I think you all will like this. I completely overhauled the threading system, this method seems far more reliable, with equal or greater performance. Basically, it starts 30 threads (overkill, but I tested it with 5000 threads overnight). Each thread handles player packets. The first thread to receive a packet carries out the action.
Soon, you can customize the number of threads. From 1 thread (will be similar to the old, non-threaded mCPP), to 65563 threads (completely unreasonable, it's not recommended to go over 200 threads, if that). The idea is, more threads mean more performance (to an extent), however, high number of threads may hurt stability.
I think you all will like this. I completely overhauled the threading system, this method seems far more reliable, with equal or greater performance. Basically, it starts 30 threads (overkill, but I tested it with 5000 threads overnight). Each thread handles player packets. The first thread to receive a packet carries out the action.
Soon, you can customize the number of threads. From 1 thread (will be similar to the old, non-threaded mCPP), to 65563 threads (completely unreasonable, it's not recommended to go over 200 threads, if that). The idea is, more threads mean more performance (to an extent), however, high number of threads may hurt stability.
btw did you look at this:
please write if any of these has been fixed!
Rules - Editable by a txt file.
Welcome message - Editable by cfg
dummies - you now what i mean :biggrin.gif: (just a fun feature...)
physics - lava, sand, water, grass and trees (disable in cfg!)
Date in log!!
Titles - given By command /user <name> <rank> <title> or by commend /title <name> <title>
Personal spawn - type /spawn and when you join next time you will spawn there.
ban fix - name's shown incorrect !!FIX ON THE WAY!!
also some new request's:
"script" system - able to add functions to it whitout recompileing.. (not a custom script langue, just some things writen in the same lague as Miner CPP and added to the place it belongs)
Ban fix is a yes, /rules is a maybe, the rest is a no. At least for now.
I will not be getting to the "each player's block change in its own file" as soon as expected. Multi-world will likely be first..
Unison is now love :ohmy.gif:
EDIT: Reposting minor glitch. When someone leaves, it sometimes says "Name has left the game!" Like 15 times.
EDIT: More glitches randomly started coming. When someone leaves, 2-3 people randomly get disconnected
Also the glitch that makes the server think the server is full is back
We should make a gift for unison and the rest of the team. (sniff..) This server has come such a long way from the first revision, this makes me so happy.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Remember that even old echoes can create new harmonies.
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
We should make a gift for unison and the rest of the team. (sniff..) This server has come such a long way from the first revision, this makes me so happy.
That would be great. They've worked very hard and we appreciate all they have done! :tongue.gif:
I tried using the server today for the first time. It ran ok at first however it began to lag after a while and eventually stopped saving. I was unable to open the map with the normal Minecraft server nor with Omen after this (Omen said it was an unsupported file type). Following this I downloaded the new build that you posted today and I was unable to play on it because it would load and then immediately say I was disconnected from the server. The error in the game was:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8323072
at com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level.getTile(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level.isLightBlocker(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level.calcLightDepths(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level.setData(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.l.e(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.l.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.l.e(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.l.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
I also got a separate error on my other computer running the client.
I tried using the server today for the first time. It ran ok at first however it began to lag after a while and eventually stopped saving. I was unable to open the map with the normal Minecraft server nor with Omen after this (Omen said it was an unsupported file type). Following this I downloaded the new build that you posted today and I was unable to play on it because it would load and then immediately say I was disconnected from the server. The error in the game was:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 8323072
at com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level.getTile(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level.isLightBlocker(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level.calcLightDepths(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.level.Level.setData(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.l.e(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.l.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.l.e(Unknown Source)
at com.mojang.minecraft.l.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
I also got a separate error on my other computer running the client.
For the client error:
Your map dementions have to be devisible by 16.
Ex. 256x256x256 is a valid map size.
Also, You cannot open it in normal minecraft or omen because MinerCPP edits the map in a way to where it can't be opened by either.
If you wish to open it: Dump the map via the client and then use that in omen / official server.
Can someone give me the entire new package?
I stopped updating from... Below 400.
And I saw that there are much other files then just the .exe are changed. and I can't seem to work them all out.
