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I would also like to see dragons. Perhaps they only spawn in Extreme Hills, in lairs above a certain y coordinate. In there, there's be chests with valuable loot, largely gold, because dragons like gold. Also, there'd be 1-3 eggs in there, which is hatched in an incubator, which is made with three cobblestone, three netherack, two coal, and a blaze powder.
It'd be like this:
With C being coal, B being blaze powder, N being netherack, and x being cobble.
The egg hatches after an extended period as a baby, which you name with a medallion.
Adult wild dragons attack cows, sheep, and villagers.
They also drop dragon scales, which are as strong and more durable than iron, and more enchantable than diamond, and come with inherent fire resistance. Dragon meat would have some special ability, and dragon lairs would eventually have a dragon respawn. They're bred with Dragon Chow, which is made with three steaks and three blaze powders.
some mobs I would like to see are... penguins-spawn in snow and taiga biomes, can swim fast underwater, drop feathers when killed, tamable with fish. demons-spawn in the nether, shoots fireballs at you, has 20 hearts of health, drops fire charge when killed. kraken-spawns in oceans, has 120 hearts of health, has a 1/1000 chance to spawn, drops kraken's eye when killed, kraken's eye used to make kraken's sword, kraken's sword deals 5 hearts of damage and has 1000 uses
If you do that mod with the fish, do you think you can make it so that there is a chance of catching one with the fishing pole? I understand that Mojang wants to make fishing more fun at some point in the near future, still it could be worth looking into.
making them catchable with the fishing pole is EXACTLY what i plan on doing. i plan on making most of them flee from players very quickly like real fish would, so the only way yo kill/catch them is to pull them on land first with the fishing pole. also, the fish will seek out the fishing hook and bite (attach themselves to it)
I Think you should add carriages for the horses , And maybe add so you can tie the rope on a pole so they can stay in that place , and maybe add some fading grey/black by the hooves , You should be able to tame the wwolfs so you can maybe breed them with the dogs and Husky's or something ? And if so then maybe you could make them sled dogs and make them have harnesses , also maybe we could ride them ? that would be so great ! Thanks ~Minecraftgirl12
Asian dragon these dragons are supposed to be the dragons of knowledge they were like giant flying snakes they had no wing no legs (sometimes they do have have small ones) and small arms they are peaceful unless angered
i think they should be tamable with books because they were knowledge dragons and they would always want to have more knowledgeAsian dragon these dragons are supposed to be the dragons of knowledge they were like giant flying snakes they had no wing no legs (sometimes they do have have small ones) and small arms they are peaceful unless angered
i think they should be tamable with books because they were knowledge dragons and they would always want to have more knowledge
I noticed in the suggestions listed on the front page that a scarecrow to keep away mythical creatures was listed. I like that idea but I would also like to add that it keeps away birds and bunnies. They keep getting into my farm and destroying everything (esp the birds). It's bad enough that I usually have to set them to just not spawn which is a shame because I really like those mobs.
Also I really really want horses/other-mobs-that-can-be-led-on-a-rope to be able to be tied to a fence. That's already on the list I know but I just really want to support that idea.
Mountain goats! I often find that riding horses through mountains is fine going up, as they can jump two blocks, but very painful on the way down. Mountain goats would be tamable and mountable, much like horses. Mountain goats wouldn't take fall damage from shorter (3-4 block?) falls, and even when they do take damage, none of it is transferred to you. They should also be a block shorter than horses, to help with travelling through forested areas.
Also, with your idea for whales, I definitely think you should make their A.I avoid being within four blocks of anything but water. In other mods, whales are always glitchy around blocks. Whales should also be very slow. If you're going to add all those sea creatures, you should also add some item to let you breathe underwater for longer periods of time. (I know there's an enchantment, but that's hard to get. Same with the frost scorpion armor.)
Also, like the poll said from earlier, definitely update the bigcats. The lion ones don't look that great right now.
(And I strongly support the idea of tying up horses and other tamed animals to fences.)
I would also like to see dragons. Perhaps they only spawn in Extreme Hills, in lairs above a certain y coordinate. In there, there's be chests with valuable loot, largely gold, because dragons like gold. Also, there'd be 1-3 eggs in there, which is hatched in an incubator, which is made with three cobblestone, three netherack, two coal, and a blaze powder.
It'd be like this:
With C being coal, B being blaze powder, N being netherack, and x being cobble.
The egg hatches after an extended period as a baby, which you name with a medallion.
Adult wild dragons attack cows, sheep, and villagers.
They also drop dragon scales, which are as strong and more durable than iron, and more enchantable than diamond, and come with inherent fire resistance. Dragon meat would have some special ability, and dragon lairs would eventually have a dragon respawn. They're bred with Dragon Chow, which is made with three steaks and three blaze powders.
I love that idea with dragons only spawning above a certain height. Good one!
