I found a really big problem, it wont let me go to the creator screen.. I press F12 and it just stops my MC. How can I change this? Or can you please fix it... I am on a Mac Book. So it would help a lot if you could fix it.
This is what happens
Sounds like F12 may be a hotkey on your Mac, you can change your hotkeys in Minecraft's option screen(s).
Also, when you're reporting issues you'd like fixed.. We'd need the version your running. ;P
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Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
Noppes there are 2 major bugs with the new "double tails"
1. They aren't visible to others
2. After playing about 10 minutes they will revert to a single tail, and have to be switched back to double
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My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.
I run the Craftbukkit plugin on the server, and everyone is running the latest version of the mod
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My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.
Now for a limited time you can try Mirkwood for free for a month. Mirkwood is not for everyone, especially children, women who are pregnant, or may become pregnant. Side effects include: nausea, vomiting, loss of bowel control, urges to speak German at random moments, explosive radiation poisoning, mutation, itchy, watery eyes, protein denaturalization, high fever, gooifying, potty-mouth, loss of charisma, and death. You must be 18 or over to be eligible to take Mirkwood. Ask your doctor if Mirkwood is right for you.
I have a problem with MPM. Whenever I add any models to the head, The skin from the body down changes back to Steve.
How do i fix this? (I am using the 1.7.10 version because all the best mods are for that version.)
I believe the only work-around for this was to us a skin URL link within the mod.
The reason this occurs has to do with the old Skin Fetching system in 1.7.10 if i recall.
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I just want to know how skins can update while using More Player Models Plugin and Mod in a server, as they don't update every time we update our skins.
Also, how do I clean out the skin database so that everyone can have their current skin as the skin the mod notices both client-side and server-side?
Using version 1.7.10.
Don't use both the mod AND the plugin on a server, you only need 1 or the other. Both can cause issues.
Also there is no storage of skins to the server itself, so there is nothing to clear server-side. To remove a Skin URL skin, just empty the URL bar in your GUI on the client.
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
Hi I love your mod just SO much! It's great for RP servers, due to self experimenting I found out about having HD skins, and the joys of custom skirts... infact, take a look at this little cutie! It's brought tons of joy! Now, I admit I use a bit of a old version[1.7.10b] - but in the future can we expect:
1. Being able to have custom hair AND skirts? Right now they're kinda in the same spot, which is a shame for girl characters, hehe...
2. Longer skirts perhaps?~
Thank you in advance, this is one of my most favorite mods!
Hi I love your mod just SO much! It's great for RP servers, due to self experimenting I found out about having HD skins, and the joys of custom skirts... infact, take a look at this little cutie! It's brought tons of joy! Now, I admit I use a bit of a old version[1.7.10b] - but in the future can we expect:
1. Being able to have custom hair AND skirts? Right now they're kinda in the same spot, which is a shame for girl characters, hehe...
2. Longer skirts perhaps?~
Thank you in advance, this is one of my most favorite mods!
The trouble with skins, is there is only so much space available on the skin file. I don't believe there is enough space on the Minecraft's skin template to allow for a wider range of custom textures for things such as Hair And Skirts.
Though it is possible more options like longer skirts or other additional model will be added to MPM in future releases.
You are welcome to create Techne models of things you'd like to see added and submit them via a link to the thread. Even if you don't think they're very good. ;P
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Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
Can you keep your current skin, and chose just to have the models?
In other words, is there a choice to change your player model without also changing the skin?
And is it safe to download?
Yes and Yes
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I don't know if this is a bug or not but it doesn't work with optifine. I can get the GUI to pop up but the only option that works is the ability to turn into other entities. And even with out optifine the scaling option doesn't work. But even so I think this mod will stay as one of my most used mods just because of the weapons on the back and the way it makes the second layer on the head look. (Oh, and the ability to give yourself breasts. :P)
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We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? -The Doctor
Roughly 95% of Minecraft players hate Villagers and would be very happy if they were removed. If you are one of the 5% who actually like villagers, copy this into your signature and hope it never happens. ~EnderDude124
I don't know if this is a bug or not but it doesn't work with optifine. I can get the GUI to pop up but the only option that works is the ability to turn into other entities. And even with out optifine the scaling option doesn't work. But even so I think this mod will stay as one of my most used mods just because of the weapons on the back and the way it makes the second layer on the head look. (Oh, and the ability to give yourself breasts. :P)
1.8 BETA doesn't currently work with optifine, and yes some features are still buggy.
As far as the scaling, some of it appears to work just fine for me. Do you have any other mods that alter the way the player looks at all? Anything including something that makes the player's knees bend counts
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
Thanks! I successfully downloaded it. How do I use the skins that come with the models?
What sort of models are you talking about?
Presets like "Dwarf" for example? They don't have any..
The extra parts however, like tails, horns, fins etc; all provide a 'default' texture you can use if you don't have something drawn onto your skin for the "player" option of those.
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
I really like the Backitem feature, but on the newest version of MPM it doesn't seem to work.
Is this feature still available or is it bugged? Is there a way I can fix it?
I am going to assume that you mean 1.8's BETA version.
There are still a few bugs within MPM that have yet been squashed. It hasn't been removed, it just may be a case of not working properly yet.
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
1.8 BETA doesn't currently work with optifine, and yes some features are still buggy.
As far as the scaling, some of it appears to work just fine for me. Do you have any other mods that alter the way the player looks at all? Anything including something that makes the player's knees bend counts
I purposely removed iPixels Gender Mod to get this mod. Do you think the Backpacks mod might do it?
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We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? -The Doctor
Roughly 95% of Minecraft players hate Villagers and would be very happy if they were removed. If you are one of the 5% who actually like villagers, copy this into your signature and hope it never happens. ~EnderDude124
I purposely removed iPixels Gender Mod to get this mod. Do you think the Backpacks mod might do it?
