My recipes worked fine in 1.4.7, but in 1.5.2 they stopped working. I thought this should make it use any damage value for the recipe (they both have a max damage value)...It worked in 1.4.7 like I said!
GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(limpBase.pickaxeLimpiumGiga, 1),
new ItemStack(pickaxeLimpiumGiga, 1, -1), new ItemStack(orbCarbonLightCharged, 1, -1));
If you need more, just ask. Also, It doesn't matter which one (or both) are increased a little in damage, it still doesn't work! I want the orbCarbonLightCharged to be used to repair the tools! Any help would be appreciated
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Mod Author and Owner of Blockhole
Owner of other discontinued or status frozen work: LimpCraft2, LimpCore, InventoryCalculator, VillageTech, Bitto'Color.
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ITEMCREATED), "qwq", "wew", "qwq", 'q', new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron), 'w', new ItemStack(Item.blazePowder), 'e', new ItemStack(Item.magmaCream));
GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.diamond, 64, meta), new ItemStack(Block.dirt));
GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(ITEMCREATED), "qwq", "wew", "qwq", 'q', new ItemStack(Item.ingotIron), 'w', new ItemStack(Item.blazePowder), 'e', new ItemStack(Item.magmaCream));
GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(Item.diamond, 64, meta), new ItemStack(Block.dirt));
Use either one, they both worked for me.
none of those are tools, my problem is when i want to use the one (5 use item) to repair the (1400 use) pickaxe, the -1 doesn't set it as "any metadata". It only acts as 0 instead of allowing any damaged level pickaxe + repair orb to be combined for a new pickaxe (I already have the class set up to keep the orb in the crafting matrix with 1 use taken out, that works)
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Mod Author and Owner of Blockhole
Owner of other discontinued or status frozen work: LimpCraft2, LimpCore, InventoryCalculator, VillageTech, Bitto'Color.
I'm not sure which version of Forge you're programming in, but from the looks of it, you're using code that would've worked in recipes pre-1.5 (this got me too, so no worries).
In your recipe adding part, try
GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(mod_herbsnpotions.potionMix, 1, 0), new ItemStack(mod_herbsnpotions.Grinder, 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE), new ItemStack(Item.sugar), new ItemStack(mod_herbsnpotions.potionIng, 1, 0)); // Damage
-1 will no longer work for the metadata value in Itemstacks. It's weird, I know, but... well, hopefully, that should solve things. Everything else looks pretty good, code-wise. Good luck with things, man.
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Thanks that helped alot. I knew there had to be something that changed between 1.4.7 and 1.5.2. That was the final thing that I couldn't get switched over to 1.5.2 from my old 1.4.7 code. I was having trouble updating it and couldn't find any documentation on that issue anywhere. Phew! Diamonds to you sir!
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Mod Author and Owner of Blockhole
Owner of other discontinued or status frozen work: LimpCraft2, LimpCore, InventoryCalculator, VillageTech, Bitto'Color.
If you need more, just ask. Also, It doesn't matter which one (or both) are increased a little in damage, it still doesn't work! I want the orbCarbonLightCharged to be used to repair the tools! Any help would be appreciated
Mod Author and Owner of Blockhole
Owner of other discontinued or status frozen work: LimpCraft2, LimpCore, InventoryCalculator, VillageTech, Bitto'Color.
for(int i = 0;i < 5;i++) for(int j = 0;j < 1400;j++)
then switched the metadata accordingly. Please tell me how to get the simple code to work though, I really would like to cut down on code lines
Mod Author and Owner of Blockhole
Owner of other discontinued or status frozen work: LimpCraft2, LimpCore, InventoryCalculator, VillageTech, Bitto'Color.
Use either one, they both worked for me.
none of those are tools, my problem is when i want to use the one (5 use item) to repair the (1400 use) pickaxe, the -1 doesn't set it as "any metadata". It only acts as 0 instead of allowing any damaged level pickaxe + repair orb to be combined for a new pickaxe (I already have the class set up to keep the orb in the crafting matrix with 1 use taken out, that works)
Mod Author and Owner of Blockhole
Owner of other discontinued or status frozen work: LimpCraft2, LimpCore, InventoryCalculator, VillageTech, Bitto'Color.
Mod Author and Owner of Blockhole
Owner of other discontinued or status frozen work: LimpCraft2, LimpCore, InventoryCalculator, VillageTech, Bitto'Color.