad you found a solution that makes you feel comfortable sharing your mods with us again!
Sure, it's spite, but it makes me feel better.
This would require a compatible tattle-tale mod to be installed on both the client and the server.
Have you tried Minecraft AutoMap?
That's kind of dumb as hell? And you're depriving yourself of a really nice ingame minimap because of some perceived dramawhore slight against you? Good luck with that, I guess.
The wider issue of cheating through client mods is interesting. I suspect at some point what will happen is there will be a flag on the server you can set to say "only pure, non-modded clients can connect to this" and then that will be how it is. Remains to be seen what happens when official mod support comes out.
Way OT I know. But, the client already as some sort of validation in place with the md5 mathcing files in META-INF. Couldn't we just add a class tot he server that would check for the presence and valid size of those files? If the client is using any modified classes then they of course will be lacking them in order for the mods to work. This would of course be a very strict no mods period for the client rule....
One idea for a future version is something that helps you return to points of interest. The compass points back to spawn, but many of us wish there was a way to find other places in the game, besides building ugly obnoxious sky-scrapers or a whole lotta signs. Simple Map could include a way to make the block you currently stand on a point of interest, and create one of 9 different colored points that would then appear on the mini-map, and persist on the side of the mini-map when further way.
Likewise, if you have a compass in your inventory, could it be shown on or below the mini-map?
Another idea: the mini-map wouldn't be automatically shown with this Simple Map mod - instead you have to craft the map out of paper, and the mini-map would only show when the map item is in your inventory. (Maybe then combining flowers or mushrooms with the map item would trigger the point-of-interest feature - instead of colored POIs, they could be icons of mushrooms or flowers, or whatever you combined with the map)
I love the idea of being something of a cartographer inside the game - although a mini-map isn't exactly the same as a map…
MonkeyX, that wouldn't work: the client can always be modded to fool the server. Notch can make it harder to cheat, ban accounts known to cheat to discourage it, but can never make it impossible.
Anyway, I can't wait to try this, I'm glad to have the grass mod back.