I just love this mod so much! But I also have a question for you. Wen 1.9 comes out can you please make an 1.9 version of this amazing mod? And also an version for a bukkit server?
I just love this mod so much! But I also have a question for you. Wen 1.9 comes out can you please make an 1.9 version of this amazing mod? And also an version for a bukkit server?
Ive been updating since minecraft beta. So thats for about 4 years. Unless I drop dead there is a reasonable chance Ill update. Really no need to ask.
This question has been asked lots of times already. Why would you want to block certain modification options?
I could understand the scaling limit thing, sure. Some people just get pretty stupid with that. But if I'm on a server that supports MPM via mod/plugin I'd be pretty upset if I couldn't display my tail and ears, etc; It'd also make my skin look pretty silly, but that's another thing entirely I suppose. XD
I see no harm in the plugin still sending the Tail/Ears/Snouts/Etc; data to other players, where the mobs bit I could understand completely being blocked.
Ultimately I see all kinds of requests like this boiling down to wanting to control what your players on your server looking like, and asking the Mod/Plugin to do it for you. All you'd have to do is disable some parts in a config file, and you've got your standard/forced "Dwarf, Elf, etc;" models because that's all players could ever look like at that point. :\
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Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
Hey Noppes, I love the mod and have been using it for ages since the first version and I just got back into MC after a long hiatus and was wondering about how to set up the new skins for the mod so that our minecraft account uploaded skins display correctly? The only part of my skin I can get working with the mod now is my snout, I can't seem to get the ears or the tail textures to work. The tail I guess I will need to completely redo because you made my dreams come true and add a fox tail which is bigger (Thank you!!! :D) but the ears, I have no idea. Sorry if it's been posted somewhere before this but could you upload maybe just a skin layout for the new models? Thanks again for creating one of my favorite mods and adding a fox tail!
Hey Noppes, the new 1.8.9 version you released is causing console spam on my server... I suspect it might have something to do with the Craftbukkit plugin.
[11:11:13] [Server thread/WARN]: [MorePlayerModels2] Task #2211932 for MorePlayerModels2 v1.8 generated an exception
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My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.
Hey Noppes, the new 1.8.9 version you released is causing console spam on my server... I suspect it might have something to do with the Craftbukkit plugin.
[11:11:13] [Server thread/WARN]: [MorePlayerModels2] Task #2211932 for MorePlayerModels2 v1.8 generated an exception
Hmm is that the entire message? Because thats not much to go on.
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its the entire message, and it repeats about once every few seconds
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My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.
Also, scale isn't working, either. What's the problem?
We couldn't begin to tell you what the problem is without version numbers, list of other mods, error logs, something to go on other than "this isn't working".
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
We couldn't begin to tell you what the problem is without version numbers, list of other mods, error logs, something to go on other than "this isn't working".
Sorry, both 1.8 and 1.8.9, no other mods, and no error logs. There's not much more information other than "this isn't working".
Sorry, both 1.8 and 1.8.9, no other mods, and no error logs. There's not much more information other than "this isn't working".
Perhaps not, but you could be using an outdated version of the mod for your version regardless. And we need to be able to rule that out.
Scaling works fine for me with 1.8.9 (MPM) and 1.8.9 (Minecraft) with (1.8.9) Forge. No issues, no rendering problems.
Does your MPM.jar have a name like this "MorePlayerModels_1.8.9(27feb16)" ?
This download and install was literally just done before this reply, I was still running all 1.8.8 versions.
My only suggestion to you, is to redownload MPM and perhaps even reinstall Forge?
Somewhere something isn't quite right, and from seeing first hand just now, there aren't any issues with the files themselves that are currently available.
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
I am on a newer laptop and I don't have the F# buttons. Please change the hotkey to P
Please go into your hotkey options in-game and change your hotkey to P...
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
I need Help the animations aren't working for me is this a bug or I am doing something wrong? pls reply
Please list your other mods if any are installed.
Is this Single Player or a Server? Are you using a hotkey or trying to use a command?
What version(s) are you running? [Minecraft, Forge, MPM]
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
Hiya I am using this mod version 1.7.10b I was wondering if there is anyway to turn the morphing part off but keep the animations active such as /hug or /cry ? I looked through the config and nothing. Is there anyway I can disable that part with another mod or plugin ?
Also I am having a issue with people on my server cant get back to there default skin and form.
Hiya I am using this mod version 1.7.10b I was wondering if there is anyway to turn the morphing part off but keep the animations active such as /hug or /cry ? I looked through the config and nothing. Is there anyway I can disable that part with another mod or plugin ?
