Welcome! This is a list of what I and many others in the comments have discovered as good tutorials, useful tools, and great modding examples in our endeavors creating Java Minecraft mod.
Special thanks to TheGreyGhost(GreyMinecraftCoder) for linking to this thread from his 'MinecraftByExample' GitHub tutorial! Links can be found below.
There are several reasons why there aren't tutorials for things like this.
One is that some people follow tutorials without understanding what they're actually doing, then it breaks and they don't know what to do. Really, they shouldn't have been building something that complex with their modding experience.
Another is that once you understand the basics of something, you should be able to build complex things yourself without a tutorial. If you need help, that's fine, everyone does once in a while; but if you need a tutorial to hold your hand for something complex, you shouldn't be building it in the first place.
I believe that a "tutorial"'s purpose is to guide someone through a process. Yes, this can lead to people mindlessly writing lines of code. For the small group of us who have taken the initiative to actually learn how to code one of the most complicated coding languages in the world, detailed instructions that describe how to create a new dimension, a new biome, the animated cupboard that took 8 classes to get working, or even things more complicated than that, one good tutorial could change the course of someones interests.
Add Jabelar's tutorials, they are mostly for 1.8+ but cover some things that are the same between 1.7.x and 1.8+
He also links to 4 other tutorial pages on that main page I linked to.
I also have 2 small structure gen tutorials -- basics and complex structures.
Can't believe that I forgot about your two tutorials when they helped me fix my 81 variable issue. Added Both tutorials.
This is a brilliant list. I've used some of these in the past and it's good to have them collected in one place. I've bookmarked this and will be sure to link this to those asking for tutorials
Just realized, Pahimar's Let's Mod series used 1.7.10. His series was what taught me how to start modding and he has very good videos. http://www.pahimar.com/tutorials/lets-mod/
And the repository for the code from the series is still on GitHub here:
Chisel Facades: For all your decorative pipe-hiding needs.
Please don't PM me to ask for help or to join your mod development team. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future. I'm not interested in developing mods with people.
http://courses.vswe.se/ the introductory java lessons specifically... not the outdated minecraft specific lessons... He includes questions and exercise plans which are useful for self testing and practice as well.
Welcome! This is a list of what I and many others in the comments have discovered as good tutorials, useful tools, and great modding examples in our endeavors creating Java Minecraft mod.
Special thanks to TheGreyGhost(GreyMinecraftCoder) for linking to this thread from his 'MinecraftByExample' GitHub tutorial! Links can be found below.
I'll add more good links as people roll them in!
Example Mods
Choonter: TestMod3
GreyMinecraftCoder: BlogPost GitHub
Text Tutorials
Jabelar: Jabelar
Example Mods
Choonster: TestMod3
GreyMinecraftCoder: BlogPost GitHub
ChampionAsh5357: How to Make a Minecraft 1.9/1.10 Mod
Text Tutorials
McJty: Modding Tutorials
sky_01: Structure Gen | Complex Structure Gen
Wuppy: Tutorials
Forge Docs: Forge Documentation
Shadowfacts: ShadowFacts Tutorials
Jabelar: Tutorials
williewillus: Java (old) Recipe to JSON Converter Code
Glenn: Gradle Tutorial
Example Mods
BedrockMiner: Tutorials
Pahimar: Lets ModText Tutorials
Jabelar: Tutorials
CoolAlias: CoolAliasTutorials
TheXFactor117: Tutorials
The open source mod list by agaricusb: GitHub
I would like to make a shout out toI would like to shout at the person who said this:I believe that a "tutorial"'s purpose is to guide someone through a process. Yes, this can lead to people mindlessly writing lines of code. For the small group of us who have taken the initiative to actually learn how to code one of the most complicated coding languages in the world, detailed instructions that describe how to create a new dimension, a new biome, the animated cupboard that took 8 classes to get working, or even things more complicated than that, one good tutorial could change the course of someones interests.
Add Jabelar's tutorials, they are mostly for 1.8+ but cover some things that are the same between 1.7.x and 1.8+
He also links to 4 other tutorial pages on that main page I linked to.
I also have 2 small structure gen tutorials -- basics and complex structures.
Can't believe that I forgot about your two tutorials when they helped me fix my 81 variable issue. Added Both tutorials.
This is a brilliant list. I've used some of these in the past and it's good to have them collected in one place. I've bookmarked this and will be sure to link this to those asking for tutorials
Just realized, Pahimar's Let's Mod series used 1.7.10. His series was what taught me how to start modding and he has very good videos.
And the repository for the code from the series is still on GitHub here:
McJty has a set of 1.10.2 tutorials linked here.
Chisel Facades: For all your decorative pipe-hiding needs.
Please don't PM me to ask for help or to join your mod development team. Asking your question in a public thread preserves it for people who are having the same problem in the future. I'm not interested in developing mods with people.
https://github.com/Mithion/ArsMagica2 is open source. Most recent update was a community update.
http://courses.vswe.se/ the introductory java lessons specifically... not the outdated minecraft specific lessons... He includes questions and exercise plans which are useful for self testing and practice as well.
What about CJMinecraft's YT modding tutorials? Here is his channel: