I'm new to Minecraft and I'm totally hooked. My mind rolls around in the joy of creation while the lost time masticates my soul... Put simply, I've lost the better part of the last week to the game and whenever I'm not playing all i can think about is the next structure or improvement I want to build. DAMN YOU MAJONG SPECIFICATIONS!
Anyway, I spent the first 3 days (actual days, not minecraft days) building my mansion and excavating my mine. Once I was satisfied (and the Campus was secured) I switched to Survival. I got a bit annoyed when a creeper and skeleton managed to make it up to my front doors and were not killed by the sun due to a balcony i built around my mansion. So I resolved to make some Mob Traps to try to prevent this.
I found this tutorial:
I really like the look, feel and effect of it. I also like how you can 'bait' the trap by putting the player in the glass house or you can run out and lure enemies in (even more fun). But i didn't like how pigs don't get drown and spiders just float at the top of the waterfalls (and can sort of trap you in the glass house).
Then i found this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=32923
It was nearly perfect. Not only does it kill all Mobs, it sorts them too. But there isn't really an effective way to 'bait' the trap.
So, I've resolved to combine the 2 designs. I am currently working on a design which I think will work nicely (although requires a lot of glass and sand is scarce in my world). I will post some layouts once I finish up the design. Also, I've named my trap design The Murder Fountain.
I'm surprised this thread got revived after weeks of neglect.
Anyway, an update on my front is that I've got my Trap working perfectly and killing all mobs. I've had to do some redesigns to employ tiered levels of glass in order to push all mobs down to a low point. This also involved removing blocks once the water flow had already started. The entire building process takes quite a while, so the chances of me building another one and making a video are pretty slim. That being said, it is a very aesthetically pleasing feature of my House.
Essentially the design includes a series of progressive drops as you get closer to the center of the trap. After the first drop you should build a covering of some sort (I used glass) so that there is only one block in between the covering and the floor of the trap. The result is an inverted pyramid in your trap. Each of the drops should be wide enough to fit a spider, but these blocks should only be removed AFTER the water has been placed. This keeps the water level the same while increasing the depth, allowing for the drowning of the spiders & cows.
I'm new to Minecraft and I'm totally hooked. My mind rolls around in the joy of creation while the lost time masticates my soul... Put simply, I've lost the better part of the last week to the game and whenever I'm not playing all i can think about is the next structure or improvement I want to build. DAMN YOU MAJONG SPECIFICATIONS!
Anyway, I spent the first 3 days (actual days, not minecraft days) building my mansion and excavating my mine. Once I was satisfied (and the Campus was secured) I switched to Survival. I got a bit annoyed when a creeper and skeleton managed to make it up to my front doors and were not killed by the sun due to a balcony i built around my mansion. So I resolved to make some Mob Traps to try to prevent this.
I found this tutorial:
I really like the look, feel and effect of it. I also like how you can 'bait' the trap by putting the player in the glass house or you can run out and lure enemies in (even more fun). But i didn't like how pigs don't get drown and spiders just float at the top of the waterfalls (and can sort of trap you in the glass house).
Then i found this tutorial: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=32923
It was nearly perfect. Not only does it kill all Mobs, it sorts them too. But there isn't really an effective way to 'bait' the trap.
So, I've resolved to combine the 2 designs. I am currently working on a design which I think will work nicely (although requires a lot of glass and sand is scarce in my world). I will post some layouts once I finish up the design. Also, I've named my trap design The Murder Fountain.
[] - Open Space
Murder Fountain Side View
[] []
[] [] [] []
Can you be a little more specific? Where would they get stuck?
- Imperial Lands by lolo500
- PortalCraft by Leggos_My_Eggos
Mods & Tools I support:
- DJoslin's Creations by DJoslin
- mIDas by Pfaeff
- Programmable CPU by Biohazard
Anyway, an update on my front is that I've got my Trap working perfectly and killing all mobs. I've had to do some redesigns to employ tiered levels of glass in order to push all mobs down to a low point. This also involved removing blocks once the water flow had already started. The entire building process takes quite a while, so the chances of me building another one and making a video are pretty slim. That being said, it is a very aesthetically pleasing feature of my House.
Essentially the design includes a series of progressive drops as you get closer to the center of the trap. After the first drop you should build a covering of some sort (I used glass) so that there is only one block in between the covering and the floor of the trap. The result is an inverted pyramid in your trap. Each of the drops should be wide enough to fit a spider, but these blocks should only be removed AFTER the water has been placed. This keeps the water level the same while increasing the depth, allowing for the drowning of the spiders & cows.
I'll post a diagram only if someone requests it.
Rabbit's tube channel
Yes, they will drawn. Just replcae some cobble with glass and you are done.
- Imperial Lands by lolo500
- PortalCraft by Leggos_My_Eggos
Mods & Tools I support:
- DJoslin's Creations by DJoslin
- mIDas by Pfaeff
- Programmable CPU by Biohazard