I found a texture pack I really liked and I wanted to know how to install it,so I looked at 2 different guides a few youtube video's, but nothing has worked.
The texture pack I'm trying to use is: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=23470
All that's there is a PNG file so I thought wow that'll be easy to install so I just dragged and replaced the terrain.JPG but it doesn't work? Whats up?
That might be your problem. Don't put the terrain.png in the terrain folder. That folder is for sun and moon textures. Just drag it into the list of things under all the folders.
That might be your problem. Don't put the terrain.png in the terrain folder. That folder is for sun and moon textures. Just drag it into the list of things under all the folders.
The texture pack I'm trying to use is: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=23470
All that's there is a PNG file so I thought wow that'll be easy to install so I just dragged and replaced the terrain.JPG but it doesn't work? Whats up?
EDIT: I downloaded that texture pack and it's in png form so idk why it's a jpg for you.
Actually thats my bad its in PNG for me too (typo I'll fix that)
I have minecraft.jar open and and the terrain.png folder open I just drag the "terrain.PNG" file from the terrain folder to the "minecraft.jar" folder
That is what im doing
Nothing...though now I have a file called terrain.png.png
Ya that's not good. Umm I'll try installing the texture and edit this post.
EDIT: Ok so I just tried installing it and it froze the client and wouldn't get past the Mojang image.