If we would ever change, which one would you prefer?
I found the action blocks awkward at first, but now that I'm used to them, I prefer them. I do find that I'm turning it on and off a lot. I guess there's no way to bind the command to a key without a client, eh?
If we would ever change, which one would you prefer?
I found the action blocks awkward at first, but now that I'm used to them, I prefer them. I do find that I'm turning it on and off a lot. I guess there's no way to bind the command to a key without a client, eh?
I like action blocks, but I agree that a '/a draw' kind of thing would turn rather usefull.
Just remember to make water/lava physics togglable D:< .
Oh yeah, theres a problem with /a too. If I have, say, stone selected and /a two points, then I /set air, and /draw, it will place stone instead of air. It reads what block is selected before the /action instead of /draw.
/a draw likely will not happen. Action blocks aren't a big deal once you get used the them :smile.gif:
Just tested "/set a" + action blocks + "/draw". It removed the blocks as expected. Either you used the commands improperly, or there was a bug in the build you are using.
/a draw likely will not happen. Action blocks aren't a big deal once you get used the them :smile.gif:
Just tested "/set a" + action blocks + "/draw". It removed the blocks as expected. Either you used the commands improperly, or there was a bug in the build you are using.
You didn't read it right, I said action block, set a, draw. And it would not do the air, it would do stone.
I did read correctly, and I did exactly that. While placing air, I'd place the respective action blocks, and it resulted in a removal of all blocks in between.
vLK already covered the issue, there was a bug in one of the builds.
action block
/set a
and then /d
That's not really a problem though, the draw command just draws whatever the action blocks are "flavoured". I was confused at first when I would place blue action blocks, switch to red, do a draw command and then get a blue wall when I wanted red. Set your block type before you place the action blocks.
Exactly. Or rather, before you place your 2nd action block.
Block type comes down to the most recent action block. The older of the two is ignored, only its position is used (which is why it's shown as lava, lava is intended to express "genericness").
Then if it wasn't a bug, why was it 'fixed' ? Also it's kind of annoying to have it that way, considering that you may /draw it into one type of block and change your mind to use another kind. Then you have to replace the action blocks, a pain by comparison.
I'm appreciative of the suggestion but MCSharp has yet to crash or hang on me and MinerCPP did nothing consistently but break. I don't know what the problem is but I do know it wasn't my network, being as I am the only person on my comcast highspeed node. (I live around a bunch of old people so I can get like 3000kbs down somedays) nor was it my computer (quad core @ 2.4 with 4gb of DDR2 is more than enough for minecraft).
IS it just me but when 1 player is on the server and another player is trying to join the server message appears the bar loads 2/5 and then they get the message "you lost connection to the server" message.I have used the latest SVN of the MinerCPP.Help anyone?
Yeah MinerCPP should be considered Alpha right now, and what you find on the SVN is "bleeding edge" to say the least. You don't see most software in this unstable form, because it is generally not released until a stable beta. Since mCPP is open-dev, you get to see all the "low points". :biggrin.gif:
Regarding /draw and changing materials...we could set it so, if your most recent action block is stone, and you type /set w, it changed to water. That could be done all well and fine, but you must understand that could only be done with stone+"special block" combinations (water, lava, air, grass). If you draw bricks, then switch to glass, the server has no way of knowing. The client never sends that information.
I found the action blocks awkward at first, but now that I'm used to them, I prefer them. I do find that I'm turning it on and off a lot. I guess there's no way to bind the command to a key without a client, eh?
http://hobby.blogger.de/static/antville ... cppkey.exe
F1::Send, t/action
F2::Send, t/r
F3::Send, t/set w
F4::Send, t/set l
F5::Send t/set a
F6::Send t/draw
F7::Send t/dense
F8::Send, t/harden
F9::Send, t/soften
F10::Send, t/kick
F11::Send t/ban
F12::Send t/restore
Have fun with useful F1- F12 Keys
Just remember to make water/lava physics togglable D:< .
Oh yeah, theres a problem with /a too. If I have, say, stone selected and /a two points, then I /set air, and /draw, it will place stone instead of air. It reads what block is selected before the /action instead of /draw.
Just tested "/set a" + action blocks + "/draw". It removed the blocks as expected. Either you used the commands improperly, or there was a bug in the build you are using.
You didn't read it right, I said action block, set a, draw. And it would not do the air, it would do stone.
vLK already covered the issue, there was a bug in one of the builds.
action block
/set a
and then /d
That's not really a problem though, the draw command just draws whatever the action blocks are "flavoured". I was confused at first when I would place blue action blocks, switch to red, do a draw command and then get a blue wall when I wanted red. Set your block type before you place the action blocks.
Block type comes down to the most recent action block. The older of the two is ignored, only its position is used (which is why it's shown as lava, lava is intended to express "genericness").
And yeah sometimes you will make mistakes. You just have to make sure to type /set [material] before placing your final action block :wink.gif:
I'm appreciative of the suggestion but MCSharp has yet to crash or hang on me and MinerCPP did nothing consistently but break. I don't know what the problem is but I do know it wasn't my network, being as I am the only person on my comcast highspeed node. (I live around a bunch of old people so I can get like 3000kbs down somedays) nor was it my computer (quad core @ 2.4 with 4gb of DDR2 is more than enough for minecraft).
Regarding /draw and changing materials...we could set it so, if your most recent action block is stone, and you type /set w, it changed to water. That could be done all well and fine, but you must understand that could only be done with stone+"special block" combinations (water, lava, air, grass). If you draw bricks, then switch to glass, the server has no way of knowing. The client never sends that information.