Custom player levels (7)
Guest area
/help command
/set (different materials)
All the normal commands (say, ban, kick, etc.)
All the normal commands have shortcuts (/say = /s)
/bring (reverse teleport)
/draw (very cool) (allows for the placement of only two blocks, makes lines/planes/cubes
/hide (hides your avatar/name from those of lower rank)
/dense (makes blocks "dense" only deleteable by those of high rank
umm........ that all I got right now, correct me or add some I forgot if you please.
i and a fried try to change the name and Modt but every start of the server, it comes back to standart ( i read in config, if it wrong or cannot finde something it set all to standart ;/ )
Probably because you made your MOTD too long. It doesn't seem to recognize it when it's too long.
Hi @ all, to the first...the MinerCPP rules :smile.gif:
Sometimes my server crashed...
..i am not on my PC... friends cant play and must wait for me... :sad.gif:
What can i do?
Here is a little way to kill this problem:
Make a batchfile namend serverstart.bat (or so)
Make this file into the folder where is the minerCPP.exe
Open the serverstart.bat with an texteditor and type in the follow comands... start the serverstart.bat
If the minerCPP.exe crashed...
...the batchfile start it again. :smile.gif:
(I hope this is no spam, but i think this is a good info)
Is it possible for this to be edited so that it can ping the server every 10 seconds or so?
And if it returns a ping of "0" then restart the server .exe.
Is it possible for this to be edited so that it can ping the server every 10 seconds or so?
And if it returns a ping of "0" then restart the server .exe.
wouldn't it always ping 0 if it ran on the same box as the batch file?
Is it possible for this to be edited so that it can ping the server every 10 seconds or so?
And if it returns a ping of "0" then restart the server .exe.
wouldn't it always ping 0 if it ran on the same box as the batch file?
Well yes, if was configured to ping But hopefully one could configure the script to ping the external IP:Port.
That's just my idea anyways, I have no understanding of batch scripting to know if this is even possible.
/clearguest is randomly breaking. Using 431, I set my guest area and it works, then later on it just doesn't work.
Hmmm, I am in love with this, it's being updated so fast and all the features that are being added are just plain awesome. I cant wait for the next revision.
Hi @ all, to the first...the MinerCPP rules :smile.gif:
Sometimes my server crashed...
..i am not on my PC... friends cant play and must wait for me... :sad.gif:
What can i do?
Here is a little way to kill this problem:
Make a batchfile namend serverstart.bat (or so)
Make this file into the folder where is the minerCPP.exe
Open the serverstart.bat with an texteditor and type in the follow comands... start the serverstart.bat
If the minerCPP.exe crashed...
...the batchfile start it again. :smile.gif:
(I hope this is no spam, but i think this is a good info)
Is it possible for this to be edited so that it can ping the server every 10 seconds or so?
And if it returns a ping of "0" then restart the server .exe.
Hello seriosbrad,
sorry no way in a batchfile...
..but i have an another way to kill the problem. :wink.gif:
The problem is "Minercpp freeze, randomly, anytime".
Use this program:
The programname is Antares ReLaunch
Sorry, i find it only in german language
Use Google to find an english version
This program can run minercpp.exe new if crashed or freezed.
I`m tested it and it works good.
In rank 255 i can`t draw and the draw command makes a new guestarea.
If my Rank <255 then /draw works good.
Lets say you are having a RP server then you say / user 50 miner
Then when someone write /pinfo the will see this:
miner (50)
aka they will have a custom rank but still the same rights.
REPLY :tongue.gif:
wanna know i any liked my idea :biggrin.gif:
Eh..pretty good idea, if this is done, people should be allowed to have "Titles" as well. Though these ^ aren't really necessary.
Could be good to also have a /status command, where you can set "afk" or "brb" then if someone else issues /user it would include online offline or afk.
- Threaded map saving/backups
- No longer takes up your CPU
- Performance improvements ... vision=428
Custom player levels (7)
Guest area
/help command
/set (different materials)
All the normal commands (say, ban, kick, etc.)
All the normal commands have shortcuts (/say = /s)
/bring (reverse teleport)
/draw (very cool) (allows for the placement of only two blocks, makes lines/planes/cubes
/hide (hides your avatar/name from those of lower rank)
/dense (makes blocks "dense" only deleteable by those of high rank
umm........ that all I got right now, correct me or add some I forgot if you please.
Edit: @ Duh102: That list is not complete.
- Modified server messages
- Dense blocks are Admin+ ... vision=430
Fixed a large bug ... vision=431
How do I define where the guest area is?
/guest :biggrin.gif:
Probably because you made your MOTD too long. It doesn't seem to recognize it when it's too long.
Is it possible for this to be edited so that it can ping the server every 10 seconds or so?
And if it returns a ping of "0" then restart the server .exe.
wouldn't it always ping 0 if it ran on the same box as the batch file?
Well yes, if was configured to ping But hopefully one could configure the script to ping the external IP:Port.
That's just my idea anyways, I have no understanding of batch scripting to know if this is even possible.
/clearguest is randomly breaking. Using 431, I set my guest area and it works, then later on it just doesn't work.
Arsecraft minecraft server, minecrafting since the very beggining.
So, what you say??
i be happy to help :biggrin.gif:
- /clearguest bug fixed ... vision=432
Hello seriosbrad,
sorry no way in a batchfile...
..but i have an another way to kill the problem. :wink.gif:
The problem is "Minercpp freeze, randomly, anytime".
Use this program:
The programname is Antares ReLaunch
Sorry, i find it only in german language
Use Google to find an english version
This program can run minercpp.exe new if crashed or freezed.
I`m tested it and it works good.
In rank 255 i can`t draw and the draw command makes a new guestarea.
If my Rank <255 then /draw works good.
Hoffy 1968
Could be good to also have a /status command, where you can set "afk" or "brb" then if someone else issues /user it would include online offline or afk.
Where is a FULL list of commands?