With server hangs being quite the problem and hordes of "Server is down!" and such in my related IRC channels, I've come up with a slight and extremely simple solution of putting the fix in others' hands if I'm not available.
First off, I'm using Hoffy1968's quite simple crash-fix batch, simply create a newtextdocument.txt, name it whatever you want and change the file extension to .bat. You need to have file extensions displayed for this to work. Then paste the following:
The line itallicized is an important one, you need to change this to the exact full filepath to your minercpp executable, and the second needs to be the exact full path to your server's folder. Without these the server will open in mIRC's directory assuming you start the initial batch in mIRC.
Secondly, another SUPER simple batch file created the same as above:
taskkill /IM minerCPP.exe /F
I named mine serverkill.bat. Now, with these in place, you need a quicky mIRC script. I'm sure other IRC client users can patch together something that works just as well.
on *:TEXT:serverkill:?:/run "X:\Exact\CaseSensitive\Filepath\serverkill.bat"
This goes into your Remote entries. I have serverkill italicized as this is going to be your set command for users to send when the server is down. You may well want to have a password in place so only your admins can restart the server, you could also replace the first asterisk with a number and set up user levels in your userlist to prevent unauthorized people from accessing it. You don't need the quotation marks around the file's location if there are no spaces in its path, but you could leave them in just to be safe.
Anyway, the result of this is that someone will private message you with the serverkill command, the questionmark between the text and command specifies that it's on PM only. The remote activates the taskkill batch and closes all instances of minerCPP.exe, this is important because if you run multiple servers, it WILL kill all of them. When the process is killed, the previous batch recognizes that the server is gone and immediately restarts it without a hitch.
If you're having issues getting the remote to work, keep in mind that YOU cannot test it from the same instance of mIRC as it's running, you can, however, run a second copy to msg yourself with. Additionally, the filepaths need to be EXACT in the remote script, an easy way to accomplish this is to create a shortcut to the bat, check its properties, copy the path and paste that in.
This will only work in Windows as well, possibly only XP, but everything in it is exceedingly basic. Additionally, if you run multiple servers from one machine this won't help much, the taskkill is going to kill all instances of the server currently running. You could replace the /IM with the process ID using /PID tags, but, this is difficult to automate since every instance of the server will have a new PID.
I'd also like to mention with my umpteenth edit in as many minutes that you could use this process for any other server or software that users are connecting to provided you replace all of the appropriate filenames and filepaths.
or, you could just place that batch file int the server folder, and use relative pathing.
As for server kill, if you knew which instance of minercpp was hung, you could kill the process by process ID as opposed to process name. Or you would rename your separate process minercpp_1, minercpp_2 and whatnot and use a batch file that determines which one is hung, kills it, and restarts tat process.
I had to go through the server logs yesterday to settle some "miner drama." So I have a few suggestions for the logging functionality:
*the logs list time, but no date. Please add a date stamp.
*when a user connects, it would be good to list their rank in the log
*it would be great to have the logs automatically archive each 24 hours or when it reaches a certain size.
I wish I knew how the hell to set this up. Sounds great, and all the servers running this are usually great, as well.
If you can set up the official server, you can set up this. Look at the tutorials for setting up the official server in the forum (viewforum.php?f=10). Set that up and get it running first. Then try with minerCPP.
I wish I knew how the hell to set this up. Sounds great, and all the servers running this are usually great, as well.
If you can set up the official server, you can set up this. Look at the tutorials for setting up the official server in the forum (viewforum.php?f=10). Set that up and get it running first. Then try with minerCPP.
Nevermind, I got it. Thanks, though.
EDIT: Any fixes for major chat-lag?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Real Minecrafters don't have "Real Minecrafters" in their signature. Excluding me, of course.
Though, this created a problem. Making owner more obvious also means losing another two characters at the end of your chat message. So, I thought this would be a good time to work on the "partial words go into the next line" update I promised all of you. While I was at it, I thought I would redo the player color scheme. Enjoy :biggrin.gif:
can't you focus on the features?? i think we are fine whit the color theme now :wink.gif:
I will now try to find out which things we would like that you havent implented!!
here some of them are:
Rules - Editable by a txt file.
Welcome message - Editable by cfg
dummies - you now what i mean :biggrin.gif:
physics - lava, sand, water, grass and trees (disable in cfg!)
Date in log!!
Titles - given By command /user <name> <rank> <title> or by commend /title <name> <title>
Personal spawn - type /spawn and when you join next time you will spawn there.
ban fix - name's shown incorrect
I've been running MinerCPP for a few days now and (other than a couple hang-ups) it's been working great! Thanks to everyone who's worked on it. It's exactly what I needed. :biggrin.gif:
I only have minor suggestions:
-Like others and asked for, a date stamp in the log.
-If possible, direct command entry and admin messages into the server.
I sometimes check the server from work and it would be nice to be able to talk to users without having to run the game itself.