I think having magical, mythical, and perfectly non-sensical creatures is just fine. Non-sensical things are fun to play with and explore. And Minecraft is definitely a game where you play with things and explore.
For the Golems, I think they're pretty cool. Only problem is their ability to kill any mob when they're recharging and to pick up blocks. My thoughts on them:
1: Do not have them kill tamed creatures! Nothing is worse than going through the effort to get something like a Ghost Pegasus and then having it die just because a golem spawned on top of your house and won't go away.
2: Don't have them actually pick up and use blocks; only have them duplicate nearby blocks and use them. For example, one is on your house. When charging, none of the blocks are actually manipulated. Instead, the golem essentially scans the blocks around it, finds the matching textures, and then uses them on the "blocks" it's building itself with. No damage to structures, no need to turn them off completely.
Becoming any creature you want would be really fun, especially on servers. Why not? Have special drops for creatures and have the player use those drops in a special potion that can transform them into that specific mob upon command. Some mobs will allow you to transform in other ways, such as a werewolf's bite.
Having the new big cats would be awesome! I especially like the feel that Mammoths have put into the game, meaning that Saber-Toothed Tigers would be a great addition. The two would go together nicely.
What I want with the insta-spawner is to have it so you don't have to continuously click the button in order to get to the creature you want. Biome-specification would also be good.
Just a little something; the Hay Stack would probably do best as a block. Place it, and tamed creatures that can eat it will when their health is low; good for breeding vanilla creatures too. The creatures can detect it when 5 blocks or closer. If allowed, they'll just eat it. The Stack will soon go away, like a player eating cake.
Mammoths/Elephants are great; they're big mounts, with the ability to break blocks and sometimes allow two players to ride them. My current problems are these two though:
1: Have mobs up to the Mammoth's/Elephant's waist or lower be pushed by the Mammoth/Elephant. It's kind of silly, and not at all intimidating, to be shoved around by Rats and Spiders while riding the large creatures.
2: Sometimes, when the Tusk Coverings are being used, the Mammoth/Elephant will continuously dig a hole, fall in it, and bury itself. Maybe change it so that only blocks in front of the Mammoth/Elephant are broken?
Dragons may be added soon; any suggestions relating to dragons shouldn't be "Add dragons", but rather "Add these dragons". That way there aren't a bunch of posts saying simply to add something that is almost already guaranteed to be added, and instead posts as to what it could be like.
Gryphons would also be a good addition, I bet it's already being considered.
Better and/or birds I would also support. Seeing a flock of parrots in a rainforest, a lone eagle on an oak on a mountain, or a couple of cardinals in a taiga would be very enjoyable. Though there are so many birds in real life that the update would probably be major. Bird Overhaul!
Also.... The new Essence Ostriches are fun to ride. Especially trying to fly them!
Minecraft really does feel bland and lifeless without Mo'Creatures. That's why I'm willing to support a lot of things in this mod; It just makes everything so much more interesting(aside from the bugs here and there, lol. But they're never major. That's the great part.)
What I'm trying to say is that all those mythical/ magical stuff draws away from what makes minecraft so special. Minecraft is actually well known due to creepers and it's 8-bit graphics not ogres, werewolves, nether monsters such as nether ostriches. Minecraft is almost like a post apocalyptic world where it's over run by zombies, skeletons, primitive humans, low biodiversity, explosive creatures, and creatures coming in from other dimensions. It's not a world where there are mythical and magical monsters and creatures. That's what all these suggestions of oversized animals and magical creatures make it less minecrafty. Mo'creatures should ambience and content that is able to fit in well with minecraft. And that's what the animals are doing and a couple monsters.
How about no. I mean come on we don't need such extravagant things in minecraft and make it more complicated.
No just stop with the were-everything, the mod maybe called mo'creatures, but it's not mo'complicated
Complicated can mean so much better. Right now I can probably say that I know every item in vanilla Minecraft. I think that's pretty boring. It's fun to discover that you can, let's say, breed horses when you never knew you could before. Just because it's complicated doesn't mean you have to memorize it all, a pleasant surprise is always nice!
well, when i saw the ostriches were rideable, i wondered if you might be able to allow some well... cross over as it were.
sugestion is less of 'animal/creature' and more of a 'item related to..'
since you can place helms on the ostriches, i wondered if it might be possable to make a helm that (instead of essances) would alter the look.
specificaly, a helm that while it looks daft as a brush on the player...makes an ostrich *look* like a chocobo
(yeah yeah, gtfo go play with the chocobo mod ect. i dont want that with my Mo'Creatures)
just *look* like a basic one...from making a yellow dyed leather helm with feathers to make a chocob sounds, no special abilites. just to LOOK like one while it has the haelm on hehe.
next..can we have wolfsbane, please?
the wearwolves can be a pain (yes, i know they are supposed to be) so perhaps adding wolfsbane flowers would help.
we could plant them around areas we want to discourage them from, and allow us to convert those to say, wolfsbane oil (use with wepons to make wolfsbane infused wepons)
not sure if its doable, but it could maybe casue them to flee when hit?
personaly i would rather use the plant to keep them off my lawn lol, but they pick on me a lot when i am mining. maybe allow us to make a wolfsbane charm (from a lot of the fowers) to keep them at arms lenght hehe
I second this, I don't want to turn off the werewolves, but they're too powerful. (Or too common...)
