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It'd probably be better in Server Administration.
That said, this is a pretty awesome tool from the looks of it. If you can somehow make it so that you can restrict the ability to build things in a server (for mazes/obstacle courses), that would be very nice.
Quote from JTE »
* I also want to make some dungeon-exploring game mode, what with lava pathways and golden keys locked doors and hidden treasure, but again I need someone else to make the maps for this. I am not a creative artist, nor am I good at creating puzzles, but anyone has any ideas, I can surely make it happen, anything from block-pushing puzzles to rooms which shift and change around you. Need help.
If I ever make a map with this in mind, I'll post it.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I want to have several different 'game modes' in which you can't build or can't break (or both), and that I am working towards having one server handling players in multiple maps at the same time. That's what my # command is for; You can only hear players in the same map as you, and maps may contain 'teleporters' or such to lead to other maps.
I may even go so far as to make a large "World of Minecraft" server in which players are in a large grid of 32x32 maps which are displayed as 48x48 maps with the extra space used to show parts of the surrounding maps, or similar, with maps being automatically changed every time you cross a boarder line and cross-map block creation/destruction keeping synchronized for all players in each.
Also, unfortunately as I mentioned in passing, I currently cannot use server_level.dat for this, as it represents an instance of a Java class from Notch's server application, and this server was not programmed in Java nor using any of Notch's classes. Instead, I need someone to come and build things on my server ... or otherwise, I can probably make a small 'bot' which steals maps from servers it joins and converts them to my format, but I'll keep that to myself.
I certainly don't fully understand what this all is, but I do know that it sounds awesome. If nothing else, it sounds like a very neat way to test new features. I'd love to try this out.
It's a server, just like Notch's official server software. You just run my script instead, and it loads up and gives you a URL to give other people to connect to it.
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, though I've been asked that before. ... It basically listens for people trying to connect to it, then sends them information about what's on its mind, like any other server? :tongue.gif: It listens to every message that every player sends and decides what to tell the other players based on that. Took a lot of research to decipher just what the client and server are trying to say in the first place, though.
I've been hosting a server for my friends over at the CAD forums on a few university computers, so we could talk about me hosting a public one for you if I could use your console for my private one.
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, though I've been asked that before. ... It basically listens for people trying to connect to it, then sends them information about what's on its mind, like any other server? :tongue.gif: It listens to every message that every player sends and decides what to tell the other players based on that. Took a lot of research to decipher just what the client and server are trying to say in the first place, though.
Im still confused on how you did this. At the moment I knwo that you've programmed yourself a server, what I'm confused about is how it runs minecraft. Does it use minecrat-server.jar, is so how? If not could you explain how your doing this. I'm just intrested in writing something similiar for private use.
Pope: This replaces minecraft-server.jar, minecraft-server.jar simply "listens" for a users input - what the user sends to the server - and then acts based upon it, the server client that JTE has built replaces that. For example, when you're in a server and delete a block your deletion is sent to the server and then server decides what to do with it, it then sends out that information to all the other connected players.
Right got that, so you have the client, (person playing minecraft), when they load up the link they connect to the custom server. I know how to get that to happen, what I am confused about is how you take input from the client, process it in the server, then make that have some sort of affect inside the game, Aka. how does the server communicate with the java applet?
And i heard about your ideas there great
One of my favorites is placing lava
Lava flood build!(best maps ever)
Dungeon thing sounds pretty coolbut i think notch is doing that lol
Now that I see how this works, this is quite a neat idea indeed. You'll have to let me know when you get this going, I'm curious to see how well all these new features work.
... That is all.
That said, this is a pretty awesome tool from the looks of it. If you can somehow make it so that you can restrict the ability to build things in a server (for mazes/obstacle courses), that would be very nice.
If I ever make a map with this in mind, I'll post it.
I may even go so far as to make a large "World of Minecraft" server in which players are in a large grid of 32x32 maps which are displayed as 48x48 maps with the extra space used to show parts of the surrounding maps, or similar, with maps being automatically changed every time you cross a boarder line and cross-map block creation/destruction keeping synchronized for all players in each.
Also, unfortunately as I mentioned in passing, I currently cannot use server_level.dat for this, as it represents an instance of a Java class from Notch's server application, and this server was not programmed in Java nor using any of Notch's classes. Instead, I need someone to come and build things on my server ... or otherwise, I can probably make a small 'bot' which steals maps from servers it joins and converts them to my format, but I'll keep that to myself.
Heh, I can't wait for this to get released, whenever it does.
This sounds...
lol Would be fun to try out for sure!
I've been hosting a server for my friends over at the CAD forums on a few university computers, so we could talk about me hosting a public one for you if I could use your console for my private one.
Im still confused on how you did this. At the moment I knwo that you've programmed yourself a server, what I'm confused about is how it runs minecraft. Does it use minecrat-server.jar, is so how? If not could you explain how your doing this. I'm just intrested in writing something similiar for private use.
And what you said makes no sense. Of course I don't understand, that's why I asked the question.
And i heard about your ideas there great
One of my favorites is placing lava
Lava flood build!(best maps ever)
Dungeon thing sounds pretty coolbut i think notch is doing that lol
Stunning concept, I know.
But then how do the map features work?
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