Guesstimation of the map workflow (for alpha map):
1. Create random map in Minecraft
2. Get this thing into MCEdit
3. Convert to open in Omen
4. Terraform in Omen
5. Back into MCEdit and copy into a savegame
6. ???
7. Profit
Help would be lovely if I'm heading in the wrong direction :smile.gif:
- Stalker suit char
- Armours changed to Leather Jacket (bandit suit), Merc Suit, SSP99, SEVA Suit
- Swords: wood = baseball bat, stone = lead pipe, rest are knives
- Art is now Soviet propaganda posters
- AK-47 and bullets instead of bow and arrows, complete with authentic 'twang' when firing bullets :smile.gif:
- GUI elements rustificated
Original post:
I'm having trouble getting started creating a map, and the forums have lots of fragmented information but there doesn't seem to be a guide as there is for skinning. After my research seems like I may be generating in MC or Omen, converting around and editing in MCEdit and in-game, then exporting some file-type or other to share with people. I could be utterly wrong though.
I realise we're still in alpha, but I wondered if any active mappers and modders would like to share an overview of their workflow and how they fashion their worlds. What they use for generating, through terrain editing, adding their details, to playing and distributing their map.
Would be a great help to the few I've seen on here who, like me, may need 50 or 60 people to hold their hands but would still like to contribute to the community :smile.gif:
You've got the right idea with bouncing between the different programs. Things are that way mainly because no single tool does it all, and cause mostly everything is still in development. It doesn't look like there are any full-fledged terrain generators for Alpha aside from the one inside Minecraft, so converting the stuff from the older generators using MCEdit is one way to go. You could also import levels from the old Minecraft Indev, the one that gives floating islands and hell environments.
1. Create random map in Minecraft
2. Get this thing into MCEdit
3. Convert to open in Omen
4. Terraform in Omen
5. Back into MCEdit and copy into a savegame
6. ???
7. Profit
Help would be lovely if I'm heading in the wrong direction :smile.gif:
- Stalker suit char
- Armours changed to Leather Jacket (bandit suit), Merc Suit, SSP99, SEVA Suit
- Swords: wood = baseball bat, stone = lead pipe, rest are knives
- Art is now Soviet propaganda posters
- AK-47 and bullets instead of bow and arrows, complete with authentic 'twang' when firing bullets :smile.gif:
- GUI elements rustificated
Original post:
I'm having trouble getting started creating a map, and the forums have lots of fragmented information but there doesn't seem to be a guide as there is for skinning. After my research seems like I may be generating in MC or Omen, converting around and editing in MCEdit and in-game, then exporting some file-type or other to share with people. I could be utterly wrong though.
I realise we're still in alpha, but I wondered if any active mappers and modders would like to share an overview of their workflow and how they fashion their worlds. What they use for generating, through terrain editing, adding their details, to playing and distributing their map.
Would be a great help to the few I've seen on here who, like me, may need 50 or 60 people to hold their hands but would still like to contribute to the community :smile.gif:
"We will absolutely not keep in mind what external mapeditors will have to do to read data from the disk, that makes no sense whatsoever." - Grum
If nobody minds maybe I'll chronicle my map quest (sorry) here in the hope of helping other newbies.
In the meantime, maybe you guys can guess what I'm attempting if I post my skin :smile.gif: