Any chance you could make it so that online people without MPM aren't automatically given the eyes? It can be rather annoying when the eyes don't match up to their skin and they have no way to fix this.
for some reason the show backitem doesnt work for me even when its on yes im using the 1.10.2 version and trying in on the server i made its the only part of the mod that doesnt work.
Any chance you could make it so that online people without MPM aren't automatically given the eyes? It can be rather annoying when the eyes don't match up to their skin and they have no way to fix this.
I second this. Anyone without the mod gets default 1x2 eyes while each eye on their skin is 2x2 and it throws off the skin entirely. Would appreciate this fix greatly
I second this. Anyone without the mod gets default 1x2 eyes while each eye on their skin is 2x2 and it throws off the skin entirely. Would appreciate this fix greatly
Any chance you could make it so that online people without MPM aren't automatically given the eyes? It can be rather annoying when the eyes don't match up to their skin and they have no way to fix this.
That should have been fixed in the oct 22 version
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i am sadly disappointed in the inability to completely disable the eye feature, as it ruins at least three of my skins... I am reverting to 1.9.4 until you add the ability to disable it... sorry Noppes
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My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.
i am sadly disappointed in the inability to completely disable the eye feature, as it ruins at least three of my skins... I am reverting to 1.9.4 until you add the ability to disable it... sorry Noppes
But you can disable it. It's under "parts", like tails and wings. You just need to go into the options, and keep clicking left/right on the "Type" option. Eventually you'll get a "none" option. It should stay off with the Oct. 22 release (this one actually saves the eye settings).
I found an issue. So I used it on a server and then half of the people there became furries. this is a very game-breaking bug and I can't find a way to fix it.
also the 1.10.2 version crashes every time I make changes to my player model.
I cant really help that half of your server are furries...
Ill need a crash log, though I think I fixed that crash already in the latest version
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Also I found no way to disable armor so you have to take leggings and boots off otherwise the they interfere with the custom legs. there really needs to be a way to hide armor, or at least the leggings and boots.
Or better yet, armour could conform to the custom leg options.
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If you require aid with Custom NPC's give me a shout (In the thread, not PM's). I can read a bit of error reports, know most of the NPC workings (I'm attempting to work on scripting) and have been using it since its 1.0 version. Otherwise I'll help with any questions or problems I can.
I have 2 bugs. bug #1 when your guy shrinks you cant fit through small areas. bug #2 when your shrunken in first person your hand looks life its floating. this is for the 1.9.4 version.
You're not meant to fit through small areas. The mod is aesthetic only.
Is the eyeblinking feature gonna come for 1.7.10 too, or only for 1.10? Also is it possible to have the npc's do other movements than the premade ones? (like the: crouching, laying down, crawling, dancing, hugging, waving.) I've seen people manage to have them wave with both hands too.
I use npc's a lot so I'm trying to figure out more about them.
No updates occur to older version of MPM/Minecraft. All updates/bug fixes are only done for current version, sorry.
Making changes/updates/bug-fixes to older version of MPM/Minecraft would mean these need to be done for ALL version and become either incredibly time consuming and difficult or even impossible as per some of the changes Minecraft has made to it's code to make things possible or not. For these reasons, mods rarely support older versions.
I have 2 bugs. bug #1 when your guy shrinks you cant fit through small areas. bug #2 when your shrunken in first person your hand looks life its floating. this is for the 1.9.4 version.
This mod is Aesthetic Only. You will not be able to fit through small spaces, it doesn't do game-changing. You will not require larger spaces either, if you make your model bigger.
As for a 1.9.4 bug, that's an older version of MPM and unless it's present in the current/new versions, won't be fixed for 1.9.4 either. Please see above response in this same post. ;P
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Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
Any chance you could make it so that online people without MPM aren't automatically given the eyes? It can be rather annoying when the eyes don't match up to their skin and they have no way to fix this.
for some reason the show backitem doesnt work for me even when its on yes im using the 1.10.2 version and trying in on the server i made its the only part of the mod that doesnt work.
or is this a singleplayer only function?
I second this. Anyone without the mod gets default 1x2 eyes while each eye on their skin is 2x2 and it throws off the skin entirely. Would appreciate this fix greatly
That should have been fixed in the oct 22 version
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i am sadly disappointed in the inability to completely disable the eye feature, as it ruins at least three of my skins... I am reverting to 1.9.4 until you add the ability to disable it... sorry Noppes
My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.

But you can disable it. It's under "parts", like tails and wings. You just need to go into the options, and keep clicking left/right on the "Type" option. Eventually you'll get a "none" option. It should stay off with the Oct. 22 release (this one actually saves the eye settings).
I currently have that version, we also use the Bukkit version for the server if that could be the issue.
Ok Ive uploaded another new version, with that it should really be fixed
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I cant really help that half of your server are furries...
Ill need a crash log, though I think I fixed that crash already in the latest version
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Everyone either has glitchy or pure black sags under their eyes. Turning off the settings doesn't fix this at all, was this already fixed?
Or better yet, armour could conform to the custom leg options.
Got a screenshot of this?
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it disables the animation when I move pleas help
Some players do not have this effect, but it is the vast majority online.
That looks like a shader issue. Are you sure you turned your eyes off though?
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I'll turn off my shaders to make sure that it's not the issue.
You're not meant to fit through small areas. The mod is aesthetic only.
Umm... Can someone help me with this?
No updates occur to older version of MPM/Minecraft. All updates/bug fixes are only done for current version, sorry.
Making changes/updates/bug-fixes to older version of MPM/Minecraft would mean these need to be done for ALL version and become either incredibly time consuming and difficult or even impossible as per some of the changes Minecraft has made to it's code to make things possible or not. For these reasons, mods rarely support older versions.
This mod is Aesthetic Only. You will not be able to fit through small spaces, it doesn't do game-changing. You will not require larger spaces either, if you make your model bigger.
As for a 1.9.4 bug, that's an older version of MPM and unless it's present in the current/new versions, won't be fixed for 1.9.4 either. Please see above response in this same post. ;P
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
I love this mod! I can roleplay with my friends, I can make myself a guy who ate too much Big Mac's, a child, a midget! Hell, even an orc!