It's possible, try disabling it and see if it allows the scaling to work again. If I recall, "Backpacks" actually adds to player's model, which MAY be your issue with some of the display features.
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Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Games include but are not limited to:Minecraft, ARK, Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft
It's possible, try disabling it and see if it allows the scaling to work again. If I recall, "Backpacks" actually adds to player's model, which MAY be your issue with some of the display features.
Strange it didn't work. I don't think any of my other mods would do it. Whatever its still a great mod!
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We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? -The Doctor
Roughly 95% of Minecraft players hate Villagers and would be very happy if they were removed. If you are one of the 5% who actually like villagers, copy this into your signature and hope it never happens. ~EnderDude124
Sounds like F12 may be a hotkey on your Mac, you can change your hotkeys in Minecraft's option screen(s).
Also, when you're reporting issues you'd like fixed.. We'd need the version your running. ;P
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Noppes there are 2 major bugs with the new "double tails"
1. They aren't visible to others
2. After playing about 10 minutes they will revert to a single tail, and have to be switched back to double
My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.

This is on a server? Does the server have the latest version of the mod?
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I run the Craftbukkit plugin on the server, and everyone is running the latest version of the mod
My avatar is a two tailed fox named Miles "Tails" Prower. He may only be 8 years old,but he is a highly skilled engineer. He stands 2'7" tall, and can use his tails to fly short distances, and run at near supersonic speeds.

I have a problem with MPM. Whenever I add any models to the head, The skin from the body down changes back to Steve.
How do i fix this? (I am using the 1.7.10 version because all the best mods are for that version.)
Now for a limited time you can try Mirkwood for free for a month. Mirkwood is not for everyone, especially children, women who are pregnant, or may become pregnant. Side effects include: nausea, vomiting, loss of bowel control, urges to speak German at random moments, explosive radiation poisoning, mutation, itchy, watery eyes, protein denaturalization, high fever, gooifying, potty-mouth, loss of charisma, and death. You must be 18 or over to be eligible to take Mirkwood. Ask your doctor if Mirkwood is right for you.
I believe the only work-around for this was to us a skin URL link within the mod.
The reason this occurs has to do with the old Skin Fetching system in 1.7.10 if i recall.
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Don't use both the mod AND the plugin on a server, you only need 1 or the other. Both can cause issues.
Also there is no storage of skins to the server itself, so there is nothing to clear server-side. To remove a Skin URL skin, just empty the URL bar in your GUI on the client.
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Hi I love your mod just SO much! It's great for RP servers, due to self experimenting I found out about having HD skins, and the joys of custom skirts... infact, take a look at this little cutie! It's brought tons of joy! Now, I admit I use a bit of a old version[1.7.10b] - but in the future can we expect:
1. Being able to have custom hair AND skirts? Right now they're kinda in the same spot, which is a shame for girl characters, hehe...
2. Longer skirts perhaps?~
Thank you in advance, this is one of my most favorite mods!
The trouble with skins, is there is only so much space available on the skin file. I don't believe there is enough space on the Minecraft's skin template to allow for a wider range of custom textures for things such as Hair And Skirts.
Though it is possible more options like longer skirts or other additional model will be added to MPM in future releases.
You are welcome to create Techne models of things you'd like to see added and submit them via a link to the thread. Even if you don't think they're very good. ;P
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Can you keep your current skin, and chose just to have the models?
In other words, is there a choice to change your player model without also changing the skin?
And is it safe to download?
Yes and Yes
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Are you using Optifine, Optifine is having issues with many mods this is one of them
Thanks! I successfully downloaded it. How do I use the skins that come with the models?
I don't know if this is a bug or not but it doesn't work with optifine. I can get the GUI to pop up but the only option that works is the ability to turn into other entities. And even with out optifine the scaling option doesn't work. But even so I think this mod will stay as one of my most used mods just because of the weapons on the back and the way it makes the second layer on the head look. (Oh, and the ability to give yourself breasts. :P)
We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? -The Doctor
Roughly 95% of Minecraft players hate Villagers and would be very happy if they were removed. If you are one of the 5% who actually like villagers, copy this into your signature and hope it never happens. ~EnderDude124
1.8 BETA doesn't currently work with optifine, and yes some features are still buggy.
As far as the scaling, some of it appears to work just fine for me. Do you have any other mods that alter the way the player looks at all? Anything including something that makes the player's knees bend counts
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
What sort of models are you talking about?
Presets like "Dwarf" for example? They don't have any..
The extra parts however, like tails, horns, fins etc; all provide a 'default' texture you can use if you don't have something drawn onto your skin for the "player" option of those.
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
I am going to assume that you mean 1.8's BETA version.
There are still a few bugs within MPM that have yet been squashed. It hasn't been removed, it just may be a case of not working properly yet.
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
I purposely removed iPixels Gender Mod to get this mod. Do you think the Backpacks mod might do it?
We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? -The Doctor
Roughly 95% of Minecraft players hate Villagers and would be very happy if they were removed. If you are one of the 5% who actually like villagers, copy this into your signature and hope it never happens. ~EnderDude124
It's possible, try disabling it and see if it allows the scaling to work again. If I recall, "Backpacks" actually adds to player's model, which MAY be your issue with some of the display features.
Looking to join a community of gamers across a couple different games? Join Iron Nexus today and stay up to date on the latest updates and discussions from a community who enjoys a more challengingly different approach to a variety of games!
Strange it didn't work. I don't think any of my other mods would do it. Whatever its still a great mod!
We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? -The Doctor
Roughly 95% of Minecraft players hate Villagers and would be very happy if they were removed. If you are one of the 5% who actually like villagers, copy this into your signature and hope it never happens. ~EnderDude124