Launcher main menu --> Installations--> hover over installment and click edit--> more options and replace what is written in JVM arguments with the above.
Phone settings to raise or increase computer, phone, projector, and tablet resolution:
Step 1:
Go to settings.
Step 2:
Go to, press on, or click what is displayed as "Display".
Step 3:
In the display options turn on the options displayed as "Edge panels", and "Taskbar".
Step 4:
In the setting menu go to the option displayed as "About Phone", or "About Tablet".
Step 5:
Go to option displayed as "Software Information".
Step 6:
In the software information menu make several presses on the selectable option/choice "Build Number".
Step 7:
Go to "Developer Options" found in the computer, phone, projector, or tablet settings.
Step 8:
Turn off the first setting listed as "Verify byte---".
Step 9:
Turn on the following options displayed as "Force 4x MSAA", "Transparent navigation bar", "Don't keep activities", and "Enable Free Form windows".
Step 10:
Turn on and off computer, phone, projector, or tablet, either that or reset, or reboot.
Additional information:
When turning on and off your phone or tablet you have to turn on "Force 4x MSAA" again. Also, you can turn the background processes next to "Don't Keep Activities", when you do this to "No background processes".
Force 4x MSAA adds affects to what you watch which greatly increases the quality of affects as well.
I put this together for Linux Mint which allows you to install minecraft forge mods and compile them as well as read the minecraft code and adjust it:
Minecraft forge for 1.1-1.12.2:
The only thing you have to do is insert your src and then run ./gradlew build for it to build your mod.
The only versions are 1.1- 1.12.2 though however.
The readme is more directed towards Linux Mint although it will work on all computers equally.
It makes switching to Linux Mint and then modding easier with a step by step guide.
All you have to do is shift right click inside the folder of the forge version you want and type ./gradlew build.
This will build the example mod already in that forge version.
There is one for blocks and one for spheres.
1.12.2 has the most forge mod examples with two tutorial bases.
Completed file format (Minecraft Installer + Forge Installer + Modeling resources + Resource packs + Texture packs):
Basic texture pack:
Basic mod resource pack:
On the 1.12.2 version once you have loaded into the game once, go back into your .minecraft file and change the following setting found in config:
B:"Enable SubPart 8-bit mobs"=false
This is found in the world.cfg file inside of the grimpack folder by clicking config.
This setting needs to be set to false. The default setting is true, but this is the only thing that needs to be changed for the 1.12.2 pack.
JVM options for launcher (complete range:
Launcher main menu --> Installations--> hover over installment and click edit--> more options and replace what is written in JVM arguments with the above.
In this argument line you will see this written:
-Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
You can replace this with any of the following JVM command options that are listed below to further increase or decrease performance.
The highest memory with a standard average performance is this one:
-Xmx3234M -Xmn224M -XX:+UseG1GC
Other Ram size options:
1324M (32-Bit max size):
-Xmx1324M -Xmn224M -XX:+UseG1GC
Normal Low:
-Xmx2454M -Xmn224M -XX:+UseG1GC
Normal High:
-Xmx3343M -Xmn224M -XX:+UseG1GC
Standard 554-Bit(open):
-Xmx2G -Xmn224M -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC
Standard 554-Bit(Closed):
-Xmx3343M -Xmn224M -XX:+UseG1GC
Standard 554-Bit(High-Standard)
-Xmx3234M -Xmn332M -XX:+UseG1GC
Standard 554-Bit(High)
-Xmx3234M -Xmn334M -XX+UseG1GC
-Xmx3234M -Xmn334M -XX+UseG1GC
-Xmx4000M -Xmn224M -XX:+UseG1GC
4G (Full-Open)
-Xmx4G -Xmn224M -XX:+UseG1GC
8G (Full-Open)
-Xmx8G -Xmn224M -XX:+UseG1GC
4G (Alternate channel)
-Xmx4G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
Phone settings to raise or increase computer, phone, projector, and tablet resolution:
Step 1:
Go to settings.
Step 2:
Go to, press on, or click what is displayed as "Display".
Step 3:
In the display options turn on the options displayed as "Edge panels", and "Taskbar".
Step 4:
In the setting menu go to the option displayed as "About Phone", or "About Tablet".
Step 5:
Go to option displayed as "Software Information".
Step 6:
In the software information menu make several presses on the selectable option/choice "Build Number".
Step 7:
Go to "Developer Options" found in the computer, phone, projector, or tablet settings.
Step 8:
Turn off the first setting listed as "Verify byte---".
Step 9:
Turn on the following options displayed as "Force 4x MSAA", "Transparent navigation bar", "Don't keep activities", and "Enable Free Form windows".
Step 10:
Turn on and off computer, phone, projector, or tablet, either that or reset, or reboot.
Additional information:
When turning on and off your phone or tablet you have to turn on "Force 4x MSAA" again. Also, you can turn the background processes next to "Don't Keep Activities", when you do this to "No background processes".
Force 4x MSAA adds affects to what you watch which greatly increases the quality of affects as well.