I don't like how the backups are by session. I'd rather have a configurable amount of time to save separate files to.
Also configurable rank colors, I hate the admin purple, and so do they.
You can configure the time interval between backups. And the colors are designed so there is some sense of "progression" from rank to rank, not so you like them.
Copy+paste your server settings, this will overwrite your server.cfg the first time!
It adds a new option, the number of player threads. The default is 3. The idea is the higher you set it, the less lag (to an extent), but this may also decrease stability. Setting it to 1 would result in near perfect stability, though lag spikes will be frequent (especially when a new player is joining). Do not set it higher than 50. http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=468
BTW, Unison, I which file are all the commands stored? So I can edit that file to make new commands...
Awesome indeed, now that we're talking commands. (they're in the server.cpp)
Could we possibly see a list of commands with their functionality?
Right now when I want to ban an IP address of a user that is not online I do not know how to go about doing this.
Thanks! Keep up the good work!
Just open up the server notepad textfile. Copy the person's IP address. Go to banned textfile and place their name:IP address
Right now our priority for MinerCPP is speed, stability, and clean code.
Multiworld is a side-project I am putting thought into. It will be a branch from a stable build of mCPP. It wouldn't do any good to introduce large updates like multiworld unless MinerCPP is 100% stable.
MinerCPP is already grief proof, if you set userlevels wisely (it's as grief-proof as you make it). Don't throw OP around to everyone, /harden finished projects, etc etc....
MinerCPP is already grief proof, if you set userlevels wisely (it's as grief-proof as you make it). Don't throw OP around to everyone, /harden finished projects, etc etc....
^ This is very true. Due to MinerCPP these days. Most servers are grief-proof :biggrin.gif:
The only thing I want more out of this now is changing ranks colors and stability. Once those two things are added, it will be epic. Multiworld and all those other things would be awesome to have, but those should be low priority.
If I can already change rank colors in server.cpp, tell me, because I can't figure it out.
EDIT: I figured it out. Ctrl+F admin or one of the ranks in the server.cpp file to change it.
The only thing I want more out of this now is changing ranks colors and stability. Once those two things are added, it will be epic. Multiworld and all those other things would be awesome to have, but those should be low priority.
If I can already change rank colors in server.cpp, tell me, because I can't figure it out.
EDIT: I figured it out. Ctrl+F admin or one of the ranks in the server.cpp file to change it.
DOUBLE EDIT: Lol, that didn't work.
Check line 1445.
I did that too... Hmmm.... Whatever, I can wait. I just don't like pink admin.
Hmm any way to fix this? glitch: All is well and we are playing properly with 30 threads and suddenly a mass amount of people get disconnected about 5-10 at the same time o-o and no lag at all.
Unfortunately that bug is a problem with multithreading. We are working on a completely new method, which should increase stability and performance, by a long shot.
About the color codes.......let's say you wanted to change Admin to white, you would change it from
bletotum, sure it would be great. But MinerCPP is still heavily in-dev, we have more important things to deal with than customizable player name colors.....like keeping it from crashing daily.
Currently i have my server running on MinerCPP and basically, what i want to do, is have it so that people that have just joined can immediatally start building anywhere without me making them able to even if there are no ops on. (basically vanilla minecraft)
How would i go about changing this in the code or wherever
Also, it seems that i do not have the most up to date version, as i cannot use commands like /draw, could someone give me a direct link to the download?
You can configure the time interval between backups. And the colors are designed so there is some sense of "progression" from rank to rank, not so you like them.
The crash is being fixed shortly.
Crash fixed
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=467
Copy+paste your server settings, this will overwrite your server.cfg the first time!
It adds a new option, the number of player threads. The default is 3. The idea is the higher you set it, the less lag (to an extent), but this may also decrease stability. Setting it to 1 would result in near perfect stability, though lag spikes will be frequent (especially when a new player is joining). Do not set it higher than 50.
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=468
BTW, Unison, I which file are all the commands stored? So I can edit that file to make new commands...
Who am I?
I am the other 5% that is laughing.
Just open up the server notepad textfile. Copy the person's IP address. Go to banned textfile and place their name:IP address
So basically: name:127.101.2
something like that
a copy/paste feature!
trusted+ only
write /copy <file name> and click 2 places to mark a box.
write /paste <file name> and click in the lower conor to paste it.
admin only
/delete <file name>.dat to remove the file.
when copying you can't overwrite old files!
they should be saved as .dat files like the guest area if possible.
also these should be in a seperate folder so admins can't remove the .dat!!
btw how is it going whit multiworld??
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
Multiworld is a side-project I am putting thought into. It will be a branch from a stable build of mCPP. It wouldn't do any good to introduce large updates like multiworld unless MinerCPP is 100% stable.
MinerCPP is already grief proof, if you set userlevels wisely (it's as grief-proof as you make it). Don't throw OP around to everyone, /harden finished projects, etc etc....
^ This is very true. Due to MinerCPP these days. Most servers are grief-proof :biggrin.gif:
If I can already change rank colors in server.cpp, tell me, because I can't figure it out.
EDIT: I figured it out. Ctrl+F admin or one of the ranks in the server.cpp file to change it.
DOUBLE EDIT: Lol, that didn't work.
I did that too... Hmmm.... Whatever, I can wait. I just don't like pink admin.
I know the color codes, but they don't seem to work. Whatevs.
About the color codes.......let's say you wanted to change Admin to white, you would change it from
To this
Also, about rank colors currently 'showing progression', is that not a matter of opinion? It really would be great if it was a cfg choice.
bletotum, sure it would be great. But MinerCPP is still heavily in-dev, we have more important things to deal with than customizable player name colors.....like keeping it from crashing daily.
How would i go about changing this in the code or wherever
Also, it seems that i do not have the most up to date version, as i cannot use commands like /draw, could someone give me a direct link to the download?