I gave up on MinerCPP 4b I think it was. I switched the whole server to MCSharp as MinerCPP suddenly started crashing about 2 minutes after the server started. (This was repeated about 5 times before I stopped trying) I have no console output or anything to give you, it would just stop. It also had frequent lag during user join and exit but not all joins and exits. My best guess is it had something to do with the threading hanging. But even that could be way off.
Hangs still exist but they tend to happen on the order of once or twice in 48 hours. Only more often when the server is getting hammered by multiple joins. Stability is improving and I have faith that within the next week or so they should have it pretty well nailed down.
From what I've read in this thread, multiple world will only be started when all the code is consolidated, stability is improved, and some other things are fine tuned.No use trying to introduce a large new feature when all the little things need to be right.
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So thanks to calzoneman (aka DOC) minerCPP now has water and lavaphysics, a long with deflood that will be used togheter with sponges and another custom block that will soak up any connected floods.
Yeah this is great, but not very stable or tuned at all. Expect an early prototype tonight / tomorrow and a more stable one in sometime this week :smile.gif:
I hope not to sound like a complainer, but can we revert /draw to how it used to be but keep action blocks with the the rest of the actions? It's a bit counter-productive to have to go into /a and then /d every time.
It seems people do not understand how to use action blocks, and how they really make things easier once you get to know them. So here's a short guide...
- When in action mode, you of course place action blocks. You can only have 2 action blocks down at one time. When you place an additional action block, the oldest action block is removed.
- You only have to enter action mode once. You do NOT have to type /a every time you draw, only the first time.
- When using /draw, the most recent action block shows which type will be drawn. The old one will always show lava, because it has no effect on the block you are drawing. Also:
-- If your recent action block is an air block (/setblock air + normal stone), then it will delete everything between your action blocks
-- If your recent action block is a delete, then it will delete everything it can between your action blocks
---> If you do not want it to behave this way, enable /paint mode. Then it will place blocks on removal.
Reasons action blocks are more convenient
- As stated, you only need to type /a once. To draw, you place 2 action blocks, then type /draw. This is no different than before, only in a different order. Type /a ONLY adds an extra step when you are /draw'ing once only. If you plan in multiple draws in a row, it actually removes a step per /draw.
- ALL actions are compatible with the same action blocks. For example, let's say you /draw a large chunk of bricks. You can then type /harden, and it would use the same action blocks to harden the bricks.
- Many people were annoyed by having to "pillar" around a round-ish or odd shaped object, to delete or /harden it. Action blocks remove this issue, because you can stack the 2 alternating action blocks on each other until you get far enough that the object is contained in the boundaries of the action (draw/harden/soften/restore). (I used to have this problem with the old system, when I would type /draw, only to realise I have nowhere to place my 2 blocks, because I forgot to make a pillar)
/restore really was meant to be owner (literal owner) only...We may find a better way to name backups, but it's not HUGELY important right now.
It seems people do not understand how to use action blocks, and how they really make things easier once you get to know them. So here's a short guide...
Reasons action blocks are more convenient
- As stated, you only need to type /a once. To draw, you place 2 action blocks, then type /draw. This is no different than before, only in a different order. Type /a ONLY adds an extra step when you are /draw'ing once only. If you plan in multiple draws in a row, it actually removes a step per /draw.
The problem is that normally I want to build and draw without having to keep toggling /a, because I rarely do multiple draws.
I do not understand how multiple draws in a row saves a step per /draw than how it used to be. Don't you have to place action blocks in their new place every time either way?
It seems people do not understand how to use action blocks, and how they really make things easier once you get to know them. So here's a short guide...
Reasons action blocks are more convenient
- As stated, you only need to type /a once. To draw, you place 2 action blocks, then type /draw. This is no different than before, only in a different order. Type /a ONLY adds an extra step when you are /draw'ing once only. If you plan in multiple draws in a row, it actually removes a step per /draw.
The problem is that normally I want to build and draw without having to keep toggling /a, because I rarely do multiple draws.
I do not understand how multiple draws in a row saves a step per /draw than how it used to be. Don't you have to place action blocks in their new place every time either way?
unless you use the endpoint from the first draw as the start point for the next one.
The main reason the action blocks were implemented is because there are a number functions that use the /draw system (type command then place two blocks). I think at one point there were something like six commands that were like this, each with their own function in the code. What if there is an issue with the place two blocks later on? Now they have to change the code in SIX different places. The actions blocks consolidate these functions into a "meta function" that places the blocks, then executes the next command on that area.
I think a nice compromise to make a median between the systems, would be to allow commands like "/a draw" (if this is already not allowed) which would put you into the action block mode, and would act as the regular /draw. Then if you wanted too, you could still "/harden" (if that still exists) and harden all of those blocks, or do a second draw in the same area.