I'd really love having a guest user spawn point, and a regular user spawn point. At whatever rank you can build outside the guest area, you'd spawn at the regular user point.
First off, I'm using Hoffy1968's quite simple crash-fix batch, simply create a newtextdocument.txt, name it whatever you want and change the file extension to .bat. You need to have file extensions displayed for this to work. Then paste the following:
@echo off
X:\Exact\CaseSensitive\Filepath\minerCPP.exe X:\Exact\CaseSensitive\Filepath\
echo minerCPP.exe crashed
echo newstart minerCPP.exe
goto 10
The line itallicized is an important one, you need to change this to the exact full filepath to your minercpp executable, and the second needs to be the exact full path to your server's folder. Without these the server will open in mIRC's directory assuming you start the initial batch in mIRC.
Secondly, another SUPER simple batch file created the same as above:
taskkill /IM minerCPP.exe /F
I named mine serverkill.bat. Now, with these in place, you need a quicky mIRC script. I'm sure other IRC client users can patch together something that works just as well.
on *:TEXT:serverkill:?:/run "X:\Exact\CaseSensitive\Filepath\serverkill.bat"
This goes into your Remote entries. I have serverkill italicized as this is going to be your set command for users to send when the server is down. You may well want to have a password in place so only your admins can restart the server, you could also replace the first asterisk with a number and set up user levels in your userlist to prevent unauthorized people from accessing it. You don't need the quotation marks around the file's location if there are no spaces in its path, but you could leave them in just to be safe.
Anyway, the result of this is that someone will private message you with the serverkill command, the questionmark between the text and command specifies that it's on PM only. The remote activates the taskkill batch and closes all instances of minerCPP.exe, this is important because if you run multiple servers, it WILL kill all of them. When the process is killed, the previous batch recognizes that the server is gone and immediately restarts it without a hitch.
If you're having issues getting the remote to work, keep in mind that YOU cannot test it from the same instance of mIRC as it's running, you can, however, run a second copy to msg yourself with. Additionally, the filepaths need to be EXACT in the remote script, an easy way to accomplish this is to create a shortcut to the bat, check its properties, copy the path and paste that in.
This will only work in Windows as well, possibly only XP, but everything in it is exceedingly basic. Additionally, if you run multiple servers from one machine this won't help much, the taskkill is going to kill all instances of the server currently running. You could replace the /IM with the process ID using /PID tags, but, this is difficult to automate since every instance of the server will have a new PID.
I'd also like to mention with my umpteenth edit in as many minutes that you could use this process for any other server or software that users are connecting to provided you replace all of the appropriate filenames and filepaths.
Thanks for reading and I hope this helps!
As for server kill, if you knew which instance of minercpp was hung, you could kill the process by process ID as opposed to process name. Or you would rename your separate process minercpp_1, minercpp_2 and whatnot and use a batch file that determines which one is hung, kills it, and restarts tat process.
- Stability improvements
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=443
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=445
Who sits down and writes maniacle laughter?
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=446
Improved map sending
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=447
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=449
*the logs list time, but no date. Please add a date stamp.
*when a user connects, it would be good to list their rank in the log
*it would be great to have the logs automatically archive each 24 hours or when it reaches a certain size.
Thanks for all your hard work devs!
I have a PSN - Failular.
If you can set up the official server, you can set up this. Look at the tutorials for setting up the official server in the forum (viewforum.php?f=10). Set that up and get it running first. Then try with minerCPP.
Nevermind, I got it. Thanks, though.
EDIT: Any fixes for major chat-lag?
I have a PSN - Failular.
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=452
Though, this created a problem. Making owner more obvious also means losing another two characters at the end of your chat message. So, I thought this would be a good time to work on the "partial words go into the next line" update I promised all of you. While I was at it, I thought I would redo the player color scheme. Enjoy :biggrin.gif:
can't you focus on the features?? i think we are fine whit the color theme now :wink.gif:
I will now try to find out which things we would like that you havent implented!!
here some of them are:
Rules - Editable by a txt file.
Welcome message - Editable by cfg
dummies - you now what i mean :biggrin.gif:
physics - lava, sand, water, grass and trees (disable in cfg!)
Date in log!!
Titles - given By command /user <name> <rank> <title> or by commend /title <name> <title>
Personal spawn - type /spawn and when you join next time you will spawn there.
ban fix - name's shown incorrect
the minercpp will stop running
Sorry for my bad English :oops:
Minecraft-HK Community | 香港社區: http://forum.minecraft-hk.com/
I only have minor suggestions:
-Like others and asked for, a date stamp in the log.
-If possible, direct command entry and admin messages into the server.
I sometimes check the server from work and it would be nice to be able to talk to users without having to run the game itself.
Ugh this happens to me also (build 452).
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=453
Crash on long chat messages fixed.
I have a PSN - Failular.
http://minercpp.svn.sourceforge.net/vie ... vision=454