Also I am having a issue with people on my server cant get back to there default skin and form.
Thank you.
To disable the edits server side? No. You can prevent players from using the mob models (it just stops sending this data to others) with a permission node however. Just negate it.
On server, returning to "default" is as easy as turning off all model edits, and removing the skin URL from the URL section. The bukkit plugin or server side, ultimately doesn't prevent any edits such as these, nor locks people in them either.
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
I just love this mod so much! But I also have a question for you. Wen 1.9 comes out can you please make an 1.9 version of this amazing mod? And also an version for a bukkit server?
Ive been updating since minecraft beta. So thats for about 4 years. Unless I drop dead there is a reasonable chance Ill update. Really no need to ask.
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This question has been asked lots of times already. Why would you want to block certain modification options?
I could understand the scaling limit thing, sure. Some people just get pretty stupid with that. But if I'm on a server that supports MPM via mod/plugin I'd be pretty upset if I couldn't display my tail and ears, etc; It'd also make my skin look pretty silly, but that's another thing entirely I suppose. XD
I see no harm in the plugin still sending the Tail/Ears/Snouts/Etc; data to other players, where the mobs bit I could understand completely being blocked.
Ultimately I see all kinds of requests like this boiling down to wanting to control what your players on your server looking like, and asking the Mod/Plugin to do it for you. All you'd have to do is disable some parts in a config file, and you've got your standard/forced "Dwarf, Elf, etc;" models because that's all players could ever look like at that point. :\
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Cool mod.
Hey Noppes, I love the mod and have been using it for ages since the first version and I just got back into MC after a long hiatus and was wondering about how to set up the new skins for the mod so that our minecraft account uploaded skins display correctly? The only part of my skin I can get working with the mod now is my snout, I can't seem to get the ears or the tail textures to work. The tail I guess I will need to completely redo because you made my dreams come true and add a fox tail which is bigger (Thank you!!! :D) but the ears, I have no idea. Sorry if it's been posted somewhere before this but could you upload maybe just a skin layout for the new models? Thanks again for creating one of my favorite mods and adding a fox tail!
Hey Noppes, the new 1.8.9 version you released is causing console spam on my server... I suspect it might have something to do with the Craftbukkit plugin.
[11:11:13] [Server thread/WARN]: [MorePlayerModels2] Task #2211932 for MorePlayerModels2 v1.8 generated an exception
My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.

Hmm is that the entire message? Because thats not much to go on.
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its the entire message, and it repeats about once every few seconds
My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.

Is anyone else having the problem where the models glitch out when you change models?
Also, scale isn't working, either. What's the problem?
We couldn't begin to tell you what the problem is without version numbers, list of other mods, error logs, something to go on other than "this isn't working".
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Sorry, both 1.8 and 1.8.9, no other mods, and no error logs. There's not much more information other than "this isn't working".
Perhaps not, but you could be using an outdated version of the mod for your version regardless.
Scaling works fine for me with 1.8.9 (MPM) and 1.8.9 (Minecraft) with (1.8.9) Forge. No issues, no rendering problems.
Does your MPM.jar have a name like this "MorePlayerModels_1.8.9(27feb16)" ?
This download and install was literally just done before this reply, I was still running all 1.8.8 versions.
My only suggestion to you, is to redownload MPM and perhaps even reinstall Forge?
Somewhere something isn't quite right, and from seeing first hand just now, there aren't any issues with the files themselves that are currently available.
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Please go into your hotkey options in-game and change your hotkey to P...
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
I need Help the animations aren't working for me is this a bug or I am doing something wrong? pls reply
Please list your other mods if any are installed.
Is this Single Player or a Server? Are you using a hotkey or trying to use a command?
What version(s) are you running? [Minecraft, Forge, MPM]
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Hiya I am using this mod version 1.7.10b I was wondering if there is anyway to turn the morphing part off but keep the animations active such as /hug or /cry ? I looked through the config and nothing. Is there anyway I can disable that part with another mod or plugin ?
Also I am having a issue with people on my server cant get back to there default skin and form.
Thank you.
Im' lovin' it! *Insert McDonalds fat joke*
Yeah........... heh
To disable the edits server side? No. You can prevent players from using the mob models (it just stops sending this data to others) with a permission node however. Just negate it.
On server, returning to "default" is as easy as turning off all model edits, and removing the skin URL from the URL section. The bukkit plugin or server side, ultimately doesn't prevent any edits such as these, nor locks people in them either.
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!