If we would ever change, which one would you prefer?
Place two blocks, /draw
/draw, Place two blocks
/action, place two blocks, /draw
everyone who cares can take their time and make their voice heard here :smile.gif:
I love the action command:
For replace a build an delete the originalbuild just three klicks: /action
leftklick 1
leftklick 2
rightklick for the new place
/draw to delete the original build
/action is a great thing for me.
What i am missig is..
...a copy&paste command in and out to/from a .dat file
I will make a bigger map, but the /restore command copied not to another place as the original coordinates.
And the /restore command works this just in endless time.
(From my 512x512x128 to 1024x1024x128 map... more as 8 hours.)
And than i must use the /copy command to replace it in the new map too.
A copy&paste command in/from a .dat file would be a good thing.
I love the action blocks, the help organize things a lot. I do do multiple draws a lot (like making an entire world dense) and they helped me see what I was doing so much better then rhe old system
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Hi,can somebody help me with this guest area thing.I do understand you have to do with the action blocks but I have no idea how to place them so in order the area I drawn up becomes guest area.I have been trying to figure this out for HOURS and have no idea.
My personal suggestion if you want to keep going with MinerCPP is to go to http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=555 and snag that binary, just replace the minerCPP.exe.
Hangs still exist but they tend to happen on the order of once or twice in 48 hours. Only more often when the server is getting hammered by multiple joins. Stability is improving and I have faith that within the next week or so they should have it pretty well nailed down.
Same happens here. :cry:
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
We love you calzonemanga (aka DOC)! :tongue.gif:
runtime error R6002
-floating point support not loaded
build 587
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
make restore easier to use first, though <:sad.gif:
- When in action mode, you of course place action blocks. You can only have 2 action blocks down at one time. When you place an additional action block, the oldest action block is removed.
- You only have to enter action mode once. You do NOT have to type /a every time you draw, only the first time.
- When using /draw, the most recent action block shows which type will be drawn. The old one will always show lava, because it has no effect on the block you are drawing. Also:
-- If your recent action block is an air block (/setblock air + normal stone), then it will delete everything between your action blocks
-- If your recent action block is a delete, then it will delete everything it can between your action blocks
---> If you do not want it to behave this way, enable /paint mode. Then it will place blocks on removal.
Reasons action blocks are more convenient
- As stated, you only need to type /a once. To draw, you place 2 action blocks, then type /draw. This is no different than before, only in a different order. Type /a ONLY adds an extra step when you are /draw'ing once only. If you plan in multiple draws in a row, it actually removes a step per /draw.
- ALL actions are compatible with the same action blocks. For example, let's say you /draw a large chunk of bricks. You can then type /harden, and it would use the same action blocks to harden the bricks.
- Many people were annoyed by having to "pillar" around a round-ish or odd shaped object, to delete or /harden it. Action blocks remove this issue, because you can stack the 2 alternating action blocks on each other until you get far enough that the object is contained in the boundaries of the action (draw/harden/soften/restore). (I used to have this problem with the old system, when I would type /draw, only to realise I have nowhere to place my 2 blocks, because I forgot to make a pillar)
/restore really was meant to be owner (literal owner) only...We may find a better way to name backups, but it's not HUGELY important right now.
The problem is that normally I want to build and draw without having to keep toggling /a, because I rarely do multiple draws.
I do not understand how multiple draws in a row saves a step per /draw than how it used to be. Don't you have to place action blocks in their new place every time either way?
unless you use the endpoint from the first draw as the start point for the next one.
The main reason the action blocks were implemented is because there are a number functions that use the /draw system (type command then place two blocks). I think at one point there were something like six commands that were like this, each with their own function in the code. What if there is an issue with the place two blocks later on? Now they have to change the code in SIX different places. The actions blocks consolidate these functions into a "meta function" that places the blocks, then executes the next command on that area.
I think a nice compromise to make a median between the systems, would be to allow commands like "/a draw" (if this is already not allowed) which would put you into the action block mode, and would act as the regular /draw. Then if you wanted too, you could still "/harden" (if that still exists) and harden all of those blocks, or do a second draw in the same area.
I love the action command:
For replace a build an delete the originalbuild just three klicks:
leftklick 1
leftklick 2
rightklick for the new place
/draw to delete the original build
/action is a great thing for me.
What i am missig is..
...a copy&paste command in and out to/from a .dat file
I will make a bigger map, but the /restore command copied not to another place as the original coordinates.
And the /restore command works this just in endless time.
(From my 512x512x128 to 1024x1024x128 map... more as 8 hours.)
And than i must use the /copy command to replace it in the new map too.
A copy&paste command in/from a .dat file would be a good thing.
Greets from germany
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
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