Sorry if this is not the correct place for this question, by heading it seemed to fit the best, I have no intent of being annoying and will gladly move it if someone could point me where I might get some help.
I am completely new to modding/setting up minecraft servers. I am currently running a 1.10.2 for my friends and working on a 1.11.2. As such I am discovering it is difficult to get everyone easily set up. I previously ran testing servers for a couple MMOS and everything was server side. (People connected with one file they downloaded from my link and poof it worked) Minecraft .. not seeming as straight forward, some download all is fine others we spend days and hours " tinkering" to get it working.
Part of the trouble is my lack of understanding surrounding what needs to be server and client , what can be both and what can be either or. One of my favourite mods recurrent complex, has a server side only config option, this is awesome it gives options and possibilities. As this mod adds buildings and such, which are generated server side but viewed client side. I was wondering is this an ability of all such " item / building" type mods.
Essentially what I would like to do is minimize what the clients need to download. so if outputting library/ config files instead of " loaded" jars were a possibility to lower the impact on clients pcs/load time for example while disabling somehow the " client check" or whatever it is that forces the client to have the mod.jar loaded it would be great.
As currently alot of the updates are bugs and stuff mostly the server would be required to run it isn't seeming necessary to trouble the clients with constant " update now" prompts that are creating more and more issues for them and sucking the fun out.
So for clarification I am asking for help knowing if
A) it is even possible to make a majority of mods server only by providing the configs and assest/libraries etc.. instead if it is possible what "kind " of file / line am I looking to alter to stop it from forcing clients to have the mod.jar as well client-side
C) are those the only folders I would have to add in ( Config, assests )
Thank you in advance for any tips / advice / communication that might point me in the right direction or help me achieve this. Many of the people I am aiming at are young children (5-10) / or have special needs. Simplification will help so much keep minecraft fun for them.
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If you are talking about forge mods, each user has to have the Jar for every mod unless the mod is specifically for server-side only. So the answer to A is a solid no. In fact, usually the client has MORE mods than the server, since there is a good number of useful client-side only mods.
For C, if you are using a forge server all you do is drop the mod jar's into the mods folder, and the mods will generate all their config files and such by themselves.
It should be noted that some mods' have configs that matter if the client differs from the server's config. A lot of config options won't matter, but just realize that some will have to have the same value set on the client as the server, or wacky stuff will start happening.
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Want a mod with the best magnets available? The download Better Magnets!
And if you like Avaritia then you will love More Avaritia! Adds recipes for creative items from a huge list of mods, and even adds more custom items that fit the Avaritia theme!
thank you , yes forge mods , we are encountering the whacky I guess XD
I will keep exploring Thank you for the help *^^*
I can tell you from experience, all you have to do to get people connected and all working well is make sure they have the same forge version installed, and send them the mods folder and config folder of the server.
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Want a mod with the best magnets available? The download Better Magnets!
And if you like Avaritia then you will love More Avaritia! Adds recipes for creative items from a huge list of mods, and even adds more custom items that fit the Avaritia theme!
Sorry if this is not the correct place for this question, by heading it seemed to fit the best, I have no intent of being annoying and will gladly move it if someone could point me where I might get some help.
I am completely new to modding/setting up minecraft servers. I am currently running a 1.10.2 for my friends and working on a 1.11.2. As such I am discovering it is difficult to get everyone easily set up. I previously ran testing servers for a couple MMOS and everything was server side. (People connected with one file they downloaded from my link and poof it worked) Minecraft .. not seeming as straight forward, some download all is fine others we spend days and hours " tinkering" to get it working.
Part of the trouble is my lack of understanding surrounding what needs to be server and client , what can be both and what can be either or. One of my favourite mods recurrent complex, has a server side only config option, this is awesome it gives options and possibilities. As this mod adds buildings and such, which are generated server side but viewed client side. I was wondering is this an ability of all such " item / building" type mods.
Essentially what I would like to do is minimize what the clients need to download. so if outputting library/ config files instead of " loaded" jars were a possibility to lower the impact on clients pcs/load time for example while disabling somehow the " client check" or whatever it is that forces the client to have the mod.jar loaded it would be great.
As currently alot of the updates are bugs and stuff mostly the server would be required to run it isn't seeming necessary to trouble the clients with constant " update now" prompts that are creating more and more issues for them and sucking the fun out.
So for clarification I am asking for help knowing if
A) it is even possible to make a majority of mods server only by providing the configs and assest/libraries etc.. instead
if it is possible what "kind " of file / line am I looking to alter to stop it from forcing clients to have the mod.jar as well client-side
C) are those the only folders I would have to add in ( Config, assests )
Thank you in advance for any tips / advice / communication that might point me in the right direction or help me achieve this. Many of the people I am aiming at are young children (5-10) / or have special needs. Simplification will help so much keep minecraft fun for them.
If you are talking about forge mods, each user has to have the Jar for every mod unless the mod is specifically for server-side only. So the answer to A is a solid no. In fact, usually the client has MORE mods than the server, since there is a good number of useful client-side only mods.
For C, if you are using a forge server all you do is drop the mod jar's into the mods folder, and the mods will generate all their config files and such by themselves.
It should be noted that some mods' have configs that matter if the client differs from the server's config. A lot of config options won't matter, but just realize that some will have to have the same value set on the client as the server, or wacky stuff will start happening.
Want a mod with the best magnets available? The download Better Magnets!
And if you like Avaritia then you will love More Avaritia! Adds recipes for creative items from a huge list of mods, and even adds more custom items that fit the Avaritia theme!
thank you , yes forge mods , we are encountering the whacky I guess XD
I will keep exploring Thank you for the help *^^*
I can tell you from experience, all you have to do to get people connected and all working well is make sure they have the same forge version installed, and send them the mods folder and config folder of the server.
Want a mod with the best magnets available? The download Better Magnets!
And if you like Avaritia then you will love More Avaritia! Adds recipes for creative items from a huge list of mods, and even adds more custom items that fit the Avaritia theme!