M-OMG, YAMME, my script (in signature), Level Manager, Minecraft Topographer, Mapjack
Those are the ones I have here, I believe some have been abandoned but I'm not sure - maybe you should add a note in each entry with the date of the last update (or compatibility with current versions).
License (not public/freeware/GPL/BSD/public domain) would also be nice.
M-OMG, YAMME, my script (in signature), Level Manager, Minecraft Topographer, Mapjack
Those are the ones I have here, I believe some have been abandoned but I'm not sure - maybe you should add a note in each entry with the date of the last update (or compatibility with current versions).
License (not public/freeware/GPL/BSD/public domain) would also be nice.
Good idea. I'll update that once I'm back from school. :tongue.gif:
Hi Iguana, I just wanted to sort of thank you for maintaining this list; I've used it to help me write section 13 of my guide on maintaining a good server. So, yeah, thanks.
Created By: copyboy
Usage: Allows you to edit NBT data. Placing items in your inventory, et cetera.
Contact: N/A
[color=#FF0000]Created By:[/color] copyboy
[color=#FF0000]Usage:[/color] Allows you to edit NBT data. Placing items in your inventory, et cetera.
[color=#FF0000]Contact:[/color] N/A
Custom Server Software/Scripts
Created By: vLK , Primis, Unison
Language: C++
Contact: #minercpp ; [email protected]
DF Custom Server
Created By: Eddy
Language: Pascal
Contact: N/A
Created By: Brett
Language: Java
Contact: Site
Created By: cryzed
Language: Python
Contact: Site
Server Admin Script
Created By: Adura
Language: Perl
Contact: Site
Created By: iPope
Language: Python
Contact: N/A
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Map Generators/Editors
Created By: osici
Gamemodes: Singleplayer, multiplayer. (Survival & Creative)
Contact: Blog
Created By: aeomin
Gamemodes: Indev
Contact: N/A
Parthon's City Gen
Created By: Parthon
Gamemodes: Multiplayer, singleplayer (Survival & Creative)
Contact: N/A
jpiolho's Minecraft Generator
Created By: jpoilho
Gamemodes: Multiplayer, singleplayer (Survival & Creative)
Contact: N/A
Created By: Zombuster
Gamemodes: Multiplayer, singleplayer (Survival & Creative)
Contact: N/A
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Other Tools
Created By: pubby8
Usage: Isometric Map Viewer
Contact: N/A
Created By: HOLOGRAPHICpizza
Usage: Isometric Map Viewer
Contact: N/A
Minecraft Texture Switcher
Created By: TheDarkTiger
Usage: Easy texture mod switching
Contact: N/A
Skin Edit
Created By: Swedman
Usage: Easy skin making, with built-in skin previewer
Contact: N/A
15/02/10 Update - Hehe, forgot about the Skin Edit, and texture switcher. Updated the list.
If you want to see something on the list, send me a PM! You can also find me on Esper.net on the channel #minecraft
Minecraft Skin PreviewerMinecraft Texture SwitcherFormer #minecraft channel operator.
Its C++
And you forgot Unison in the list.
Who am I?
I am the other 5% that is laughing.
The NBTForge guys created a DAT -> MCLevel converter and a few similar tools too. I cba getting a link.
Those are the ones I have here, I believe some have been abandoned but I'm not sure - maybe you should add a note in each entry with the date of the last update (or compatibility with current versions).
License (not public/freeware/GPL/BSD/public domain) would also be nice.
Script to edit Minecraft maps with Paint3D
Quality of output = Skill * Effort
Good idea. I'll update that once I'm back from school. :tongue.gif:
Script to edit Minecraft maps with Paint3D
I'm known as Kakashi, Kaka, KS, and the Coal Ninja =)
It can be a couple of tables with features and stuff and everyone will be able to update it.
Script to edit Minecraft maps with Paint3D
Wow, that was a lame post.
Minecraft-HK Community | 香港社區: http://forum.minecraft-hk.com/
Created By: copyboy
Usage: Allows you to edit NBT data. Placing items in your inventory, et cetera.
Contact: N/A
Yes, it's missing: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=7579