When I download the .zip, and then update the .exe, It still doesn't work.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
95% of teens would jump off a building if facebook or myspace got hacked.
Who am I?
I am the other 5% that is laughing.
Can someone give me the entire new package?
I stopped updating from... Below 400.
And I saw that there are much other files then just the .exe are changed. and I can't seem to work them all out.
When I download the .zip, and then update the .exe, It still doesn't work.
Can someone give me the entire new package?
I stopped updating from... Below 400.
And I saw that there are much other files then just the .exe are changed. and I can't seem to work them all out.
When I download the .zip, and then update the .exe, It still doesn't work.
You don't really need all the other files unless you want to compile the program from the source code.
Can someone give me the entire new package?
I stopped updating from... Below 400.
And I saw that there are much other files then just the .exe are changed. and I can't seem to work them all out.
When I download the .zip, and then update the .exe, It still doesn't work.
I think you all will like this. I completely overhauled the threading system, this method seems far more reliable, with equal or greater performance. Basically, it starts 30 threads (overkill, but I tested it with 5000 threads overnight). Each thread handles player packets. The first thread to receive a packet carries out the action.
Soon, you can customize the number of threads. From 1 thread (will be similar to the old, non-threaded mCPP), to 65563 threads (completely unreasonable, it's not recommended to go over 200 threads, if that). The idea is, more threads mean more performance (to an extent), however, high number of threads may hurt stability.
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=463
Nice idea, me like it :tongue.gif:
btw did you look at this:
please write if any of these has been fixed!
Rules - Editable by a txt file.
Welcome message - Editable by cfg
dummies - you now what i mean :biggrin.gif: (just a fun feature...)
physics - lava, sand, water, grass and trees (disable in cfg!)
Date in log!!
Titles - given By command /user <name> <rank> <title> or by commend /title <name> <title>
Personal spawn - type /spawn and when you join next time you will spawn there.
ban fix - name's shown incorrect !!FIX ON THE WAY!!
also some new request's:
"script" system - able to add functions to it whitout recompileing.. (not a custom script langue, just some things writen in the same lague as Miner CPP and added to the place it belongs)
I will not be getting to the "each player's block change in its own file" as soon as expected. Multi-world will likely be first..
Just fell in-love. <3
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
Good news. The block recording sounded quite ambitious. Multi-world would be a great addition.
Unison is now love :ohmy.gif:
EDIT: Reposting minor glitch. When someone leaves, it sometimes says "Name has left the game!" Like 15 times.
EDIT: More glitches randomly started coming. When someone leaves, 2-3 people randomly get disconnected
Also the glitch that makes the server think the server is full is back
I found a bug existing from 422 to 463 :
when a player is set back to lvl 0 and disconnect /reconnet, when he is back he will be lvl 1 and so be able to build or grief...
sorry for my bad english, and i love your work on this server !!
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
That would be great. They've worked very hard and we appreciate all they have done! :tongue.gif:
I also got a separate error on my other computer running the client.
For the client error:
Your map dementions have to be devisible by 16.
Ex. 256x256x256 is a valid map size.
Also, You cannot open it in normal minecraft or omen because MinerCPP edits the map in a way to where it can't be opened by either.
If you wish to open it: Dump the map via the client and then use that in omen / official server.
D3 Server! [Advanced, Custom physics / Anti-Greif / RP]
Server Status:
- /pinfo works properly on Guests
- Guests no longer become Users upon login
- Random disconnect spam issue MAY have been fixed
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=464
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=465
Fixed a nasty bug with build 464.
Also configurable rank colors, I hate the admin purple, and so do they.
I stopped updating from... Below 400.
And I saw that there are much other files then just the .exe are changed. and I can't seem to work them all out.
When I download the .zip, and then update the .exe, It still doesn't work.
Who am I?
I am the other 5% that is laughing.
Just go to http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/minercpp/
and click the "Download GNU Tarball" link below the files.
You don't really need all the other files unless you want to compile the program from the source code.
Thanks! I always wondered what that meant.
Who am I?
I am the other 5% that is laughing.