I would like this too - I've tried using Zuriki's tutorial, but it still gives me the verify names error, and as far as I know, an IP adress can't be faked.
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Remember that even old echoes can create new harmonies.
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
Please make the server allow the local IP! ( . So that I can actually turn on verify names D:< .
The server is fine with local IPs. If it says that you are disconnected from the server when you try to connect from a LAN computer then add &override=true to the end of the URL for the server.
EDIT: If you're getting the verify names error follow the tutorial (located somewhere on these forums) and that should fix it if you're using a browser to play. If you're using the WoM client to connect I couldn't find any fix for that. I did notice that when I would change maps it would often fix the verify names issue but it may bring it up for someone else. Ultimately, for myself at least, I was always able to get it to work by switching maps, and then going back to the original.
I don't know what the problem is. I can connect to my server just fine under the local IP.
Anyway, is there any chance that MinerCPP will have support for multiple worlds in the future? I've tried figuring out MyneCraft, but it's not cooperating.
It works fine with local IP, with verify-names on or off. Just use the external URL, not the "IP=&Port=" URL.
Multiworld? Potentially. But in the distant future. Right now vLK and alan_01 are rewriting a very large portion of MinerCPP. This will clean things up for us, and allow us to code more reliably. There is also a small potential for an LUA scirpting engine.
I can set up a live video to prove my point if you'd like.
And if it's a security issue to simply allow, then maybe anyone connecting with it must supply some kind of owner-chosen password via /password <pass>, before being able to use any commands or alter blocks.
You're the only one having this issue. Make sure you are using the external URL, and not an "IP&Port" URL.
Not ture; I've been having this issue (posted it here and someone said they were having it too as well I just found a new post about the same thing). The issue is that the Minecraft website does not look at the internal part of the IP address. If I want to connect to my own server from a computer on the same network I have to use the IP-and-port url with verify names off. It's not just a MinerCPP issue, it happens with all server software.
I suggest contacting Notch directly so he knows that it's affecting more than just a couple people. But it would also be nice if MinerCPP had a workaround, like a IP "white-list"
You can simply use the external URL with &override=true added on the end. This will solve the problem.
No, it doesn't.
That may work if the server is on the very same computer that you're running the client with, but not a different computer on the same network. You don't think I've tried that?
You can simply use the external URL with &override=true added on the end. This will solve the problem.
No, it doesn't.
That may work if the server is on the very same computer that you're running the client with, but not a different computer on the same network. You don't think I've tried that?
It works for me on a server on a different computer on the same network. Maybe you have to adjust the security settings on the machine you are using as server.
It works for me on a server on a different computer on the same network. Maybe you have to adjust the security settings on the machine you are using as server.
I've tried it with no anti-virus, no firewall and turned off all the security options on my router. Everyone else can connect, it's just that one computer. I have a feeling it's for the reason Notch stated. Do you have different IP address on your computers (other than the last number)?
I think that depending on firmware and router, people have different problems connecting.
ANYWAY, Back on topic, how's the code consolidation going vlk, unison, and sundry?
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Remember that even old echoes can create new harmonies.
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
I gave up on MinerCPP 4b I think it was. I switched the whole server to MCSharp as MinerCPP suddenly started crashing about 2 minutes after the server started. (This was repeated about 5 times before I stopped trying) I have no console output or anything to give you, it would just stop. It also had frequent lag during user join and exit but not all joins and exits. My best guess is it had something to do with the threading hanging. But even that could be way off.
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
On word: Wine.
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
The server is fine with local IPs. If it says that you are disconnected from the server when you try to connect from a LAN computer then add &override=true to the end of the URL for the server.
EDIT: If you're getting the verify names error follow the tutorial (located somewhere on these forums) and that should fix it if you're using a browser to play. If you're using the WoM client to connect I couldn't find any fix for that. I did notice that when I would change maps it would often fix the verify names issue but it may bring it up for someone else. Ultimately, for myself at least, I was always able to get it to work by switching maps, and then going back to the original.
Exactly. Since this is a custom server anyway, I don't see why it would be so hard to allow the local IP in.
Anyway, is there any chance that MinerCPP will have support for multiple worlds in the future? I've tried figuring out MyneCraft, but it's not cooperating.
Multiworld? Potentially. But in the distant future. Right now vLK and alan_01 are rewriting a very large portion of MinerCPP. This will clean things up for us, and allow us to code more reliably. There is also a small potential for an LUA scirpting engine.
And as I said, this is with the WOM client. You CANNOT host and play using the same computer with wom inside minercpp.
Why can't it just allow the local IP?
And if it's a security issue to simply allow, then maybe anyone connecting with it must supply some kind of owner-chosen password via /password <pass>, before being able to use any commands or alter blocks.
Anyway lua sounds great, and I too miss the mushrooms as action blocks.
Looking forward to multiworld and physics!
Not ture; I've been having this issue (posted it here and someone said they were having it too as well I just found a new post about the same thing). The issue is that the Minecraft website does not look at the internal part of the IP address. If I want to connect to my own server from a computer on the same network I have to use the IP-and-port url with verify names off. It's not just a MinerCPP issue, it happens with all server software.
I suggest contacting Notch directly so he knows that it's affecting more than just a couple people. But it would also be nice if MinerCPP had a workaround, like a IP "white-list"
No, it doesn't.
That may work if the server is on the very same computer that you're running the client with, but not a different computer on the same network. You don't think I've tried that?
It works for me on a server on a different computer on the same network. Maybe you have to adjust the security settings on the machine you are using as server.
I've tried it with no anti-virus, no firewall and turned off all the security options on my router. Everyone else can connect, it's just that one computer. I have a feeling it's for the reason Notch stated. Do you have different IP address on your computers (other than the last number)?
ANYWAY, Back on topic, how's the code consolidation going vlk, unison, and sundry?
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?