1.I think elephants are a bit defenseless even tho they are big that doesnt mean that they should be slaughter by scorpions or wolves at least they should defend themselves.
2.tamable mantarays
3.trophies (placeables heads)
when he make moles and armodillos he should make it so they they can roll or dig away and be tamable(Armodillos would drop shells for armor, moles would drop ingots/coal from the ground) ad i wanted to tell you that youve made this mod the best and spend alot of time on it(i like the elephant model and i hope you put in armodillos :P)
I personaly would LOVE to see a Hydra, it should be incredibly rare and only killable by some means of turning it into stone. It should also drop Hydra Scales which could be used to upgrade items or something cool. It shouldnt be tameable and only should spawn in a randomly generated cave, only 1 at a time. It would attack anything that enters the cave and maybe it guards an item like a gem that makes you invinsable for a short time. It could maybe pop out for some fresh air for a few seconds attacking things outside its cave.
I really like the golems but could do with less griefing by them and the endless scorpion vs creeper fights that blow up your builds. I turned off creepers to stop that mischief. I do believe that watching the golems form is the most awesome thing I've seen to date. I agree with home_less that elephants should fight back and lets be serious! Mammoths should pwn the polar bears and wolves that attack them. Toe Jam anyone? Squish..
how about dinosaurs! we have mammoths, then why not dinosaurs? there should be a group, small,medium,and large dinosaurs. each species having different ways to tame it. dinosaurs don't spawn in the overworld, you need to find their dna encased in amber and mix it with frog dna(jurassic park refrence). after the process is done, you get the egg and you hatch it near a torch and it pops out. to tame the dinosaur, you have to find out which group it is in. small dinosaurs are easy to tame, they pop out and it's tamed. medium dinosaurs require a certain amount of food after they hatch out. large dinosaurs require a larger amount of food to tame it. you can give tamed dinosaurs armor and you can ride them(only medium and large). you can also craft the dna into an essence of ancient, which you can give it to your tamed modern animals. for example, give the essence of ancient to your tamed shark and it becomes a megalodon. give it to your tamed ostrich and it becomes a moa. this idea might also need the frog suggestion. thank you.
It'd be like this:
With C being coal, B being blaze powder, N being netherack, and x being cobble.
The egg hatches after an extended period as a baby, which you name with a medallion.
Adult wild dragons attack cows, sheep, and villagers.
They also drop dragon scales, which are as strong and more durable than iron, and more enchantable than diamond, and come with inherent fire resistance. Dragon meat would have some special ability, and dragon lairs would eventually have a dragon respawn. They're bred with Dragon Chow, which is made with three steaks and three blaze powders.
making them catchable with the fishing pole is EXACTLY what i plan on doing. i plan on making most of them flee from players very quickly like real fish would, so the only way yo kill/catch them is to pull them on land first with the fishing pole. also, the fish will seek out the fishing hook and bite (attach themselves to it)
i think they should be tamable with books because they were knowledge dragons and they would always want to have more knowledgeAsian dragon these dragons are supposed to be the dragons of knowledge they were like giant flying snakes they had no wing no legs (sometimes they do have have small ones) and small arms they are peaceful unless angered
i think they should be tamable with books because they were knowledge dragons and they would always want to have more knowledge
Also I really really want horses/other-mobs-that-can-be-led-on-a-rope to be able to be tied to a fence. That's already on the list I know but I just really want to support that idea.
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return.
Also, with your idea for whales, I definitely think you should make their A.I avoid being within four blocks of anything but water. In other mods, whales are always glitchy around blocks. Whales should also be very slow. If you're going to add all those sea creatures, you should also add some item to let you breathe underwater for longer periods of time. (I know there's an enchantment, but that's hard to get. Same with the frost scorpion armor.)
Also, like the poll said from earlier, definitely update the bigcats. The lion ones don't look that great right now.
(And I strongly support the idea of tying up horses and other tamed animals to fences.)
I love that idea with dragons only spawning above a certain height. Good one!
I love that haystack idea!
Woodpecker explodes out and scares the $&(#$ out of you when you chop down its home.
1.I think elephants are a bit defenseless even tho they are big that doesnt mean that they should be slaughter by scorpions or wolves at least they should defend themselves.
2.tamable mantarays
3.trophies (placeables heads)
i hope the could be considered
You can ride them and, if you right click they will Fire a Block from there arm. But to get there arm parts back you must Give them a block(any block)
They Heal over time.
I LOVE red pandas
love that idea please drzhark add red pandas