1 - The icon for my diamond dagger is taking the place of all the spawning eggs in the creative mode menu, I tried changing its data value but that didn't seem to change anything. How could I fix that?
2 - Whenever the daggers are placed in the enchanting table, enchantments appear but when clicked on they are not applied to the dagger.
Thanks for anyone who takes the time to read this and reply (:
The diamond dagger needs to have an id of over 5000 and the code you need to put in for the texture is item.iconIndex = ModLoader.addoverride ("/gui/items.png", "/folder/texture.png)
Replace item with the name of the diamond dagger
Replace /folder/texture.png with the texture location
I hope this helped you
Yeah i have the textures correct and i'l change the id soon (: thanks
Did you make a new class for your dagger? Does it extend ItemSword? Either make your dagger class extend ItemSword and change the super constructor or use ItemSword to define it. I had a long fight with that until I got it correct. For a reference, you can check inside of EnumEnchantmentType.java. That's where I found everything a while ago. If it is any part (instance) of ItemSword (instead of Item), then it will allow certain enchantments to be placed.
Did you make a new class for your dagger? Does it extend ItemSword? Either make your dagger class extend ItemSword and change the super constructor or use ItemSword to define it. I had a long fight with that until I got it correct. For a reference, you can check inside of EnumEnchantmentType.java. That's where I found everything a while ago. If it is any part (instance) of ItemSword (instead of Item), then it will allow certain enchantments to be placed.
They are using a new class that extends Item, I will try extending ItemSword and see if that works maybe
EDIT: after I extend ItemSword what else needs to be changed?
1 - The icon for my diamond dagger is taking the place of all the spawning eggs in the creative mode menu, I tried changing its data value but that didn't seem to change anything. How could I fix that?Yeah i have the textures correct and i'l change the id soon (: thanks
I looked but I didnt see anything like that. maybe I just missed it? no idea
They are using a new class that extends Item, I will try extending ItemSword and see if that works maybe
EDIT: after I extend ItemSword what else needs to be changed?
aha fixed it thanks (: